670 research outputs found

    Saúde única e tuberculose: comunicação entre os entes da administração

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    Tuberculosis is a reemerging disease of great epidemiological interest for public health agencies. Within the scope of zoonotic diseases, bovine tuberculosis is a chronic disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium bovis. This pathological agent affects mainly cattle, but also can infect domestic, wild animals and humans. Tuberculosis continues to have a global distribution and affects several countries, especially those in development. It is a matter of great importance in the definition of public policies regarding the right to health. To combat zoonotic tuberculosis more effectively, a well-structured information chain is needed that allows for the circulation of information between the various agencies, especially the departments and ministries of agriculture and health. Therefore, to confront tuberculosis, it is important to apply integrative strategies between the animal health defense agencies and the public and environmental health agencies, so that information can be exchanged between the various health agencies. Therefore, to cope with tuberculosis, it is important to apply integrative strategies between animal health, defense agencies and those of public and environmental health, so that information is exchanged between the various organs of the administration. Keywords: Government programs. Law. Constitution. Mycobacterium bovis.La tuberculosis es una enfermedad reemergente de gran interés epidemiológico para los organismos de salud pública. Dentro del ámbito de las enfermedades zoonóticas, la tuberculosis bovina es una enfermedad crónica causada por la bacteria Mycobacterium bovis. Este agente patológico afecta principalmente al ganado, así como a los animales domésticos y salvajes, y puede infectar a los seres humanos. La tuberculosis sigue teniendo una distribución mundial y afecta a varios países, especialmente a los que están en vías de desarrollo. Se trata de una cuestión de gran importancia en la definición de las políticas públicas, en relación con el derecho a la salud. Para combatir más eficazmente la tuberculosis zoonótica, es necesaria una cadena de información bien estructurada que permita la circulación de información entre los diferentes organismos, especialmente las secretarías y los ministerios de agricultura y salud. Por lo tanto, para la lucha contra la tuberculosis, es importante aplicar estrategias integradas entre los organismos de defensa de la salud animal y los organismos de salud pública y ambiental, de modo que haya un intercambio de información entre los distintos organismos sanitarios. Por lo tanto, para hacer frente a la tuberculosis, es importante aplicar estrategias integradoras entre las agencias de defensa de la salud animal y las de salud pública y ambiental, de modo que se intercambie información entre las diversas agencias de la administración. Palabras clave: Programas gubernamentales. La ley. Constitución, Mycobacterium bovis.A tuberculose é uma doença reemergente de grande interesse epidemiológico para os órgãos vinculados à saúde pública. No âmbito das doenças zoonóticas, a tuberculose bovina é uma doença de evolução crônica causada pela bactéria Mycobacterium bovis. Este agente patológico acomete principalmente bovinos, além de animais domésticos e silvestres, podendo infectar seres humanos. A tuberculose continua tendo distribuição global e atingindo diversos países, principalmente aqueles em desenvolvimento, sendo assunto de grande importância nas definições de políticas públicas, no que concerne ao direito à saúde. Assim, neste artigo se verificou a concepção de saúde única incluindo a tuberculose como um agravo importante para saúde pública, e como os diferentes entes institucionais devem integrar as ações quando há o diagnóstico de tuberculose nos rebanhos bovinos ou na população em geral. Percebeu-se que para um enfrentamento mais efetivo da tuberculose zoonótica é necessária uma cadeia de informação bem estruturada que permita a circulação de informação entre os mais diversos órgãos, sobretudo secretarias e ministérios da agricultura, pecuária e abastecimento e saúde. Portanto, para o enfrentamento da tuberculose, é importante a aplicação de estratégias integrativas entre os órgãos de defesa sanitária animal e os de saúdes pública e ambiental, para que ocorra a troca de informações entre os diversos órgãos da administração. Palavras-chave: Programas governamentais. Direito. Constituição. Mycobacterium bovis

    Neurological disability in leprosy: incidence and gender association in Sergipe, Brazil

