14 research outputs found

    Fabrication of the 3 Dimension Resist Microstructure Using X-Ray Diffraction

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    <i>Lvrn</i> expression is not critical for mouse placentation

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    Tomohiro TOBITA, Daiji KIYOZUMI, Masanaga MUTO, Taichi NODA, Masahito IKAWA, Lvrn expression is not critical for mouse placentation, Journal of Reproduction and Development, 2019, Volume 65, Issue 3, Pages 239-244, Released June 14, 2019, [Advance publication] Released February 10, 2019, Online ISSN 1348-4400, Print ISSN 0916-8818, https://doi.org/10.1262/jrd.2018-157, https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jrd/65/3/65_2018-157/_article/-char/e

    Fabrication of Spiral Micro Coil Lines for Electromagnetic Actuators

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    Formation of High Aspect Ratio Microcoil Using Dipping Method

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    Fabrication of the X-Ray Mask using the Silicon Dry Etching

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