1,141 research outputs found

    A single-stage megaflood at the termination of the Messinian salinity crisis: Geophysical and modelling evidence from the eastern Mediterranean Basin

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    Highlights • We analyse seismic stratigraphy of post-Messinian succession in west Ionian Basin. • Termination of Messinian salinity crisis consisted of a single-stage Zanclean flood. • Megaflood followed a sea level drawdown of 1900 m in eastern Mediterranean. • Fine, well-sorted sediments are predicted in the thicker sections of flood deposit. • NW Ionian Basin hosts evidence of episodic slope instability after 1.8 Ma. Abstract The Messinian salinity crisis was an extraordinary event that resulted in the deposition of kilometre-thick evaporite sequences in the Mediterranean Sea after the latter became disconnected from the world's oceans. The return to fully and stable marine conditions at the end of the crisis is still subject to debate. Three main hypotheses, based on geophysical and borehole data, onshore outcrops and climate simulations, have been put forward. These include a single-stage catastrophic flood, a two-step reflooding scenario, and an overspill of Paratethyan water followed by Atlantic inflow. In this study, two research questions are addressed: (i) Which event marked the termination of the Messinian salinity crisis? (ii) What was the sea level in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during this event? Geophysical data from the western Ionian Basin are integrated with numerical simulations to infer that the termination of the crisis consisted of a single-stage megaflood following a sea level drawdown of 1900 m. This megaflood deposited an extensive sedimentary body with a chaotic to transparent seismic signature at the base of the Malta Escarpment. Fine, well-sorted sediments are predicted to have been deposited within the thicker sections of the flood deposit, whereas a more variable distribution of coarser sediments is expected elsewhere. The north-western Ionian Basin hosts evidence of episodic post-Messinian salinity crisis slope instability events in the last ~1.8 Ma. The largest of these emplaced a >200 km3 deposit and is associated with failure of the head of Noto Canyon (offshore SE Sicily). Apart from unravelling the final phase of the Messinian salinity crisis and the ensuing stratigraphic evolution of the western Ionian Basin, our results are also relevant to better understand megafloods, which are some of the most catastrophic geological processes on Earth and Mars

    A fast refill of the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis? Looking for independent evidence

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    One of the main competing scenarios proposed for the termination of the Messinian salinity crisis consists of a geologically-rapid refill of the Mediterranean after a km-scale drawdown of the Mediterranean Sea level. The main evidence supporting this Zanclean Flood scenario is a nearly 400 km long and several hundred meters deep erosion channel across the Strait of Gibraltar. This erosion channel extends from the Gulf of Cadiz to the Algerian Basin and implies the excavation of ca. 1000 km3 of Miocene sediment and older bedrock. However, additional evidence supporting this catastrophic flood hypothesis is missing, other than the fast transition from MSC deposits to open-marine facies. Here we test two consequences that an outburst flood of the Mediterranean should imply: First, an excavated channel similar to the one across the Gibraltar Strait should be present in the old sill separating the east and west Mediterranean domains (none has been yet reported). A second smoking gun would be finding the present emplacement of the materials eroded during the Zanclean flood (but quantitative predictions of where to look for them are still missing).peer-reviewe

    A song of volumes, surfaces and fluxes: The case study of the Central Mallorca Depression (Balearic Promontory) during the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    The Central Mallorca Depression (CMD) located in the Balearic Promontory (Western Mediterranean) contains a well-preserved evaporitic sequence belonging to the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) salt giant, densely covered by high- and low-resolution seismic reflection data. It has been proposed recently that the MSC evaporitic sequence in the CMD could be a non-deformed analogue of the key MSC area represented by the Caltanissetta Basin in Sicily. This presumed similarity makes the CMD an interesting system to better understand the MSC events. Physics-based box models of the water mixing between sub-basins, built on conservation of mass of water and salt, help constrain the hydrological conditions under which evaporites formed during the MSC. Those models have been widely used in the literature of the MSC in the past two decades. They have been mostly applied to the Mediterranean Sea as a whole focusing on the Mediterranean–Atlantic connection, or focusing on the influence of the Sicily Sill connecting the Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In this study, we apply a downscaled version of such modelling technique to the CMD. First, we quantify the present-day volumes of the MSC units. We then use a reconstructed pre-MSC paleo-bathymetry to model salinity changes as a function of flux exchanges between the CMD and the Mediterranean. We show that a persistent connection between the CMD and the Mediterranean brine near gypsum saturation can explain volume of Primary Lower Gypsum under a sea level similar to the present. For the halite, on the contrary, we show that the observed halite volume cannot be deposited from a connected CMD-Mediterranean scenario, suggesting a drawdown of at least 850 m (sill depth) is necessary. Comparison between the deep basin halite volume and that of the CMD shows that it is possible to obtain the observed halite volume in both basins from a disconnected Mediterranean basin undergoing drawdown, although determining the average salinity of the Western Mediterranean basin at the onset of drawdown requires further investigation

