28 research outputs found

    Purgatory, hell and heaven in work and thought of C. S. Lewis

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    Situacija u kojoj se ljudsko društvo danas nalazi odiše relativizmom, zaboravom „starih“, odnosno kršćanskih vrijednosti uopće. Kako se kršćanstvo zapostavlja, zapostavljaju se i njegova učenja i doktrine. Isto vrijedi i za eshatološka pitanja od kojih se danas posebno zadire proglašavajući ih nazadnim, zastarjelim, mitskim ili bajkovitim. Međutim, budući da niti jedan čovjek nije obični smrtnik, nego vječno biće, ova su pitanja od izrazite važnosti. C. S. Lewis je u svom raznolikom opusu veoma često, bilo implicitno, bilo eksplicitno, govorio o Bogu, zajedništvu čovjeka s njim te, u konačnici, o mogućnostima koje čovjek svojim životom odabire. Pred čovjeka je s jedne strane postavljen život u zajedništvu s Bogom – u miru, radosti i potpunom ispunjenju svih želja, a s druge strane prokletstvo bivanja isključivo sa samim sobom, samoizabranom zatvaranju u sebe. Čovjekov se put, u konačnici, svodi isključivo na izbor između ove dvije stvarnosti, bez ikakve alternative ili srednjega puta. Konačna čovjekova sudbina ne poznaje nikakav virtus in medio. Ovaj rad nastoji prikazati viđenje eshatoloških stvarnosti čistilišta, pakla i raja briljantnoga oxfordskog profesora Lewisa. Konzultirana su, gotovo isključivo, njegova djela s namjerom iščitavanja i prenošenja njegovih misli o navedenim stvarnostima. Lewis je nastojao na nov i svjež način prenijeti drevni kršćanski nauk te smatramo vrijednim prikazati njegova nadasve plemenita i kreativna nastojanja oko toga.The situation in which human society finds itself today breathes relativism, and the ‘old’ Christian values are being forgotten. Neglecting Christianity means neglecting both it’s teachings and doctrines. The same goes for eschatological questions which are today especially despised and which are called old, mythical and regressive. However, being that not one man is a mere mortal, but an eternal creature, these questions are of great value. C. S. Lewis in his various works often spoke about God, whether implicitly or explicitly, and about the relationship a man has with God along with all the possibilities which a man can choose in his life. On one hand, a man can choose living in a relationship with God – in peace, happiness and wholesome fulfillment of his desires. On the other hand, he can choose the curse of being alone and of being self contained. In the end, a man’s life path is purely the choice between those two things, without any alternatives or a middle way. A man’s destiny does not recognise the principle virtus in medio. This essay wants to show the vision of eschatological realities of purgatory, hell and heaven as seen by the brilliant Oxford professor C. S. Lewis. We consulted, almost exclusively, his works with the intention to read and share his thoughts about the aforementioned themes. Lewis endeavoured to share the ancient Christian teachings in a new and fresh way, and we consider it very important to share his noble and creative efforts regarding that

    On Lewis\u27 concept of hell

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    Članak analizira poimanje pakla u djelima engleskog pisca C. S. Lewisa. Nakon uvida o čovjekovoj slobodnoj volji, prikazuju se i kritički promišlja Lewisovo opisivanje stanja pakla, posebice u njegovu djelu Velika rastava. Pakao je nužna mogućnost za ljudsku slobodu, a sloboda je nužni uvjet za postojanje pakla. Po svojoj se slobodi čovjek okrenuo od Boga prema sebi i u sebe te tako narušio sve svoje odnose i otvorio vrata zlu, kojemu je postao podložniji i sve mu se teže opire. Time je otvoren put stanja u kojem se čovjek toliko smanjuje da postaje konačno ništa. Zato je pakao malen, mizeran i neznatan i iz njega čovjek jednostavno više ne može ili ne želi van.The article analyzes the concept of hell in the works of the English writer C. S. Lewis. The paper first addresses the issue of man\u27s free will, and then further elaborates and critically considers Lewis\u27 idea of hell, especially as it pertains to The Great Divorce. Hell is a necessary pre requirement for human freedom, whilst freedom is a requisite for the existence of hell. In his freedom, man turned away from God towards himself and into himself, thus damaging all of his relationships and allowing himself to be approached by evil. This opening makes man more susceptible and eviler that more difficult to resist. This opens the way to a state in which man reduces himself in such manner that he finally becomes nothing. That is why hell is meager, miserable and insignificant, and is a state which one simply cannot or does not want to leave

    PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on silicon substrate for photoelectrochemical water-splitting

