30 research outputs found

    Mono-chloro-substituted m-dinitrobenzene compound as cathode materials magnesium battery

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    The performance of mono-chloro-substituted m-dinitrobenzene compounds in magnesium battery is reported here. While the operating voltage is improved, the current efficiency is lowered by the chloro-substituents. The influence is explained taking into account inductive and mesomeric effects of the substituent

    Multi-criteria analysis and ex-ante assessment to prioritize and scale up climate smart agriculture in semi–arid tropics, India

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    The strategies that integrate food security, adaptation and mitigation options in agriculture are of high importance to manage the increasing risk of climate change in vulnerable semi-arid regions for the livelihood security of poor agriculture-dependent people. To address the growing problems of food security and climate change, multiple institutions and programs have demonstrated evidences for developing Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) across regions which can act as a sustainable model for adapting to changing climate and improve farmers’ welfare. However, it remain a major challenge to upscale CSV approach. This paper presents a framework and evidence based designing of a strategy for scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in Telangana State of India. Climate risk and vulnerability mapping at disaggregate level; Inventory of CSA practices and respective technical coefficients; multicriteria analysis for participatory prioritization of location specific CSA practices and identification of barriers and incentives; ex-ante impact analysis of potential adoption and investment and infrastructure needs to implement CSA practices at local level and strategy for CSA integration into district level plans have been the key steps of this CSV approach. Local level vulnerability assessments and participatory prioritization based on index calculated for climate smartness and ease of adoption for each proposed practice, formed the basis of prioritizing CSA interventions suitable for particular location. Further the ex-ante impact analysis of selected climate smart interventions in different regions of Telangana was the next step. We also generated relevant geospatial maps for irrigated as well as rainfed major crops under vertisols and light soils. These maps helped in identifying context specificity of CSA interventions. Based on participatory prioritization, five CSA practices such as Ridges and Furrows, Broad bed and furrow for soil and moisture conservation and drainage, Farm pond for critical/supplemental irrigation, Crop residue management (cotton) and drip irrigation system were considered for ex-ante assessment considering district wise actual area and yields of major crops and rainfall level for 5 years from 2010-11 to 2014-15. The proposed framework and different tools help to understand the district wise potential for promotion of CSA practices/technologies, public and private investment needs, economic impacts of the interventions to enable informed decision making for climate smart agriculture. Stakeholders’ consultations during different stages of this process was very important for integrating their perspective and creating ownership. Piloting of evidence based scientific framework guides investments and policy making decisions on scaling up CSA in Telangana state

    Automatic tester for batteries

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    Several primary battery systems are available for diverse applications in electronic instruments, cordless para appliances, flash light, etc. Several specifications are available for testing conventional dry cells differing in test duration, number of discharges and frequency of the tests (onloff) etc. In this paper, an instrument developed in this laboratory for testing several types of primary batteries as per different specifications is described. The instrument can be programmed for different dischange cycles from 1 sec. to 999 hrs. The special feature of the instrument is that it is an ACIDC model with battery under normal float charge and battery fully taking over in the absence of mains suppl

    Zeta potential at sulphuric acid-battery separator interface

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    Electrokinetic zeta potential of commercial battery separators has been determined using streaming potential measurements. The effect of pore size and other pore properties in conjunction with zeta potential on electrical resistance of battery sepqatora is brought out from expefimental data. Zeta potential effects with high positive charge accumulation affect the electrical resistance of submicroporous separator

    Life cycle monitoring of tubular plate lead acid batteries with cadmium electrodes

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    Tubular plate lead acid batteries are extensively used in long life industrial applications at different duty cycles [float with occasional deep discharge or deep discharge). Normally.the life cycle tests take about a year to complete and the satisfactory completion of the set number of cycles is taken as the end test. An attempt has been made to regularly monitor the cadmium potential of both positive and negative plates during cycling and assess the progressive deterioration of the battery in the life cycle test for stationary and traction applications. Comparison of the life performance of different batteries with other data (capacity, storage efficiency, etc.) has been made to correlate and predict performance aspects. Modification of the life cycle test based on the above data is also aimed at to cut short the testing duration without sacrificing the real life evaluations. Results on batteries from different sources are presented her

    A programmable multi purpose charging system for electrochemical secondary power sources

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    Design details of a microprocessor based multipurpose battery charger is described. The main characteristics of the charger are that it can be CC or CV mode charging, with desired taper charging or multistep charging variitions. Provision for temperature sensing of the battery and corresponding charge corrections are built in.Software for three types of charging is describe

    A new cell for electrochemical characterization of manganese dioxide for alkaline batteries

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    A new nickel plated mild steel with inner dimensions of LR6 cell and with a detachable bottom plug has been designed for the evaluation of manganese dioxide particularly for alkaline cells. The technique has been standardized for rapid evaluation, by optimizing graphite content, at a discharge current of 125m.A.G-1 simulating 1 ampere load of LR6 cell. The cell can be used for evaluation of other active material also for characterization of Mno2 with respect to compatability, conductivity, porosity, density, volume change in electrolyte and alkali adsorption

    A versatile test system for lead acid batteries

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    The paper describes a versatile instrument system for evaluation of life cycle test of various types of lead acid batteries. It consists of a master time and function control using WD 55 microprocessor based timer chip that precisely controls discharge and charge sequences within preset durations. The system has constant current load banks both for charge and discharge circuit. The versatility of the system consists in the adoption of the unit for testing life cycle of any type of battery (with varying life cylce test procedures) and for independent charging or capacity test of the cells

    A Model-checking Algorithm for Formal- verification of Peer-to-peer Fault-tolerant Networks

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    Abstract-In this paper, the goal is to perform the verification of fault-tolerant properties of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network consisting of n nodes running n corresponding parallel processes. The specification of the processes is in the form of communicating finite state machines (CFSMs). The work to be reported in this paper follows the prequel work wherein, instead of the traditional approach to construct a single synchronous product machine by composing the given CFSMs, we simulate each of the CFSMs in the non-local environment of other CFSMs and generate a set of what are called Communicating Minimal Prefix Machines(CMPMs). In this paper, we take the CMPMs model and perform the reachability analysis of certain global state vectors without losing the locality of the CFSMs of the given specification. This method cuts down the state space explosion and also opens out the possibility of distributed exploration of the local CFSM states. Faulttolerance consists of both safety and liveness properties and our approach provides a sound platform for performing state exploration/model-checking to verify these properties of the given set of application tasks that run in the P2P network