88 research outputs found

    Conflicting claims and equilibrium adjustment processes in a stock-flow consistent macro model

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    We revisit the old but still vibrant Post-Keynesian debate over "fully-adjusted positions", defined by the long-run equality of actual and standard utilisation rates. The central proposition of this paper is that in a world where different groups inside and outside firms have different objectives, the equality of actual and standard utilisation should not be treated as the (only possible) long-run equilibrium condition. The argument is illustrated in a model of target return pricing with conflict inflation, building on Lavoie (2002, 2003). A "common language" for the conflicting claims by shareholders, managers, workers and banks is developed in terms of target profit rates, and it is shown that these contradictory claims can be partly reconciled through variations in the utilisation rate. The analysis unifies history and equilibrium in the sense that the nature of and the adjustment to the final equilibrium position depends on the objectives of the dominant social groups. We distinguish a "Fordist regime" and a "financialisation regime" and produce simulation results within a simple stock-flow consistent model that are broadly consistent with the stylised facts of these distinct historical phases of capitalism.Macroeconomic policies, New Consensus Model, Post-Keynesian Model, inflation targeting

    Teaching the effect of COVID-19 with a manageable model

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    This note has one main ambition. It seeks to provide a very simple macroeconomic framework to explain the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The explanation for the unprecedented magnitude of the recession over a short span of time is to be found in the peculiar form of the shock due to the various lockdowns involving two recessive shocks simultaneously. Besides, this model is original in that although it is driven by demand it is capable of dealing with supply issues without entailing any additional technical difficulties

    L'entreprise est à nous…

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    International audienceQuand on se demande si « l’entreprise est à nous », encore faut-il définir quel groupe se cache derrière le « nous »… Ce même slogan peut en effet être scandé par des travailleurs ou des actionnaires. Derrière cette lutte relative à la revendication d’un droit de propriété sur l’entreprise, on retrouverait le conflit entre le travail et le capital. Or, force est de constater que, ces dernières décennies, c’est le point de vue actionnarial qui domine celui des travailleurs (Favereau, 2014)

    Le Nord-Pas-de-Calais, entre mutations éconmiques et développement humain

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    La région Nord-Pas-de-Calais connaît depuis plusieurs décennies une transformation de son tissu productif qui pose la question de l’arbitrage entre mutation économique et progrès social: là où les difficultés économiques ont été les plus marquées, des territoires ont pu connaître un réel décrochage, avec de moindres perspectives de progrès social. Cette problématique est accentuée depuis 2008, avec une crise qui a des conséquences importantes sur les territoires

    L’expiation par l’austérité ou la stratégie de l’échec : une interprétation post-keynésienne de la crise des pays périphériques en zone euro

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    This article deals with the sustainability of public debt within the Post-Keynesian framework proposed by Pasinetti in order to determine the stability conditions of the public debt/GDP ratio. This alternative and simple technique is used to assess the impact of austerity policies in some peripheral countries of the Eurozone, insisting on the bad diagnosis addressed about the causes of fiscal deficits. We show that these countries are compelled to ‘expiate’ sins they have not committed accepting austerity measures with noticeably dubious impacts

    L’expiation par l’austérité ou la stratégie de l’échec : une interprétation post-keynésienne de la crise des pays périphériques en zone euro

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    This article deals with the sustainability of public debt within the Post-Keynesian framework proposed by Pasinetti in order to determine the stability conditions of the public debt/GDP ratio. This alternative and simple technique is used to assess the impact of austerity policies in some peripheral countries of the Eurozone, insisting on the bad diagnosis addressed about the causes of fiscal deficits. We show that these countries are compelled to ‘expiate’ sins they have not committed accepting austerity measures with noticeably dubious impacts

    Le multiplicateur keynésien en récession : Pourquoi une relance est-elle davantage nécessaire aujourd'hui en zone Euro ?

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    The Great Recession has revived economic policy debates from the 1930s between the advocates of a balanced budget under all circumstances and the supporters of counter-cyclical fiscal policies. Since 2012, a consensus has emerged that fiscal policy is more effective in recessions that during periods of growth. Now, new studies have explained why fiscal multipliers are usually higher in times of recession. These results confirm the pressing need for fiscal stimulus in Europe

    Leadership individuel et leadership collectif : une identification des leaders de marché et de leurs performances économiques grâce à l’analyse des réseaux sociaux

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    Cet article aborde la question du leadership sur un marché. Elle mobilise la théorie postkeynésienne et la théorie néo-structurale. La théorie postkeynésienne propose une théorie dite du price leadership selon laquelle un marché serait divisé entre leaders (entreprises dominantes) et suiveurs (entreprises dominées). Cette théorie se heurte à un problème de définition : qu’est-ce qu’un leader dans la théorie postkeynésienne ? Est leader celui qui est regardé par les autres répond la sociologie néo-structurale, dont les outils méthodologiques (analyse de réseaux) permettent d’identifier précisément qui est « central » sur un marché. A partir d’un jeu de données empiriques, une enquête de terrain réalisée auprès de trois cents restaurateurs de la métropole lilloise, nous testons la théorie du price leadership. Nous faisons un lien entre le profit économique des entreprises et leur position dans la structure du réseau. Nous montrons que la prise en compte de la seule position structurale ne suffit pas toujours à expliquer la performance économique, mais qu’il convient aussi de prendre en compte le profit symbolique des Chefs cuisiniers comme variable explicative de la position structurale (et de la performance économique). En outre, nous proposons de dépasser le caractère intuitivement individuel de la notion de leadership et montrons l’existence, sur le marché étudié, d’un leadership collectif, à la fois économique et symbolique.This article deals with the question of leadership on a market. It melts post-keynesian theory and neo-structural theory. Post-keynesian theory puts forward the so-called theory of price leadership according to which a market is divided into leaders (dominant firms) and followers (dominated firms). This theory faces a problem of definition: what is a leader? The leader is the one who is observed by the others: that is the answer of neo-structural sociology, whose methodological tools (networks analysis) allow for precise identifications of who is “central” on a market. Thanks to empirical data based on a field survey led among three hundred restaurants’ owners in the surrounding of Lille, we test the theory of price leadership. We establish links between firms’ economic profit and their position in the network structure. We show that taking account of the sole structural position is not always enough to explain economic performance, but that it is necessary to also consider symbolic profit of cooking Chefs as explicative variables for structural position (and economic performance). Moreover, we aim at going beyond the intuitive individual property of the notion of leadership, and we show the existence, on the market under study, of a collective leadership, both economic and symbolic

    Le multiplicateur keynésien en récession : Pourquoi une relance est-elle davantage nécessaire aujourd'hui en zone Euro ?

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    The Great Recession has revived economic policy debates from the 1930s between the advocates of a balanced budget under all circumstances and the supporters of counter-cyclical fiscal policies. Since 2012, a consensus has emerged that fiscal policy is more effective in recessions that during periods of growth. Now, new studies have explained why fiscal multipliers are usually higher in times of recession. These results confirm the pressing need for fiscal stimulus in Europe