26 research outputs found

    Singme Music Entertainment Services Marketing Information System with Content-Based Filtering Method and TAM Testing

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    With the times, the website used as marketing and sales media, which developed into E-Commerce. In 2019, there was 16,277 businesses used the E-Commerce concept, and also the value of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was about 5.07%. Furthermore, because of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID) pandemic, the GDP decreased to -2.07% In 2020 and even impacted 10 out of 17 business sectors. Music entertainment business was also impacted by the pandemic, because during the pandemic, the government restricted certain public activities. Therefore, this system named Singme will help singers or music groups to market their services and provide related information for the public. Searching the services in Singme will be assisted by using Content-Based Filtering (CBF) method, it will give the recommendations of the services which have correlations with the keywords. Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to test 122 feedback data about Singme with SmartPLS application v3.2.9. As the results, all hypotheses are acceptable because each t-statistic value > t-table value (1.981), and also each p-value < 0.05. Which PEOU influences PU by 34.3%, PU and POEU influence ATU by 50.7%, PU and ATU influence BITU by 56.1%, and BITU influences ASU by 52.3%


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    Kualitas suatu produk menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam rangkaian proses produksi di industri. Berbagai standar kualitas dapat dipilih oleh industri disesuaikan dengan pangsa pasar yang akan dituju. Dengan banyaknya kemungkinan yang terjadi dari setiap hasil produksi, maka diperlukan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu memecahkan permasalahan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dalam kajian ini akan dilakukan pemodelan sistem fuzzy untuk pengukuran kualitas papan partikel menggunakan software Matlab R2012a. Untuk itu, dilakukan beberapa langkah proses untuk membentukan sistem fuzzy mulai dari analisa dan penentuan variabel input dan output, penentuan fungsi keanggotaan setiap himpunan fuzzy, penetapan rules berdasarkan pendapat pakar, hingga implementasinya. Dari proses tersebut, dapat diperoleh suatu sistem pemodelan fuzzy untuk pengukuran kualitas papan partikel berdasarkan standar dari Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) meliputi sifat fisik / mekanik yakni kerapatan, Modulus of Rupture (MOR), dan Modulus of Elasticity (MOE). Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa penggunaan metode Fuzzy pada papan partikel dengan kerapatan = 0,6 g/cm3; MOR = 300 kg/cm3, dan MOE = 30.000 kg/cm3, menghasilkan kategori sedang

    Information System Design of Online Motorcycle and Car Repair Shop Using Dijkstra Method

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    Now more people are using motorized vehicles. In addition, the use of technology is also increasing, people are increasingly experiencing fast-paced services. However, in the midst of busy society and online services, some services still have to be done manually, one of which is register for a motorcycle or car repair shop. There are still many people difficult to find the right, closest, and comfortable with the needs of their vehicle. With the existing problems, a vehicle service ordering system is needed that can serve the community quickly and practically, which can be accessed by many people, especially in Tangerang City. With a vehicle service ordering system for motorcycles or car repairshop, people can easily find a repair shop that is the closest to their location and can order without having to wait in long queues. The design of the system for the closest repair shop locations uses the Dijkstra method. The workings of Dijkstra's Algorithm is to create a path to one optimal node at each step. Dijkstra's algorithm has the property to find the point whose distance from the starting point is the shortest. To find out whether the system has been accepted and has met the requirements, the system is tested using the User Acceptance Test (UAT) method, and from the test results, 85.1% of users are satisfied with the system

    Sales Information System of Mobile Marketing at PT. World Innovative Telecommunication Using Up Selling, Cross Selling and Down Selling Methods

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    In the era of globalization the development of information system technology is very rapidly evolving and very affecting PT. World Innovative Telecommunication engaged in retail, namely mobile phones. Pt. World Innovative Telecommunication still does not have an online marketing and sales system that makes it difficult for consumers to know the products sold. The purpose of this system was to help PT. World Innovative Telecommunication in marketing, selling and increasing sales by using up selling, cross selling and down selling methods and providing convenience for consumers to get information about products sold as well as increase consumer satisfaction by using systems created and covered to unreachable areas. &nbsp

    Model Strategi Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Tempurung Kelapa Menggunakan Pendekatan Pembiayaan Bebas Bunga

