12 research outputs found

    The life cycle in women-owned businesses : From a qualitative growth perspective

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate women-owned businesses from a life cycle perspective and with a qualitative growth approach. Building on previous research that has identified qualitative growth platforms, this paper takes into account the time aspect and investigates perceived barriers and support needs inside different qualitative growth platforms. Design/methodology/approach – The study took place in Sweden and is based on 191 women entrepreneurs in a first survey and 101 women entrepreneurs in a follow-up questionnaire three years later. Toanswer the research questions, descriptive frequency analysis and logistic regression analysis techniques have been used. Findings – The motivation of growth changes throughout the life cycle, and women entrepreneurs move between different qualitative growth platforms when required building blocks of previous platforms have been established and secured. In this transfer of growth ambition, a significant correlation between business age and intrinsic growth aspiration was identified. Initially, growth is extrinsically motivated and later on in the life cycle, it is intrinsically motivated. In the late life cycle, the motivation is extrinsically motivated again. The results discern barriers to growth that hinder movement from extrinsic to intrinsic business platforms, and the author argues that the transfer of growth ambition from one growing platform to another requires different types of advice and support from the surrounding community. Research limitations/implications – By broadening the view of growth to include both a quantitative and qualitative approach, it is possible to identify a widespread growth ambition in women-owned businesses which experience various barriers and supportive needs. Business programs that encourage exchange of experience among entrepreneurs in various growth platforms might be a way to overcome the perceived barriers. As women's businesses only receive a low proportion of the government funding, they are prevented from developing their growth ambitions. To ensure that all forms of growth are stimulated, different measures are required depending on which stage in their life cycle the women-owned businesses belong to. Originality/value – By considering business growth from a qualitative perspective, barriers and needs that the traditional approach may overlook can be highlighted. For example, growth aspiration in terms of more employees will not be considered until the previously, qualitative growth platforms are established and secured. The support system, however, is designed to only favor growth in terms of employment, which results in difficulties to qualify for financial support

    GAMLA VILLFARELSER och NYA VERKLIGHETER? : En studie om förestÀllningar och förutsÀttningar för entreprenörskap

