1,434 research outputs found

    Offene Immobilienfonds - der Immobilienbestand ausgewählter offener Fonds im Jahre 1999 und seine Veränderungen seit 1984

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    Das Investmentsparen erfreut sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Anlageform, bei der Sparer mit geringem Kapitaleinsatz die gleichen Vorteile und Chancen erlangen können, wie sie in der Regel sonst nur bei größerem Kapitaleinsatz möglich sind. So wird beim Investmentsparen durch viele kleinere Anlagebeträge eine größere Kapitalsumme erzielt. Bei den offenen Immobilienfonds handelt es sich um die Realisierung dieser Investmentidee im Immobilienbereich. Die offenen Immobilienfonds verzeichnen insbesondere seit den 90er Jahren immense Mittelzuflüsse. Das Anlageprinzip der offenen Immobilienfonds basiert auf dem Prinzip der Risikostreuung: Neben der gesetzlichen Erfordernis, das Risiko über eine Vielzahl von Objekten zu streuen, verfügen die Fonds über verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Risikostreuung wie die Streuung nach Standorten und Nutzungen sowie nach Objektalter, -größe und -volumen. Im vorliegenden Bericht wird das Anlageverhalten der größten fünf offenen Immobilienfonds untersucht, die zusammen über einen Marktanteil von ca. 70 % verfügen (Stand: 1999). Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Datenbank angelegt, in welche die Daten sämtlicher im Fondsvermögen gehaltenen Objekte eingegeben wurden. Zu Beginn dieser Arbeit stehen die Vermutungen, dass die Fonds überwiegend Objekte in Verdichtungsräumen und dort insbesondere in den Großstädten halten und dass die Gebäudenutzungen überwiegend tertiärwirtschaftlicher Natur sind. Aus den Rechenschaftsberichten der offenen Immobilienfonds, auf denen der empirische Teil basiert, geht lediglich der Aspekt der Risikostreuung hervor; es gibt weder Angaben zu den Verkehrswerten einzelner Objekte noch zu deren Mietpreisen. Als Bezugsgröße für die Auswertung können somit lediglich die Anzahl der Objekte und die Nutzfläche (in m²) herangezogen werden. An dieser Stelle muss auf die relativ hohe Intransparenz des deutschen Immobilienmarktes hingewiesen werden. Obwohl in den letzten Jahren einige Indizes von verschiedenen Institutionen aufgelegt wurden, ist der Markt weiterhin recht unübersichtlich. 1998 wurde der DIX, der Deutsche Immobilien-Index, als Gegenstück zum DAX (Deutscher Aktienindex) von der Deutschen Immobiliendatenbank (DID) in Wiesbaden aufgelegt. Hier werden Daten von Bestandsgrundstücken gesammelt und zusammengefasst. Die fünf untersuchten Fonds steuern zwar regelmäßig ihre Daten bei, jedoch besteht hier eine Geheimhaltungspflicht, so dass auf diesem Weg keine zusätzlichen Informationen bezogen werden können. Diese Arbeit stellt einen Beitrag zu der in der Geographie bislang kaum beachteten, aber bedeutsamen und raumprägenden Immobilienbranche dar. Während andere 2 Disziplinen wie vor allem die Wirtschaftswissenschaften den Immobilienbereich schon lange für sich entdeckt haben, hat sich die Geographie bisher wenig damit beschäftigt

    A comprehensive analysis of the importance of translation initiation factors for Haloferax volcanii applying deletion and conditional depletion mutants

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    Translation is an important step in gene expression. The initiation of translation is phylogenetically diverse, since currently five different initiation mechanisms are known. For bacteria the three initiation factors IF1 – IF3 are described in contrast to archaea and eukaryotes, which contain a considerably higher number of initiation factor genes. As eukaryotes and archaea use a non-overlapping set of initiation mechanisms, orthologous proteins of both domains do not necessarily fulfill the same function. The genome of Haloferax volcanii contains 14 annotated genes that encode (subunits of) initiation factors. To gain a comprehensive overview of the importance of these genes, it was attempted to construct single gene deletion mutants of all genes. In 9 cases single deletion mutants were successfully constructed, showing that the respective genes are not essential. In contrast, the genes encoding initiation factors aIF1, aIF2γ, aIF5A, aIF5B, and aIF6 were found to be essential. Factors aIF1A and aIF2β are encoded by two orthologous genes in H. volcanii. Attempts to generate double mutants failed in both cases, indicating that also these factors are essential. A translatome analysis of one of the single aIF2β deletion mutants revealed that the translational efficiency of the second ortholog was enhanced tenfold and thus the two proteins can replace one another. The phenotypes of the single deletion mutants also revealed that the two aIF1As and aIF2βs have redundant but not identical functions. Remarkably, the gene encoding aIF2α, a subunit of aIF2 involved in initiator tRNA binding, could be deleted. However, the mutant had a severe growth defect under all tested conditions. Conditional depletion mutants were generated for the five essential genes. The phenotypes of deletion mutants and conditional depletion mutants were compared to that of the wild-type under various conditions, and growth characteristics are discussed

