1,210 research outputs found

    Purification and characterization of mammalian integrins expressed by a rat neuronal cell line (PC12): evidence that they function as alpha/beta heterodimeric receptors for laminin and type IV collagen.

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    Cells of the rat neuronal line, PC12, adhere well to substrates coated with laminin and type IV collagen, but attach poorly to fibronectin. Adhesion and neurite extension in response to these extracellular matrix proteins are inhibited by Fab fragments of an antiserum (anti-ECMR) that recognizes PC12 cell surface integrin subunits of Mr 120,000, 140,000, and 180,000 (Tomaselli, K. J., C. H. Damsky, and L. F. Reichardt. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 105:2347-2358). Here we extend our study of integrin structure and function in PC12 cells using integrin subunit-specific antibodies prepared against synthetic peptides corresponding to the cytoplasmic domains of the human integrin beta 1 and the fibronectin receptor alpha (alpha FN) subunits. Anti-integrin beta 1 immunoprecipitated a 120-kD beta 1 subunit and two noncovalently associated integrin alpha subunits of 140 and 180 kD from detergent extracts of surface-labeled PC12 cells. Immunodepletion studies using anti-integrin beta 1 demonstrated that these two putative alpha/beta heterodimers are identical to those recognized by the adhesion-perturbing ECMR antiserum. Anti-alpha FN immunoprecipitated fibronectin receptor heterodimers in human and rat fibroblastic cells, but not in PC12 cells. Thus, low levels of expression of the integrin alpha FN subunit can explain the poor attachment of PC12 cells to FN. The PC12 cell integrins were purified using a combination of lectin and ECMR antibody affinity chromatography. The purified integrins: (a) completely neutralize the ability of the anti-ECMR serum to inhibit PC12 cell adhesion to laminin and collagen IV; (b) have hydrodynamic properties that are very similar to those of previously characterized integrin alpha/beta heterodimeric receptors for ECM proteins; and (c) can be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles that then bind specifically to substrates coated with laminin or collagen IV but not fibronectin. Thus, the ligand-binding specificity of the liposomes containing the purified PC12 integrins closely parallels the substrate-binding preference of intact PC12 cells. These results demonstrate that mammalian integrins purified from a neuronal cell line can, when incorporated into lipid vesicles, function as receptors for laminin and type IV collagen

    Interactions of a neuronal cell line (PC12) with laminin, collagen IV, and fibronectin: identification of integrin-related glycoproteins involved in attachment and process outgrowth.

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    Neuronal responses to extracellular matrix (ECM) constituents are likely to play an important role in nervous system development and regeneration. We have studied the interactions of a neuron-like rat pheochromocytoma cell line, PC12, with ECM protein-coated substrates. Using a quantitative cell attachment assay, PC12 cells were shown to adhere readily to laminin (LN) or collagen IV (Col IV) but poorly to fibronectin (FN). The specificity of attachment to these ECM proteins was demonstrated using ligand-specific antibodies and synthetic peptides. To identify PC12 cell surface proteins that mediate interactions with LN, Col IV, and FN, two different antisera to putative ECM receptors purified from mammalian cells were tested for their effects on PC12 cell adhesion and neuritic process outgrowth. Antibodies to a 140-kD FN receptor heterodimer purified from Chinese hamster ovarian cells (anti-FNR; Brown, P. J., and R. L. Juliano, 1986, J. Cell Biol., 103:1595-1603) inhibited attachment to LN and FN but not to Col IV. Antibodies to an ECM receptor preparation purified from baby hamster kidney fibroblastic cells (anti-ECMR; Knudsen, K. A., P. E. Rao, C. H. Damsky, and C. A. Buck, 1981, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 78:6071-6075) inhibited attachment to LN, FN, and Col IV, but did not prevent attachment to other adhesive substrates. In addition to its effects on adhesion, the anti-ECMR serum inhibited both PC12 cell and sympathetic neuronal process outgrowth on LN substrates. Immunoprecipitation of surface-iodinated or [3H]glucosamine-labeled PC12 cells with either the anti-FNR or anti-ECMR serum identified three prominent cell surface glycoproteins of 120, 140, and 180 kD under nonreducing conditions. The 120-kD glycoprotein, which could be labeled with 32P-orthophosphate and appeared to be noncovalently associated with the 140- and 180-kD proteins, cross reacted with antibodies to the beta-subunit (band 3) of the avian integrin complex, itself a receptor or receptors for the ECM constituents LN, FN, and some collagens

    A way of life: Saranac Lake and the \u27Fresh Air\u27 cure for tuberculosis

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    In 1884, Edward Livingston Trudeau officially opened The Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis in Saranac Lake, New York. For the next seventy years, what became known as the Trudeau Sanatorium was the model of American sanatoria, promoting fresh air, rest, and nutritious food in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. The introduction and use of antibiotic drugs in the treatment of disease effectively ended the sanatorium movement as well as demarcates an important juncture in American medical and scientific history. Trudeau\u27s treatment and the Sanatorium are interpreted as social and ideological constructs from the perspectives of verbal expression, material culture, written texts, and social behaviors. Within the context of American history and culture, the treatment was informed and influenced by medical history, feminism, religion, popular philosophy, and self-help movements. The medical, scientific, and cultural history of tuberculosis and its variant cures came to be encapsulated and institutionalized in the sanatorium setting. The subjective experience of disease as it was contained within a specific natural and built environment was so profound that many remember their time curing as the best days of their lives

    Requirement of the NPXY motif in the integrin beta 3 subunit cytoplasmic tail for melanoma cell migration in vitro and in vivo.

