106 research outputs found

    The QKI-6 and QKI-7 RNA Binding Proteins Block Proliferation and Promote Schwann Cell Myelination

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    BACKGROUND:The quaking viable (qk(v)) mice have uncompacted myelin in their central and peripheral nervous system (CNS, PNS). The qk gene encodes 3 major alternatively spliced isoforms that contain unique sequence at their C-terminus dictating their cellular localization. QKI-5 is a nuclear isoform, whereas QKI-6 and QKI-7 are cytoplasmic isoforms. The qk(v) mice harbor an enhancer/promoter deletion that prevents the expression of isoforms QKI-6 and QKI-7 in myelinating cells resulting in a dysmyelination phenotype. It was shown that QKI regulates the differentiation of oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells of the CNS, however, little is known about the role of the QKI proteins, or RNA binding proteins in PNS myelination. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:To define the role of the QKI proteins in PNS myelination, we ectopically expressed QKI-6 and QKI-7 in primary rat Schwann cell/neuron from dorsal root ganglia cocultures. We show that the QKI isoforms blocked proliferation and promoted Schwann cell differentiation and myelination. In addition, these events were coordinated with elevated proteins levels of p27(KIP1) and myelin basic protein (MBP), markers of Schwann cell differentiation. QKI-6 and QKI-7 expressing co-cultures contained myelinated fibers that had directionality and contained significantly thicker myelin, as assessed by electron microscopy. Moreover, QKI-deficient Schwann cells had reduced levels of MBP, p27(KIP1) and Krox-20 mRNAs, as assessed by quantitative RT-PCR. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our findings suggest that the QKI-6 and QKI-7 RNA binding proteins are positive regulators of PNS myelination and show that the QKI RNA binding proteins play a key role in Schwann cell differentiation and myelination

    Pulmonary-Resident Memory Lymphocytes: Pivotal Orchestrators of Local Immunity Against Respiratory Infections

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    There is increasing evidence that lung-resident memory T and B cells play a critical role in protecting against respiratory reinfection. With a unique transcriptional and phenotypic profile, resident memory lymphocytes are maintained in a quiescent state, constantly surveying the lung for microbial intruders. Upon reactivation with cognate antigen, these cells provide rapid effector function to enhance immunity and prevent infection. Immunization strategies designed to induce their formation, alongside novel techniques enabling their detection, have the potential to accelerate and transform vaccine development. Despite most data originating from murine studies, this review will discuss recent insights into the generation, maintenance and characterisation of pulmonary resident memory lymphocytes in the context of respiratory infection and vaccination using recent findings from human and non-human primate studies

    Drosophila MUS312 and the Vertebrate Ortholog BTBD12 Interact with DNA Structure-Specific Endonucleases in DNA Repair and Recombination

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    DNA recombination and repair pathways require structure-specific endonucleases to process DNA structures that include forks, flaps, and Holliday junctions. Previously, we determined that the Drosophila MEI-9-ERCC1 endonuclease interacts with the novel MUS312 protein to produce meiotic crossovers, and that MUS312 has a MEI-9-independent role in interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair. The importance of MUS312 to pathways crucial for maintaining genomic stability in Drosophila prompted us to search for orthologs in other organisms. Based on sequence, expression pattern, conserved protein-protein interactions, and ICL repair function, we determined that the mammalian ortholog of MUS312 is BTBD12. Orthology between these proteins and S. cerevisiae Slx4 helped identify a conserved interaction with a second structure-specific endonuclease, SLX1. Genetic and biochemical evidence described here and in related papers suggest that MUS312 and BTBD12 direct Holliday junction resolution by at least two distinct endonucleases in different recombination and repair contexts

    Identification of Immunogenic Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhi Antigens Expressed in Chronic Biliary Carriers of S. Typhi in Kathmandu, Nepal

