89 research outputs found

    Ignoring matrix boundaries when the LKB1 master kinase is gone.

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    Gradients of soluble attractants as well as extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins serve as cues for directional cell movement. Such "chemotaxis" and "haptotaxis" steers migration of cells during embryonic development, wound healing, and immune responses. In this issue, Chan et al. (2014. J. Cell Biol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201404067) show that the tumor suppressor LKB1 controls haptotaxis through the microtubule affinity-regulating kinase (MARK) family, one of the many substrates of the LKB1 master kinase. In the absence of this pathway, melanoma cells migrate irrespective of ECM gradients, which may explain the increased metastatic spread observed in LKB1-deficient tumors.Toxicolog

    Role of Integrin in Cellular Mechanotransduction

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    Chemical and physical cues from the extracellular matrix (ECM) are used as input for an integrated mechanochemical sensory system that controls cell behavior. Forces derived from the ECM have been implicated in various biological systems, including mesenchymal stem cell differentiation and tumor growth. Integrin transmembrane receptors connect the ECM network to the intracellular actomyosin network and are expected to play an important role in force sensing. Our group has previously shown that switching between two different integrin heterodimers ([alpha]5[beta]1 vs [alpha]v[beta]3), that bind the same ECM protein (fibronectin), causes remarkably distinct actin cytoskeletal organization. To investigate the role of these integrins in cellular mechanotransduction, we used fibronectin coated polyacrylamide substrates with varying rigidities and micropillar arrays. Data obtained thus far point to distinct rigidity thresholds for spreading and different distribution of ECM pulling forces for cells expressing either of these integrins. In order to further unravel the role of these integrins in cellular mechanotransduction we developed cyclic substrate stretcher technology coupled to real time confocal imaging.Toxicolog

    Adhesion signaling - crosstalk between integrins, Src and Rho

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    Tumor-induced remote ECM network orientation steers angiogenesis

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    Tumor angiogenesis promotes tumor growth and metastasis. Here, we use automated sequential microprinting of tumor and endothelial cells in extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds to study its mechanical aspects. Quantitative reflection microscopy shows that tumor spheroids induce radial orientation of the surrounding collagen fiber network up to a distance of five times their radius. Across a panel of ~20 different human tumor cell lines, remote collagen orientation is correlated with local tumor cell migration behavior. Tumor induced collagen orientation requires contractility but is remarkably resistant to depletion of collagen-binding integrins. Microvascular endothelial cells undergo directional migration towards tumor spheroids once they are within the tumor-oriented collagen fiber network. Laser ablation experiments indicate that an intact physical connection of the oriented network with the tumor spheroid is required for mechanical sensing by the endothelial cells. Together our findings indicate that, in conjunction with described activities of soluble angiogenic factors, remote physical manipulation of the ECM network by the tumor can help to steer angiogenesis

    Therapy-naïve and radioresistant 3-dimensional pancreatic cancer cell cultures are effectively radiosensitized by β1 integrin targeting

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    PurposePancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a cancer with unmet needs. The role of highly conformal radiation therapy is still under debate for PDAC. Owing to its desmoplastic nature, integrin-mediated interactions between PDAC cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) profoundly contribute to PDAC therapy resistance. In this study, we investigated the radiochemosensitizing potential of β1 integrin targeting in therapy-naïve and radioresistant PDAC cell cultures grown in 3-dimensional (3D) ECM.Methods and MaterialsIn a panel of 3D, ECM-based PDAC cell cultures, β1 integrin was inhibited by antibodies or siRNA-mediated knockdown. Together with x-ray irradiation and specific chemotherapies, we determined 3D colony formation capacity in therapy-naïve and radioresistant PDAC cultures. We used kinome profiling, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence stainings to characterize these cell lines. Various siRNA screens were conducted to identify novel therapeutic targets.ResultsWe found a significant radiosensitizing potential of β1 integrin inhibition both in therapy-naïve and radioresistant PDAC cell cultures. Kinome profiling upon β1 integrin targeting identified a generally declined tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase activity, which presented less prominent in radioresistant than in therapy-naïve PDAC cells. siRNA screens employing the top 34 deregulated kinases in combination with β1 integrin inhibition revealed less efficacy and less radiosensitization in radioresistant relative to therapy-naïve PDAC cell cultures. Triple inhibition of β1 integrin, protein kinase D1, and rearranged during transfection turned out to be most effective in reducing 3D colony formation of radioresistant PDAC cells.ConclusionsOur study clearly shows that β1 integrins are robust targets for overcoming radioresistance in PDAC. This seems to apply equally to therapy-sensitive and radioresistant cells. Concerning tumor heterogeneity, this dual therapy-sensitizing potential might be exploitable for a significant improvement of patient survival.Toxicolog