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    Kelapa merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan terbesar yang ada di Indonesia. Istimewanya adalah seluruh bagian dari tanaman kelapa dapat dibuat menjadi aneka produk dari mulai makanan, minuman, obat-obatan, bahan bangunan, hingga produk-produk industri kreatif. Salah satu bagian dari buah kelapa yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri kreatif adalah tempurung. Permasalahan terbesar yang dihadapi oleh industri kreatif tempurung saat ini adalah pembiayaan yang mengandalkan pinjaman dari bank dengan menggunakan sistem bunga. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat model strategi pengembangan industri kreatif tempurung menggunakan pembiayaan bebas bunga dan membuat perbandingan dengan model pembiayaan sistem bunga. Model yang digunakan adalah model deskriptif yang dibangun dari hasil studi lapangan dan wawancara dengan pelaku industri kreatif tempurung kelapa. Penelitian ini menemukan fakta bahwa pembiayaan menggunakan sistem bunga dapat menghambat pengembangan industri kreatif tempurung. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan model pembiayaan partnership bebas bunga sebagai strategi untuk pengembangan industri kreatif tempurung. Pembiayaan partnership bebas bunga memberlakukan sistem bagi untung dan rugi antara investor dengan industri. Dengan menggunakan model pembiayaan partnership bebas bunga, maka dimungkinkan margin keuntungan akan lebih besar, risiko bisnis ditanggung bersama, dan  industri kreatif tempurung akan tumbuh lebih cepat

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) As A Promotional Media On Google Search

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    the current era, people's interest in using the internet is getting higher, this is because internet media has become an informative tool that can be accessed at any time. In searching for information, internet users usually use search engines. One of them is Google, the most widely used search engine. To find information in the Google search engine, we must use keywords. With SEO technique the website will be easy to find. A website optimization based on keywords, its implementation using On-page SEO and Off-page SEO mechanisms. On-page SEO is changing web pages according to the target keywords. By paying attention to important elements such as meta title, meta description, heading tags, text format, alt text, content, robot.txt, and sitemap.xml. Off-page SEO is a method that is carried out outside the website, creating relevant backlinks to the targeted website. This method can make the website as an organic promotional medium that brings traffic. In this research applying the concept of SEO both On-page and Off-page, the results obtained that there was a significant increase in traffic and based on the results of using the User Acceptance Test (UAT) with five aspects of component quality, this SEO support system can help in analyzing the website and as many as 82.3% of respondents said that the system built was very goo

    E-Commerce Coffepedia with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Testing

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    Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. Coffee is also one of Indonesia's export commodities which is quite important as a foreign exchange earner in addition to oil and gas. As a producer, Indonesia occupies the fourth position while as a consumer Indonesia is in seventh place, and coffee connoisseurs in Indonesia are growing rapidly at 8% for the development of coffee connoisseurs in Indonesia while the development of coffee connoisseurs in the world is only 6%. With the increase in coffee drinkers in Indonesia, the level of sales of coffee powder will also increase. In this study, the system was designed to facilitate the sale of coffee powder using prototyping methodology and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for testing method. The purchasing system can make it easier and provide convenience for buyers and sellers in Indonesia. Based on the TAM test that has been carried out on 79 respondents, it shows the results that Attention to Use (ATU) affects Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU) by 4.427, Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU) affects Actual System Usage (ASU) 16.511, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) affects Attention to Use (ATU) by 3.130, Perceived Usefulness (PU) affects Attention to Use (ATU) by 6.712, and PU affects BITU by 4.692

    Boarding House Provider Information with Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) Method

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    The increasing rate of population growth in urban areas to find work or study and the high Basic Credit Interest Rates for Home Ownership Loans, the choice of renting a boarding house can be an alternative for those who do not want to stay in the long term. Implementation of Decision Support System provide choices for information system in order to assist the community in choosing a place to live such as a boarding house. One method of Decision Support System is Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). MAUT can be interpreted as method of systematic comparison by finding the total weight of a set of values in the criteria to obtain results. MAUT method on a web-based information system, it can help people determine the choice of the desired boarding house. The results from the MAUT method will be used an objective consideration for users. The results of this study were tested by Technology Acceptance Model to measure the acceptance of systems. The calculation of TAM uses questionnaire distributed to 88 respondents and based on t-statistics on the TAM test, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) against Attitude Toward Using (ATU) is 2.660, Perceived Usefulness (PU) against ATU is 4.218. Then Behavior Intention to Use (BITU) for Actual System Use (ASU) is 16,122 and PU for BITU is 4,218. Where the indicator to have a positive influence when the value is above 1.9894. Meanwhile, ATU against BITU is only 1.179 which means that it does not have a positive influence

