198 research outputs found

    Proxy Lady: Mobile Support for Opportunistic Communication

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    Proxy Lady is a mobile system for informal, opportunistic face-to-face communication, running on a PDA equipped with a radio transceiver, Opportunistic communication is anticipated by one party but it only occurs when the parties happen to meet each other. Proxy Lady supports such communication by providing notifications about possible candidates for interaction in the environment. The user specifies candidates for interaction by associating people with an information item (currently an email or a task). When candidates for interaction enter the proximity ofthe user, ProxyLadynotifies and makes the information item accessible. According to our fieldwork, evaluation sessions, and a literature survey, opportunistic communication is an important type ofcommunication that has not been supported previously. This paper describes the interface and use ofProxy Lady and the results from an evaluation study

    Similarity in milk microbiota in replicates

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    Receiving the same results from repeated analysis of the same sample is a basic principle in science. The inability to reproduce previously published results has led to discussions of a reproducibility crisis within science. For studies of microbial communities, the problem of reproducibility is more pronounced and has, in some fields, led to a discussion on the very existence of a constantly present microbiota. In this study, DNA from 44 bovine milk samples were extracted twice and the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced in two separate runs. The FASTQ files from the two data sets were run through the same bioinformatics pipeline using the same settings and results from the two data sets were compared. Milk samples collected maximally 2 h apart were used as replicates and permitted comparisons to be made within the same run. Results show a significant difference in species richness between the two sequencing runs although Shannon and Simpson's diversity was the same. Multivariate analyses of all samples demonstrate that the sequencing run was a driver for variation. Direct comparison of similarity between samples and sequencing run showed an average similarity of 42%-45% depending on whether binary or abundance-based similarity indices were used. Within-run comparisons of milk samples collected maximally 2 h apart showed an average similarity of 39%-47% depending on the similarity index used and that similarity differed significantly between runs. We conclude that repeated DNA extraction and sequencing significantly can affect the results of a low microbial biomass microbiota study

    The Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021 : Forerunner of new modules for the Generations and Gender Programme

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    The Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021 (GGS2021) was the second GGS that Sweden carried out. It was a web-based survey with a paper-based option. Like the first GGS in Sweden (GGS2012) it was linked to register data that cover key dimensions of respondents’ life courses. The Swedish GGS2021 contains two new modules implemented to further research on the link between subjective perceptions and fertility. Both modules will be part of the second wave of the international GGS standard questionnaire. In this contribution, we first describe our motivation to carry out the SwedishGGS2021. We then present our two new modules and sketch their theoretical underpinnings. This is followed by a summary of the data collection process and an assessment of data quality. We conclude with some reflections on the implementation of new modules in future international GGSs and on our experience with register-linked surveys