    Targeting integrins for cancer therapy - disappointments and opportunities

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    Integrins mediate adhesive interactions between cells and their environment, including neighboring cells and extracellular matrix (ECM). These heterodimeric transmembrane receptors bind extracellular ligands with their globular head domains and connect to the cytoskeleton through multi-protein interactions at their cytoplasmic tails. Integrin containing cell-matrix adhesions are dynamic force-responsive protein complexes that allow bidirectional mechanical coupling of cells with their environment. This allows cells to sense and modulate tissue mechanics and regulates intracellular signaling impacting on cell faith, survival, proliferation, and differentiation programs. Dysregulation of these functions has been extensively reported in cancer and associated with tumor growth, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis, and therapy resistance. This central role in multiple hallmarks of cancer and their localization on the cell surface makes integrins attractive targets for cancer therapy. However, despite a wealth of highly encouraging preclinical data, targeting integrin adhesion complexes in clinical trials has thus far failed to meet expectations. Contributing factors to therapeutic failure are 1) variable integrin expression, 2) redundancy in integrin function, 3) distinct roles of integrins at various disease stages, and 4) sequestering of therapeutics by integrin-containing tumor-derived extracellular vesicles. Despite disappointing clinical results, new promising approaches are being investigated that highlight the potential of integrins as targets or prognostic biomarkers. Improvement of therapeutic delivery at the tumor site via integrin binding ligands is emerging as another successful approach that may enhance both efficacy and safety of conventional therapeutics. In this review we provide an overview of recent encouraging preclinical findings, we discuss the apparent disagreement between preclinical and clinical results, and we consider new opportunities to exploit the potential of integrin adhesion complexes as targets for cancer therapy.Toxicolog

    Acute vs. chronic vs. intermittent hypoxia in breast cancer: a review on its application in in vitro research

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    Hypoxia has been linked to elevated instances of therapeutic resistance in breast cancer. The exposure of proliferating cancer cells to hypoxia has been shown to induce an aggressive phenotype conducive to invasion and metastasis. Regions of the primary tumors in the breast may be exposed to different types of hypoxia including acute, chronic or intermittent. Intermittent hypoxia (IH), also called cyclic hypoxia, is caused by exposure to cycles of hypoxia and reoxygenation (H-R cycles). Importantly, there is currently no consensus amongst the scientific community on the total duration of hypoxia, the oxygen level, and the possible presence of H-R cycles. In this review, we discuss current methods of hypoxia research, to explore how exposure regimes used in experiments are connected to signaling by different hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) and to distinct cellular responses in the context of the hallmarks of cancer. We highlight discrepancies in the existing literature on hypoxia research within the field of breast cancer in particular and propose a clear definition of acute, chronic, and intermittent hypoxia based on HIF activation and cellular responses: (i) acute hypoxia is when the cells are exposed for no more than 24 h to an environment with 1% O-2 or less; (ii) chronic hypoxia is when the cells are exposed for more than 48 h to an environment with 1% O-2 or less and (iii) intermittent hypoxia is when the cells are exposed to at least two rounds of hypoxia (1% O-2 or less) separated by at least one period of reoxygenation by exposure to normoxia (8.5% O-2 or higher). Our review provides for the first time a guideline for definition of hypoxia related terms and a clear foundation for hypoxia related in vitro (breast) cancer research.Toxicolog

    Crosstalk between hypoxia and extracellular matrix in the tumor microenvironment in breast cancer

