5 research outputs found

    Caracterização Química de Resíduos de Origem Animal e Comportamento de Eisenia Andrei

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    This research aims to value the chemical composition, the food preference and the earthworms Eisenia andrei (Bouché, 1972) multiplication, from animals residues. The used residues were bovine rumen content, rabbits manure, ovine manure and bovine manure. The evaluation of vermicomposting process consisted of four treatments with six repetitions. PVC black pots containing 2 kg of the dry matter residues were used for each one of the repetitions, in which 90 clitellates earthworms were inoculated. It was evaluated the residues chemical composition at the time of the experiment installation, and after 90 days of vermicomposting were carried out the earthworms reproduction. The evaluation of food preference consisted four repetitions for each studied residues. PVC role pots with each treatment residues inside, were introduced in a composted with earthworms. The food preference was valued by the residues after 14 days. The food preference and the earthworms’ reproduction are favored by the bovine manure and by the rumen bovine content. The rabbit manure has higher levels of chemical nutrients and heavy metals then the bovine manure, ovine manure and rumen bovine content.O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a multiplicação de minhocas no processo de vermicompostagem e a preferência alimentar por resíduos de origem animal. Os resíduos usados foram esterco de coelhos, conteúdo do rúmen de bovinos, esterco de ovinos e esterco de bovinos. Potes de PVC pretos foram utilizados para cada uma das repetições, contendo 2 kg de matéria seca dos resíduos, nos quais foram inoculadas 90 minhocas cliteladas da espécie Eisenia andrei (Bouché,1972). O delineamento experimental usado foi o inteiramente casualizado. A avaliação do processo de vermicompostagem constou de quatro tratamentos com seis repetições. Determinou-se a composição química quando da instalação do experimento e aos 90 dias de vermicompostagem, bem como avaliou-se a multiplicação das minhocas. Para avaliação da preferencia alimentar foram introduzidos copos de PVC perfurados, preenchidos com os resíduos dos tratamentos, em uma leira com resíduo compostado, contendo minhocas. Avaliou-se a preferência das minhocas pelos resíduos após 14 dias. A multiplicação das minhocas e a preferência alimentar são favorecidas pelo esterco de bovinos e pelo conteúdo do rúmen de bovinos.  Altos teores de metais pesados, amônia e possíveis resíduos de medicamentos presentes nos estercos podem causar a rejeição das minhocas por estes materiais

    Perfis de metabólitos secundários, atividade antioxidante e atividade biológica de calos cultivados in vitro, folhas, pericarpos e sementes de Passiflora tenuifila Killip. e Passiflora setacea BRS pérola do cerrado (Passifloraceae)

