72 research outputs found

    Serratierte Läsionen im Kolorektum – ein pathologisches Problem oder ein Problem der Pathologen?

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    Serratierte Läsionen im Kolorektum stellen eine Problemzone für Kliniker und Pathologen dar; dies liegt zum einen an der noch nicht allgemein bekannten Nomenklatur, zum anderen an dem noch nicht abschließend geklärten Progressionsrisiko der verschiedenen serratierten Polypen. Mittlerweile gilt als akzeptiert, dass neben der klassischen Adenom-Karzinom-Sequenz ein alternativer serratierter und ein sogenannter gemischter Karzinogeneseweg existiert; diese Karzinogenesewege sind in Bezug auf die präinvasiven Vorstufen, die molekularen Pfade und die Prognose der Karzinome heterogen. Bei den serratierten Adenokarzinomen lassen sich ein Niedrigrisiko-Subtyp (Häufigkeit 70%) sowie ein Hochrisiko-Subtyp (Häufigkeit >80%, mit meist distaler Lokalisation, dem traditionellen serratierten Adenom als Vorläuferläsion, KRAS-Mutation, niedriger Mikrosatelliteninstabilität/mikrosatellitenstabil, CpG-Methylierung/ p53-Akkumulation und einer 5-Jahres-Überlebens-Rate von 70%) and a high-risk subtype (frequency >80%, often with distal location, the traditional serrated adenoma as a precursor lesion, KRAS mutation, low microsatellite instability/microsatellite stable, CpG methylation/ p53 accumulation and a 5-year survival rate of <30%). The evaluation of the microsatellite status as well as the detection of BRAF or KRAS mutations together with immunohistochemistry for hMLH1 and p53 will allow a discrimination between these two subtypes and will become increasingly important in the future.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich

    The G Protein-Coupled Receptor RAI3 Is an Independent Prognostic Factor for Pancreatic Cancer Survival and Regulates Proliferation via STAT3 Phosphorylation

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    Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the deadliest tumors worldwide. Understanding the function of gene expression alterations is a prerequisite for developing new strategies in diagnostic and therapy. GPRC5A (RAI3), coding for a seven transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor is known to be overexpressed in pancreatic cancer and might be an interesting candidate for therapeutic intervention. Expression levels of RAI3 were compared using a tissue microarray of 435 resected patients with pancreatic cancer as well as 209 samples from chronic pancreatitis (CP), intra-ductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) and normal pancreatic tissue. To elucidate the function of RAI3 overexpression, siRNA based knock-down was used and transfected cells were analyzed using proliferation and migration assays. Pancreatic cancer patients showed a statistically significant overexpression of RAI3 in comparison to normal and chronic pancreatitis tissue. Especially the loss of apical RAI3 expression represents an independent prognostic parameter for overall survival of patients with pancreatic cancer. Suppression of GPRC5a results in decreased cell growth, proliferation and migration in pancreatic cancer cell lines via a STAT3 modulated pathway, independent from ERK activation

    Matrix-comparative genomic hybridization from multicenter formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded colorectal cancer tissue blocks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The identification of genomic signatures of colorectal cancer for risk stratification requires the study of large series of cancer patients with an extensive clinical follow-up. Multicentric clinical studies represent an ideal source of well documented archived material for this type of analyses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To verify if this material is technically suitable to perform matrix-CGH, we performed a pilot study using macrodissected 29 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples collected within the framework of the EORTC-GI/PETACC-2 trial for colorectal cancer. The scientific aim was to identify prognostic genomic signatures differentiating locally restricted (UICC stages II-III) from systemically advanced (UICC stage IV) colorectal tumours.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The majority of archived tissue samples collected in the different centers was suitable to perform matrix-CGH. 5/7 advanced tumours displayed 13q-gain and 18q-loss. In locally restricted tumours, only 6/12 tumours showed a gain on 13q and 7/12 tumours showed a loss on 18q. Interphase-FISH and high-resolution array-mapping of the gain on 13q confirmed the validity of the array-data and narrowed the chromosomal interval containing potential oncogenes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Archival, paraffin-embedded tissue samples collected in multicentric clinical trials are suitable for matrix-CGH analyses and allow the identification of prognostic signatures and aberrations harbouring potential new oncogenes.</p

