22 research outputs found

    Relationship between Goal Orientations with Feedback-Seeking Behavior among Sample from the Hashemite University Students

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    This study aimed at exploring the relationship between goal orientation (GO) and the feedback-seeing behavior (FSB). The sample consisted of 330 students from four sections which were chosen randomly from the university requirements of the Hashemite University.These courses were chosen purposively because they contain students from different faculties and majors. The students completed the GO and the FSB questionnaires. The results showed that the females adopted learning-approach goals, but the males adopted performance-approach goals. Concerning the FSB, students sought self-validation feedback. In respect to gender differences in FSB, males sought self-validation feedback, whereas females sought self-improvement feedback. The results also showed that there was a negative correlation between performance-approach goals and self-improvement feedback, but there was a positive correlation between performance-approach goals and self-improvement feedback. Learning-approach goals were positively correlated with self-improvement feedback, but correlated negatively with self-validation feedback

    Pharmaceutical Equivalence of Some Conventional Carbamazepine Tablets Marketed in Sudan

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    Background: Carbamazepine (CBZ) is commonly used in the treatment and control of epilepsy, seizures, and neuropathic pain. Due to its limited water solubility, CBZ have slow and variable absorption following oral administration. Effective CBZ plasma levels are achieved through multiple-dose administration of conventional CBZ tablets  which may result in serious side effects because of its narrow therapeutic index and toxicity levels. Objectives: This work aimed at comparing four commercial brands of CBZ tablets (A, B, C and D) manufactured by multinational and national companies including the originator (A) through evaluation of their pharmaceutical equivalence using pharmacoepial and nonpharmacoepial standard tests. Methods: Model-independent approach was used for determination of dissolution efficiency (% D.E) and fit factors.  Difference between brands was demonstrated through analysis of difference (f1) and similarity (f2) data. In addition various quality tests including weight variation, thickness, diameter, hardness, friability and disintegration time were carried out. Results: The study revealed that all brands complied with the USP specifications regarding weight variation, friability disintegration and drug content. The amount of drug released within 45 minutes were found satisfactory and ranged from 83.44% to 94.5%. Although clear differences in release profiles exist, all brands released about 90% of the labeled CBZ within 30 minutes which can satisfy the patient need. Only brand B failed to pass the nonpharmacoepial hardness test. Conclusion: Selected brands of CBZ tablets complied with all required pharmacoepial quality specifications

    Enhancement and Identification of Microbial Secondary Metabolites

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    Screening for microbial secondary metabolites (SMs) has attracted the attention of the scientific community since 1940s. In fact, since the discovery of penicillin, intensive researches have been conducted worldwide in order to detect and identify novel microbial secondary metabolites. As a result, the discovery of novel SMs has been decreased significantly by using traditional experiments. Therefore, searching for new techniques to discover novel SMs was one of the most priority objectives. However, the development and advances of omics-based techniques such as metabolomics and genomics have revealed the potential of discovering novel SMs which were coded in the microorganisms’ DNA but not expressed in the lab media or might be produced in undetectable amount by detecting the biosynthesis gene clusters (BGCs) that are associated with the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Nowadays, the development and integration of gene editing tools such as CRISPR-Cas9 in metabolomics provide a successful platform for the identification and detection of known and novel SMs and also to increase the production of SMs


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    ABSTRAKAnak usia sekolah merupakan usia yang rentan menderita penyakit infeksi tertular seperti diare, kecacingan dan gangguan pencernaan lainnya. Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan jajanan di sekolah serta lingkungan sekolah yang kotor sebagai salah satu faktor penyebab sehingga perlu kesadaran bersama dalam menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik terhadap perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan. Metode yang dilakukan dalm bentuk ceramah melalui penyuluhan kesehatan dengan sasaran 39 orang peserta didik SLTP Negeri 10 Kota Ternate yang berada di kecamatan Pulau Hiri. Tahapan yang dilakukan berupa persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi menggunakan pre-post test Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis uji t dependen adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan (p=0,018), sehingga menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penyuluhan dalam peningkatan pengetahuan peserta didik tentang perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan perlunya dukungan kebijakan penerapan dan praktik perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat oleh seluruh komponen sekolah atau masyarakat sekolah mulai dari kepala sekolah, guru, peserta didik, staf sekolah lainnya untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat. Kata kunci: peserta didik; PHBS; sekolah ABSTRACTSchool-age children are an age that is vulnerable to contracting infectious diseases such as diarrhea, worms, and other digestive disorders. The habit of consuming snacks at school is one of the causal factors, so that there is a need for joint awareness in implementing clean and healthy living behaviors in the school environment. The purpose of this service activity is to increase students' understanding of clean and healthy living behavior in schools as an effort to prevent disease in improving health status. The method is carried out in the form of lectures through health counseling with a target of 39 studentsi SLTP Negeri 10 Kota Ternate who are on Hiri Island. The steps taken are in the form of preparation, implementation and evaluation using the pre-post test. The results obtained from the dependent t test analysis were an increase in knowledge (p = 0.018), thus indicating the existence of effect counseling to increase students' knowledge about clean and healthy living behaviors. Suggestions that can be recommended are the need for policy support  implementation and practice of clean and healthy living behavior by all components of the school starting from students, teachers, other school staff to create a healthy environment. Keywords: learners; PHBS; schoo


