141 research outputs found

    Brace yourselves: esports is coming

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    Background: Competitive gaming (or esports) is an emerging phenomenon with a field of over 454 million fans globally. Despite its tremendous popularity and commercial support, esports is not widely understood. It is also disregarded as a reputable or credible form of competition. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) contends that esports may be considered a sporting activity, but this is limited to the basis of its sedentary nature and poor governance. Discussion: These authors present evidence to inform and clarify misconceptions surrounding esports among the broader scientific community. They also encourage researchers to engage in further work into the phenomenon of competitive gaming with regard to health and performance, resulting in a better understanding of esports and guiding its development as a credible, competitive entity

    Variability and sources of the southeastern Atlantic circulation

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    The 1992–1993 Benguela Sources and Transport (BEST) time series provide a quantitative view of the Benguela Current transport and the eddy field crossing 30S, as well as an estimate of the relation between its barotropic and baroclinic components. This is done by a simultaneous analysis of the BEST data derived from inverted echo sounders, pressure sensors, current meter moorings, CTD, and ADCP stations. The analysis of the time series indicates that the annual mean baroclinic transport of the Benguela Current is 13 Sv with a total transport of 16 Sv. Through the combination of instruments the total baroclinic plus barotropic transport of the upper 2600 m was obtained without making any assumption about the level of no motion. Results from this calculation corroborated the assumption that 1000 m as a level of no motion could be used as a fairly good approximation. The stationary flow of the Benguela Current is mostly confined near the African Continent while a transient flow, composed by large eddies shed from the Agulhas retroflection, dominates the western portion of the Benguela Current. In the stationary part of the Benguela Current, both barotropic and baroclinic components are equally important while in the transient part, the barotropic is more substantial. Several rings were observed during the experiment that migrated toward the west. An initial speed of 12 km/day diminished to 6 to 7 km/day at the Walvis Ridge. The water mass source of the Benguela Current includes Indian and South Atlantic subtropical thermocline water; relatively saline, low oxygen tropical Atlantic water; and the cooler, fresher subantarctic water. Changes in thermocline salinity correlate with transport: in general when the northward transport is increasing the thermocline salinity also increases, without a decrease in oxygen. This indicates that the Benguela Current increases in strength by bringing in more subtropical thermocline water. As the Agulhas input is most effective in boosting the salinity of the upper thermocline (the South Atlantic Current water being deficit in salinity relative to the Indian Ocean source) we suggest that the spatial variations in transport are tied to Agulhas water influx, presumably associated with the eddy field

    Assessing the validity and reliability and determining cut-points of the Actiwatch 2 in measuring physical activity

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    Objective: The Actiwatch 2 (AW2) is a wrist-worn accelerometer typically used to measure sleep. Although it can measure physical activity, there is limited evidence supporting its validity. We assessed the validity and reliability of the AW2 to measure sedentary behavior and physical activity (light, moderate, vigorous intensities), and reported their respective count cut-points. Approach: Twenty-eight males and 22 females completed a task battery comprising three sedentary tasks and six randomized physical activity tasks at varying intensities, whilst wearing the AW2, a reference accelerometry device (Actigraph GT3X) and a cardiopulmonary gas analyzer on two separate occasions. Validity was assessed using correlations (AW2 counts versus GT3X counts and metabolic equivalent (MET) values), reliability using Bland–Altman analyses, and cut-points were determined using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) analyses. Main results: AW2 counts were positively correlated with GT3X counts (rho = 0.902, p < 0.001) and METs (rho = 0.900, p < 0.001). AW2-derived counts were comparable across independent assessment periods. Sedentary (AUC = 0.99, cut-point: 256 cpm) and vigorous activity (AUC = 0.95, cut-point: 720 cpm) were strongly characterized, and moderate activity (AUC = 0.66, cut-point: 418 cpm) was weakly characterized. Significance: The use of the AW2 in physical activity monitoring looks promising for sedentary behavior, moderate and vigorous activity, however, further validation is needed

    Longitudinal associations between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic disease risk in corporate executives

