30 research outputs found

    Polymorphisms in bovine immune genes and their associations with somatic cell count and milk production in dairy cattle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland, is a major source of economic loss on dairy farms. The aim of this study was to quantify the associations between two previously identified polymorphisms in the bovine toll-like receptor 2 (<it>TLR2</it>) and chemokine receptor 1 (<it>CXCR1</it>) genes and mammary health indictor traits in (a) 246 lactating dairy cow contemporaries representing five breeds from one research farm and (b) 848 Holstein-Friesian bulls that represent a large proportion of the Irish dairy germplasm. To expand the study, a further 14 polymorphisms in immune genes were included for association studies in the bull population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>TLR4-2021 associated (P < 0.05) with both milk protein and fat percentage in late lactation (P < 0.01) within the cow cohort. No association was observed between this polymorphism and either yield or composition of milk within the bull population. CXCR1-777 significantly associated (P < 0.05) with fat yield in the bull population and tended to associate (P < 0.1) with somatic cell score (SCS) in the cows genotyped. CD14-1908 A allele was found to associate with increased (P < 0.05) milk fat and protein yield and also tended to associate with increased (P < 0.1) milk yield. A <it>SERPINA1 </it>haplotype with superior genetic merit for milk protein yield and milk fat percentage (P < 0.05) was also identified.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Of the sixteen polymorphisms in seven immune genes genotyped, just CXCR1-777 tended to associate with SCS, albeit only in the on-farm study. The lack of an association between the polymorphisms with SCS in the Holstein-Friesian data set would question the potential importance of these variants in selection for improved mastitis resistance in the Holstein-Friesian cow.</p

    Investigating the role of early low-dose aspirin in diabetes: A phase III multicentre double-blinded placebo-controlled randomised trial of aspirin therapy initiated in the first trimester of diabetes pregnancy

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    Background: Preeclampsia, preterm birth and low birth weight represent key contributing factors to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Pregnancies complicated by type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of these complications, which are purported to be largely attributed to placental dysfunction. Studies investigating a potential role for aspirin therapy in optimizing perinatal outcome have consistently failed to demonstrate a benefit among women with pre-existing diabetes, and yet widespread aspirin administration has become common practice in many centres. This study seeks to examine the effect of aspirin therapy, administered from the first trimester until 36 weeks gestation, on perinatal outcome in women with established pre-pregnancy diabetes. Our hypothesis is that aspirin therapy will reduce complications mediated by placental dysfunction, and improve perinatal outcomes. Methods: This phase III double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial will be conducted in seven tertiary-level perinatology centres in Ireland. Consenting participants who meet all eligibility criteria will be allocated randomly to either aspirin 150 mg once daily or matching placebo, commenced between 11 + 0 and 13 + 6 weeks. Allocation will take place electronically using software by Clininfo with randomization tables provided by the trial biostatistician. The primary outcome will be a composite clinical measure of placental dysfunction (preeclampsia, preterm birth before 34 weeks, birthweight below the 10th centile or perinatal mortality). This trial has been set up such that it is parallel in design and is a superiority study. No participants have been recruited yet. The trial has been registered with Eudra Clinical Trials - EudraCT Number 2018-000770-29. Funding for this trial was granted by the Health research Board (HRB) 1/9/2017(DIFA-2017-026). Discussion: Aspirin therapy has been investigated for the prevention of preeclampsia owing to its reduction on thromboxane production. Previous studies have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of aspirin on perinatal outcome amongst women with type I or type II diabetes. It is plausible that the failure to observe benefit to date, among the limited aspirin studies that have included participants with diabetes, may be a consequence of aspirin initiation too late in pregnancy to exert any effect on placentation. We believe that if aspirin is to be used for the prevention of placental dysfunction, it must be initiated before the second active phase of trophoblast invasion, which takes place from 14 weeks’ gestation onwards. No randomized trials investigating the role of aspirin in prevention of preeclampsia in pregnancies complicated by diabetes have previously initiated treatment in the first trimester, the gestational period at which it is most likely to exert an effect on placentation

