4,957 research outputs found

    Scene-based imperceptible-visible watermarking for HDR video content

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    This paper presents the High Dynamic Range - Imperceptible Visible Watermarking for HDR video content (HDR-IVW-V) based on scene detection for robust copyright protection of HDR videos using a visually imperceptible watermarking methodology. HDR-IVW-V employs scene detection to reduce both computational complexity and undesired visual attention to watermarked regions. Visual imperceptibility is achieved by finding the region of a frame with the highest hiding capacities on which the Human Visual System (HVS) cannot recognize the embedded watermark. The embedded watermark remains visually imperceptible as long as the normal color calibration parameters are held. HDR-IVW-V is evaluated on PQ-encoded HDR video content successfully attaining visual imperceptibility, robustness to tone mapping operations and image quality preservation

    NuSTAR Tests of Sterile-Neutrino Dark Matter: New Galactic Bulge Observations and Combined Impact

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    We analyze two dedicated NuSTAR observations with exposure ∼190{\sim}190 ks located ∼10∘{\sim}10^\circ from the Galactic plane, one above and the other below, to search for x-ray lines from the radiative decay of sterile-neutrino dark matter. These fields were chosen to minimize astrophysical x-ray backgrounds while remaining near the densest region of the dark matter halo. We find no evidence of anomalous x-ray lines in the energy range 5--20 keV, corresponding to sterile neutrino masses 10--40 keV. Interpreted in the context of sterile neutrinos produced via neutrino mixing, these observations provide the leading constraints in the mass range 10--12 keV, improving upon previous constraints in this range by a factor ∼2{\sim}2. We also compare our results to Monte Carlo simulations, showing that the fluctuations in our derived limit are not dominated by systematic effects. An updated model of the instrumental background, which is currently under development, will improve NuSTAR's sensitivity to anomalous x-ray lines, particularly for energies 3--5 keV.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Text updated to match published version in PRD. Conclusions unchange

    Spatio-kinematical model of the collimated molecular outflow in the water-fountain nebula IRAS 16342-3814

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    Context. Water-fountain nebulae are asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and post-AGB objects that exhibit high-velocity outflows traced by water-maser emission. Their study is important for understanding the interaction between collimated jets and the circumstellar material that leads to the formation of bipolar and/or multi-polar morphologies in evolved stars. Aims. The aim of this paper is to describe the three-dimensional morphology and kinematics of the molecular gas of the water-fountain nebula IRAS 16342-3814. Methods. Data was retrieved from the ALMA archive for analysis using a simple spatio-kinematical model. The software SHAPE was employed to construct a three-dimensional, spatio-kinematical model of the molecular gas in IRAS 16342-3814, and to then reproduce the intensity distribution and position-velocity diagram of the CO emission from the ALMA observations to derive the morphology and velocity field of the gas. Data from CO(J = 1 -> 0) supported the physical interpretation of the model. Results. A spatio-kinematical model that includes a high-velocity collimated outflow embedded within material expanding at relatively lower velocity reproduces the images and position-velocity diagrams from the observations. The derived morphology is in good agreement with previous results from IR and water-maser emission observations. The high-velocity collimated outflow exhibits deceleration across its length, while the velocity of the surrounding component increases with distance. The morphology of the emitting region, the velocity field, and the mass of the gas as function of velocity are in excellent agreement with the properties predicted for a molecular outflow driven by a jet. The timescale of the molecular outflow is estimated to be similar to 70-100 yr. The scalar momentum carried by the outflow is much larger than it can be provided by the radiation of the central star. An oscillating pattern was found associated with the high-velocity collimated outflow. The oscillation period of the pattern is T approximate to 60-90 yr and its opening angle is theta(op) approximate to 2 degrees. Conclusions. The CO (J= 3 -> 2) emission in IRAS 16342-3814 is interpreted in terms of a jet-driven molecular outflow expanding along an elongated region. The position-velocity diagram and the mass spectrum reveal a feature due to entrained material that is associated with the driving jet. This feature is not seen in other more evolved objects that exhibit more developed bipolar morphologies. It is likely that the jet in those objects has already disappeared since it is expected to last only for a couple hundred years. This strengthens the idea that water fountain nebulae are undergoing a very short transition during which they develop the collimated outflows that shape the circumstellar envelopes. The oscillating pattern seen in the CO high-velocity outflow is interpreted as due to precession with a relatively small opening angle. The precession period is compatible with the period of the corkscrew pattern seen at IR wavelengths. We propose that the high-velocity molecular outflow traces the underlying primary jet that produces such a pattern