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    Objective: This study aimed to determine the longitudinal associations between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic disease (CMD) risk in corporate executives. Methods: Self-reported sleep duration and lifestyle, occupational, psychological, and anthropometrical, blood pressure and blood marker variables were obtained from 1512 employees at annual health risk assessments in South Africa between 2016 and 2019. Gender-stratified linear mixed models, adjusting for age, lifestyle, occupational and psychological covariates were used to explore these longitudinal associations. Results: Among women, shorter sleep duration was associated with higher body mass index (BMI) covarying for age only (ß with 95% confidence intervals: −0.19 [−0.36, −0.03]), age and occupational factors (−0.20 [−0.36, −0.03]) and age and psychological factors (−0.20 [−0.37, −0.03]). Among men, shorter sleep was associated with both BMI and waist circumference (WC) covarying for age only (BMI: −0.15 [−0.22; −0.08]; WC: −0.62 [−0.88; −0.37]); age and lifestyle factors (BMI: −0.12 [−0.21; −0.04]); WC: −0.016 [−0.92; −0.29], age and occupational factors (BMI: −0.20 [−0.22; 0.08]; WC: −0.62 [−0.88; −0.36]), and age and psychological factors (BMI: −0.15 [−0.22; −0.07]; WC: −0.59 [−0.86; −0.33]). Among men, shorter sleep was also longitudinally associated with higher CMD risk scores in models adjusted for age and lifestyle factors (CMD: −0.12 [−0.20; −0.04]) and age and psychological factors (CMD: −0.08 [−0.15; −0.01]). Conclusion: Corporate executives who report shorter sleep durations may present with poorer CMD risk profiles, independent of age, lifestyle, occupational and psychological factors. Addressing sleep health in workplace health programmes may help mitigate the development of CMD in such employees.</p

    Association between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk in corporate executives

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    Purpose: This cross-sectional study aimed to compare the association between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk among men and women corporate executives and investigate potential lifestyle, work- and stress-related mediators thereof. Methods: Self-reported sleep duration and lifestyle, occupational, psychological and measured anthropometrical, blood pressure (BP) and blood marker variables were obtained from health risk assessment data of 3583 corporate executives. Sex-stratified regression analyses investigated the relationships between occupational and psychological variables with self-reported sleep duration, and sleep duration with individual cardiometabolic risk factors. Mediation analyses investigated the effects of work, psychological and lifestyle factors on the relationships between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk factors, as well as a continuous cardiometabolic risk score calculated from the sum of sex-stratified z-standardized scores of negative fasting serum HDL, and positive plasma Glu, serum TG, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, systolic and diastolic BP. Results: Longer work hours and work commute time, depression, anxiety and stress were associated with shorter sleep duration in both men and women (all p < 0.05). Shorter sleep duration was associated with higher BMI, larger waist circumference and greater cardiometabolic risk scores in both men and women (all p < 0.05), higher diastolic BP in men (p < 0.05) and lower HDL cholesterol in women (p < 0.05). Physical activity, working hours and stress significantly mediated the relationships between self-reported sleep duration and BMI, waist circumference, diastolic BP and cardiometabolic risk score in men only. Conclusion: In these corporate executives, shorter self-reported sleep duration is associated with poorer psychological, occupational and cardiometabolic risk outcomes in both men and women. Given that physical activity, working hours and stress mediate this association among the men, the case for sleep health interventions in workplace health programmes is warranted

    PDV Development at the LANL Proton Radiography Facility: Smaller, Cheaper, Lower Bandwidth

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    Author Institution: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Physics DivisionSlides presented at the 2016 Photonic Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) unclassified program, Bankhead Theater, Livermore, California, June 7 - 9, 2016. Morning program, June 7, 2016

    Vector species-specific association between natural Wolbachia infections and avian malaria in black fly populations

