55 research outputs found

    First Characterization of Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cell Extracellular Vesicles as a Powerful Paracrine Tool Endowed with Regenerative Potential

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    Human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFS) have shown a distinct secretory profile and significant regenerative potential in several preclinical models of disease. Nevertheless, little is known about the detailed characterization of their secretome. Herein we show for the first time that hAFS actively release extracellular vesicles (EV) endowed with significant paracrine potential and regenerative effect. c-KIT(+) hAFS were isolated from leftover samples of amniotic fluid from prenatal screening and stimulated to enhance EV release (24 hours 20% O2 versus 1% O2 preconditioning). The capacity of the c-KIT(+) hAFS-derived EV (hAFS-EV) to induce proliferation, survival, immunomodulation, and angiogenesis were investigated in vitro and in vivo. The hAFS-EV regenerative potential was also assessed in a model of skeletal muscle atrophy (HSA-Cre, Smn(F7/F7) mice), in which mouse AFS transplantation was previously shown to enhance muscle strength and survival. hAFS secreted EV ranged from 50 up to 1,000 nm in size. In vitro analysis defined their role as biological mediators of regenerative, paracrine effects while their modulatory role in decreasing skeletal muscle inflammation in vivo was shown for the first time. Hypoxic preconditioning significantly induced the enrichment of exosomes endowed with regenerative microRNAs within the hAFS-EV. In conclusion, this is the first study showing that c-KIT(+) hAFS dynamically release EV endowed with remarkable paracrine potential, thus representing an appealing tool for future regenerative therapy. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2017;6:1340-1355

    Nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase regulates cancer cell metabolism, susceptibility to NAMPT inhibitors and DNA repair.

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    In the last decade, substantial efforts have been made to identify NAD(+) biosynthesis inhibitors, specifically against nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), as preclinical studies indicate their potential efficacy as cancer drugs. However, the clinical activity of NAMPT inhibitors has proven limited, suggesting that alternative NAD(+) production routes exploited by tumors confer resistance. Here, we show the gene encoding nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (NAPRT), a second NAD(+)-producing enzyme, is amplified and overexpressed in a subset of common types of cancer, including ovarian cancer, where NAPRT expression correlates with a BRCAness gene expression signature. Both NAPRT and NAMPT increased intracellular NAD(+) levels. NAPRT silencing reduced energy status, protein synthesis, and cell size in ovarian and pancreatic cancer cells. NAPRT silencing sensitized cells to NAMPT inhibitors both in vitro and in vivo; similar results were obtained with the NAPRT inhibitor 2-hydroxynicotinic acid. Reducing NAPRT levels in a BRCA2-deficient cancer cell line exacerbated DNA damage in response to chemotherapeutics. In conclusion, NAPRT-dependent NAD(+) biosynthesis contributes to cell metabolism and to the DNA repair process in a subset of tumors. This knowledge could be used to increase the efficacy of NAMPT inhibitors and chemotherapy. Cancer Res; 77(14); 3857-69. ©2017 AACR

    Investigating the Paracrine Role of Perinatal Derivatives: Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cell-Extracellular Vesicles Show Promising Transient Potential for Cardiomyocyte Renewal

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    Cardiomyocyte renewal represents an unmet clinical need for cardiac regeneration. Stem cell paracrine therapy has attracted increasing attention to resurge rescue mechanisms within the heart. We previously characterized the paracrine effects that human amniotic fluid-derived stem cells (hAFSC) can exert to provide cardioprotection and enhance cardiac repair in preclinical models of myocardial ischemia and cardiotoxicity. Here, we analyze whether hAFSC secretome formulations, namely, hAFSC conditioned medium (hAFSC-CM) over extracellular vesicles (hAFSC-EVs) separated from it, can induce cardiomyocyte renewal. c-KIT+ hAFSC were obtained by leftover samples of II trimester prenatal amniocentesis (fetal hAFSC) and from clinical waste III trimester amniotic fluid during scheduled C-section procedures (perinatal hAFSC). hAFSC were primed under 1% O2 to enrich hAFSC-CM and EVs with cardioactive factors. Neonatal mouse ventricular cardiomyocytes (mNVCM) were isolated from cardiac tissue of R26pFUCCI2 mice with cell cycle fluorescent tagging by mutually exclusive nuclear signal. mNVCM were stimulated by fetal versus perinatal hAFSC-CM and hAFSC-EVs to identify the most promising formulation for in vivo assessment in a R26pFUCCI2 neonatal mouse model of myocardial infarction (MI) via intraperitoneal delivery. While the perinatal hAFSC secretome did not provide any significant cardiogenic effect, fetal hAFSC-EVs significantly sustained mNVCM transition from S to M phase by 2-fold, while triggering cytokinesis by 4.5-fold over vehicle-treated cells. Treated mNVCM showed disorganized expression of cardiac alpha-actinin, suggesting cytoskeletal re-arrangements prior to cell renewal, with a 40% significant downregulation of Cofilin-2 and a positive trend of polymerized F-Actin. Fetal hAFSC-EVs increased cardiomyocyte cell cycle progression by 1.8-fold in the 4-day-old neonatal left ventricle myocardium short term after MI; however, such effect was lost at the later stage. Fetal hAFSC-EVs were enriched with a short isoform of Agrin, a mediator of neonatal heart regeneration acting by YAP-related signaling; yet in vitro application of YAP inhibitor verteporfin partially affected EV paracrine stimulation on mNVCM. EVs secreted by developmentally juvenile fetal hAFSC can support cardiomyocyte renewal to some extension, via intercellular conveyance of candidates possibly involving Agrin in combination with other factors. These perinatal derivative promising cardiogenic effects need further investigation to define their specific mechanism of action and enhance their potential translation into therapeutic opportunity