    CIGB-300, a synthetic peptide-based drug that targets the CK2 phosphoaceptor domain. Translational and clinical research

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    CK2 represents an oncology target scientifically validated. However, clinical research with inhibitors of the CK2-mediated phosphorylation event is still insufficient to recognize it as a clinically validated target. CIGB-300, an investigational peptide-based drug that targets the phosphoaceptor site, binds to a CK2 substrate array in vitro but mainly to B23/nucleophosmin in vivo. The CIGB-300 proapoptotic effect is preceded by its nucleolar localization, inhibition of the CK2-mediated phosphorylation on B23/nucleophosmin and nucleolar disassembly. Importantly, CIGB-300 shifted a protein array linked to apoptosis, ribosome biogenesis, cell proliferation, glycolisis, and cell motility in proteomic studies which helped to understand its mechanism of action. In the clinical ground, CIGB-300 has proved to be safe and well tolerated in a First-in-Human trial in women with cervical malignancies who also experienced signs of clinical benefit. In a second Phase 1 clinical trial in women with cervical cancer stage IB2/II, the MTD and DLT have been also identified in the clinical setting. Interestingly, in cervical tumors the B23/nucleophosmin protein levels were significantly reduced after CIGB-300 treatment at the nucleus compartment. In addition, expanded use of CIGB-300 in case studies has evidenced antitumor activity when administered as compassional option. Collectively, our data outline important clues on translational and clinical research from this novel peptide-based drug reinforcing its perspectives to treat cancer and paving the way to validate CK2 as a promising target in oncology.Fil: Perea, Silvio E.. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Baladron, Idania. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Garcia, Yanelda. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Perera, Yasser. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Lopez, Adlin. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Soriano, Jorge L.. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; Cuba. General Hospital ‘‘Hermanos Ameijeiras’; CubaFil: Batista, Noyde. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; Cuba. General Hospital ‘‘Hermanos Ameijeiras’; CubaFil: Palau, Aley. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; Cuba. General Hospital ‘‘Hermanos Ameijeiras’; CubaFil: Hernández, Ignacio. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Farina, Hernán Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Idrian. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Gonzalez, Lidia. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Gil, Jeovanis. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Rodriguez, Arielis. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Solares, Margarita. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Santana, Agueda. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Cruz, Marisol. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Lopez, Matilde. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Valenzuela, Carmen. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Reyes, Osvaldo. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: López Saura, Pedro A.. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: González, Carlos A.. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Diaz, Alina. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Castellanos, Lila. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Sanchez, Aniel. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Betancourt, Lazaro. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Besada, Vladimir. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: González, Luis J.. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Garay, Hilda. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Gómez, Roberto. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Gomez, Daniel Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; ArgentinaFil: Alonso, Daniel Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Perrin, Phillipe. No especifíca;Fil: Renualt, Jean Yves. No especifíca;Fil: Sigman, Hugo. No especifíca;Fil: Herrera, Luis. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; CubaFil: Acevedo, Boris. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; Cub


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    Analizirani su proizvodni pokazatelji i utrošak hrane po jedinici proizvoda u dvije grupe od po 26 grla muznih krava, holštajn-frizijske pasmine koje su se telile u siječnju 1989. godine. Ispitivanja su vršena na farmi slobodnog sistema držanja, kapaciteta 1000 grla s instaliranom kompjuterskom opremom za rukovođenje procesima proizvodnje. Životinje su praćene od telenja do 35. dana laktacije. Ogledna grupa je od 6. dana laktacije bila u slobodnom sistemu držanja, dok je kontrolna grupa bila tokom čitavog trajanja ogleda u klasičnoj staji na vezu. Željelo se ustanoviti mogućnost uvoda krava u mlječnost u slobodnom sistemu držanja s hranidbom koncentrata preko automatskih hranilica i mužnjom u izmuzištu, sa automatikom za individualno praćenje proizvodnje. Ustanovljeno je da kompjuterski sistem omogućava uvod krava u mlječnost u slobodnom sistemu držanja,bez negativnih posljedica na proizvodnju, te da se ostvaruje utrošak hrane po jedinici proizvoda isti kao u klasičnoj staji na vezu.Production indicators and food consumption per product unit in two groups of 26 Holstein-Frisian dairy cows calved in January 1989 were analyzed. Investigations were carried out on a free system dairy farm, capacity a 1000 head, with a computer installed to follow\u27 the production processes. The cows were followed from calčvng until 35- day of lactation. The trial group was kept free from the 6rh lactation day hile the control group was kept tied in a traditional shed during the trial period. The aim was to establish a possibility of introducing the cows to being milked in a free system and fed on concentrates by means of automatic feeding system and milked in the milking parlour; each animal as followed by the computer system. It as established that the computer system enabled initiations of cows into milking in the free keeping system without negative effects on production and that the food consumption per production unit as the same as when the cows were kept tied in a traditional shed

