44 research outputs found

    Non trivial limit distributions for transient renewal chains

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    In this work we study the asymptotic of renewal sequences associated with certain transient renewal Markov chains and enquire about the existence of limit laws in this set up

    Local limit theorems for suspended semiflows

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    We prove local limit theorems for a cocycle over a semiflow by establishing topological, mixing properties of the associated skew product semiflow. We also establish conditional rational weak mixing of certain skew product semiflows and various mixing properties including order 2 rational weak mixing of hyperbolic geodesic flows of cyclic covers.Comment: Various corrections & dedication added. 45 page

    Upper and lower bounds for the correlation function via inducing with general return times

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    For non-uniformly expanding maps inducing with a general return time to Gibbs Markov maps, we provide sufficient conditions for obtaining higher order asymptotics for the correlation function in the infinite measure setting. Along the way, we show that these conditions are sufficient to recover previous results on sharp mixing rates in the finite measure setting for non-Markov maps, but for a larger class of observables. The results are illustrated by (finite and infinite measure preserving) non-Markov intervals maps with an indifferent fixed point

    Operator renewal theory for continuous time dynamical systems with finite and infinite measure

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    We develop operator renewal theory for flows and apply this to obtain results on mixing and rates of mixing for a large class of finite and infinite measure semiflows. Examples of systems covered by our results include suspensions over parabolic rational maps of the complex plane, and nonuniformly expanding semiflows with indifferent periodic orbits. In the finite measure case, the emphasis is on obtaining sharp rates of decorrelations, extending results of Gou\"ezel and Sarig from the discrete time setting to continuous time. In the infinite measure case, the primary question is to prove results on mixing itself, extending our results in the discrete time setting. In some cases, we obtain also higher order asymptotics and rates of mixing.Comment: Final version, to appear in Monatsh. Mat

    Mixing properties for toral extensions of slowly mixing dynamical systems with finite and infinite measure

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    We prove results on mixing and mixing rates for toral extensions of nonuniformly expanding maps with subexponential decay of correlations. Both the finite and infinite measure settings are considered. Under a Dolgopyat-type condition on nonexistence of approximate eigenfunctions, we prove that existing results for (possibly nonMarkovian) nonuniformly expanding maps hold also for their toral extensions.Comment: Final version, published in J. Mod. Dy

    Decay of correlations for nonuniformly expanding systems with general return times

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    We give a unified treatment of decay of correlations for nonuniformly expanding systems with a good inducing scheme. In addition to being more elementary than previous treatments, our results hold for general integrable return time functions under fairly mild conditions on the inducing scheme