    Unexpected effects of biphosphonates in in vitro models of activated CLL cells

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    Recent studies suggest that the commonly prescribed anti-osteoporosis drugs bisphosphonates (BPs) might also exhibit antitumor activity. We investigated a possible anticancer effect of BPs on B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells obtained from peripheral blood of 26 CLL patients. Zoledronate, etidronate and clodronate were administered in vitro simultaneously to following activation stimuli: i) CD40L-expressing fibroblasts, ii) soluble recombinant CD40L produced in our laboratory +IL-4, iii) CpG ODN 2006+IL-15 with or without bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC). CLL cell viability, activation/proliferation were monitored by flow cytometry. We unexpectedly observed that BPs generated a protective effect from spontaneous apoptosis in 11/26 (42%) patients (viability + 18%-392%) and an augmentation in CLL cell activation/proliferation in 61% of the samples (S+G2M phase: +100%±25). Interestingly, protection from spontaneous apoptosis or increment of cell activation, required the presence of either fibroblasts, BMSC or autologous Nurse Like Cells (NLC). We thus hypothesized that supportive cells are involved in the BPs effects either through cell-cell interactions with leukemic cells or T cells, or through soluble factors release in the medium. Functional experiments with transwells suggest that stromal cells, in presence of Clodronate, release soluble factors in the medium that may probably concur to the unexpected Clodronate-mediated enhancement of CLL cell activation/proliferation. This work is in progress and several critical questions on the mechanisms are still unanswered. Nevertheless, the phenomenological data argue that caution should be taken when administering BPs against osteoporosis in elderly persons, who could have Monoclonal B Lymphocytosis or CLL

    Synergistic Interactions between HDAC and Sirtuin Inhibitors in Human Leukemia Cells

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    Aberrant histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity is frequent in human leukemias. However, while classical, NAD+-independent HDACs are an established therapeutic target, the relevance of NAD+-dependent HDACs (sirtuins) in leukemia treatment remains unclear. Here, we assessed the antileukemic activity of sirtuin inhibitors and of the NAD+-lowering drug FK866, alone and in combination with traditional HDAC inhibitors. Primary leukemia cells, leukemia cell lines, healthy leukocytes and hematopoietic progenitors were treated with sirtuin inhibitors (sirtinol, cambinol, EX527) and with FK866, with or without addition of the HDAC inhibitors valproic acid, sodium butyrate, and vorinostat. Cell death was quantified by propidium iodide cell staining and subsequent flow-cytometry. Apoptosis induction was monitored by cell staining with FITC-Annexin-V/propidium iodide or with TMRE followed by flow-cytometric analysis, and by measuring caspase3/7 activity. Intracellular Bax was detected by flow-cytometry and western blotting. Cellular NAD+ levels were measured by enzymatic cycling assays. Bax was overexpressed by retroviral transduction. Bax and SIRT1 were silenced by RNA-interference. Sirtuin inhibitors and FK866 synergistically enhanced HDAC inhibitor activity in leukemia cells, but not in healthy leukocytes and hematopoietic progenitors. In leukemia cells, HDAC inhibitors were found to induce upregulation of Bax, a pro-apoptotic Bcl2 family-member whose translocation to mitochondria is normally prevented by SIRT1. As a result, leukemia cells become sensitized to sirtuin inhibitor-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, NAD+-independent HDACs and sirtuins cooperate in leukemia cells to avoid apoptosis. Combining sirtuin with HDAC inhibitors results in synergistic antileukemic activity that could be therapeutically exploited

    A Method for Isolating and Characterizing Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicles

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    The unit describes protocols for isolating and characterizing extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). EVs are a mixed population of membrane-surrounded structures with overlapping composition and size. Advances made in recent years have led to a better understanding of the biological role of EVs. In particular, they can be considered key factors responsible for MSC-paracrine activity, mediating their anti-inflammatory effects towards innate immune cells, such as macrophages. The topics comprise description of the MSC-conditioned medium containing vesicles preparation, EV isolation, and characterization mainly by specifically set up flow cytometry and electron microscopy approaches, and in vitro methodologies involved in testing the EV anti-inflammatory capacity. The procedures described here can be easily reproduced and can be employed regardless of the type of progenitor cells used to secrete EVs. \ua9 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc