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    Diabetes melitus merupakan suatu kelompok penyakit metabolik yang ditandai dengan dengan kadar gula darah yang melebihi nilai normal. Prevalensi diabetes melitus setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan, penyebabnya adanya peningkatan jumlah populasi, umur, obesitas dan kurangnya aktivitas fisik. Upaya pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan dengan sosialisasi dan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara rutin. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian diabetes melitus dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu ceramah melalui sosialisasi kesehatan dengan sasaran sebanyak 20 orang masyarakat yang berada di Kelurahan Togolobe. Tahapan yang dilakukan berupa persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa setelah diberikan sosialsiasi tentang diabetes melitus terjadi peningkatan pemahaman dilihat dari sebagian besar jawaban peserta benar. Dengan adanya sosialisasi ini diharapkan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dapat menerapkan pola hidup sehat sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit diabetes melitus

    Sialylation and fucosylation modulate inflammasome-activating eIF2 Signaling and microbial translocation during HIV infection

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    An emerging paradigm suggests that gut glycosylation is a key force in maintaining the homeostatic relationship between the gut and its microbiota. Nevertheless, it is unclear how gut glycosylation contributes to the HIV-associated microbial translocation and inflammation that persist despite viral suppression and contribute to the development of several comorbidities. We examined terminal ileum, right colon, and sigmoid colon biopsies from HIV-infected virally-suppressed individuals and found that gut glycomic patterns are associated with distinct microbial compositions and differential levels of chronic inflammation and HIV persistence. In particular, high levels of the pro-inflammatory hypo-sialylated T-antigen glycans and low levels of the anti-inflammatory fucosylated glycans were associated with higher abundance of glycan-degrading microbial species (in particular, Bacteroides vulgatus), a less diverse microbiome, higher levels of inflammation, and higher levels of ileum-associated HIV DNA. These findings are linked to the activation of the inflammasome-mediating eIF2 signaling pathway. Our study thus provides the first proof-of-concept evidence that a previously unappreciated factor, gut glycosylation, is a force that may impact the vicious cycle between HIV infection, microbial translocation, and chronic inflammation

    Breakdown and Evolution of the Protective Oxide Scales of AISI 304 and AISI 316 Stainless Steels under High-Temperature Oxidation

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    The failure of the protective oxide scales of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steels has been studied and compared at 1,000°C in synthetic air. First, the isothermal thermogravimetric curves of both stainless steels were plotted to determine the time needed to reach the breakdown point. The different resistance of each stainless steel was interpreted on the basis of the nature of the crystalline phases formed, the morphology, and the surface structure as well as the cross-section structure of the oxidation products. The weight gain of AISI 304 stainless steel was about 8 times greater than that of AISI 316 stainless steel, and AISI 316 stainless steel reached the breakdown point about 40 times more slowly than AISI 304 stainless steel. In both stainless steels, reaching the breakdown point meant the loss of the protective oxide scale of Cr2O3, but whereas in AISI 304 stainless steel the Cr2O3 scale totally disappeared and exclusively Fe2O3 was formed, in AISI 316 stainless steel some Cr2O3 persisted and Fe3O4 was mainly formed, which means that AISI 316 stainless steel is more resistant to oxidation after the breakdown

    Pengaruh Intervensi Pendidikan “Kesehatan Mental” dalam Meningkatkan School Well-being pada Remaja di Ma Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru

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    School well-being merupakan keadaan dimana siswa dapat memenuhi kebutuhan  dasarnya yang meliputi rasa memiliki (having), mencintai (loving), kebutuhan untuk pertumbuhan pribadi (being) dan kesehatan (healt). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intervensi pendidikan kesehatan mental dalam meningkatkan school well-being pada remaja di MA Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen yaitu melihat kemungkinan pengaruh variable vevas dengan kelompok eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode statistic. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru yang berusia 15-17 tahun berjumlah 30 orang (15 kelompok control dan 15 kelompok eksperimen).metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebar skala schoole well-being dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis non parametric uji Friedman dan Man-Whitney. Berdasarkan daya dan pembahasan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat school well-being yang signifikan antara siswa yang mendapatkan intervensi pendidikan kesehatan mental dan yang tidak mendapatkan intervensi pendidikan kesehatan mental