    The Analysis and Design Marketplace Information Systems Web-Based of Electronic Repair Service Providers with Haversine Method

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    This system is designed to help customers find electronic service centers were spread in Tangerang. The distribution of electronic service center makes it difficult for users to determine the right electronic service center. Sometimes customers don’t know the results of repairs from the electronic service center. Search for electronic service center on the system is using the Haversine method. Haversine is used to calculate the distance between the position of the customer and the position of the electronic service centers. In addition to Haversine, the search for electronic service center will be adjusted to the type of goods you want to repair and rating from the results of the performance electronic service center. In this system, the customer can choose the damage diagnosis available and the customer can also make a special order by describing the customer's damage. This system was tested using Black Box Testing with Boundary Value Analysis technique, based on the results of testing the system can use data with a success percentage of 96.66%. The system is tested with User Acceptance Testing to find out how much the level of user acceptance of the system designed, and the result is 75% of users agree with the system.Sistem ini dirancang untuk membantu pelanggan dalam menemukan tempat reparasi yang tersebar di Tangerang. Persebaran tempat reparasi ini membuat pengguna kesusahan dalam menentukan tempat reparasi yang tepat. Terkadang pelanggan tidak mengetahui hasil reparasi dari suatu tempat reparasi. Pencarian tempat reparasi pada sistem menggunakan metode Haversine. Haversine digunakan untuk menghitung jarak antara posisi pelanggan dengan posisi tempat reparasi yang tersebar. Selain dengan Haversine, pencarian tempat reparasi akan disesuaikan dengan jenis barang yang ingin direparasi dan rating dari hasil kinerja suatu tempat reparasi. Dalam sistem ini pelanggan dapat memilih diagnosis kerusakan yang tersedia dan pelanggan juga dapat melakukan pemesanan khusus dengan mendeskripsikan kerusakan pelanggan. Sistem ini diuji menggunakan Black Box Testing dengan teknik Boundary Value Analysis, berdasarkan hasil pengujian sistem dapat menangani data dengan persentase keberhasilan 96,66%. Sistem diuji dengan User Acceptance Testing untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat penerimaan pengguna dari sistem yang dirancang, dan hasilnya adalah 75% pengguna setuju dengan sistem. &nbsp

    Implementasi Fuzzy Logic Untuk Menilai Kondisi Air Aquarium Berbasis IoT

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    Fluktuasi suhu yang sangat tinggi yang menyebabkan kematian masal pada budidaya ikan hias. Kematian ikan hias ini disebabkan dari kondisi air yang kurang baik sehingga diperlukan sebuah sistem mekanisme yang dapat memantau kondisi air didalam sebuah akuarium secara realtime tanpa batasan oleh jarak dan dapat menjadi solusi atas perubahan suhu yang naik turun secara signifikan. Bila kondisi air terpantau secara realtime tentu saja ikan hias yang dirawat diakuarium menjadi lebih sehat dan tidak mudah mati sehingga akan menghasilkan kualitas ikan hias yang terbaik. Untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat memantau kondisi air yang ada diakuarium untuk menurunkan jumlah kematian pada ikan hias. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebuah sistem yang mampu memantau kondisi air pada akuarium, seperti : memantau dan mengontrol suhu, memantau tingkat kekeruhan pada air, dan memantau ph air. Sistem ini dibuat dengan sebuah mikrokontroller arduino yang terhubung dengan internet dengan dukungan Internet of Things (IoT) dan metode pengukuran Fuzzy Logic. Sistem ini juga dapat menyimpan historis dengan bantuan sebuah platform dari Thingspeak dan MitApp untuk pembuatan mobile aplikasinya