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    The NPXY sequence is highly conserved among integrin beta subunit cytoplasmic tails, suggesting that it plays a fundamental role in regulating integrin-mediated function. Evidence is provided that the NPXY structural motif within the beta 3 subunit, comprising residues 744-747, is essential for cell morphological and migratory responses mediated by integrin alpha v beta 3 in vitro and in vivo. Transfection of CS-1 melanoma cells with a cDNA encoding the wild-type integrin beta 3 subunit, results in de novo alpha v beta 3 expression and cell attachment, spreading, and migration on vitronectin. CS-1 cells expressing alpha v beta 3 with mutations that disrupt the NPXY sequence interact with soluble vitronectin or an RGD peptide, yet fail to attach, spread, or migrate on immobilized ligand. The biological consequences of these observations are underscored by the finding that CS-1 cells expressing wild-type alpha v beta 3 acquire the capacity to form spontaneous pulmonary metastases in the chick embryo when grown on the chorioallantoic membrane. However, migration-deficient CS-1 cells expressing alpha v beta 3 with mutations in the NPXY sequence lose this ability to metastasize. These findings demonstrate that the NPXY motif within the integrin beta 3 cytoplasmic tail is essential for alpha v beta 3-dependent post-ligand binding events involved in cell migration and the metastatic phenotype of melanoma cells

    La protección del patrimonio cultural en cinco elogiosas piezas jurisprudenciales de Argentina (Tema Central)

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    The aim is to discuss the main legal criteria developed in Argentina in regard to cultural and architectural heritage protection through the analysis of five court decisions and their main protection techniques. The goal is to raise awareness about the critical role of civil society in the protection and promotion of heritage and cultural values. The attempt is to highlight the importance of judge’s active role as a major figure in the field.El propósito es discutir los principales criterios jurisprudenciales argentinos de protección de patrimonio cultural arquitectónico por intermedio del análisis de cinco sentencias y las principales técnicas de protección. Se busca generar consciencia sobre el rol decisivo de la sociedad civil en la protección y promoción del patrimonio y los valores culturales. Se intenta destacar la importancia del rol activo del juez como figura protagónica en la materia

    The alpha 1/beta 1 and alpha 6/beta 1 integrin heterodimers mediate cell attachment to distinct sites on laminin.

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    This study was undertaken to determine the roles of individual alpha/beta 1 integrin heterodimers in promoting cellular interactions with the different attachment-promoting domains of laminin (LN). To do this, antibodies to the integrin beta 1 subunit or to specific integrin alpha subunits were tested for effects on cell attachment to LN, to elastase fragments E1-4 and E1, derived from the short arms and core of LN's cruciform structure, and to fragment E8 derived from the long arm of this structure. The human JAR choriocarcinoma cells used in this study attached to LN and to fragments E1 and E8. Attachment to E1-4 required a much higher substrate coating concentration, suggesting that it is a poor substrate for JAR cell attachment. The ability of cells to attach to different LN domains suggested the presence of more than one LN receptor. These multiple LN receptors were shown to be beta 1 integrin heterodimers because antibodies to the integrin beta 1 subunit inhibited attachment of JAR cells to LN and its three fragments. To identify the individual integrin alpha/beta 1 heterodimers that mediate interactions with these LN domains, mAbs specific for individual beta 1 heterodimers in human cells were used to study JAR cell interactions with LN and its fragments. An anti-alpha 6/beta 1-specific mAb, GoH3, virtually eliminated cell attachment to E8 and partially inhibited attachment to E1 and intact LN. Thus the major alpha 6/beta 1 attachment domain is present in fragment E8. An alpha 1/beta 1-specific mAb (S2G3) strongly inhibited cell attachment to collagen IV and partially inhibited JAR attachment to LN fragment E1. Thus, the alpha 1/beta 1 heterodimer is a dual receptor for collagen IV and LN, interacting with LN at a site in fragment E1. In combination, the anti-alpha 1- and anti-alpha 6-specific antibodies completely inhibited JAR cell attachment to LN and fragment E1. Thus, the alpha 1/beta 1 and alpha 6/beta 1 integrin heterodimers each function as LN receptors and act together to mediate the interactions of human JAR choriocarcinoma cells with LN