    Nurse Schedule Evaluation through Simulation with integrated Rescheduling

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    Nurse scheduling is a complex planning task in which many constraints, e.g. meeting the required demand or considering employees’ satisfaction, are considered. However, employee absences due to uncertain events require rescheduling of former planned optimal schedules, which is often impossible without exceeding some of previous assumed limitations. Within this paper, we evaluate the ability of planned schedules to react to changes during the planning horizon. We present a discrete event-driven simulation system to emulate shifts and assignment of nurses and include real-world data schedules as well as different rescheduling strategies, which address staff shortage. To gain insights in the schedules’ practicability, their effects regarding employee satisfaction, extra hours and additional costs are evaluated. First numerical experiments show that it is hard to find any substitution in case of an unforeseen absence. Thus, rescheduling with constraint relaxation generates significantly better results regarding the use of temporary staff and costs

    Impact of the metabolic syndrome on severe mental disorders

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    Background!#!Primary palmar hyperhidrosis is a severely debilitating condition that can affect patients of any age. We report our experience with thoracoscopic sympathicolysis in a large cohort of children less than 14 years of age.!##!Methods!#!All children who underwent thoracoscopic sympathicolysis from April 2005 through January 2017 were evaluated retrospectively. The procedure entailed bilateral bipolar fulguration of the second and third thoracic ganglia with transverse disruption of collateral nerve fibers along the third and fourth rib. Demographic information, as well as postoperative outcome, complications, and satisfaction were analyzed.!##!Results!#!Over the 12 year study interval, a total of 102 children underwent thoracoscopic sympathicolysis for palmar hyperhidrosis. Complete follow-up was available for 98 patients (median age 12 [range 5-14] years; 38 boys [39%]). Median follow-up was 4 [range 2-12] years. Complete palmar dryness was achieved in 93 (95%) cases. One patient suffered postoperative unilateral ptosis, 6 reported gustatory sweating, and 65 experienced compensatory sweating. Average postoperative rating on a 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) rating scale was 9, with 97 (99%) patients saying that they would undergo the procedure again.!##!Conclusion!#!Our technique of thoracoscopic sympathicolysis in children was associated with very high postoperative satisfaction, despite a high rate of compensatory sweating and occasional autonomic gustatory sweating. Other more severe complications in this age group were rare

    Affected neural networks as basis of disturbed motor function in schizophrenia

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    Objective!#!To investigate diagnostic accuracy of a nerve ultrasound (US) protocol that is individualized to a patient's clinical deficits for the differentiation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with predominant lower motoneuron disease (ALS/LMND) and multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN).!##!Methods!#!Single-center, prospective, examiner-blinded, diagnostic study in two cohorts. Cohort I (model development): Convenience sample of subjects with ALS/LMND or MMN according to revised El-Escorial or EFNS guidelines. Cohort II (model validation): Consecutively recruited treatment-naïve subjects with suspected diagnosis of ALS/LMND or MMN. Cutoffs for 28 different US values were determined by Receiver Operating Curve (ROC) in cohort I. Area Under The Curve (AUC) of US was compared to nerve conduction studies (NCS). Diagnostic accuracy of US protocols, individualized according to clinical deficits, was compared to former rigid non-individualized protocols and to random examination site selection in cohort II.!##!Results!#!48 patients were recruited. In cohort I (28 patients), US had higher ROC AUCs than NCS, US 0.82 (0.12) (mean (standard deviation)), NCS (compound muscle action potential (CMAP) 0.60 (0.09), p < .001; two-sided t-test). US models based on the nerve innervating the clinically most affected muscles had higher correct classification rates (CCRs, 93%) in cohort II than former rigid protocols (85% and 80%), or models with random measurement site selection (66% and 80%).!##!Conclusions!#!Clinically guided US protocols for differentiation of ALS/LMND from MMN increase diagnostic accuracy when compared to clinically unguided protocols. They also require less measurements sites to achieve this accuracy

