40 research outputs found

    Le consentement au traitement des données à caractère personnel : une perspective comparative sur l’autonomie du sujet 

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    L’objectif de cet article est de contribuer au débat relatif à la problématique du « consentement informé » dans le contexte de la récente proposition de Règlement européen réformant le cadre général sur la protection des données. En proposant une nouvelle définition du consentement ainsi qu’en imposant de nouvelles obligations aux responsables de traitement, ce texte n’est pas épargné par la critique. La force normative du consentement elle-même est fortement remise en question, tant les développements technologiques de ces dernières années ainsi que les pratiques sociales qu’ils génèrent semblent battre en brèche la capacité, voire la volonté, des individus d’exercer un véritable contrôle sur leurs données personnelles. Sur la base des réflexions développées dans les sphères du droit médical et du droit des contrats, cet article examine les principales critiques formulées à l’encontre de la « logique du consentement ». Une telle perspective comparative permet ensuite d’identifier un ensemble de paramètres fondamentaux pouvant servir d’outils heuristiques afin de penser et d’enrichir notre conception du consentement et de l’autonomie dans le contexte des environnements numériques contemporains

    Stable carbon isotopic compositions of individual aromatic hydrocarbons as source and age indicators in oils from western Australian basins

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    The present study aims to establish the factors controlling the stable carbon isotopic compositions (d13C) of individual aromatic hydrocarbons analysed by compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) in crude oils from western Australian petroleum basins of varying age and facies type. This paper reports d13C values of individual aromatic hydrocarbons, like alkylbenzenes, alkylnaphthalenes, alkylphenanthrenes and methylated biphenyls. The main aims are to confirm the origin (source) and age of these oils based on CSIA of selected aromatic compounds and to understand why the Sofer plot is ineffective in establishing the source of western Australian petroleum systems. The bulk d13C of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of crude oils have been previously used to differentiate sources, however, many Australian crude oils are not classified correctly using this method. The oils were classified as marine by the d13C values of individual aromatic compounds and as terrigenous based on the bulk d13C data (Sofer plot). The oils where the d13C values of 1,6-DMN and 1,2,5-TMN isomers are most negative are indicative of a marine source, whereas oils with a less negative values for the 1,6-DMN and 1,2,5-TMN isomers are derived from marine source rocks that contain a significant terrigenous component. Similarly, oils with the least negative d13C values for the 1-MP and 1,9-DMP isomers reflect varying inputs of terrigenous organic matter to the their marine source rocks. Plots of P/DBT and Pr/Ph concentration ratios versus d13C values of DMP, 1,6-DMN, 1,2,5-TMN, 1-MP and 1,9-MP are constructed to establish the relative amount of terrigenous organic matter contributing to the source rock of a series of marine oils. The ratios of P/DBT and Pr/Ph plotted against the d13C values of the aromatic isomers (such as 1,6-DMN, 1,2,5-TMN, 1-MP and 1,9-MP) provide a novel and convenient way to discriminate crude oils derived from different source rocks that contain varying amounts of marine and terrigenous organic matter

    Software Architecture Styles as Graph Grammars

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    We present a formalism for the definition of software architectures in terms of graphs. Nodes represent the individual agents and edges define their interconnection. Individual agents can communicate only along the links specified by the architecture. The dynamic evolution of the overall architecture is defined independently by a `coordinator'. An architecture style is a class of architectures characterised by a graph grammar. The rules of the coordinator are statically checked to ensure that they preserve the constraints imposed by the architecture style. Keywords: coordination, graph rewriting, software architecture, static verification. 1 Motivation and approach Software systems tend to grow in size and complexity; they are often developed through a long period of time and become extremely difficult to understand and to maintain. The cost incurred by this complexity is becoming a serious concern and a major challenge today is to provide ways of organising software in order to make..

    Dynamic Slicing: A Generic Analysis Based on a Natural Semantics Format

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    Slicing analyses have been proposed for dioeerent programming languages. Rather than defining a new analysis from scratch for each programming language, we would like to specify such an analysis once for all, in a language-independent way, and then specialise it for different programming languages. In order to achieve this goal, we propose a notion of natural semantics format and a dynamic slicing analysis format. The natural semantics format formalises a class of natural semantics and the analysis format is a generic, language-independent, slicing analysis. The correctness of the generic analysis is established as a relation between the derivation trees of the original program and the slice. This generic analysis is then instantiated to several programming languages conforming the semantics format (an imperative language, a logic programming language and a functional language), yielding a dynamic slicing analyser for each of these languages