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    In most countries around the world, women owned businesses form an important and significant part of the overall entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is fundamental for the prosperity of a country and for that reason there are constant efforts in order to create a favourable and equal business condition. The knowledge about entrepreneurship is continuously increasing and has, among other things, resulted in perceptions of who is an entrepreneur, what constitutes growth, and strategies for how gender equality in entrepreneurship should be promoted. The increased knowledge, and the specific strategies and targeted measures designed to increase women's share in the business world seem, however, not to have resulted in a more equal entrepreneurship. The purpose of the present study is to identify and analyze factors that are considered to affect start-up and growth decisions of women and men, and, to propose a conceptual model that shows how gender-linked beliefs (i.e. fallacies) about entrepreneurship growth and support systems can be obstacles for gender equality in entrepreneurship. Respondents in the thesis are entrepreneurs, women and men, in the county of JĂ€mtland. The results from the five papers in the thesis show that women and men have a high passion and a strong self-efficacy to start businesses but that women's passion is negatively affected because of a higher risk perception. Another important result is that growth can be considered from a qualitative perspective where growth involves both a quest for survival and personal development. Women entrepreneurs do want employment growth but the condition for that is that they need access to a fair support system already in the previous lifecycle phases. The results further show that the current support system comprises a narrow definition of growth and that gender questions do not seem to have had an impact when allocating government funds. Together, the above results help to dispel some of the existing conceptions of reality. The thesis concludes: Women, as well as men, possess the passion and the self-efficacy to start and growth a business, but women are not perceived as potential growth entrepreneurs, and therefore they only receive a fraction of the total business support. This leads to a higher risk perception which cancels out the influence of passion on women’s start-up decision. Previous strategies for business equality in Sweden do not seem to have been successful. Instead strategies must be reshaped and based on a conception of reality where both women and men are considered growth entrepreneurs. Keywords: entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs, risk, passion, self-efficacy, gender equality, business life cycle, business support system.I de allra flesta lĂ€nder runt om i vĂ€rlden utgör kvinnors företagande en viktig och betydande andel av det totala företagandet. Eftersom entreprenörskap och företagande Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande för ett lands vĂ€lstĂ„nd pĂ„gĂ„r stĂ€ndigt ett arbete för att skapa ett gynnsamt och jĂ€mstĂ€llt företagsklimat dĂ€r kvinnor och mĂ€n har lika rĂ€ttigheter och förutsĂ€ttningar. Kunskapen om entreprenörskap och företagande ökar kontinuerligt och har bland annat resulterat i förestĂ€llningar kring vem som Ă€r entreprenör, vad som avses med utveckling och tillvĂ€xt i ett företag, samt strategier för hur ett jĂ€mstĂ€llt företagande ska frĂ€mjas. Den ökade kunskapen samt de sĂ€rskilda strategierna som syftar till att öka kvinnors andel i företagsvĂ€rlden verkar dock inte ha resulterat i ett mer jĂ€mstĂ€llt företagande. Till exempel startar mĂ€n, Ă„rligen i Sverige, dubbelt sĂ„ mĂ„nga företag som kvinnor. Avhandlingens syfte Ă€r att identifiera och analysera faktorer som anses pĂ„verka att kvinnor och mĂ€n startar och utvecklar företag i olika utstrĂ€ckning samt att föreslĂ„ en förklaringsmodell som visar hur genusbundna förestĂ€llningar (lĂ€s villfarelser) kring entreprenörskap, tillvĂ€xt och stödsystem kan utgöra hinder för ett jĂ€mstĂ€llt företagande. Respondenter i avhandlingen Ă€r företagande kvinnor och mĂ€n i JĂ€mtlands lĂ€n. Resultaten frĂ„n avhandlingens delstudier visar bland annat att bĂ„de kvinnor och mĂ€n kĂ€nner en stor passion för och har en stark sjĂ€lvtillit att starta företag men att kvinnors passion för att starta företag pĂ„verkas negativt pĂ„ grund av en högre riskuppfattning. Ett annat resultat Ă€r att tillvĂ€xt kan betraktas ur ett kvalitativt perspektiv dĂ€r tillvĂ€xt kan innefatta sĂ„vĂ€l en strĂ€van efter överlevnad som personlig utveckling. Företagande kvinnor uttrycker att de vill ha sysselsĂ€ttningstillvĂ€xt i sina företag men det förutsĂ€tter att de fĂ„r ta del av ett rĂ€ttvist stödsystem redan i tidigare faser i företagets livscykel. Resultaten visar vidare att dagens stödsystem utgĂ„r frĂ„n en snĂ€v definition av tillvĂ€xtbegreppet samt att jĂ€mstĂ€lldhetsfrĂ„gor inte verkar beaktas nĂ€r statliga medel fördelas. OvanstĂ„ende resultat hjĂ€lper tillsammans till med att slĂ„ hĂ„l pĂ„ nĂ„gra av de förestĂ€llningar om den verklighet som för nĂ€rvarande rĂ„der för företagande. Avhandlingens slutsats Ă€r följande: Kvinnor och mĂ€n kĂ€nner en stor passion för och har en stark sjĂ€lvtillit att starta och utveckla företag men dĂ„ företagande kvinnor inte uppfattas som potentiella tillvĂ€xtföretag fĂ„r de endast ta del av en brĂ„kdel av det totala företagsstödet. Detta leder till att de uppfattar högre risker med företagande, vilket ocksĂ„ neutraliserar den identifierade effekt som passionen annars har för att starta företag. Den förda strategin för ett jĂ€mstĂ€llt företagande i Sverige verkar inte ha varit framgĂ„ngsrik. Strategier bör dĂ€rför omformas och baseras pĂ„ en verklighetsbild dĂ€r sĂ„vĂ€l kvinnor som mĂ€n betraktas som entreprenörer som startar och driver tillvĂ€xtföretag

    Risk perception matters : why women's passion may not lead to a business start-up