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    Leprosy remains a public health problem in many countries. The disease affects skin and peripheral nerves and can cause irreversible disabilities. In Brazil, the detection rate of new cases is 18.2/100,000 inhabitants and leprosy control is considered a priority in the state of Sergipe. Studies showing the epidemiological profile and geographical distribution of leprosy cases are needed for effective epidemiological control measures. The objective of this study was to assess the detection rate of new cases, the geographical distribution and association with gender and clinical forms in Sergipe. Data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and the Information System for Notifiable Diseases. Maps indicating the geographical distribution of leprosy cases and the degree of neurological disabilities of all municipalities of the state were created using Spring, version 5.1.8 and ArcGIS, version 9.3.1. Hyper-endemic leprosy municipalities exist in Sergipe, indicating that the disease remains a major public health problem. The leprosy cases were found to be in municipalities with a higher number of dwellings with nine people per house. A detection rate of 33.0/100,000 inhabitants was noted in 2005, followed by a progressive reduction in the number of new cases until 2010. However, in the same period, an increase of cases with neurological disability was observed. A significant association of males with the multi-bacillary form and neurological disability was observed. This predisposition to severe forms of leprosy in males may be due to a delay in diagnosis and treatment emphasising the need for special attention by the leprosy control programme

    Neurological disability in leprosy: incidence and gender association in Sergipe, Brazil

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    Leprosy remains a public health problem in many countries. The disease affects skin and peripheral nerves and can cause irreversible disabilities. In Brazil, the detection rate of new cases is 18.2/100,000 inhabitants and leprosy control is considered a priority in the state of Sergipe. Studies showing the epidemiological profile and geographical distribution of leprosy cases are needed for effective epidemiological control measures. The objective of this study was to assess the detection rate of new cases, the geographical distribution and association with gender and clinical forms in Sergipe. Data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and the Information System for Notifiable Diseases. Maps indicating the geographical distribution of leprosy cases and the degree of neurological disabilities of all municipalities of the state were created using Spring, version 5.1.8 and ArcGIS, version 9.3.1. Hyper-endemic leprosy municipalities exist in Sergipe, indicating that the disease remains a major public health problem. The leprosy cases were found to be in municipalities with a higher number of dwellings with nine people per house. A detection rate of 33.0/100,000 inhabitants was noted in 2005, followed by a progressive reduction in the number of new cases until 2010. However, in the same period, an increase of cases with neurological disability was observed. A significant association of males with the multi-bacillary form and neurological disability was observed. This predisposition to severe forms of leprosy in males may be due to a delay in diagnosis and treatment emphasising the need for special attention by the leprosy control programme

    Neurological disability in leprosy: incidence and gender association in Sergipe, Brazil

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    Leprosy remains a public health problem in many countries. The disease affects skin and peripheral nerves and can cause irreversible disabilities. In Brazil, the detection rate of new cases is 18.2/100,000 inhabitants and leprosy control is considered a priority in the state of Sergipe. Studies showing the epidemiological profile and geographical distribution of leprosy cases are needed for effective epidemiological control measures. The objective of this study was to assess the detection rate of new cases, the geographical distribution and association with gender and clinical forms in Sergipe. Data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and the Information System for Notifiable Diseases. Maps indicating the geographical distribution of leprosy cases and the degree of neurological disabilities of all municipalities of the state were created using Spring, version 5.1.8 and ArcGIS, version 9.3.1. Hyper-endemic leprosy municipalities exist in Sergipe, indicating that the disease remains a major public health problem. The leprosy cases were found to be in municipalities with a higher number of dwellings with nine people per house. A detection rate of 33.0/100,000 inhabitants was noted in 2005, followed by a progressive reduction in the number of new cases until 2010. However, in the same period, an increase of cases with neurological disability was observed. A significant association of males with the multi-bacillary form and neurological disability was observed. This predisposition to severe forms of leprosy in males may be due to a delay in diagnosis and treatment emphasising the need for special attention by the leprosy control programme

    Eficácia do uso da Criolipólise e suas associações/ Effectiveness of the use of Cryolipolysis and its associations

