1,308 research outputs found

    Multi-convolution feature extraction and recurrent neural network dependent model for short-term load forecasting

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    Load forecasting is critical for power system operation and market planning.With the increased penetration of renewable energy and the massive consumption of electric energy, improving load forecasting accuracy has become a dif�cult task. Recently, it was demonstrated that deep learning models perform well for short-term load forecasting (STLF). However, prior research has demonstrated that the hybrid deep learning model outperforms the single model. We propose a hybrid neural network in this article that combines elements of a convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) and a long short memory network (LSTM) in novel ways. Multiple independent 1D-CNNs are used to extract load, calendar, and weather features from the proposed hybrid model, while LSTM is used to learn time patterns. This architecture is referred to as a CNN-LSTM network with multiple heads (MCNN-LSTM). To demonstrate the proposed hybrid deep learning model's superior performance, the proposed method is applied to Ireland's load data for single-step and multi-step load forecasting. In comparison to the widely used CNN-LSTM hybrid model, the proposed model improved single-step prediction by 16.73% and 24-step load prediction by 20.33%. Additionally, we use the Maine dataset to verify the proposed model's generalizability
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