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia e Biociências, Florianópolis, 2018.Passiflora tenuifila Killip. e Passiflora setacea DC são espécies nativas predominantes nos biomas brasileiros Cerrado, Mata Atlântica e Caatinga, selecionadas para o programa de melhoramento genético da Embrapa Cerrados, por apresentarem características importantes como produção de frutos de qualidade, genes de resistência a doenças (Xanthomonas axonopodis e Cladosporium herbarum) e propriedades toxicológicas, medicinais e bioquímicas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a produção de fenólicos totais, flavonoides, carotenoides, terpenos e as atividades antioxidante e biológica de culturas in vitro de calos, em diferentes condições de cultivo e comparar com os extratos de folhas, pericarpos e sementes de P. tenuifila e P. setacea. Os calos de segmentos de raiz, hipocótilo, nó cotiledonar, cotilédone, nó foliar e epicótilo de P. setacea foram cultivados em meio de cultura Murashige & Skoog, suplementado com 88,5 mM de sacarose ou frutose; 2,5 µM de 2,4-D e 2 g.L-1 de Phytagel. Os calos de sementes imaturas e de segmentos de caules de P. tenuifila foram cultivados, respectivamente, em 88,5 mM de sacarose; 2,5 µM de 2,4-D e 2 g.L-1 de Phytagel ou em 88,5 mM de sacarose ou frutose; 2,5 µM de ANA e 2 g.L-1 de Phytagel. A elicitação dos calos foi realizada com a adição de 500 µl de solução aquosa de 145 µM de ácido salicílico às culturas. Após os ciclos de cultivo os calos foram submetidos à extração e analisados pelos métodos colorimétricos de Folin Ciocalteu (fenólicos totais) e cloreto de alumínio (flavonoides). A identificação dos compostos fenólicos, carotenoides e terpenos presentes nos extratos foi realizada através de LC-ESI/MS/MS, CLAE e HS-SPME/GC/MS, respectivamente. A atividade antioxidante foi avaliada através da capacidade sequestradora de radicais livres (DPPH) e poder redutor (redução do íon férrico). A atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos de calos, pericarpos, sementes e folhas foi avaliada contra as cepas de Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa, atividade antifúngica contra cepas de Cryptococcus gattii e C. neoformans; Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis-Pb18 e atividade antiprotozoária, nas forma promastigota, da espécie de Leishmania amazonenses e na forma tripomastigota da espécie Trypanosoma cruzi. Os calos de sementes imaturas P. tenuifila, em sacarose apresentaram os maiores níveis de fenólicos, flavonoides e atividade antioxidante, mas a produção de luteína foi maior nas culturas de calos de segmentos de caule. Os calos de segmentos caulinares, em frutose e elicitados exibiram os maiores teores de fenólicos totais e a maior atividade antioxidante. Em sacarose, os calos elicitados de cotilédone de P. setacea apresentaram os maiores conteúdos de fenólicos totais, flavonoides e atividade antioxidante e os calos elicitados de nó cotiledonar, o maior conteúdo de luteína. Os extratos das sementes de P. tenuifila e P. setacea apresentaram maiores teores de fenólicos e maior potencial antioxidante e os extratos de folhas os maiores níveis de flavonoides. Os extratos de pericarpo, sementes e folhas de ambas as espécies apresentaram 17 compostos fenólicos, sendo 12 ácidos fenólicos e 5 flavonoides. No extrato hidroalcoólico de calos elicitados de nó cotiledonar de P. setacea, em frutose foram detectados 9 compostos fenólicos, incluindo a vitexina, presente nos extratos de pericarpos e folhas de ambas as espécies e a isoorientina, presente apenas em extrato de folhas de P. tenuifila. A isoquercetina foi detectada nos extratos de calos de cotilédone de P. setacea, em sacarose, submetidos à extração por líquido pressurizado. Os ácidos salicílico (detectado pela primeira vez no gênero Passiflora), protocatecuico e p-cumárico ocorreram em todos os extratos vegetais. Foram detectados 5 monoterpenos e 1 sesquiterpeno, nas culturas de calos de P. tenuifila, e de 3 monoterpenos e 5 sesquiterpenos, nos calos de diferentes tipos de explantes de P. setacea. Os extratos de sementes e de calos de epicótilo de P. setacea demonstraram atividade moderada antibacteriana e os extratos de sementes e folhas de P. tenuifila e P. setacea atividade antifúngica. Os extratos de calos elicitados de cotilédone e hipocótilo de P. setacea, cultivados por 45 dias apresentaram atividade leishmanicida moderada e os calos de nó foliar e raiz, cultivados por 45 dias, atividade tripanocida moderada. Esses resultados indicam o potencial promissor das sementes, folhas e calos de ambas as espécies, como fontes de compostos bioativos de interesse para a indústria farmacêutica e de alimentos.Abstract : Passiflora tenuifila Killip. e Passiflora setacea DC are native species from the brazilian biomas Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Caatinga and were selected by the Embrapa Cerrados genetic breeding program as both species produce high quality fruits, disease resistant genes (Xanthomonas axonopodis e Cladosporium herbarum) and important toxicological, medicinal and biochemical characteristics. The aims of the work reported here were to evaluate the production of total phenolics, flavonoids, lutein, terpenes and the antioxidant and biological activities of in vitro cultured calluses, grown in different culture conditions and to compare with pericarp, seed and leaf extracts of P. tenuifila and P. setacea. Calluses obtained from root, hypocotyl, cotyledonary node, cotyledon, leaf node and epicotyl segments of P. setacea were cultured on Murashige & Skoog basal medium supplemented with 88.5 mM of either sucrose or fructose, 2.5 µM 2,4-D and 2 g.L-1 Phytagel. Calluses derived from immature seeds and from microplant stem segments of P. tenuifila were cultured, respectively, on MS basal medium supplemented with 88.5 mM sucrose, 2.5 µM 2,4-D and 2 g.L-1 Phytagel and on 88.5 mM of either sucrose or fructose, 2.5 µM ANA and 2 g.L-1 Phytagel. Calluses elicitation was carried by adding 500 µl of an aqueous solution of salicylic acid at 145 µM to the calluses cultures. Once established calluses were extracted and analysed by Folin Ciocalteu (total phenolics) and aluminium chloride (flavonoids) colorimettic methods. The identification of phenolic compounds, carotenoids and terpenes in the extracts was carried out by the LC-ESI/MS/MS, CLAE e HS-SPME/GC/MS methods, respectively. The antioxidant activity was measured by the DPPH free radical scavenging capacity and by the reduction power (ferric ion reduction). The antimicrobial activity of the extracts were assessed against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb18) and the antiprotozoal activity against the Leishmania amazonenses promastigote and the Trypanosoma cruzi tripomastigote forms. The seed-derived calluses of P. tenuifila cultured on sucrose showed high levels of total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity but lutein production was higher in stem-derived calluses cultured in sucrose. The highest total phenolics content and antioxidant activity occurred on elicited stem-derived calluses cultured on fructose. The P. setacea cotyledon-derived calluses cultured on sucrose and elicited showed the highest levels of total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity and the elicited cotyledonary node-derived calluses had the highest lutein content. Seed extracts of P. tenuifila e P. setacea showed the highest levels of total phenolics and antioxidant activity but the highest flavonoid content occurred in leaf extracts of both species. Seventeen phenolic compounds were detected in pericarp, seed and leaf extracts of both species comprising twelve phenolic acids and five flavonoids. The hydroalchoolic extract of the P. setacea elicited cotyledonary node-derived calluses cultured in fructose had nine phenolic compounds, including vitexin, present in the leaf extracts of both species and isoorientin, detected only in leaf extracts of P. tenuifila. Isoquercetin was detected only in P. setacea cotyledon-derived calluses grown on sucrose after the pressurized liquid extraction method. Salicylic acid (detected for the first time in Passiflora genus), protocatecuic and p-cumaric acids occurred in all extracts. Five monoterpenos and one sesquiterpene were detected in the P. tenuifila calluses cultures and three monoterpenes and five sesquiterpenes in the P. setacea calluses derived from different explant type. The seed and epicotyl-derived callus extracts of P. setacea had moderate antibacterial activity and antifungal activity was detected in the seed and leaf extracts of P. tenuifila and P. setacea. The elicited P. setacea cotyledon-derived and hypocotyl-derived calluses, cultured for 45 days showed the highest leishmanicide activity and the leaf node-derived and root-derived calluses cultured for 45 days had the highest tripanocide activity. These results indicate the promising potential of seeds, leaves and calluses of both species as sources of bioactive compounds of interest for the pharmaceutical and food industries

