527 research outputs found

    Risk and Cost Assessment of Nitrate Contamination in Domestic Wells

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    This study combines empirical predictive and economics models to estimate the cost of remediation for domestic wells exceeding suggested treatment thresholds for nitrates. A multiple logistic regression model predicted the probability of well contamination by nitrate, and a life cycle costing methodology was used to estimate costs of nitrate contamination in groundwater in two areas of Nebraska. In south-central Nebraska, 37% of wells were estimated to be at risk of exceeding a threshold of 7.5 mg/L as N, and 17% were at risk of exceeding 10 mg/L as N, the legal limit for human consumption in the United States. In an area in northeastern Nebraska, 82% of wells were at risk of exceeding the 10 mg/L as N legal threshold. Reverse osmosis Point-of-Use (POU) treatment was the option with the lowest costs for a household (3–4 individuals), with an average of 4–4–164 total regional cost per household per year depending on the threshold for treatment. Ion exchange and distillation were the next most cost-effective options. At the community level (~10,000 individuals), a reverse osmosis Point-of-Entry (POE) treatment system was the most expensive option for a community due to high initial costs and ongoing operation and maintenance costs, whereas the biological denitrification system was least expensive due to economies of scale. This study demonstrates integrated modeling methods to assess water treatment costs over time associated with groundwater nitrate contamination, including quantification of at-risk wells, and identifies suitable options for treatment systems for rural households and communities based on their cost

    The long term effect of agricultural, vadose zone and climatic factors on nitrate contamination in Nebraska\u27s groundwater system

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    A four-decade dataset (1974–2013) of 107,823 nitrate samples in 25,993 wells from western and eastern parts of Nebraska was used to assess long-term trends of groundwater nitrate concentration and decadal changes in the extent of groundwater nitrate-contaminated areas (NO3-N≥10 mg N/L) over the entire state. Spatial statistics and regressions were used to investigate the relationships between groundwater nitrate concentrations and several potential natural and anthropogenic factors, including soil drainage capacities, vadose zone characteristics, crop production areas, and irrigation systems. The results of this study show that there is no statistically significant trend in groundwater nitrate concentrations in western Nebraska, in contrast with the increasing trend (p \u3c .05) to the east. The spatial extent and nitrate concentrations in contaminated groundwater in center pivot-irrigated areas was less than in gravity-irrigated areas. Areas with a thicker vadose zone and larger saturated thickness of the aquifer have relatively lower nitrate concentrations. The results of a classification and regression tree (CART) model indicate the difference in the influence of physical factors on groundwater nitrate concentrations between western and eastern Nebraska, namely that groundwater nitrate concentrations correspond with vadose zone thickness, effective hydraulic conductivity, and saturated thickness in the west, while in eastern Nebraska, concentrations are correlated with average percent sand in the topsoil (0–150 cm), well depth, and effective hydraulic conductivity

    Risk and Cost Assessment of Nitrate Contamination in Domestic Wells

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    This study combines empirical predictive and economics models to estimate the cost of remediation for domestic wells exceeding suggested treatment thresholds for nitrates. A multiple logistic regression model predicted the probability of well contamination by nitrate, and a life cycle costing methodology was used to estimate costs of nitrate contamination in groundwater in two areas of Nebraska. In south-central Nebraska, 37% of wells were estimated to be at risk of exceeding a threshold of 7.5 mg/L as N, and 17% were at risk of exceeding 10 mg/L as N, the legal limit for human consumption in the United States. In an area in northeastern Nebraska, 82% of wells were at risk of exceeding the 10 mg/L as N legal threshold. Reverse osmosis Point-of-Use (POU) treatment was the option with the lowest costs for a household (3–4 individuals), with an average of 4–4–164 total regional cost per household per year depending on the threshold for treatment. Ion exchange and distillation were the next most cost-effective options. At the community level (~10,000 individuals), a reverse osmosis Point-of-Entry (POE) treatment system was the most expensive option for a community due to high initial costs and ongoing operation and maintenance costs, whereas the biological denitrification system was least expensive due to economies of scale. This study demonstrates integrated modeling methods to assess water treatment costs over time associated with groundwater nitrate contamination, including quantification of at-risk wells, and identifies suitable options for treatment systems for rural households and communities based on their cost

    Modified Newton’s method in the leapfrog method for mobile robot path planning

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    The problem of determining an optimal trajectory for an autonomous mobile robot in an environment with obstacles is considered. The Leapfrog approach is used to solve the ensuing system of equations derived from the first-order optimality conditions of the Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle. A comparison is made between a case in which the classical Newton Method and the Modified Newton Method are used in the shooting method for solving the two-point boundary value problem in the inner loop of the Leapfrog algorithm. It can be observed that with this modification there is an improvement in the convergence rate of the Leapfrog algorithm in general.http://www.springer.comseries/111562019-03-20hj2018Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    How to find discrete contact symmetries

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    This paper describes a new algorithm for determining all discrete contact symmetries of any differential equation whose Lie contact symmetries are known. The method is constructive and is easy to use. It is based upon the observation that the adjoint action of any contact symmetry is an automorphism of the Lie algebra of generators of Lie contact symmetries. Consequently, all contact symmetries satisfy various compatibility conditions. These conditions enable the discrete symmetries to be found systematically, with little effort