    Ser professora de bebês : composições que envolvem a profissão

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    Este trabalho tem como tema principal o estudo da docência com bebês. A questão norteadora da pesquisa está relacionada à compreensão de quais são as composições que envolvem a profissão professora de bebês. O objetivo central da pesquisa é a reflexão sobre os aspectos constitutivos da docência com bebês. A abordagem metodológica da pesquisa é qualitativa, o estudo deu-se a partir de bibliografias de pesquisadores que produziram e teorizaram sobre a temática, como Tristão (2004), ​Barbosa (2010), Richter (2010), Duarte (2011), Filho (2013) e Fochi (2013). Também compõem esta pesquisa, entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com três professoras de bebês e crianças pequenas. São três os eixos de análise que surgiram com este estudo, tendo em vista as composições que envolvem a profissão professora de bebês, são eles: a importância do vínculo para a docência, construído através de relações afetivas entre a professora e a criança; a família como parte integrante da docência; e, por fim, questões relacionadas à profissão professora de bebês. Concluiu-se que cabe à docência com bebês embarcar em um espaço de invenção, onde há o desafio de construir uma pedagogia específica para os pequenos, e que os três eixos de análise podem compor a docência com os bebês

    Quantifying intrafraction organ motion and its impact on prostate and lung radiotherapy

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    It is well known, that intrafractional tumor motion can be remarkable in prostate and lung radiotherapy, but the clinical impact on single patients and patient populations is still under investigation. In this work, real-time motion data of implanted transponders gathered with an electromagnetic tumor tracking system during two clinical trials performed at dkfz was used for evaluations concerning this matter. For both tumor entities the occurring motion was characterized and quantified, first. Based on this data, investigations for prostate radiotherapy deal with implications of this motion on the size of safety margins and the experimental and computational quantification of dosimetric consequences for individual patients. In this first clinical trial on electromagnetic tumor tracking in lung, analyses focused on the quantification of inter- and intrafractional variations of the transponder geometry due to breathing motion and tumor shrinkage. Additionally, the correlation between internal measured lung tumor motion and external chest motion was assessed. According to our results, we conclude that real-time monitoring of the internal motion is necessary for both tumor entities to enable motion management reducing dosimetric consequences, in particular if a hypofractionated radiotherapy is applied. For lung patients it is additionally required to perform a regular control of internal tumor and transponder geometry through patient imaging

    O Tratamento da informação no espaço museal: o museu histórico Visconde de São Leopoldo/RS e a coleção fotográfica sesquicentenário da imigração alemã

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    The study occurs in Historical Museum Visconde of São Leopoldo. There is the importance of cultural expression referring to the celebration of the Sesquicentenary German Immigration in the country, especially in the city of São Leopoldo / RS. Studies to photographic collection which shows the dimension of the same, furthermore, it is examined whether the methodology of museum documentation is used during the systemization of photographs.O estudo se dá no espaço do Museu Histórico Visconde de São Leopoldo/MHVSL. Verifica-se a importância da manifestação cultural referente às comemorações do Sesquicentenário da Imigração Alemã no país, em especial na cidade de São Leopoldo/RS. Estuda-se a coleção fotográfica que demonstra a dimensão do mesmo, além disso, examina-se se a metodologia de documentação museológica é utilizada durante o tratamento da informação nas fotografias

    Beobachtungen zur Parasitierung von Radnetzspinnen (Araneidae) durch Polysphincta rufipes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

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    We found the ichneumonid Polysphincta rufipes Gravenhorst, 1829 (tribus Polysphinctini) to be a koinobiont parasitoid of two species of araneid orb-weavers, Larinioides sclopetarius and Zygiella x-notata, in Central Europe. Some notes on the biology of P. rufipes are given, based on observations both in the field and in the laboratory. The wasps directly attack non-adult spiders sitting in the hubs of their webs. Parasitized spiders could be found from, at least, August to early December. The duration of the development of the wasp larvae, including the pupal stage, is about two months. It seems conceivable that at the end of the larval stage the larva somehow manipulates its host spider; i.e. the spider is forced to enter its retreat – a safe place where the larva can kill the host, complete its development and spin a cocoon for pupation (pupa libera)
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