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    Even though breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among women, treatments are not always successful in preventing its progression. Recent studies suggest that hypoxia and the extracellular matrix (ECM) are important in altering cell metabolism and tumor metastasis. Therefore, the aim of this review is to study the crosstalk between hypoxia and the ECM and to assess their impact on breast cancer progression. The findings indicate that hypoxic signaling engages multiple mechanisms that directly contribute to ECM remodeling, ultimately increasing breast cancer aggressiveness. Second, hypoxia and the ECM cooperate to alter different aspects of cell metabolism. They mutually enhance aerobic glycolysis through upregulation of glucose transport, glycolytic enzymes, and by regulating intracellular pH. Both alter lipid and amino acid metabolism by stimulating lipid and amino acid uptake and synthesis, thereby providing the tumor with additional energy for growth and metastasis. Third, YAP/TAZ signaling is not merely regulated by the tumor microenvironment and cell metabolism, but it also regulates it primarily through its target c-Myc. Taken together, this review provides a better understanding of the crosstalk between hypoxia and the ECM in breast cancer. Additionally, it points to a role for the YAP/TAZ mechanotransduction pathway as an important link between hypoxia and the ECM in the tumor microenvironment, driving breast cancer progression.Toxicolog

    Binding of soluble fibronectin to integrin α5ß1 - link to focal adhesion redistribution and contractile shape

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    Focal adhesions are randomly distributed across the ventral surface or along the edge of epithelial cells. In fibroblasts they orient centripetally and concentrate at a few peripheral sites connecting long F-actin stress fibers, causing a typical elongated, contractile morphology. Extensive remodeling of adhesions in fibroblasts also takes part in fibronectin fibrillogenesis, a process that depends on Rho-mediated contractility and results in the formation of a fibronectin matrix. Our current study shows that all these fibroblast characteristics are controlled by the ability of integrin alpha 5 beta 1 to bind soluble fibronectin molecules in their compact inactive conformation. The hypervariable region of the ligand-binding I-like domain of integrin alpha 5 beta 1 supports binding of soluble fibronectin. This supports the distribution of centripetally orientated focal adhesions in distinct peripheral sites, Rho activation and fibronectin fibrillogenesis through a mechanism that does not depend on Syndecan-4. Integrin alpha v beta 3, even when locked in high affinity conformations for the RGD recognition motif shows no appreciable binding of soluble fibronectin and, consequently, fails to support the typical fibroblast focal adhesion distribution, Rho activity and fibronectin fibrillogenesis in the absence of integrin alpha 5 beta 1. The ability of alpha 5 beta 1 integrin to interact with soluble fibronectin may thus drive the cell-matrix adhesion and cytoskeletal organization required for a contractile, fibroblast-like morphology, perhaps explaining why alpha 5 beta 1 integrin, similarly to fibronectin, is essential for development.Toxicolog

    The integrin expression profile modulates orientation and dynamics of force transmission at cell–matrix adhesions

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    Integrin adhesion receptors connect the extracellular matrix (ECM) to the cytoskeleton and serve as bidirectional mechanotransducers. During development, angiogenesis, wound healing and cancer progression, the relative abundance of fibronectin receptors, including integrins α5β1 and αvβ3, changes, thus altering the integrin composition of cell-matrix adhesions. Here, we show that enhanced αvβ3 expression can fully compensate for loss of α5β1 and other β1 integrins to support outside-in and inside-out force transmission. α5β1 and αvβ3 each mediate actin cytoskeletal remodeling in response to stiffening or cyclic stretching of the ECM. Likewise, α5β1 and αvβ3 support cellular traction forces of comparable magnitudes and similarly increase these forces in response to ECM stiffening. However, cells using αvβ3 respond to lower stiffness ranges, reorganize their actin cytoskeleton more substantially in response to stretch, and show more randomly oriented traction forces. Centripetal traction force orientation requires long stress fibers that are formed through the action of Rho kinase (ROCK) and myosin II, and that are supported by α5β1. Thus, altering the relative abundance of fibronectin-binding integrins in cell-matrix adhesions affects the spatiotemporal organization of force transmission.Toxicolog
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