    The critical detection distance for passively tracking tagged fish using a fixed radio telemetry station in a small stream

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    Background: Fixed radio telemetry stations are used to study the movement ecology of fishes in streams and rivers. A common assumption of such studies is that detection efficiency remains constant through space and time. The objective of this study was to understand how site characteristics and tag distance can influence the detection efficiency of a fixed receiver when used for fisheries research in a small stream. Field tests included a fixed receiver station on Forty Mile Creek, in Banff National Park, AB, Canada that recorded signals from radio tags over specified distances (i.e., 0 m, 27 m, 53 m, 80 m) within the expected detection range from July to October, 2016. Model selection was used to test which parameters may influence detection efficiency. Results: The fixed receiver was able to record an average of 89% of transmissions over the study period. Detection efficiency was greater or equal to 0.97 at tag di

    Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering under Spin-Isospin Reversal in Large-N_c QCD

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    The spin-flavor structure of certain nucleon-nucleon scattering observables derived from the large N_c limit of QCD in the kinematical regime where time-dependent mean-field theory is valid is discussed. In previous work, this regime was taken to be where the external momentum was of order N_c which precluded the study of differential cross sections in elastic scattering. Here it is shown that the regime extends down to order N_c^{1/2} which includes the higher end of the elastic regime. The prediction is that in the large N_c limit, observables describable via mean-field theory are unchanged when the spin and isospin of either nucleon are both flipped. This prediction is tested for proton-proton and neutron-proton elastic scattering data and found to fail badly. We argue that this failure can be traced to a lack of a clear separation of scales between momentum of order N_c^{1/2} and N_c^1 when N_c is as small as three. The situation is compounded by an anomalously low particle production threshold due to approximate chiral symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Time Trends in Survival Following First Hemorrhagic or Ischemic Stroke Between 1991 and 2015 in the Rotterdam Study

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    Background and Purpose- The introduction of stroke units and the implementation of evidence-based interventions have been a breakthrough in the management

    The pattern of reproduction in the African giant pouched rat, Cricetomys gambianus, from Tanzania : unravelling the environmental triggers for breeding

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : The datasets presented in this article are not readily available because rights to this raw data are held by the institute and further permission is needed to release such data. Requests to access the datasets should be directed to DWH, [email protected] research represents the first extensive study of the breeding behaviour and related environmental triggers of reproduction in the African giant pouch rat (Cricetomys gambianus Waterhouse, 1840) in and around the equator throughout a whole year. We measured the gross morphology and detailed histology of both female and male rats, along with plasma steroid hormone levels. Contrary to other tropical-dwelling small mammals, the African giant pouch rat is a seasonal breeder; however, rainfall is not to be the primary cue of reproduction. Our study suggests that ambient temperature and photoperiod are the primary environmental cues of reproduction, with breeding occurring during the cooler months of the year, namely in the dry season. During the wet and hot season, which succeeds the dry season, there is an increase in the availability of quality food, which results in nursing mothers and weaned pups achieving a positive energy balance and increased body condition. This, in turn, increases pregnancy success and offspring survival. Climate change, particularly global warming, could harm the reproduction of African giant pouched rats as rising temperatures in and around the equator, including Tanzania, may impact their circannual reproductive cycle.The World Bank through African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Rodent Pest Management and Biosensor Technology Development at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), in Tanzania.https://cdnsciencepub.com/journal/cjzhj2024Mammal Research InstituteZoology and EntomologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-beingSDG-15:Life on lan

    Proteomic changes in serum of first onset, antidepressant drug-naïve major depression patients

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a complex and multi-factorial disorder. Although genetic factors and other molecular aspects of MDD have been widely studied, the underlying pathological mechanisms are still mostly unknown. We sought to investigate the pathophysiology of MDD by identifying and characterising serum molecular differences and their correlation to symptom severity in first onset, antidepressant drug-naïve MDD patients. We performed an exploratory molecular profiling study on serum samples of MDD patients and controls using multiplex immunoassay and label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry in data independent mode (LC-MSE). We included two independent cohorts of first onset, antidepressant drug-naïve MDD patients (n = 23 and 15) and matched controls (n = 42 and 21) in our study in order to validate the results. The main outcome included the following list of circulatory molecules changing and/or correlating to symptom severity: angiotensin-converting enzyme, acute phase proteins (e.g. ferritin and serotransferrin), brain-derived neurotrophic factor, complement component C4-B, cortisol, cytokines (e.g. macrophage migration inhibitory factor and interleukin-16), extracellular newly identified receptor for advanced glycosylation end products-binding protein, growth hormone and superoxide dismutase-1. This study provides evidence of an increased pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress response, followed by a hyperactivation of the HPA-axis in the acute stages of first onset MDD, as well as a dysregulation in growth factor pathways. These findings help to elucidate MDD related pathways in more detail and further studies may lead to identification of novel drug targets, inc
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