301 research outputs found

    Sustainability of sunflower cultivation for biodiesel production in central Italy according to the Renewable Energy Directive methodology

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    The use of renewable energies as alternative to fossil fuels has value from different points of view and has effects at environmental, social and economic level. These aspects are often connected to each other and together define the overall sustainability of bioenergy. At European level, the Directive 2009/28/EC gives the basic criteria for the estimation of sustainability of biofuels and indicates a minimum threshold of 35% of greenhouse gas saving for a biofuel in order to be considered sustainable. The Directive gives the possibility to identify standard regional values for the cultivation steps that could be utilized for the certification. This paper aims to give a contribution to the definition of these values considering the RED methodology applied to the sunflower cropped in central Italy which is characterized by a hilly landscape and not-irrigated crops. To determine input and output of sunflower cultivation in the central Italy, the results of PROBIO project, carried out by the Authors, were used. The sustainability of biodiesel produced from sunflower grown in central Italy is variable and depends on the nitrogen input and seasonal climatic conditions that affect the yields. The greenhouse gases savings of the Italian chain is 40% in average, greater than the required 35% and would be possible to assign this value as standard to the biofuel chain biodiesel from sunflower cultivated in central Italy. Using an averaged regional standard value guards against the possibility of considering unsustainable harvesting in unfavourable years and seeing it overestimated in the favourable ones

    Bacterial community structure and diversity along the halocline of Tyro deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basin

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    Purpose: Tyro is a deep hypersaline anoxic basin (DHAB) located at the seafloor of the Eastern Mediterranean sea. Tyro hosts a stratified eukaryotic microbiome moving from seawater to the brine, but no reports are available on its prokaryotic community. We provide the first snapshot of the bacterial community structure in Tyro brine, seawaterbrine interface, and the overlaying deep seawater. Methods: In this study, we combined the use of molecular analyses, i.e., DNA fingerprinting and 16S rRNA pyrosequencing for the description of the bacterial community structure and taxonomy. PiCRUST2 was used to infer information on the prokaryotes functional diversity. A culture-dependent approach was applied to enrich bacteria of interest for marine biotechnology. Results: Bacterial communities sharply clustered moving from the seawater to the Tyro brine, in agreement with the abrupt increase of salinity values. Moreover, specific taxonomic groups inhabited the seawater-brine interface compared to the overlaying seawater and their identification revealed converging taxonomy with other DHABs in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. Functional traits inferred from the prokaryote taxonomy in the upper interface and the overlaying seawater indicated metabolic pathways for the synthesis of osmoprotectants, likely involved in bacterial adaptation to the steep increasing salinity. Metabolic traits related to methane and methylated compounds and to hydrocarbon degradation were also revealed in the upper interface of Tyro. The overall capability of the Tyro microbiome for hydrocarbon metabolism was confirmed by the isolation of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria in the sediments. Conclusions: Our results suggest that Tyro seawater-brine interface hosts a specific microbiome adapted to the polyextreme condition typical of DHABs with potential metabolic features that could be further explored for the characterization of the metabolic network connecting the brine with the deep seawater through the chemocline. Moreover, Tyro could be a reservoir of culturable microbes endowed with functionalities of interest for biotechnological applications like hydrocarbon bioremediation

    Solid biofuels production from agricultural residues and processing by-products by means of torrefaction treatment: the case of sunflower chain

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    The high heterogeneity of some residual biomasses makes rather difficult their energy use. Their standardisation is going to be a key aspect to get good quality biofuels from those residues. Torrefaction is an interesting process to improve the physical and chemical properties of lignocellulosic biomasses and to achieve standardisation. In the present study torrefaction has been employed on residues and by-products deriving from sunflower production chain, in particular sunflower stalks, husks and oil press cake. The thermal behaviour of these materials has been studied at first by thermogravimetric analysis in order to identify torrefaction temperatures range. Afterwards, different residence time and torrefaction temperatures have been tested in a bench top torrefaction reactor. Analyses of raw and torrefied materials have been carried out to assess the influence of the treatment. As a consequence of torrefaction, the carbon and ash contents increase while the volatilisation range reduces making the material more stable and standardised. Mass yield, energy yield and energy densification reach values of about 60%, 80% and 1.33 for sunflower stalks and 64%, 85% and 1.33 for sunflower oil press cake respectively. As highlighted by the results, torrefaction is more interesting for sunflower stalks than oil cake and husks due to their different original characteristics. Untreated oil press cake and husks, in fact, already show a good high heating value and, for this reason, their torrefaction should be mild to avoid an excessive ash concentration. On the contrary, for sunflower stalks the treatment is more useful and could be more severe

