4 research outputs found

    New insights on subsurface energy resources in the Southern North Sea Basin area

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    The Southern North Sea Basin area, stretching from the UK to the Netherlands, has a rich hydrocarbon exploration and production history. The past, present and expected future hydrocarbon and geothermal exploration trends in this area are discussed for eight key lithostratigraphic intervals, ranging from the Lower Carboniferous to Cenozoic. In the period between 2007 and 2017, a total of 95 new hydrocarbon fields were discovered, particularly in Upper Carboniferous, Rotliegend and Triassic reservoirs. Nineteen geothermal systems were discovered in the Netherlands onshore, mainly targeting aquifers in the Rotliegend and Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous formations. Although the Southern North Sea Basin area is mature in terms of hydrocarbon exploration, it is shown that with existing and new geological insights, additional energy resources are still being proven in new plays such as the basal Upper Rotliegend (Ruby discovery) for natural gas and a new Chalk play for oil. It is predicted that hydrocarbon exploration in the Southern North Sea Basin area will probably experience a slight growth in the coming decade before slowing down, as the energy transition further matures. Geothermal exploration is expected to continue growing in the Netherlands onshore as well as gain more momentum in the UK

    Multi-scale simulation of fluvio-deltaic and shallow marine stratigraphy

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    SimClast is a basin-scale 3D stratigraphic model, which allows several interacting sedimentary environments. We developed it from 2004 to 2008 at Delft University of Technology and implemented part of the Meijer (2002) code for accounting, loading and storing algorithms. SimClast is a fully plan view 2D, depth-averaged model, allowing the complex interaction between fluvial and wave influences on deltaic and shoreface development to be studied. It focuses on theoretical experiments, as quantitative experiments are intrinsically difficult to recreate in real world settings. Yet there lies the great strength of numerical modelling, as we can improve upon the understanding of these systems by focussing on the process forming and removing the deposits. The modelling applications focus especially on the erosional and nondepositional events as these probably represent the greatest amount of “stratigraphic time”. Short-term, high-resolution processes are coupled with the long-term stratigraphic model by nesting a parameterised version of the high-resolution processes. We extrapolate physical and empirical relationships of the geomorphological development and implement these. A necessary constraint on these long-term models is a relatively large grid sizing (i.e. km scale), as the area to be modelled is on the scale of continental margins and the modelling time is on the scale of many millennia. Areas of special importance are modelled by implementing sub-grid scale processes into a large-scale basin-filling model; this refines the model dynamics and the resulting stratigraphy. Processes included are; fluvial channel dynamics and overbank deposition, river plume deposition, open marine currents, wave resuspension, nearshore wave induced longshore and crosshore transport. This combined modelling approach allows insight into the processes influencing the flux of energy and clastic material and the effect of external perturbations in all environments. Many governing processes work on relatively small scales, e.g. in fluvial settings an avulsion is a relatively localised phenomenon, yet they have a profound effect on fluvial architecture. This means that the model must mimic these processes, but at the same time maintain computational efficiency. Additionally, long-term models use relatively large grid sizing (km scale), as the area to be modelled is on the scale of continental margins. We solve this problem by implementing the governing processes as sub-grid scale routines into the large-scale basin-filling model. This parameterization greatly refines morphodynamic behaviour and the resulting stratigraphy. SimClast recreates realistic geomorphological and stratigraphic delta behaviour in river and wave-dominated settings.GeotechnologyCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Improved subsurface property prediction in the Netherlands by integrating stratigraphic forward modelling

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    Classic geological reservoir characterisation relies on interpolation of high resolution well data with (at best) low resolution seismic derived data. In order to fill the data gap (e.g. in labyrinthine type fluvial deposits) we present a methodology to integrate basin scale information in reservoir scale static models by calibrating output from a Stratigraphic Forward Model (SFM). This project showcases the applicability of the integrated workflow to improve facies and property prediction at different scales. By calibrating the parameterized data from the SFM to independent constraints such as thicknesses from seismic interpretations and well logs the model greatly improve property prediction. Previous studies showed the application to synthetic datasets, this study aims to apply the methodology to the Holocene Rhine-Meuse fluvial deposits in the shallow subsurface of the Netherlands. The extraordinary level of detail in the model of these deposits and the parameterized fluvial sedimentation routine in the SFM used provide an ideal test case for the workflow proposed. The ultimate application of the workflow is intended to improve the geological and property models at greater depth where data coverage is limited. © 2016, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE. All rights reserved