275 research outputs found

    Therapeutic depletion of natural killer cells controls persistent infection

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    Persistent viral infections are associated with host and viral factors that impair effective antiviral immunity. Natural killer (NK) cells contribute to establishment of persistent lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in mice through suppression of virus-specific T cell responses during the first few days of infection, but NK cell depletion during those early time points can enable severe T cell-mediated immune pathology and death of the host. Here we show that long after their peak in cytolytic activation, NK cells continue to support viral persistence at later times of infection. Delayed depletion of NK cells, 2 to 3 weeks after infection, enhanced virus-specific T cell responses and viral control. This enhancing effect of delayed NK cell depletion on antiviral immunity, in contrast to early NK cell depletion, was not associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and mice quickly regained weight after treatment. The efficacy of the depletion depended in part upon the size of the original virus inoculum, the viral load at the time of depletion, and the presence of CD4 T cells. Each of these factors is an important contributor to the degree of CD8 T cell dysfunction during viral persistence. Thus, NK cells may continuously contribute to exhaustion of virus-specific T cells during chronic infection, possibly by depleting CD4 T cells. Targeting of NK cells could thus be considered in combination with blockade of other immunosuppressive pathways, such as the interleukin-10 (IL-10) and programmed death 1 (PD-1) pathways, as a therapy to cure chronic human infections, including those with HIV or hepatitis C virus. IMPORTANCE: Persistent virus infections are a major threat to global human health. The capacity of viruses, including HIV and hepatitis C virus, to overwhelm or subvert host immune responses contributes to a prolonged state of dampened antiviral immune functionality, which in turn facilitates viral persistence. Recent efforts have focused on therapeutics that can restore the effector functions of these functionally exhausted virus-specific T cells in order to expedite viral clearance. Here we establish that natural killer (NK) cells actively contribute to immune dysfunction and viral persistence at later stages of infection. This previously undescribed mechanism of immune suppression during chronic infection provides a vital clue for the design of novel therapeutic strategies targeting NK cell immunosuppressive activity in order to restore immune function and enhance viral control in chronically infected individuals

    Murine Cytomegalovirus Is Regulated by a Discrete Subset of Natural Killer Cells Reactive with Monoclonal Antibody to Ly49h

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    Antiviral roles of natural killer (NK) cell subsets were examined in C57BL/6 mice infected with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) and other viruses, including lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), vaccinia virus (VV), and mouse hepatitis virus (MHV). Each virus vigorously induced an NK cell infiltrate into the peritoneal cavity and liver, causing some redistributions of NK cell subsets defined by monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against Ly49A, C/I, D, and G2. Striking results were seen with a mAb (1F8) reactive with the positively signaling molecule Ly49H, present in MCMV-resistant C57BL/6 mice. mAb 1F8 also stains Ly49 C and I, but exclusion of those reactivities with mAb 5E6, which recognizes Ly49 C and I, indicated that Ly49H+ cells infiltrated the peritoneal cavity and liver and were particularly effective at synthesizing interferon γ. Depletion of 1F8+ but not 5E6+ cells in vivo by mAb injections enhanced MCMV titers by 20-1,000-fold in the spleen and approximately fivefold in the liver. Titers of LCMV or VV were not enhanced. These anti-MCMV effects were attributed to prototypical NK1.1+CD3− NK cells and not to NK1.1+CD3+ “NK/T” cells. This is the first evidence that control of a virus infection in vivo is mediated by a distinct NK cell subset

    Rapid quantification of naive alloreactive T cells by TNF-alpha production and correlation with allograft rejection in mice

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    Allograft transplantation requires chronic immunosuppression, but there is no effective strategy to evaluate the long-term maintenance of immunosuppression other than assessment of graft function. The ability to monitor naive alloreactive T cells would provide an alternative guide for drug therapy at early, preclinical stages of graft rejection and for evaluating tolerance-inducing protocols. To detect and quantify naive alloreactive T cells directly ex vivo, we used the unique ability of naive T cells to rapidly produce TNF-alpha but not IFN-gamma. Naive alloreactive T cells were identified by the production of TNF-alpha after a 5-hour in vitro stimulation with alloantigen and were distinguished from effector/memory alloreactive T cells by the inability to produce IFN-gamma. Moreover, naive alloreactive T cells were not detected in mice tolerized against specific alloantigens. The frequency of TNF-alpha-producing cells was predictive for rejection in an in vivo cytotoxicity assay and correlated with skin allograft rejection. Naive alloreactive T cells were also detected in humans, suggesting clinical relevance. We conclude that rapid production of TNF-alpha can be used to quantify naive alloreactive T cells, that it is abrogated after the induction of tolerance, and that it is a potential tool to predict allograft rejection