    Current clinical spectrum of common variable immunodeficiency in Spain: The multicentric nationwide GTEM-SEMI-CVID registry

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) constitutes a heterogenic group of primary immunodeficiency disorders with a wide-ranging clinical spectrum. CVID-associated non-infectious morbidity constitutes a major challenge requiring a full understanding of its pathophysiology and its clinical importance and global variability, especially considering the broad clinical, genetic, and regional heterogeneity of CVID disorders. This work aimed to develop a nationwide, multicenter, retrospective study over a 3-year period describing epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, therapeutic, and prognostic features of 250 CVID patients in Spain. The mean diagnostic delay was around 10 years and most patients initially presented with infectious complications followed by non-infectious immune disorders. However, infectious diseases were not the main cause of morbimortality. Non-infectious lung disease was extraordinarily frequent in our registry affecting approximately 60% of the patients. More than one-third of the patients in our cohort showed lymphadenopathies and splenomegaly in their follow-up, and more than 33% presented immune cytopenias, especially Evans' syndrome. Gastrointestinal disease was observed in more than 40% of the patients. Among biopsied organs in our cohort, benign lymphoproliferation was the principal histopathological alteration. Reaching 15.26%, the global prevalence of cancer in our registry was one of the highest reported to date, with non-Hodgkin B lymphoma being the most frequent. These data emphasize the importance of basic and translational research delving into the pathophysiological pathways involved in immune dysregulation and diffuse lymphocytic infiltration. This would reveal new tailored strategies to reduce immune complications, and the associated healthcare burden, and ensure a better quality of life for CVID patients

    Systematic Collaborative Reanalysis of Genomic Data Improves Diagnostic Yield in Neurologic Rare Diseases

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    Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Salut; Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement i CERCA Program; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática; ELIXIR Implementation Studies (CNAG-CRG); Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Red de Enfermedades Raras; Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa; European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).Many patients experiencing a rare disease remain undiagnosed even after genomic testing. Reanalysis of existing genomic data has shown to increase diagnostic yield, although there are few systematic and comprehensive reanalysis efforts that enable collaborative interpretation and future reinterpretation. The Undiagnosed Rare Disease Program of Catalonia project collated previously inconclusive good quality genomic data (panels, exomes, and genomes) and standardized phenotypic profiles from 323 families (543 individuals) with a neurologic rare disease. The data were reanalyzed systematically to identify relatedness, runs of homozygosity, consanguinity, single-nucleotide variants, insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Data were shared and collaboratively interpreted within the consortium through a customized Genome-Phenome Analysis Platform, which also enables future data reinterpretation. Reanalysis of existing genomic data provided a diagnosis for 20.7% of the patients, including 1.8% diagnosed after the generation of additional genomic data to identify a second pathogenic heterozygous variant. Diagnostic rate was significantly higher for family-based exome/genome reanalysis compared with singleton panels. Most new diagnoses were attributable to recent gene-disease associations (50.8%), additional or improved bioinformatic analysis (19.7%), and standardized phenotyping data integrated within the Undiagnosed Rare Disease Program of Catalonia Genome-Phenome Analysis Platform functionalities (18%)

    Late orogenic doming in the Eastern Betics : final exhumation of the Nevado-Filabride complex and its relation to basin genesis.

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    The geometry, timing, and kinematics of late orogenic extension in the Betic Cordilleras pose the problem of a decoupling of upper crustal and lower crustal deformation regimes. Perpendicular directions of extension in metamorphic domes and nearby sedimentary basins remain unexplained. This paper puts kinematic constraints on the final exhumation of the Nevado-Filabride complex, focusing on the formation of metamorphic domes and their relations with the adjacent basins. Structural fabrics and kinematic indicators below the main shear zones as well as their relations with both published changing metamorphic P-T conditions and geochronological data were studied. Our approach describes (1) a consistent top-to-the-west shear parallel to dome axes of during D2 (i.e., during decompression) with distributed ductile flow and the onset of strain localization along major shear zones, (2) further strain localization along the major shear zones under greenschist facies conditions, during D3 leading to S-C′ mylonites formation accompanied with a rock strong thickness reduction, (3) the divergence of shear direction on either limbs of domes during D3 showing the appearance of the dome geometry, and (4) a local evolution toward N-S brittle extension (D4) in the upper plate and formation of sedimentary basins. Continuous ductile to brittle top-to-the-west shear is compatible with the slab retreat hypothesis from the Miocene; the formation of domes which adds gravitational forces responsible for the final stages of exhumation is thus characterized by important kinematics changes necessary to explain coeval N-S opened basins. Later, from the upper Tortonian, a contractional event (D5) amplified the earlier domal structures forming the present north vergent folds