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    Epitaxial films of metal oxides deposited on silicon substrates represent a new type of material that could be used as protective (or electroactive) layer in the photoelectrochemical water splitting. To understand the influence of crystalline and interfacial properties of oxide layer on the water splitting process a ~10 nm strontium titanate (STO) films have been grown using the PLD method on bare and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) buffered silicon substrate. Our approach relied on the oxide-silicon integration using combination of SrO-assisted deoxidation and controllable coverage of silicon surface with a mono- to threelayer of spin-coated GO. The STO films have been grown at 515 and 700 °C and various experimental techniques were used to examine the surface and crystalline properties of grown films (reflection high energy electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy). The results show that the best the crystallinity of the STO thin films was obtained on rGO/SrO deoxidized silicon surface at 515 °C. Future studies will be devoted to electrochemical characterization of the grown films, that will help to establish clearer link on how the interface and crystalline parameters affect the water splitting process.Workshop “Application-oriented material development”; September 12-14, Bucharest, 2023.Contribution: Poste

    PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on SrO-deoxidized and rGO-buffered Si(001) substrate

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    Epitaxy represents a process of crystal growth or material deposition in which the new created layers have a high degree of crystallographic alignment with the substrate lattice. In this research 10 nm-thick thin films of strontium titanate (STO) were grown using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method on Si(001) whose surface was either deoxidized with strontium oxide (SrO) or buffered by reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in combination with SrO deoxidation. In addition to differently prepared Si(001) surface, the effect of deposition temperature on the crystalline structure of the STO thin films was also examined. Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray reflectivity (XRR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) methods were used to examine the properties of the grown films. It was concluded that the STO thin film grown on the rGO-coated Si substrate at 515 °C shows the highest crystallinity with a smooth surface, while the film deposited on the bare silicon has amorphous structure. The STO films grown at 700 °C show textured or polycrystalline structure. Good crystallinity, epitaxial alignment, and clean interface are the major requirements for STO/Si and the STO/rGO/Si heterostructure for making an efficient and stable Si photocathode for the photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting. Our future work will be directed toward understanding how the obtained interfaces and crystalline structure of STO films are influencing the PEC process.Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Življenje s presajeno ledvico

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    Purgatory, hell and heaven in work and thought of C. S. Lewis

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    Situacija u kojoj se ljudsko društvo danas nalazi odiše relativizmom, zaboravom „starih“, odnosno kršćanskih vrijednosti uopće. Kako se kršćanstvo zapostavlja, zapostavljaju se i njegova učenja i doktrine. Isto vrijedi i za eshatološka pitanja od kojih se danas posebno zadire proglašavajući ih nazadnim, zastarjelim, mitskim ili bajkovitim. Međutim, budući da niti jedan čovjek nije obični smrtnik, nego vječno biće, ova su pitanja od izrazite važnosti. C. S. Lewis je u svom raznolikom opusu veoma često, bilo implicitno, bilo eksplicitno, govorio o Bogu, zajedništvu čovjeka s njim te, u konačnici, o mogućnostima koje čovjek svojim životom odabire. Pred čovjeka je s jedne strane postavljen život u zajedništvu s Bogom – u miru, radosti i potpunom ispunjenju svih želja, a s druge strane prokletstvo bivanja isključivo sa samim sobom, samoizabranom zatvaranju u sebe. Čovjekov se put, u konačnici, svodi isključivo na izbor između ove dvije stvarnosti, bez ikakve alternative ili srednjega puta. Konačna čovjekova sudbina ne poznaje nikakav virtus in medio. Ovaj rad nastoji prikazati viđenje eshatoloških stvarnosti čistilišta, pakla i raja briljantnoga oxfordskog profesora Lewisa. Konzultirana su, gotovo isključivo, njegova djela s namjerom iščitavanja i prenošenja njegovih misli o navedenim stvarnostima. Lewis je nastojao na nov i svjež način prenijeti drevni kršćanski nauk te smatramo vrijednim prikazati njegova nadasve plemenita i kreativna nastojanja oko toga.The situation in which human society finds itself today breathes relativism, and the ‘old’ Christian values are being forgotten. Neglecting Christianity means neglecting both it’s teachings and doctrines. The same goes for eschatological questions which are today especially despised and which are called old, mythical and regressive. However, being that not one man is a mere mortal, but an eternal creature, these questions are of great value. C. S. Lewis in his various works often spoke about God, whether implicitly or explicitly, and about the relationship a man has with God along with all the possibilities which a man can choose in his life. On one hand, a man can choose living in a relationship with God – in peace, happiness and wholesome fulfillment of his desires. On the other hand, he can choose the curse of being alone and of being self contained. In the end, a man’s life path is purely the choice between those two things, without any alternatives or a middle way. A man’s destiny does not recognise the principle virtus in medio. This essay wants to show the vision of eschatological realities of purgatory, hell and heaven as seen by the brilliant Oxford professor C. S. Lewis. We consulted, almost exclusively, his works with the intention to read and share his thoughts about the aforementioned themes. Lewis endeavoured to share the ancient Christian teachings in a new and fresh way, and we consider it very important to share his noble and creative efforts regarding that