    Grundförstärkning med stenpelare - Introduktion och beräkningsmodell

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    I dag finns ett flertal metoder för jordförstärkning i samband med grundläggning av vägar och hus. För förstärkning av kohesiva jordar är bland annat stenpelarmetoden användbar. Stenpelarförstärkning är en etablerad förstärkningsmetod i stora delar av världen. Metoden härstammar från Tyskland där vibrationsbaserad förstärkning utvecklades under 1930-talet. En stenpelare byggs upp genom att stenmaterial vibreras ner i marken och skapar en pelare med en diameter som varierar beroende på motståndet från omkringliggande jord. I Sverige har stenpelarförstärkning tillämpats endast för ett fåtal projekt. I dagsläget används metoden vid en ombyggnad av väg 73 mellan Stockholm och Nynäshamn. Examensarbetet baseras på detta projekt där sättningsberäkningar är utförda för en tio meter hög vägbank. LCM AB utför grundförstärkningen och Vägverket är beställare. Den mest etablerade dimensioneringsmetoden för stenpelare är framtagen utifrån de jordförhållanden som råder på sydligare breddgrader. Det krävs därför vissa korrigeringar om denna metod skall användas för de jordförhållanden som råder i Sverige. För dimensionering av stenpelare används ett dimensioneringsprogram som heter GRETA. Programmet beräknar den totala sättning som förväntas uppstå i den förstärkta jorden utifrån geoteknisk indata för den aktuella platsen. En viktig parameter i beräkningarna är kompressionsmodulen. Kompressionsmodulen beskriver lerans styvhetsegenskaper. Modulen varierar beroende på vilken belastning som påverkar jorden och kan bestämmas med hjälp av CRS-försök. En avgörande faktor för kompressionsmodulens värde är om förkonsolideringstrycket har överskridits eller ej. Om förkonsolideringstrycket är överskridet medför det att kompressionsmodulen går från ett konstant till ett varierande värde. Beräkningsprogrammet GRETA tar inte hänsyn till en varierande kompressionsmodul. Med hjälp av data från CRS-försök beräknas därför en utvärderad kompressionsmodul som bättre beskriver hur leran reagerar under belastning. Beräkningen av den utvärderade modulen är dock tidsödande. Förutom sättningsberäkningar med Mutv utförs därför också beräkningar med kompressionsmoduler direkt från CRSförsöket, M0 och ML, för att notera skillnaden i sättning beroende på vilket värde som använts. Sättningen beräknad med de tre kompressionsmodulerna jämförs sedan med verkliga sättningar, uppmätta med slangsättningsmätningar. De sättningar som hittills har uppmätts tycks bäst följa de sättningar som är beräknade med ML som kompressionsmodul. Skillnaden gentemot de beräkningar som är baserade på M0 och Mutv är dock liten. Detta beror på att förkonsolideringstrycket precis har överskridits. Skillnaden i sättning kommer att öka med tiden eftersom fler laststeg skall adderas. Efter hand kommer troligen Mutv bli det modulvärde som ger den bästa upp-skattningen. Den tid det tar för sättningar att uppstå i kohesiva jordar står i direkt samband med hur snabbt porvattnet kan dräneras från jorden. Stenpelare agerar som dränerande brunnar i den täta leran och påskyndar därför sättningarna markant, vilket är önskvärt. Konsolideringsgraden U beskriver hur sättningarna varierar med tiden. GRETA är inte programmerat för att behandla tidsberoende sättningar, vilket medför att alla konsolideringsberäkningar måste utföras för hand. Det finns olika teorier för beräkning av konsolideringsgrad, dels generella teorier för vattenmättade oförstärkta leror framtagna av Terzaghi, dels specifika för stenpelareförstärkt jord framtagna av Han och Ye. För att bedöma vilka materialparametrar som har störst inverkan på beräkningsresultatet, rörande total sättning och konsolideringsgrad, har en känslighetsanalys utförts. En viktfaktor har införts för att kunna jämföra olika parametrar. Ett stort värde på viktfaktorn v erhålls om en liten förändring av aktuell parameter ger en stor förändring av resultatet. Den av de testade parametrarna som visade sig ha störst vikt, både rörande konsolideringsgrad och total sättning, var centrumavståndet mellan pelarna. Beräkningsprogrammet GRETA uppfyller inte alla önskemål som kan ställas på ett geotekniskt dimensioneringsprogram. Det hade varit önskvärt om programmet kunde hantera varierande kompressionsmodul, tidsberoende sättningar och andra lastfall än konstant belastning

    Hva kjennetegner et risikofylt byggeprosjekt?

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    Risk management has been a severe tool in the construction industry for several decades. Not only in terms of health, environment and security, but profitability and viability as well. The industry is exposed for an increasingly amount of complexity which further leads to an uncertainty that needs to be managed properly. If not, the entrepreneurs may encounter problems that involves negative impacts seen from different perspectives. However, the entrepreneurship with their expertise relies on risk in projects due to clients ability to partial or fully resign responsibility concerning risk and transfer it to the entrepreneur. Hence a viable profitability outcome. The purpose of this master thesis builds around how methodical risk management can provide profitability in construction projects. In cooperation with Kruse Smith Entreprenør AS who have collected a substantial amount of data from the execution phase in projects over the past years, it is carried out a comprehensive analysis. The analysis' motive is to answer issues that financially benefits Kruse Smith Entreprenør AS regards to risk management. Issues in terms of risk quantification, sample space description and implementation of former experience have been discussed. In addition to analyzing data, multiple interviews have been conducted with members within the organization and outside to provide applicable material regards to risk management which led to a better understanding. A thorough literature research has been conducted as well to supply a more theoretical perspective in terms of risk as a phenomenon and how the industry operates around it. The overall findings revealed that risk management is a helpful and necessary tool when it comes to achieving profitability in the construction industry. It generates predictability, accuracy and ownership which benefits Kruse Smith seen from multiple perspectives