    Molecular Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Epidemiological Investigation of Mastitis Outbreaks in Irish Dairy Herds

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    http://aem.asm.org/Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a pathogen in both humans and animals. This bacterium, most often associated with respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis patients, was found to be the causative agent in bovine mastitis outbreaks among 11 Irish dairy herds. Epidemiological findings suggested that the infection was spread to all herds by teat wipes that had been contaminated with this organism. Two molecular-typing strategies were used in an attempt to determine the genomic relationship(s), if any, of the P. aeruginosa strains isolated from the various herds and to verify whether the same strain was responsible for each outbreak. Thirty-six isolates from the mastitis outbreaks were tested and compared to fourteen clinical isolates from Cork University Hospital. With one exception, all outbreak-linked strains produced identical patterns when ribotyped with ClaI and PvuII enzymes. Eight of the clinical isolates gave the same ClaI ribotype pattern as the mastitis-causing strains. However, PvuII proved more discriminatory, with only the outbreak isolates producing identical patterns. Similar results were obtained with RW3A-primed DNA amplification fingerprinting, with all outbreak isolates except one displaying the same fingerprint array. The clinical strains produced several fingerprint patterns, all of which were different from those of the mastitis-causing isolates. Fine-resolution DNA fingerprinting with a fluorescence-labelled RW3A primer also identified a number of low-molecular-weight polymorphisms that would have remained undetected by conventional methods. These data support the view that the same P. aeruginosa strain was responsible for the mastitis outbreaks in all 11 herds

    Pregnancy-specific stress, fetoplacental haemodynamics, and neonatal outcomes in women with small for gestational age pregnancies: a secondary analysis of the multicentre Prospective Observational Trial to Optimise Paediatric Health in Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    Objectives: To examine associations between maternal pregnancy-specific stress and umbilical (UA PI) and middle cerebral artery pulsatility indices (MCA PI), cerebroplacental ratio, absent end diastolic flow (AEDF), birthweight, prematurity, neonatal intensive care unit admission and adverse obstetric outcomes in women with small for gestational age pregnancies. It was hypothesised that maternal pregnancy-specific stress would be associated with fetoplacental haemodynamics and neonatal outcomes. Design: This is a secondary analysis of data collected for a large-scale prospective observational study. Setting: This study was conducted in the seven major obstetric hospitals in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Participants: Participants included 331 women who participated in the Prospective Observational Trial to Optimise Paediatric Health in Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Women with singleton pregnancies between 24 and 36 weeks gestation, estimated fetal weight <10th percentile and no major structural or chromosomal abnormalities were included. Primary and secondary outcome measures Serial Doppler ultrasound examinations of the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries between 20 and 42 weeks gestation, Pregnancy Distress Questionnaire (PDQ) scores between 23 and 40 weeks gestation and neonatal outcomes. Results: Concerns about physical symptoms and body image at 35–40 weeks were associated with lower odds of abnormal UAPI (OR 0.826, 95% CI 0.696 to 0.979, p=0.028). PDQ score (OR 1.073, 95% CI 1.012 to 1.137, p=0.017), concerns about birth and the baby (OR 1.143, 95% CI 1.037 to 1.260, p=0.007) and concerns about physical symptoms and body image (OR 1.283, 95% CI 1.070 to 1.538, p=0.007) at 29–34 weeks were associated with higher odds of abnormal MCA PI. Concerns about birth and the baby at 29–34 weeks (OR 1.202, 95% CI 1.018 to 1.421, p=0.030) were associated with higher odds of AEDF. Concerns about physical symptoms and body image at 35–40 weeks were associated with decreased odds of neonatal intensive care unit admission (OR 0.635, 95% CI 0.435 to 0.927, p=0.019). Conclusions: These findings suggest that fetoplacental haemodynamics may be a mechanistic link between maternal prenatal stress and fetal and neonatal well-being, but additional research is required