    Robots Are Not All the Same: Young Adults' Expectations, Attitudes, and Mental Attribution to Two Humanoid Social Robots

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    The human physical resemblance of humanoid social robots (HRSs) has proven to be particularly effective in interactions with humans in different contexts. In particular, two main factors affect the quality of human-robot interaction, the physical appearance and the behaviors performed by the robot. In this study, we examined the psychological effect of two HRSs, NAO and Pepper. Although some studies have shown that these two robots are very similar in terms of the human likeness, other evidence has shown some differences in their design affecting different psychological elements of the human partner. The present study aims to analyze the variability of the attributions of mental states (AMS), expectations of robotic development and negative attitudes as a function of the physical appearance of two HRSs after observing a real interaction with a human (an experimenter). For this purpose, two groups of young adults were recruited, one for the NAO

    Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Assessment of a Gas Turbine Vane

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    This work assesses the crack propagation at the most critical point of a second stage of a gas turbine blade by means of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). The most critical zone where the crack may nucleate, due to a combination of thermo-mechanical loads, is detected with an uncracked finite element (FE) model pre-analysis. Then the sub-modelling technique is used to obtain more precise results in terms of stresses within the area of interest. Simulations of the state of stress at the crack apex are performed through an FE model, using the Fracture Tool within ANSYS Workbench, and the stress intensity factors (SIFs) are determined accordingly. The Fracture Tool was previously verified on a simple model, and the results were compared with its analytical solution. Finally, the evaluation of the crack growth due to fatigue stress, creep, and oxidation is performed through in-house software called Propagangui. The crack behavior is estimated along with the component life. Results show an unexpected decrease in KI with increasing crack length and slowing of the crack growth rate with crack propagation. A detailed analysis of this behavior emphasizes that the redistribution of the stresses at the crack apex means that unstable propagation is not expected

    Preliminary Evidence of Endotoxin Tolerance in Dairy Cows during the Transition Period

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    The blastogenic response of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to lipopolysaccharides (LPS) has been investigated for a long time in our laboratories. In particular, a possible correlation between the blastogenic response to LPS and the disease resistance of dairy cows has been suggested in previous studies. Isolated PBMCs from eight cows at three different time points during the transition period (T0 = 15 days before calving; T1 = 7 days post-calving; T2 = 21 days post-calving) were cultured in the presence or absence of LPS, and the blastogenic response was assayed 72 h after in vitro stimulation. Moreover, the gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines and kynurenine pathway molecules was investigated by real-time RT-PCR on both unstimulated and stimulated PBMCs. The cows were retrospectively divided into healthy and diseased, based on the development of peripartum diseases (subclinical ketosis and placenta retention). The comparison between healthy and diseased cows suggested that healthy animals seemed to better control the response to LPS. On the contrary, diseased animals showed a much higher inflammatory response to LPS. Moreover, cows were retrospectively classified as high and low responders based on the in vitro proliferative response of PBMCs to LPS, using the median value as a threshold. Unstimulated PBMCs of low responders showed higher expression of the proinflammatory cytokines Interleukin 1-beta (IL-1 beta), Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), compared to high responders. Our preliminary data suggest that, during the peripartum period, high responders seem to be more tolerant to endotoxins and develop a lower inflammatory response to different stressors. Instead, low responders could be more prone to the development of unwanted inflammatory conditions in response to mild/moderate stressors

    Effects of Diets Enriched in Linseed and Fish Oil on the Expression Pattern of Toll-Like Receptors 4 and Proinflammatory Cytokines on Gonadal Axis and Reproductive Organs in Rabbit Buck

