385 research outputs found

    Computer program documentation D1FLTD to drive SINDA boundary nodes: User's guide

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    The thermal model correlation process begins when measured thermocouple data is available from the orbital flight tests of the shuttle. For this effort, it is necessary to convert some of the system improved numerical differencing analyzer (SINDA) diffusion or arithmetic nodes to boundary nodes and then drive these boundary nodes to the temperature profile of a flight measurement. An efficient way to provide this capability within the SINDA and OFT software systems is to provide a new SINDA routine, D1FLTD, for use in VARIABLES 1 of SINDA, to access the processed (word-addressable) orbital data reduction center flight data and store the appropriate measurement temperature in the desired SINDA temperature location. The ODRC flight data that is to be used for driving the boundary nodes must be assigned a logical unit number and must reside on a word-addressable file. The user must also provide two SINDA constants for the word positions of the first and last words of the temperature record for each measurement identifier (MID), i.e. each call to D1FLTD, used in the model. D1FLTD is then called from the VARIABLES 1 block to obtain the SINDA boundary node temperature for any MID on the file at any time point

    Addition of a demand plotting capability to SINDA

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    The use of the DISSPLA plotting package to write a routine to be added to SINDA is described. This routine, DISPX1, allows the data within a SINDA execution to be plotted in the demand mode

    Computer program documentation: ODRC demand plotting program user's guide

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    The Orbital Data Reduction Center (ODRC) Demand Plotting Program provides the user with three main options, each of which provides the additional option of generating a numerical summary and/or plots for the Measurement ID's (MID) on the Measurement Node Correlation (MNC) list. Option one reads MID data from word addressable ODRC files, stores the data on a temporary file, and uses it to build the numerical summary and/or plots, according to user input instructions. Options two and three read MID data from a word addressable ODRC file and component node data from a word addressable HSTFLO or HISTRY file. The component node data is used to calculate a predicted MID. Then, for option two, the MID and predicted MID data is used to generate a numerical summary and/or plots. For option three, the component node data itself is used in generating the numerical summary and/or plots. The numerical summary is sent to the BRKPT file, RELOCOK, and can be viewed after the execution of the program using the edit mode to find the desired section of the summary

    Liberalism and Culturism as Interrogatories: Reading Lolita in Tehran

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    Computer program documentation: Raw-to-processed SINDA program (RTOPHS) user's guide

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    Use of the Raw to Processed SINDA(System Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer) Program, RTOPHS, which provides a means of making the temperature prediction data on binary HSTFLO and HISTRY units generated by SINDA available to engineers in an easy to use format, is discussed. The program accomplishes this by reading the HISTRY unit and according to user input instructions, the desired times and temperature prediction data are extracted and written to a word addressable drum file

    Perceptions and preconceptions about chicken and pork meat: A qualitative exploratory study of Argentine consumers in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires

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    In the past, the Argentine livestock production system was based on the extensive breeding that used pastures. However, technological progress and the use of land for soybean production are leading to a strong intensification of beef production, with a negative impact on the environment. According to FAO data, Argentina has the third highest meat consumption in the world, half of which is beef. A change in diet is a long and difficult process. The first step in favor of the environment could be the replacement of beef with other types of meat that have a lower impact on the environment, such as chicken and pork. The purpose of this study is to understand the causes limiting the preference for these alternatives and to identify useful tools to encourage their consumption. The results show that the interviewed Argentine consumers in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires have preconceptions about these two types of meat, such as the fact that hormones are still used in the chicken production system, that pork has higher cholesterol content than other meats, and that it carries diseases. These products are instead appreciated for their practicality of use, especially when purchased in portions, and they are not only tasty but also cheap

    What Does Sustainability Mean? Perceptions of Future Professionals across Disciplines

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    Given the negative externalities of the traditional productive system, sustainable development has become a productive alternative that attempts to improve the quality of life of present and future generations. The aim of this research was to understand the degree of perception and knowledge of sustainability of university students attending different courses, who represent future Argentinian professionals. A survey was conducted on a representative sample of those enrolled in the faculties of Agricultural, Economic, and Social Sciences of the National University of Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires. The results showed that, in terms of awareness, the environmental dimension of sustainability stands out above the others. Sustainability involves preserving natural resources, favoring biodiversity, reducing environmental risks, and finding a balance between the development of humanity and care for the environment. Only 10% of the respondents identified the three sustainability dimensions contemporaneously, and most of these individuals were not informed through university courses. No substantial differences were found in the knowledge of sustainability among students of different faculties. Universities, as trainers of professionals and leaders, should further develop the subject in their curricula, to improve knowledge of sustainability, so that graduates can better face future professional challenges. Similarly, students should strive to know about sustainability and its components to defend and improve it in all areas of work

    Temperature Dependent Surface Modification of Tungsten Exposed to High-Flux Low-Energy Helium Ion Irradiation

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    Nuclear fusion is a great potential energy source that can provide a relatively safe and clean limitless supply of energy using hydrogen isotopes as fuel material. ITER (international thermonuclear experimental reactor) is the world first fusion reactor currently being built in France. Tungsten (W) is a prime candidate material as plasma facing component (PFC) due to its excellent mechanical properties, high melting point, and low erosion rate. However, W undergoes a severe surface morphology change when exposed to helium ion (He+) bombardment under fusion conditions. It forms nanoscopic fiber-form structures, i.e., fuzz on the surface. Fuzz is brittle and can easily contaminate the plasma, and therefore preventing the fusion chain reaction. In this study, we report on the effect of temperature on the surface morphology evolution of W coatings under low energy He+ ion irradiation, relevant to fusion conditions. Submicron thickness W films have been deposited on Si (100) at room temperature using RF sputtering deposition technique. Several samples were cut from the same wafer and exposed to 100 eV He+ ions having a constant flux of 1.2 × 1021 ions m−2 s−1 (total fluence of 4.3 × 1024 ions m−2) at several temperatures in the range of 1073 – 1273 K. During each ion irradiation experiments the applied sample temperature were constant throughout that experiment. Post ion-irradiation samples (including pristine) were characterized using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy (XPS), and optical reflectivity measurements for monitoring the changes in surface morphology, chemical composition, and surface roughness/optical properties, respectively. Our analysis shows a sequential enhancement in W fuzz density, sharpness, and protrusions from the film surface, with increasing sample temperature, during helium ion irradiation. Ex-situ XPS study shows the evidence of W2O3 phase formation due to natural oxidation of W fuzz in the open atmosphere, for all irradiated samples. The study is significant in the understanding processes of fuzz formation on high-Z refractory metals for fusion applications. In addition, the observed W2O3 fuzz structure may have potential applications in solar power concentration technology and in water splitting for hydrogen production

    Gamma Radiation from PSR B1055-52

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    The telescopes on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CCRO) have observed PSR B1055-52 a number of times between 1991 and 1998. From these data, a more detailed picture of the gamma radiation from this source has been developed, showing several characteristics which distinguish this pulsar: the light curve is complex; there is no detectable unpulsed emission; the energy spectrum is flat, with no evidence of a sharp high-energy cutoff up to greater than 4 GeV. Comparisons of the gamma-ray data with observations at longer wavelengths show that no two of the known gamma-ray pulsars have quite the same characteristics; this diversity makes interpretation in terms of theoretical models difficult
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