    The Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021

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    The Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021 (GGS2021) was the second GGS that Sweden carried out. It was a web-based survey with a paper-based option. Like the first GGS in Sweden (GGS2012) it was linked to register data that cover key dimensions of respondents’ life courses. The Swedish GGS2021 contains two new modules implemented to further research on the link between subjective perceptions and fertility. Both modules will be part of the second wave of the international GGS standard questionnaire. In this contribution, we first describe our motivation to carry out the Swedish GGS2021. We then present our two new modules and sketch their theoretical underpinnings. This is followed by a summary of the data collection process and an assessment of data quality. We conclude with some reflections on the implementation of new modules in future international GGSs and on our experience with register-linked surveys

    Absence of changes in the milk microbiota during Escherichia coli endotoxin induced experimental bovine mastitis

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    Changes in the milk microbiota during the course of mastitis are due to the nature of a sporadic occurring disease difficult to study. In this study we experimentally induced mastitis by infusion of Escherichia coli endotoxins in one udder quarter each of nine healthy lactating dairy cows and assessed the bacteriological dynamics and the milk microbiota at four time points before and eight time points after infusion. As control, saline was infused in one udder quarter each of additionally nine healthy cows that followed the same sampling protocol. The milk microbiota was assessed by sequencing of the 16 S rRNA gene and a range of positive and negative controls were included for methodological evaluation. Two different data filtration models were used to identify and cure data from contaminating taxa. Endotoxin infused quarters responded with transient clinical signs of inflammation and increased SCC while no response was observed in the control cows. In the milk microbiota data no response to inflammation was identified. The data analysis of the milk microbiota was largely hampered by laboratory and reagent contamination. Application of the filtration models caused a marked reduction in data but did not reveal any associations with the inflammatory reaction. Our results indicate that the microbiota in milk from healthy cows is unaffected by inflammation

    A group of ectomycorrhizal fungi restricts organic matter accumulation in boreal forest

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    Boreal forest soils are important global carbon sinks, with significant storage in the organic topsoil. Decomposition of these stocks requires oxidative enzymes, uniquely produced by fungi. Across Swedish boreal forests, we found that local carbon storage in the organic topsoil was 33% lower in the presence of a group of closely related species of ectomycorrhizal fungi - Cortinarius acutus s.l.. This observation challenges the prevailing view that ectomycorrhizal fungi generally act to increase carbon storage in soils but supports the idea that certain ectomycorrhizal fungi can complement free-living decomposers, maintaining organic matter turnover, nutrient cycling and tree productivity under nutrient-poor conditions. The indication that a narrow group of fungi may exert a major influence on carbon cycling questions the prevailing dogma of functional redundancy among microbial decomposers. Cortinarius acutus s.l. responds negatively to stand-replacing disturbance, and associated population declines are likely to increase soil carbon sequestration while impeding long-term nutrient cycling

    Education, Gender, and Cohort Fertility in the Nordic Countries

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    Abstract: Systematic comparisons of fertility developments based on education, gender and country context are rare. Using harmonized register data, we compare cohort total fertility (CTF) and ultimate childlessness by gender and educational attainment for cohorts born beginning in 1940 in four Nordic countries. CTF has remained fairly stable in all countries. Childlessness, which had been increasing, has plateaued except in Finland. Women’s negative educational gradient has vanished, while men’s positive gradient has persisted. The highest level of men’s childlessness appears among the less educated, revealing striking educational differences. Childlessness has increased among low-educated women but not among highly educated women. The educational gradient in women’s childlessness has shifted from positive to negative. Thus, we witness both a new gender similarity and widening social inequalities in childbearing in the Nordic welfare states. Low-educated citizens of both sexes have apparently become an increasingly marginalized segment with regard to childbearing. </p