    Administration of a live culture of Lactococcus lactis DPC 3147 into the bovine mammary gland stimulates the local host immune response, particularly IL-1β and IL-8 gene expression

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    peer-reviewedMastitis is one of the most costly diseases to the dairy farming industry. Conventional antibiotic therapy is often unsatisfactory for successful treatment of mastitis and alternative treatments are continually under investigation. We have previously demonstrated, in two separate field trials, that a probiotic culture, Lactococcus lactis DPC 3147, was comparable to antibiotic therapy to treat bovine mastitis. To understand the mode of action of this therapeutic, we looked at the detailed immune response of the host to delivery of this live strain directly into the mammary gland of six healthy dairy cows. All animals elicited signs of udder inflammation 7 h post infusion. At this time, clots were visible in the milk of all animals in the investigation. The most pronounced increase in immune gene expression was observed in Interleukin (IL)-1b and IL-8, with highest expression corresponding to peaks in somatic cell count. Infusion with a live culture of a Lc. lactis leads to a rapid and considerable innate immune response

    The relationship between maternal body composition in early pregnancy and foetal mid-thigh soft-tissue thickness in the third trimester in a high-risk obstetric population

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    Maternal obesity is an emerging challenge in contemporary obstetrics. To date there has been no study analysing the relationship between specific maternal body composition measurements and foetal soft-tissue measurements. The aim of this study was to determine whether measurement of maternal body composition at booking predicts foetal soft-tissue trajectories in the third trimester. We analysed the relationship between foetal thigh in the third trimester and both maternal BMI and body composition using the Tanita digital scales in the first trimester. Foetal subcutaneous thigh tissue measurements were obtained at intervals of 28, 32 and 36 weeks of gestation. A total of 160 women were identified. There was a direct correlation between MTST at 36 weeks and BMI (p = .002). There was a positive correlation between MTST at 36 weeks and leg fat mass (p = .13) and leg fat free mass (p = .013). There was a positive correlation between arm fat free mass and MTST at 36 weeks. We showed there is an association between maternal fat distribution and foetal subcutaneous thigh tissue measurements. MTST may be more useful in determining if a child is at risk of macrosomia.Impact statement Previous studies have suggested that maternal obesity programmes intrauterine foetal adiposity and growth. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship in a high-risk obstetric population between measurements of maternal body composition in early pregnancy and the assessment of foetal adiposity in the third trimester using serial ultrasound measurements of mid-thigh soft-tissue thickness. BMI is only a surrogate measurement of fat and does not measure fat distribution. Our study shows the distribution of both maternal fat and fat-free mass in early pregnancy may be positively associated with foetal soft-tissue measurements in the third trimester. Maternal arthropometric measurements other than BMI may help predict babies at risk of macrosomia and neonatal adiposity

    Integrating Data Rescue into the Classroom

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    Over much of the globe, the temporal extent of meteorological records is limited, yet a wealth of data remains in paper or image form in numerous archives. To date, little attention has been given to the role that students might play in efforts to rescue these data. Here we summarize an ambitious research-led, accredited teaching experiment in which undergraduate students successfully transcribed more than 1,300 station years of daily precipitation data and associated metadata across Ireland over the period 1860–1939. We explore i) the potential for integrating data rescue activities into the classroom, ii) the ability of students to produce reliable transcriptions and, iii) the learning outcomes for students. Data previously transcribed by Met Éireann (Ireland’s National Meteorological Service) were used as a benchmark against which it was ascertained that students were as accurate as the professionals. Details on the assignment, its planning and execution, and student-aids used are provided. The experience highlights the benefits that can accrue for data rescue through innovative collaboration between national meteorological services and academic institutions. At the same time, students have gained valuable learning outcomes and firsthand understanding of the processes that underpin data rescue and analysis. The success of the project demonstrates the potential to extend data rescue in the classroom to other universities, thus providing both an enriched learning experience for the students and a lasting legacy to the scientific community