9 research outputs found

    Cautious Resilience: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Latin American and Caribbean Microfinance Institutions

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    Funded by MIF, CAF and Calmeadow, this MicroRate report provides a snapshot of how the impact of the global financial crisis evolved during the last quarter of 2008. The study combines data and interviews from 52 microfinance institutions (MFIs) and 23 microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs). The report concludes that microfinance will be more affected by this economic cycle than in the past because MFIs are today more tightly integrated into the global economy. The report also includes a synopsis of potential roles for microfinance stakeholders and actions to be taken in 2009

    Cautious Resilience: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Latin American and Caribbean Microfinance Institutions

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    Funded by MIF, CAF and Calmeadow, this MicroRate report provides a snapshot of how the impact of the global financial crisis evolved during the last quarter of 2008. The study combines data and interviews from 52 microfinance institutions (MFIs) and 23 microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs). The report concludes that microfinance will be more affected by this economic cycle than in the past because MFIs are today more tightly integrated into the global economy. The report also includes a synopsis of potential roles for microfinance stakeholders and actions to be taken in 2009.Microbusinesses & Microfinance

    Indicadores de desempeño para instituciones microfinancieras: Guía técnica

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    Los indicadores incluidos en la presente Guía corresponden a una de las cuatro categorías principales: calidad de la cartera, eficiencia y productividad, gestión financiera y rentabilidad. Esta guía no pretende abarcar la totalidad de los indicadores, sino los más importantes que, tomados en su conjunto, proporcionan una visión general del desempeño, riesgos y situación financiera de una institución de microfinanzas. Se destacan las 14 definiciones más comúnmente utilizadas dentro de las publicadas por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), el Grupo Consultivo para Asistencia a los Más Pobres (CGAP), la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y las agencias calificadoras MCRIL y PlaNet Rating y se ilustra la manera en que son usadas. Ofrece una explicación y un análisis de los indicadores a quienes estén interesados en comprender su aplicación y sus puntos débiles

    Indicateurs de performance pour les institutions de microfinance: Guide technique: 2e edition

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    Les indicateurs présentés dans ce Guide ont été regroupés en quatre catégories principales: qualité du portefeuille, efficacité et productivité, gestion financière et rentabilité. Bien entendu, d'autres aspects peuvent aussi éclairer sur la performance des institutions de microfinance et, même pour chacune des catégories citées, il existe bien d'autres mesures de performance. Cependant, ce Guide n'a pas pour vocation d'être complet et détaillé, il présente seulement les indicateurs les plus pertinents qui, pris ensemble, donnent une vue d'ensemble raisonnable sur la performance, le niveau de risque et la situation financière d'une institution de microfinance.

    Directrices de consenso en el campo de las microfinanzas: Definición de términos, coeficientes y ajustes financieros para las microfinanzas

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    El propósito de este documento es proponer una definición estándar para cada uno de los términos financieros seleccionados y plantear un método común de cálculo para determinados coeficientes financieros. Fue producido en colaboración entre el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Grupo Consultivo de Ayuda a la Población más Pobre (CGAP) del Banco Mundial, con los aportes de varias organizaciones privadas del sector microfinanciero.Microempresas y microfinanciamiento, Servicios financieros, coeficientes financieros, microfinanzas, definiciones

    Microfinance Meets the Market

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    In this paper, we examine the economic logic behind microfinance institutions and consider the movement from socially oriented nonprofit microfinance institutions to for-profit microfinance. Drawing on a large dataset that includes most of the world's leading microfinance institutions, we explore eight questions about the microfinance "industry": Who are the lenders? How widespread is profitability? Are loans in fact repaid at the high rates advertised? Who are the customers? Why are interest rates so high? Are profits high enough to attract profit-maximizing investors? How important are subsidies? The evidence suggests that investors seeking pure profits would have little interest in most of the institutions we see that are now serving poorer customers. We will suggest that the future of microfinance is unlikely to follow a single path. The recent clash between supporters of profit-driven Banco Compartamos and of the Grameen Bank with its "social business" model offers us a false choice. Commercial investment is necessary to fund the continued expansion of microfinance, but institutions with strong social missions, many taking advantage of subsidies, remain best placed to reach and serve the poorest customers, and some are doing so at a massive scale. The market is a powerful force, but it cannot fill all gaps.