    Ampullary cancers harbor ELF3 tumor suppressor gene mutations and exhibit frequent WNT dysregulation

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    The ampulla of Vater is a complex cellular environment from which adenocarcinomas arise to form a group of histopathologically heterogenous tumors. To evaluate the molecular features of these tumors, 98 ampullary adenocarcinomas were evaluated and compared to 44 distal bile duct and 18 duodenal adenocarcinomas. Genomic analyses revealed mutations in the WNT signaling pathway among half of the patients and in all three adenocarcinomas irrespective of their origin and histological morphology. These tumors were characterized by a high frequency of inactivating mutations of ELF3, a high rate of microsatellite instability, and common focal deletions and amplifications, suggesting common attributes in the molecular pathogenesis are at play in these tumors. The high frequency of WNT pathway activating mutation, coupled with small-molecule inhibitors of β-catenin in clinical trials, suggests future treatment decisions for these patients may be guided by genomic analysis

    Scribble Deficiency Promotes Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Development and Metastasis.

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    Perturbation of cell polarity is a hallmark of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) progression. Scribble (SCRIB) is a well characterized polarity regulator that has diverse roles in the pathogenesis of human neoplasms. To investigate the impact of SCRIB deficiency on PDAC development and progression, Scrib was genetically ablated in well-established mouse models of PDAC. Scrib loss in combination with KrasG12D did not influence development of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasms (PanIN) in mice. However, Scrib deletion cooperated with KrasG12D and concomitant Trp53 heterozygous deletion to promote invasive PDAC and metastatic dissemination, leading to reduced overall survival. Immunohistochemical and transcriptome analyses revealed that Scrib-null tumors display a pronounced reduction of collagen content and cancer associated fibroblast (CAF) abundance. Mechanistically, interleukin 1α (IL1α) levels were reduced in Scrib deficient tumors, and Scrib knockdown downregulated IL1α in mouse PDAC organoids (mPDOs), which impaired CAF activation. Furthermore, Scrib loss increased YAP activation in mPDOs and established PDAC cell lines, enhancing cell survival. Clinically, SCRIB expression was decreased in human PDAC, and SCRIB mislocalization was associated with poorer patient outcome. These results indicate that SCRIB deficiency enhances cancer cell survival and remodels the tumor microenvironment to accelerate PDAC development and progression, establishing the tumor suppressor function of SCRIB in advanced pancreatic cancer

    Ampullary Cancers Harbor ELF3 Tumor Suppressor Gene Mutations and Exhibit Frequent WNT Dysregulation

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    The ampulla of Vater is a complex cellular environment from which adenocarcinomas arise to form a group of histopathologically heterogenous tumors. To evaluate the molecular features of these tumors, 98 ampullary adenocarcinomas were evaluated and compared to 44 distal bile duct and 18 duodenal adenocarcinomas. Genomic analyses revealed mutations in the WNT signaling pathway among half of the patients and in all three adenocarcinomas irrespective of their origin and histological morphology. These tumors were characterized by a high frequency of inactivating mutations of ELF3, a high rate of microsatellite instability, and common focal deletions and amplifications, suggesting common attributes in the molecular pathogenesis are at play in these tumors. The high frequency of WNT pathway activating mutation, coupled with small-molecule inhibitors of beta-catenin in clinical trials, suggests future treatment decisions for these patients may be guided by genomic analysis

    Precursor Lesions for Sporadic Pancreatic Cancer: PanIN, IPMN, and MCN

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    Pancreatic cancer is still a dismal disease. The high mortality rate is mainly caused by the lack of highly sensitive and specific diagnostic tools, and most of the patients are diagnosed in an advanced and incurable stage. Knowledge about precursor lesions for pancreatic cancer has grown significantly over the last decade, and nowadays we know that mainly three lesions (PanIN, and IPMN, MCN) are responsible for the development of pancreatic cancer. The early detection of these lesions is still challenging but provides the chance to cure patients before they might get an invasive pancreatic carcinoma. This paper focuses on PanIN, IPMN, and MCN lesions and reviews the current level of knowledge and clinical measures