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    Umas das técnicas mais utilizadas no mercado relacionado a tratamentos estéticos, a criolipólise objetiva dar uma modelação estética corpórea ideal, diminuindo circunferência da camada adiposa. Sua eficácia consiste na eliminação da adiposidade localizada por meio de um processo de congelamento das células lipídicas de uma forma não invasiva que provoca a morte adipocitária por apoptose. Tendo esse procedimento como material de análise, o plano definido para este estudo foi uma revisão literária por meio de artigos científicos disponíveis em bases nacionais e internacionais, com grande parte dos trabalhos publicados em Pubmed, Scielo e Lilacs, referente à criolipólise entre os anos de 2012 a 2020. Buscando uma comparação nas associações abordadas por estudiosos como Abboud (et al 2020), Gerald (et al 2013), Bani (et al 2014), Froes (et al 2018), entre outros pesquisadores que construíram dados a partir de suas pesquisas realizadas na área da criolipólise. Todas as suas associações possuem um resultado significativo quanto às suas comparações, apesar do pouco tempo de existência. Em síntese, existe uma imensa divulgação de protocolos terapêuticos criados e executados com fundamento acerca dos aspectos fisiológicos e práticos envolvidos na criolipólise. Por conseguinte, esta publicação de pesquisa científica busca trazer para o meio acadêmico a comprovação da eficácia e análise dos efeitos decorrentes do procedimento estético em questão. A partir dos dados, a revisão analisou se os resultados obtidos são de fato satisfatórios e quando não, o que isso representa para a pesquisa. Posto isto, é de suma importância ressaltar a necessidade e importância de estudos científicos que trazem diferentes interpelações com o intuito de analisar e divulgar de forma responsável e analítica o tema em questão


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    Objetivo: o artigo visa caracterizar a população idosa da Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) Bandeiras da cidade de Anápolis-GO quanto à ocorrência de polifarmácia. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva de caráter quantitativo com delineamento transversal, realizada entre os meses de outubro de 2015 a janeiro de 2016, a fim de definir o perfil populacional em relação à prática de polifarmácia. A amostra da pesquisa é representativa da população Anapolina, e é composta por pacientes atendidos pelo serviço de clínica médica da UBS Bandeiras que tenham 60 anos ou mais e possuam prontuário completo, que é o meio de manuseio de informações dos pacientes. Os dados colhidos foram analisados de acordo com a tabela de Beers-Fick. Resultados: 30,5% das pacientes do sexo feminino analisadas realizam polifarmácia, sendo que 56,1% dessas usam de 2 a 4 medicamentos diariamente. Da lista de medicamentos inapropriados, apareceram 13 fármacos usados por idosos, dentre eles: nifedipino e fluoxetina. Conclusão: de acordo com os dados colhidos, verificou-se a maior de prevalência de polifarmácia nas mulheres do que nos homens, sendo o nifedipino o medicamento mais usado, segundo critério de Beers-Fick

    Clinical variables associated with leprosy reactions and persistence of physical impairment

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    Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic disease that affects skin and peripheral nerves. Disease complications include reactional episodes and physical impairment. One World Health Organization (WHO) goal of leprosy programs is to decrease the number of grade 2 impairment diagnoses by 2015. This study aims to evaluate clinical factors associated with the occurrence of leprosy reactions and physical impairment in leprosy patients. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of data from medical records of patients followed in two important centers for the treatment of leprosy in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil, from 2005 to 2011. We used the chi-square test to analyze associations between the following categorical variables: gender, age, operational classification, clinical forms, leprosy reactions, corticosteroid treatment, and physical impairment at the diagnosis and after cure. Clinical variables associated with multibacillary leprosy and/or reactional episodes and the presence of any grade of physical impairment after cure were evaluated using the logistic regression model. Results: We found that men were more affected by multibacillary forms, reactional episodes, and grade 2 physical impairment at diagnosis. Leprosy reactions were detected in a total of 40% of patients and all were treated with corticosteroids. However, physical impairment was observed in 29.8% of the patients analyzed at the end of the treatment and our multivariate analysis associated a low dose and short period of corticosteroid treatment with persistence of physical impairments. Conclusions: Physical impairment should receive an increased attention before and after treatment, and adequate treatment should be emphasized