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    Thanks to the Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine (University of Glasgow) for funding vector traps.Artificial infection of mosquitoes with the endosymbiont bacteria Wolbachia can interfere with malaria parasite development. Therefore, the release of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes has been proposed as a malaria control strategy. However, Wolbachia effects on vector competence are only partly understood, as indicated by inconsistent effects on malaria infection reported under laboratory conditions. Studies of naturally-occurring Wolbachia infections in wild vector populations could be useful to identify the ecological and evolutionary conditions under which these endosymbionts can block malaria transmission. Here we demonstrate the occurrence of natural Wolbachia infections in three species of black fly (genus Simulium), which is a main vector of the avian malaria parasite Leucocytozoon. Prevalence of Leucocytozoon was high (25%), but the nature and magnitude of its association with Wolbachia differed between black fly species. Wolbachia infection was positively associated with avian malaria infection in S. cryophilum, negatively associated in S. aureum, and unrelated in S. vernum. These differences suggest that Wolbachia interacts with the parasite in a vector host species-specific manner. This provides a useful model system for further study of how Wolbachia influences vector competence. Such knowledge, including the possibility of undesirable positive association, is required to guide endosymbiont based control methods.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Associations Between Self-Reported Sleep Duration and Mortality in Employed Individuals:Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective: Sleeping less or more than the 7-8 h has been associated with mortality in the general population, which encompasses diversity in employment status, age and community settings. Since sleep patterns of employed individuals may differ to those of their unemployed counterparts, the nature of their sleep-mortality relationship may vary. We therefore investigated the association between self-reported sleep duration and all-cause mortality (ACM) or cardiovascular disease mortality (CVDM) in employed individuals. Data sources: Based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, searches between January 1990 and May 2020 were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus. Inclusion/exclusion criteria: Included were prospective cohort studies of 18–64-year-old disease-free employed persons with sleep duration measured at baseline, and cause of death recorded prospectively as the outcome. Gray literature, case-control or intervention design studies were excluded. Data Extraction: Characteristics of the studies, participants, and study outcomes were extracted. The quality and risk of bias were assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Data synthesis: The pooled relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were obtained with a random-effects model and results presented as forest plots. Heterogeneity and sensitivity analysis were assessed. Results: Shorter sleep duration (less than or equal to 6 h) was associated with a higher risk for (ACM) (RR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.11 -1.22) and CVDM (RR: 1.26, 95% CI: 1.12 -1.41) compared to 7-8 h of sleep, with no significant heterogeneity. The association between longer sleep (greater than or equal to 8 h) and ACM (RR: 1.18, 95% CI:1.12 -1.23, P < 0.001) needs to be interpreted cautiously owing to high heterogeneity (I2 ¼ 86.0%, P < 0.001). Conclusion: Interventions and education programs targeting sleep health in the workplace may be warranted, based on our findings that employed individuals who report shorter sleep appear to have a higher risk for ACM and CVDM

    Sex-specific associations between self-reported sleep characteristics and 10-year cardiovascular disease risk in men and women of African descent living in a low socioeconomic status environment

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    BackgroundRisk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and sleep health are well-known to be sex- and race-specific. To build on the established relationship between sleep duration and CVD risk, this cross-sectional study aimed to describe sex-specific associations between CVD risk and other sleep characteristics (sleep quality, sleep timing and sleep onset latency) in low-income adults of African descent.MethodsSelf-reported sleep (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [PSQI], Epworth Sleepiness Scale [ESS], Insomnia Severity Index [ISI]), demographic and lifestyle data were collected in 412 adults (56% women, 35.0±7.6y, 40% employed) living in an informal settlement in South Africa. CVD risk was determined using the BMI-modified Framingham 10-year CVD risk formula.ResultsLogistic regression analyses, adjusted for employment, alcohol use and physical activity, indicated that men reporting poor sleep quality (OR: 1.9[95%CI: 1.1-3.5],p=0.025) and earlier bedtimes (0.54[0.39-0.74],p&lt;0.001) were more likely to belong to a higher 10-year CVD risk score quintile. Women reporting earlier bedtimes (0.72[0.55-0.95],p=0.020) and wake-up times (0.30[0.1-0.7],p=0.007), longer sleep-onset latency (1.5[1.4-1.9],p=0.003), shorter total sleep times (0.84[0.7-0.9],p=0.029), higher PSQI global scores (1.9[1.3-2.9],p=0.001) and more moderate to severe symptoms of insomnia (ISI≥15)(3.24[1.04-10.04],p=0.016) were more likely to belong to higher 10-year CVD risk score quintile.ConclusionIn addition to sleep duration, we found that sleep quality, sleep timing and sleep onset latency are additional risk factors for CVD in adults of African descent. Sex-specific differences in the sleep-CVD-risk relationship observed suggests that future studies and recommendations about sleep health in relation to CVD should take sex into account.<br/
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