    Purgatory, hell and heaven in work and thought of C. S. Lewis

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    Situacija u kojoj se ljudsko društvo danas nalazi odiše relativizmom, zaboravom „starih“, odnosno kršćanskih vrijednosti uopće. Kako se kršćanstvo zapostavlja, zapostavljaju se i njegova učenja i doktrine. Isto vrijedi i za eshatološka pitanja od kojih se danas posebno zadire proglašavajući ih nazadnim, zastarjelim, mitskim ili bajkovitim. Međutim, budući da niti jedan čovjek nije obični smrtnik, nego vječno biće, ova su pitanja od izrazite važnosti. C. S. Lewis je u svom raznolikom opusu veoma često, bilo implicitno, bilo eksplicitno, govorio o Bogu, zajedništvu čovjeka s njim te, u konačnici, o mogućnostima koje čovjek svojim životom odabire. Pred čovjeka je s jedne strane postavljen život u zajedništvu s Bogom – u miru, radosti i potpunom ispunjenju svih želja, a s druge strane prokletstvo bivanja isključivo sa samim sobom, samoizabranom zatvaranju u sebe. Čovjekov se put, u konačnici, svodi isključivo na izbor između ove dvije stvarnosti, bez ikakve alternative ili srednjega puta. Konačna čovjekova sudbina ne poznaje nikakav virtus in medio. Ovaj rad nastoji prikazati viđenje eshatoloških stvarnosti čistilišta, pakla i raja briljantnoga oxfordskog profesora Lewisa. Konzultirana su, gotovo isključivo, njegova djela s namjerom iščitavanja i prenošenja njegovih misli o navedenim stvarnostima. Lewis je nastojao na nov i svjež način prenijeti drevni kršćanski nauk te smatramo vrijednim prikazati njegova nadasve plemenita i kreativna nastojanja oko toga.The situation in which human society finds itself today breathes relativism, and the ‘old’ Christian values are being forgotten. Neglecting Christianity means neglecting both it’s teachings and doctrines. The same goes for eschatological questions which are today especially despised and which are called old, mythical and regressive. However, being that not one man is a mere mortal, but an eternal creature, these questions are of great value. C. S. Lewis in his various works often spoke about God, whether implicitly or explicitly, and about the relationship a man has with God along with all the possibilities which a man can choose in his life. On one hand, a man can choose living in a relationship with God – in peace, happiness and wholesome fulfillment of his desires. On the other hand, he can choose the curse of being alone and of being self contained. In the end, a man’s life path is purely the choice between those two things, without any alternatives or a middle way. A man’s destiny does not recognise the principle virtus in medio. This essay wants to show the vision of eschatological realities of purgatory, hell and heaven as seen by the brilliant Oxford professor C. S. Lewis. We consulted, almost exclusively, his works with the intention to read and share his thoughts about the aforementioned themes. Lewis endeavoured to share the ancient Christian teachings in a new and fresh way, and we consider it very important to share his noble and creative efforts regarding that


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    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena energetska bilanca reke Mure ter možnosti in omejitve pri izkoriščanju le-te. Predstavljena sta dva načina izkoriščanja Murinega hidropotenciala, in sicer z verigo hidroelektrarn s Kaplanovimi turbinami, kot je bilo predvideno v podeljeni koncesiji, in s hidroelektrarnami z Matričnimi turbinami. Pri obeh postopkih smo opisali njuno delovanje ter predstavili njune prednosti in slabosti pri umestitvi v reko Muro. Pri hidroelektrarnah s Kaplanovimi turbinami smo izhajali iz podatkov predvidenih v koncesiji, pri hidroelektrarnah z Matričnimi turbinami, ki pa je dokaj nov postopek izkoriščanja hidropotenciala, pa smo vse potrebne podatke izračunali. Za potrebe primerjave obeh postopkov smo imeli skupni imenovalec, in sicer količino proizvedene električne energije, in tako smo objektivno primerjali znana dejstva ter izračunane tehnične in ekonomske vrednosti pri uporabi obeh postopkov.In this diploma work, the energy balance of the Mura River and the possibilities and restrictions of its exploitation is presented. Presented are two models for the exploitation of Mura River’s hydro potential, namely with hydro power stations with Kaplan turbines, as it was planned in the granted concession, and with hydro power station with Matrix turbines. In both procedures for producing electrical energy their main activities are described and their advantages and disadvantages at its installation in the Mura River are introduced. For the hydro power stations with Kaplan turbines, we used the data predicted in the concession. For hydro power station with Matrix turbines – a rather new procedure for utilizing hydro potential - we have calculated all the necessary data. For the comparison of both procedures we considered common denominator - the amount of produced electrical energy - and we objectively compared known facts and calculated technical and economic values of both procedures