    Optimal Control of Collective Electrotaxis in Epithelial Monolayers

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    Epithelial monolayers are some of the best-studied models for collective cell migration due to their abundance in multicellular systems and their tractability. Experimentally, the collective migration of epithelial monolayers can be robustly steered e.g. using electric fields, via a process termed electrotaxis. Theoretically, however, the question of how to design an electric field to achieve a desired spatiotemporal movement pattern is underexplored. In this work, we construct and calibrate an ordinary differential equation model to predict the average velocity of the centre of mass of a cellular monolayer in response to stimulation with an electric field. We use this model, in conjunction with optimal control theory, to derive physically realistic optimal electric field designs to achieve a variety of aims, including maximising the total distance travelled by the monolayer, maximising the monolayer velocity, and keeping the monolayer velocity constant during stimulation. Together, this work is the first to present a unified framework for optimal control of collective monolayer electrotaxis and provides a blueprint to optimally steer collective migration using other external cues

    Cloud Screening and Quality Control Algorithm for Star Photometer Data: Assessment with Lidar Measurements and with All-sky Images

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    This paper presents the development and set up of a cloud screening and data quality control algorithm for a star photometer based on CCD camera as detector. These algorithms are necessary for passive remote sensing techniques to retrieve the columnar aerosol optical depth, delta Ae(lambda), and precipitable water vapor content, W, at nighttime. This cloud screening procedure consists of calculating moving averages of delta Ae() and W under different time-windows combined with a procedure for detecting outliers. Additionally, to avoid undesirable Ae(lambda) and W fluctuations caused by the atmospheric turbulence, the data are averaged on 30 min. The algorithm is applied to the star photometer deployed in the city of Granada (37.16 N, 3.60 W, 680 ma.s.l.; South-East of Spain) for the measurements acquired between March 2007 and September 2009. The algorithm is evaluated with correlative measurements registered by a lidar system and also with all-sky images obtained at the sunset and sunrise of the previous and following days. Promising results are obtained detecting cloud-affected data. Additionally, the cloud screening algorithm has been evaluated under different aerosol conditions including Saharan dust intrusion, biomass burning and pollution events

    Entropy in the Classical and Quantum Polymer Black Hole Models

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    We investigate the entropy counting for black hole horizons in loop quantum gravity (LQG). We argue that the space of 3d closed polyhedra is the classical counterpart of the space of SU(2) intertwiners at the quantum level. Then computing the entropy for the boundary horizon amounts to calculating the density of polyhedra or the number of intertwiners at fixed total area. Following the previous work arXiv:1011.5628, we dub these the classical and quantum polymer models for isolated horizons in LQG. We provide exact micro-canonical calculations for both models and we show that the classical counting of polyhedra accounts for most of the features of the intertwiner counting (leading order entropy and log-correction), thus providing us with a simpler model to further investigate correlations and dynamics. To illustrate this, we also produce an exact formula for the dimension of the intertwiner space as a density of "almost-closed polyhedra".Comment: 24 page

    On the symmetry of the vacuum in theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking

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    We review the usual account of the phenomena of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), pointing out the common misunderstandings surrounding the issue, in particular within the context of quantum field theory. In fact, the common explanations one finds in this context, indicate that under certain conditions corresponding to the situation called SSB, the vacuum of the theory does not share the symmetries of the Lagrangian. We explain in detail why this statement is incorrect in general, and in what limited set of circumstances such situation could arise. We concentrate on the case of global symmetries, for which we found no satisfactory exposition in the existing literature, and briefly comment on the case of gauge symmetries where, although insufficiently publicized, accurate and complete descriptions exist. We briefly discuss the implications for the phenomenological manifestations usually attributed to the phenomena of spontaneous symmetry breaking, analyzing which might be affected by our analysis and which are not. In particular we describe the mass generation mechanism in a fully symmetric scheme (i.e., with a totally symmetric vacuum), and briefly discuss the implications of this analysis to the problem of formation of topological defects in the early universe

    A Preliminary Assessment of Perceived and Objectively Scaled Workload of a Voice-Based Driver Interface

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    Interaction with a voice-command interface for radio control, destination entry, MP3 song selection, and phone dialing was assessed along with traditional manual radio control and a multi-level audio–verbal calibration task (nback) on-road in 60 drivers. Subjective workload, compensatory behavior, and physiological indices of cognitive workload suggest that there may be both potential benefits and cautions in the implementation of a representative production level interface
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