    Characterization of Ectomycorrhizal species through molecular biology tools and morphotyping

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    ABSTRACT: Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations between fungi and plant roots. These symbiotic associations are abundant and occur in 75 to 80 % of plants. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are very important in ecosystems, because their mutualistic association with plants of different species helps nutrients and water absorption, as well as protection of the host plant against pathogens and abiotic stresses. Most ectomycorrhizal fungi belong to the Basidiomycota class, such as the following genera: Amanita, Hebeloma, Hysterangium, Laccaria, Lactarius, Rhizopogon, Russula, Scleroderma, Suillus, Tricholoma, among others. Morphological studies on ectomycorrhizae report important results in understanding the species biodiversity. However, the use of molecular biology nowadays is indispensable. Among the various molecular tools available, there is consensus about the use of tools based on sequencing of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) of fungi rDNA, aiding in species characterization and construction of phylogenetic studies. The ITS region is of easy amplification, it has multicopy nature and enables differentiation between species. The objective of this study was to show that the use of molecular biology tools associated with morphotyping to characterize species of ectomycorrhizae is more effective than when they are used on their own

    Characterization of Ectomycorrhizal species through molecular biology tools and morphotyping

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT: Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations between fungi and plant roots. These symbiotic associations are abundant and occur in 75 to 80 % of plants. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are very important in ecosystems, because their mutualistic association with plants of different species helps nutrients and water absorption, as well as protection of the host plant against pathogens and abiotic stresses. Most ectomycorrhizal fungi belong to the Basidiomycota class, such as the following genera: Amanita, Hebeloma, Hysterangium, Laccaria, Lactarius, Rhizopogon, Russula, Scleroderma, Suillus, Tricholoma, among others. Morphological studies on ectomycorrhizae report important results in understanding the species biodiversity. However, the use of molecular biology nowadays is indispensable. Among the various molecular tools available, there is consensus about the use of tools based on sequencing of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) of fungi rDNA, aiding in species characterization and construction of phylogenetic studies. The ITS region is of easy amplification, it has multicopy nature and enables differentiation between species. The objective of this study was to show that the use of molecular biology tools associated with morphotyping to characterize species of ectomycorrhizae is more effective than when they are used on their own.</p></div