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    Infections of the genital tract can perturb the fertility in humans and animals. Pathogen recognition and activation of innate immunity onset through the pattern recognition receptor activation, such as Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), leading to the production of proinflammatory cytokines and mediators. TLR4 is expressed both on leukocytes and nonimmune cells. Rabbit TLR4 shows great similarity to its human counterpart. Moreover, the TLR4 signalling pathway could be modulated by long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA). The objectives of this study were (i) to determine the expression levels of TLR4 and proinflammatory cytokines in the reproductive hypothalamic-gonadal axis of the male rabbit and (ii) to evaluate if the n-3 PUFA-enriched diets can modify their expression levels in the tissues and LC-PUFA profiles in seminal plasma. Fifteen rabbit bucks (n=5/experimental group) were fed with different diets: Commercial standard (group C), rich in extruded linseed (10%, group L), and in fish oil (3%, group FO) for 110 days. TLR4, TNF-, and IL-1β mRNA were ubiquitously expressed throughout the hypothalamic-gonadal axis. However, TLR4 mRNA expression was lower in the hypothalamus than the epididymis (P<0.01), seminal vesicles (P<0.01), and pituitary gland (P<0.05). Dietary enrichment in PUFA did not modify the gene expression profile nor the histological characteristics of the tissues. Conversely in seminal plasma, rabbits fed with L and FO had lower n-6 (P<0.05), LC-PUFA n-6 (P<0.05), and n-6/n-3 ratio (P<0.05) but higher n-3 (P<0.001) and LC-PUFA n-3 (P<0.01) compared to the control group. Our study builds a map of the gene expression of TRL4 and proinflammatory cytokines in the reproductive hypothalamic-gonadal axis of the male rabbit, fundamental step for understanding the immune defence mechanisms. Diets enriched in LC-PUFA did not affect basal gene expression but modulated sperm fatty acid composition. Finally, rabbit may be an excellent animal model to study the relationship between inflammation and infertility, and the nutritional modulation of immune functions

    COVID-19 Pandemic: Huge Stress Test for Health System Could Be a Great Opportunity to Update the Workflow in a Modern Surgical Pathology

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    Simple Summary The COVID-19 pandemic has hit Northern Italy's regions hard in terms of deaths since February 2020. Containment measures have been applied to avoid contagion and reduce the patient infection rate. In this manuscript, we report the experience of the Pathology Department of the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori in Milan, during the period of the first lockdown that occurred in Lombardy from March to May 2020, focusing on the variation in terms of exams between the pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 periods and describing the measures applied to guarantee the safeguarding of workers. Moreover, we calculated if changes introduced within the workflow affected the average diagnosis time using Turn-Around-Time (TAT) metrics released by the Lombardy Region. We showed a sharp slowdown in exams during the first wave of COVID-19 and that the measures applied for the safeguarding of the personnel turned out to be feasible and did not affect the overall performance of the Pathology Department. Background: On December 2019, an outbreak of atypical pneumonia, known as COVID-19, was identified in Wuhan, China. This disease, characterized by the rapid human-to-human transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has spread rapidly in more than 200 countries. Northern Italy's regions have been hit hard in terms of deaths. Here, we report the experience of the Pathology Department of the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori (INT) in Milan, the first Italian public cancer center, in the period of the lockdown that took place in Lombardy from March to May 2020. Method: The variation in terms of exams was calculated in two different timeframes: December 2019-February 2020 (pre-COVID-19) and March-May 2020 (COVID-19). During these periods, Turn-Around-Time (TAT) metrics released by the Lombardy Region were calculated to assess if changes applied to guarantee the safeguarding of workers affected the average diagnosis time. Results: In the COVID-19 period, there was a decrease for all the performed exams. The most considerable decrease was observed for PAP tests (-81.6%), followed by biopsies (-48.8%), second opinions (-41.7%), and surgical (-31.5%), molecular (-29.4%) and cytological (-18.1%) tests. Measures applied within the Pathology Department, such as digital pathology, remote working, rotations and changes in operating procedures, improved the diagnostic performance as required by the guidelines of the Lombardy Region in terms of TAT. At the same time, the measures applied for the safeguarding of the personnel turned out to be feasible and did not affect the overall performance of the Pathology Department. Conclusions: The sharp slowdown in cancer screening during the first wave of COVID-19 could seriously endanger cancer prevention in the near future


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    ___________ 1 A Google search for "renewable energy" (with the string in inverted commas in order to search for the words in this sequence) yields more than 17 million (M) hits; a search for "energy" produces more than 350 M hits, placing it in reassuring competition with "food" (over 600 m hits). However, when limited to PDF files (i.e. documents available for download, which are likely to be reports of a certain value), the search yields more than 3 M hits for "renewable energy" and less than 55 M for "food". These data, confined to the English language, are partial but highlight various questions, in particular the huge amount of material available on the Web. Its sheer quantity would require a summarizing effort directed at identifying relevant material for teaching purposes and for spreading research results. 2 This view is widely held, with Hubbert a major points of reference (http://www.hubbertpeak.com). Given the scarcity of fossil resources, some authors propose focusing EU university curricula on "renewable energy sources" and "agricultural engineering". 3 This view has a narrower following but the literature is usually highly qualified. 4 Among various actions, one in particular deserves to be mentioned -the setting up of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), whose remit is to study climate change and its causes. At the EU level the IPCC reports have led to an articulated body of rules aimed at reducing CO 2 emissions that will become increasingly restrictive over time
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