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    Background: Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi can colonize and persist in the biliary tract of infected individuals, resulting in a state of asymptomatic chronic carriage. Chronic carriers may act as persistent reservoirs of infection within a community and may introduce infection to susceptible individuals and new communities. Little is known about the interaction between the host and pathogen in the biliary tract of chronic carriers, and there is currently no reliable diagnostic assay to identify asymptomatic S. Typhi carriage. Methodology/Principal Findings To study host-pathogen interactions in the biliary tract during S. Typhi carriage, we applied an immunoscreening technique called in vivo-induced antigen technology (IVIAT), to identify potential biomarkers unique to carriers. IVIAT identifies humorally immunogenic bacterial antigens expressed uniquely in the in vivo environment, and we hypothesized that S. Typhi surviving in the biliary tract of humans may express a distinct antigenic profile. Thirteen S. Typhi antigens that were immunoreactive in carriers, but not in healthy individuals from a typhoid endemic area, were identified. The identified antigens included a number of putative membrane proteins, lipoproteins, and hemolysin-related proteins. YncE (STY1479), an uncharacterized protein with an ATP-binding motif, gave prominent responses in our screen. The response to YncE in patients whose biliary tract contained S. Typhi was compared to responses in patients whose biliary tract did not contain S. Typhi, patients with acute typhoid fever, and healthy controls residing in a typhoid endemic area. Seven of 10 (70%) chronic carriers, 0 of 8 bile culture-negative controls (0%), 0 of 8 healthy Bangladeshis (0%), and 1 of 8 (12.5%) Bangladeshis with acute typhoid fever had detectable anti-YncE IgG in blood. IgA responses were also present. Conclusions/Significance: Further evaluation of YncE and other antigens identified by IVIAT could lead to the development of improved diagnostic assays to identify asymptomatic S. Typhi carriers

    A Comparative Study of Leptospirosis and Dengue in Thai Children

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    Two of the most common causes of acute febrile illnesses among children in the tropics are leptospirosis and dengue. Early in illness, these two conditions are often indistinguishable and rapid laboratory confirmation of the infecting pathogen is generally not available. An enhanced ability to distinguish leptospirosis from dengue in children would guide clinicians and public health personnel in the appropriate use of limited healthcare resources

    Detection and Quantification of Leptospira interrogans in Hamster and Rat Kidney Samples: Immunofluorescent Imprints versus Real-time PCR

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    A major limitation in the clinical management and experimental research of leptospirosis is the poor performance of the available methods for the direct detection of leptospires. In this study, we compared real-time PCR (qPCR), targeting the lipL32 gene, with the immunofluorescent imprint method (IM) for the detection and quantification of leptospires in kidney samples from the rat and hamster experimental models of leptospirosis. Using a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni, a chronic infection was established in the rat model, which were euthanized 28 days post-infection, while the hamster model simulated an acute infection and the hamsters were euthanized eight days after inoculation. Leptospires in the kidney samples were detected using culture isolation, qPCR and the IM, and quantified using qPCR and the IM. In both the acute and chronic infection models, the correlation between quantification by qPCR and the IM was found to be positive and statistically significant (P<0.05). Therefore, this study demonstrates that the IM is a viable alternative for not only the detection but also the quantification of leptospires, particularly when the use of qPCR is not feasible

    The p53 Tumor Suppressor Is Stabilized by Inhibitor of Growth 1 (ING1) by Blocking Polyubiquitination

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    The INhibitor of Growth tumor suppressors (ING1-ING5) affect aging, apoptosis, DNA repair and tumorigenesis. Plant homeodomains (PHD) of ING proteins bind histones in a methylation-sensitive manner to regulate chromatin structure. ING1 and ING2 contain a polybasic region (PBR) adjacent to their PHDs that binds stress-inducible phosphatidylinositol monophosphate (PtIn-MP) signaling lipids to activate these INGs. ING1 induces apoptosis independently of p53 but other studies suggest proapoptotic interdependence of ING1 and p53 leaving their functional relationship unclear. Here we identify a novel ubiquitin-binding domain (UBD) that overlaps with the PBR of ING1 and shows similarity to previously described UBDs involved in DNA damage responses. The ING1 UBD binds ubiquitin with high affinity (Kd∼100 nM) and ubiquitin competes with PtIn-MPs for ING1 binding. ING1 expression stabilized wild-type, but not mutant p53 in an MDM2-independent manner and knockdown of endogenous ING1 depressed p53 levels in a transcription-independent manner. ING1 stabilized unmodified and six multimonoubiquitinated forms of wild-type p53 that were also seen upon DNA damage, but not p53 mutants lacking the six known sites of ubiquitination. We also find that ING1 physically interacts with herpesvirus-associated ubiquitin-specific protease (HAUSP), a p53 and MDM2 deubiquitinase (DUB), and knockdown of HAUSP blocks the ability of ING1 to stabilize p53. These data link lipid stress signaling to ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation through the PBR/UBD of ING1 and further indicate that ING1 stabilizes p53 by inhibiting polyubiquitination of multimonoubiquitinated forms via interaction with and colocalization of the HAUSP-deubiquitinase with p53