    Modulation of let-7 miRNAs controls the differentiation of effector CD8 T cells

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    The differentiation of naive CD8 T cells into effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes upon antigen stimulation is necessary for successful antiviral, and antitumor immune responses. Here, using a mouse model, we describe a dual role for the let-7 microRNAs in the regulation of CD8 T cell responses, where maintenance of the naive phenotype in CD8 T cells requires high levels of let-7 expression, while generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes depends upon T cell receptor-mediated let-7 downregulation. Decrease of let-7 expression in activated T cells enhances clonal expansion and the acquisition of effector function through derepression of the let-7 targets, including Myc and Eomesodermin. Ultimately, we have identified a novel let-7-mediated mechanism, which acts as a molecular brake controlling the magnitude of CD8 T cell responses

    Plankton community respiration and bacterial metabolism in a North Atlantic Shelf Sea during spring bloom development (April 2015)

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    Spring phytoplankton blooms are important events in Shelf Sea pelagic systems as the increase in carbon production results in increased food availability for higher trophic levels and the export of carbon to deeper waters and the sea-floor. It is usually accepted that the increase in phytoplankton abundance and production is followed by an increase in plankton respiration. However, this expectation is derived from field studies with a low temporal sampling resolution (5–15 days). In this study we have measured the time course of plankton abundance, gross primary production, plankton community respiration, respiration of the plankton size classes (>0.8 µm and 0.2–0.8 µm) and bacterial production at ≤5 day intervals during April 2015 in order to examine the phasing of plankton autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. Euphotic depth-integrated plankton community respiration increased five-fold (from 22 ± 4 mmol O2 m−2 d−1 on 4th April to 119 ± 4 mmol O2 m−2 d−1 on 15th April) at the same time as gross primary production also increased five-fold, (from 114 ± 5 to 613 ± 28 mmol C m−2 d−1). Bacterial production began to increase during the development of the bloom, but did not reach its maximum until 5 days after the peak in primary production and plankton respiration. The increase in plankton community respiration was driven by an increase in the respiration attributable to the >0.8 µm size fraction of the plankton community (which would include phytoplankton, microzooplankton and particle attached bacteria). Euphotic depth-integrated respiration of the 0.2–0.8 µm size fraction (predominantly free living bacteria) decreased and then remained relatively constant (16 ± 3 – 11 ± 1 mmol O2 m−2 d−1) between the first day of sampling (4th April) and the days following the peak in chlorophyll-a (20th and 25th April). Recent locally synthesized organic carbon was more than sufficient to fulfil the bacterial carbon requirement in the euphotic zone during this productive period. Changes in bacterial growth efficiencies (BGE, the ratio of bacterial production to bacterial carbon demand) were driven by changes in bacterial production rates increasing from 0.8 µm during the development of the spring bloom, followed 5 days later by a peak in bacterial production. In addition, the size fractionated respiration rates and high growth efficiencies suggest that free living bacteria are not the major producers of CO2 before, during and a few days after this shelf sea spring phytoplankton bloom.The Leverhulme Trust | Ref. RPG-2017-089UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) | Ref. NE/K00168X/1UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) | Ref. NE/ K001884/1UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) | Ref. NE/K002058/1UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) | Ref. NE/K001701/

    Killer whale acoustic patterns respond to prey abundance and environmental variability around the Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean