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explore whether nascent women entrepreneurs perceive more risks than men, and to determine how higher risk perceptions might limit start-up decisions by mediating the potential influence of passion and self-efficacy. Design/methodology/approach – This study surveyed 103 participants in Sweden – both women and men – who, in the period 2008 through 2011, intended to start a business. ANOVA tests and binominal logistic regression models were conducted to test hypothesized framework. Findings – The authors found that nascent women entrepreneurs perceive more risk than nascent male entrepreneurs, that risk perceptions influence start-up decisions and that risk preferences partial out the otherwise identified influence of passion on start-up decisions. Research limitations/implications – The authors reveal a consequence of gender socialization and how it impacts the start-up decisions of nascent women entrepreneurs. Support systems should consider developing activities that change the public's perception of who is an entrepreneur and seek ways to balance risk perceptions between men and women. Originality/value – The authors argue here that risk perceptions play a prominent role in start-up decisions. Specifically, they consider that nascent women entrepreneurs perceive more risks than men, and that their view of risk partials out any potential influence of their perceived passion and self-efficacy on their start-up decision

    Leaving the numbers behind : Qualitative growth, business platforms and motivation of women entrepreneurs

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    This study is a response to the lack of research on qualitative growth and women’s entrepreneurship. Using a sample of 191 women entrepreneurs, this study suggests that qualitative growth is manifested in a striving to grow, to secure building blocks on different business platforms, may unfold to accomplish growth in different forms: survival, stability, work creation, appreciation and personal development. Although the extrinsic platforms of survival and stability are the most common growth platforms among women entrepreneurs, all forms can be characterized by equally high growth aspirations. Each of the platforms is associated with distinct and unique building blocks that women entrepreneurs try to put together and solve in order to grow their companies. Women entrepreneurs also move between the different platforms, from the growth of extrinsic platforms to intrinsic platforms, when the building blocks of those platforms have been established and secured. Variables such as profits and ownership may explain such a transfer of growth ambitions.GodkĂ€nd; 2011; 20111213 (ysko

    EntreprenĂžrskap i naturbaserte nĂŠringer – faktorer som fremmer og hemmer idĂ©utvikling og sysselsetting

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    This study examines the motivations, ambitions and critical resources for entrepreneurs to succeed in nature-based businesses. The article is based on semi-structured interviews with 30 Norwegian and Swedish entrepreneurs within nature-based businesses. The result shows that strong interests and motivations drive the entrepreneurs, but that they often lack time, money or sufficient skills. Norwegian entrepreneurs often use help from support schemes, while Swedish entrepreneurs rely more on their private network. Lifestyle and using the place as a residence seem to be of great importance for strategic choices and resource combinations in the entrepreneurial initiatives. For future research, we propose more in-depth studies of the dynamics between the advisor/support system and the entrepreneur.Studien undersĂžker motiver, ambisjoner og kritiske ressurser for Ă„ lykkes blant entreprenĂžrer i naturbaserte virksomheter. Artikkelen bygger pĂ„ semistrukturerte intervjuer med 30 norske og svenske grĂŒndere tilknyttet naturbaserte virksomheter i TrĂžndelag og JĂ€mtland. Resultatet viser at entreprenĂžrene har sterk interesse og motivasjon, men mangler ofte ressurser som tid, penger og kunnskap. Norske entreprenĂžrer fĂ„r i stĂžrre grad hjelp av bedriftsrĂ„dgivere, mens de svenske sĂžker hjelp gjennom private nettverk. Ellers ser livsstil og bosted ut til Ă„ ha stor betydning for entreprenĂžrenes strategiske valg og ressurskombinasjoner. Forslag til framtidig forskning er Ă„ se nĂŠrmere pĂ„ dynamikken mellom rĂ„dgiver/stĂžtteapparat og entreprenĂžr

    The importance of network coopetition for the robustness of micro-enterprises in times of crisis

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    Prior research has highlighted coopetition as a successful strategy for enterprise performance during a crisis; this has largely focused upon large firms therefore, limiting our knowledge of network coopetition in micro-enterprises. This article explores the impact of network coopetition on the robustness of micro-enterprises during COVID-19. A survey and interviews with craft food producers in Sweden were conducted; a measurement for firm robustness was created, indicating that 46% of respondents had successfully weathered the pandemic and were thus, considered robust. The findings show that micro-enterprises employing network coopetition as a strategy during the pandemic exhibited robustness. This article stresses the importance of micro-enterprises that broadly embrace network coopetition to withstand the negative effects of crises