5,876 research outputs found

    Fertilization of food waste management in UTHM’s cafeteria using arduino

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    Everyday food is consumed by humans for survival and basic needs for daily consumption. When humans eat food, there will be waste such as unfinished food or bones. With increasing food waste on earth, it can cause many kinds of diseases if the waste is not managed properly. Tons of food waste are created yearly on earth. To overcome the food waste problem, composting was introduced so we can recycle the food waste into compost fertilizer that can help improve soil nutrition. This research paper presents an overview of Fertilization of Food Waste Management in UTHM’s Cafeteria. This project aims to produce compost fertilizer within a shorter time. The machine will preserve the food waste and let it decompose by letting good bacteria eat the waste. The machine will create an optimum temperature so that the microorganism can live and decompose food waste into fertilizer. Temperature and moisture are monitored during the decomposition of food waste. With the help of this machine, food wastage produces daily can be reduced. Different kinds of pollution and sickness can also be reduced so that humans can live in a healthy world

    Fixed, Tethered or Free: The Role of Space and Place in Online Home-Based Businesses

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    Online businesses were heralded as being ‘anytime, anyplace, anywhere’ businesses, allowing the entrepreneurs who run them to be free of locational constraints. In contrast, entrepreneurs who operate home-based businesses have made a conscious choice to operate their business from home. This study explores the role of space and place for entrepreneurs who have brought these two types of business together, that is, entrepreneurs who are operating online home-based businesses. Such businesses are important as the have been identified as offering a unique opportunity for experimentation and innovation are hence a source of business diversity. The also offer economic benefits both at the individual micro level and at the macro-economic level. The study, which is exploratory in nature, is undertaken by means of key informant interviews with 42 entrepreneurs who are operating online home based businesses. The study finds that whilst certain factors allow such businesses to be location independent, other factors constrain the location of the businesses, usually to the home. The study findings suggest that there is a more subtle third alternative we term ‘tethered’ businesses, that lies between these two extremes of location dependent or independent, which is more appropriate for many online home-based businesses

    ResEval: A Mashup Platform for Research Evaluation

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    Bibliometrics has changed out the way the research evaluation conducted, and it is widely used to evaluate research groups, individual research's, department and many more. However establishing fair criteria to evaluate the scientific community, as well as individual publications and researcher, is a tough task and constitutes a challenge that has not been achieved yet. This paper addresses the problem of research evaluation and introduces ResEval, a mashup platform that enables the creation of customize metrics and their computation in order to make the scientific evaluation easier. This platform addresses various problems with current approaches such as data incompleteness, flexibility in defining new metrics, fixed UI restrictions for the customization of metrics and to apply filters

    Study of virgin coconut oil cost and yield by using natural method fermentation

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    Coconut has existed for at least thousands of years. Its flesh, its husk, its shell and its milk can be used for different purposes. Most importantly, coconut oil has been applied in numerous applications such as cosmetics, cooking ingredient and medicine. Coconut has been widely used in Southern and Central American regions, Asia, and Pacific regions. Its natural habitat is mostly on the tropical regions or along the beach shore. The ideal conditions for it to grow are with high humidity coupled with rainy and sunny weather. Countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea are very significant with coconut cultivation. Coconut is very influential to the life of tropical people because they can derive the benefits in their daily use. Nowadays, the trend of using natural skincare is on the rise, according to the 12-months Google trend

    Ethnic entrepreneurs and online home-based businesses

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    Objectives The study considers how online home-based businesses offer opportunities for ethnic entrepreneurs to ‘break out’ of the traditional highly competitive and low margin sectors they are often associated with. Prior Work Previous studies have found a positive association between ethnic minorities high levels of entrepreneurship (Levie, 2007) and between home computer use and entrepreneurship in ethnic groups (Fairlie, 2006). Despite these associations, no previous studies have explored the formation of home-based or other online businesses by ethnic entrepreneurs. This study seeks to address this gap by exploring how online home-based businesses provide opportunities for ethnic entrepreneurs to form and operate businesses outside traditional sectors (Rath, 2002; Kloosterman, 2010). Approach The study adopts mixed embeddedness (Kloosterman et al, 1999) as a theoretical lens to guide interviews with 22 ethnic entrepreneurs who have started online home-based businesses in the UK. All interviews are recorded, fully transcribed and analysed by thematic coding using NVivo software. Results Our findings suggest two distinct groups of online home-based business ventures. The first consist of mainly entrepreneurs who have good IT qualifications and are using the internet to leverage these, such as running web design or networking businesses or selling computer hardware online. The second group had no IT expertise and saw the web as an opportunity to start a business based on retailing, design skills or other interests. The informants were emphatic that the unique characteristics offered by an online home-based business were instrumental in their decision and ability to form a business. We use the findings of the study to argue that the theory of mixed embeddedness should include notions of choice and agency by ethnic entrepreneurs and also that the entrepreneurs are not only subject to social, economic and institutional forces, but that their actions can positively influence these forces. Implications The findings suggest that online home-based businesses can offer new opportunities to ethnic entrepreneurs that allow them to move beyond being the passive subjects of social, economic and institutional forces. Value The study is of benefit to ethnic entrepreneurs seeking to start new ventures and provides a valuable evidence base for wider social debates about the role and contribution of ethnic groups to the economic and social fabric of the UK. The research also has important policy implications, for example, the efficacy and sustainability of entrepreneurship visas

    Kritik Humor terhadap Komik Warkop DKI Reborn Jangkrik Boss!

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    Alih wahana dalam karya sastra atau karya seni seringkali menimbulkan pertanyaan, seberapa jauh sebuah karya tetap berkualitas setelah ditransformasikan ke dalam medium yang berbeda? Pertanyaan tersebut muncul saat film Warkop DKI Reborn Jangkrik Boss! Part I dialihwahanakan ke medium komik yang berjudul Warkop DKI Reborn Jangkrik Boss!. Sementara filmnya memiliki struktur humor yang kuat, apakah komiknya juga demikian? Untuk mengetahui, dilakukan penilaian atau kritik terhadap unsur instrinsik yang dikandung komik. Analisis difokuskan terhadap fakta cerita yang ada dalam komik. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan penyajian hasil secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa komik Warkop DKI Reborn Jangkrik Boss! tidak memiliki unsur intrinsik yang kuat. Baik tokoh dan penokohannya, alur, serta latar memiliki kelemahan-kelemahan sehingga membuat komik tidak bisa menampilkan cerita humor dengan baik


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    Batam Collection store is a bag and luggage store located in Baloi which is engaged in fashion. In processing, marketing sales of bags and luggage is using a simple way, that is only selling these products in housing, so there are obstacles in marketing process. Analyzing the old system of Batam Collection store, and then analyzing proposed new system and design an E-Commerce system using content manajemen system (CMS) is the point of the research. This research method uses the System Development Life Cycle process through the Water fall method. The results is to build an E-Commerce system that will facilitate sales activities and to get sales reports. In the E-Commerce system, the researcher will use OpenCart CMS for data processing. After the researcher built a product sales system with E-Commerce, the new system at the Batam Collection store could increase marketing and sales, as well as regulate product sales. The researcher hope that this new system can make the work easier for everyone involved