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    DATA ACCESSIBILITY : Data are provided as electronic supplementary material [78], in the form of acoustic .wav file of all exemplar calls illustrated by the spectrogram in the manuscript figure, and an MS Excel Spreadsheet file with killer whale call occurrence, seal count, killer whale sighting, daylight regimes and environmental data [79]. Links for downloading environmental data are provided in table 2.Killer whales are apex predators with temporally and spatially varying distributions throughout the world's oceans. Their ecology and behaviour are poorly understood in most regions due to limited research, often because of logistical challenges. Here, we used a passive acoustic monitoring device to investigate the seasonal acoustic occurrence and diel vocalizing behaviour of killer whales around the remote sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands (PEIs), Southern Ocean. Killer whales showed diel vocalizing patterns that varied seasonally in relation to their prey abundance and social activities. Killer whale calls were intermittently detected year-round with a high number of hours containing calls in October to December, and a secondary peak in February to May, corresponding to seal prey abundance. Random forest modelling identified wind speed as the primary predictor of the occurrence of killer whale calls (with a negative correlation) while sea surface height, chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature were moderately important. We provide the first acoustic evidence that killer whale occurrence around the PEIs might coincide with variability in environmental conditions and prey abundance. Our results provide the first indication of diel vocalizing pattern of killer whales in the Southern Ocean. This knowledge is important for understanding killer whale ecology and adaptation to the changing oceans.The International Whaling Commission and the South African Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, and the South African National Research Foundation. Funding for southern elephant seal and killer whale monitoring was provided by the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) through the National Research Foundation's South African National Antarctic Programme and Thuthuka programmes.https://royalsocietypublishing.org/journal/rsoshj2024Mammal Research InstituteSDG-14:Life below wate

    The top 10 research priorities in cystic fibrosis developed by a partnership between people with CF and healthcare providers

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    There remain many treatment uncertainties in cystic fibrosis (CF). With limited resources, research should focus on questions which are most important to the CF community. We conducted a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in CF. Research questions were elicited and then prioritised in successive surveys. A workshop agreed the final top 10. Online methods avoided cross infection and widened participation. The elicitation survey had 482 respondents (1080 questions) and prioritisation survey 677 respondents. Participants were drawn equally from the patient and clinical communities globally. We have achieved a consensus on 10 research priorities which will be attractive to funders

    Measurement of tibial nerve excursion during ankle joint dorsiflexion in a weight-bearing position with ultrasound imaging

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    The ability of peripheral nerves to stretch and slide is thought to be of paramount importance to maintain ideal neural function. Excursion in peripheral nerves such as the tibial can be measured by analysis of ultrasound images. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of longitudinal tibial nerve excursion as the ankle moved from plantar flexion to dorsiflexion in a standardised weight-bearing position. The reliability of ultrasound imaging to measure tibial nerve excursion was also quantified

    The elemental stoichiometry (C, Si, N, P) of the Hebrides Shelf and its role in carbon export

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    A detailed analysis of the internal stoichiometry of a temperate latitude shelf sea system is presented which reveals strong vertical and horizontal gradients in dissolved nutrient and particulate concentrations and in the elemental stoichiometry of those pools. Such gradients have implications for carbon and nutrient export from coastal waters to the open ocean. The mixed layer inorganic nutrient stoichiometry shifted from balanced N:P in winter, to elevated N:P in spring and to depleted N:P in summer, relative to the Redfield ratio. This pattern suggests increased likelihood of P limitation of fast growing phytoplankton species in spring and of N limitation of slower growing species in summer. However, as only silicate concentrations were below potentially limiting concentrations during summer and autumn the stoichiometric shifts in inorganic nutrient N:P are considered due to phytoplankton nutrient preference patterns rather than nutrient exhaustion. Elevated particulate stoichiometries corroborate non-Redfield optima underlying organic matter synthesis and nutrient uptake. Seasonal variation in the stoichiometry of the inorganic and organic nutrient pools has the potential to influence the efficiency of nutrient export. In summer, when organic nutrient concentrations were at their highest and inorganic nutrient concentrations were at their lowest, the organic nutrient pool was comparatively C poor whilst the inorganic nutrient pool was comparatively C rich. The cross-shelf export of these pools at this time would be associated with different efficiencies regardless of the total magnitude of exchange. In autumn the elemental stoichiometries increased with depth in all pools revealing widespread carbon enrichment of shelf bottom waters with P more intensely recycled than N, N more intensely recycled than C, and Si weakly remineralized relative to C. Offshelf carbon fluxes were most efficient via the inorganic nutrient pool, intermediate for the organic nutrient pool and least efficient for the particulate pool. N loss from the shelf however was most efficient via the dissolved organic nutrient pool. Mass balance calculations suggest that 28% of PO43−, 34% of NO3− and 73% of Si drawdown from the mixed layer fails to reappear in the benthic water column thereby indicating the proportion of the nutrient pools that must be resupplied from the ocean each year to maintain shelf wide productivity. Loss to the neighbouring ocean, the sediments, transference to the dissolved organic nutrient pool and higher trophic levels are considered the most likely fate for these missing nutrients