21 research outputs found

    Optimasi Pengolahan Bijih Kromit Secara Gravity Dengan Meja Goyang (Optimization of Gravity Chromite Processing with Shaking Table)

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    Peningkatan kadar unsur atau mineral dari bijih/ ore hasil penambangan biasanya selalu dilakukan dalam industri pertambangan, bagaimana menggoperasian peralatan secara optimal diperlukan kajian yang mendalam. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan mengamati parameter-parameter mempengaruhi peningkatan kadar dengan mengunakan alat meja goyang (shaking table) yang merupakan alat yang mengunakan prinsip metoda grafitasi, bijih yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah bijih kromit yang berasal dari Kabupaten Morowali - Sulawesi Tengah. Percobaan dilakukan dengan memvariasikan ukuran feed/ umpan dengan rentang 106 - 900 µm (mikron) hasil crushing dan grinding yang sudah dilakukan pengayakan, kemiringan deck/meja dengan rentang 5 O -15 O dan frekuensi stroke 35 rpm - 50 rpm. Hasil percobaan memperlihatkan bahwa makin kecil ukuran umpan, kadar Cr (%) makin meningkat nilai optimal pada ukuran -150 + 106 µm, hal ini disebabkan makin bebasnya mineral kromit terpisah dari gangue mineral juga meningkatnya derajad liberasi. Kemiringan meja antara 5O-10O meningkatkan kadar konsentrat Cr (%) namun mengalami penurunan 10O-15O nilai optimal dicapai pada kemiringan 10O. Frekuensi stroke rentang 35 rpm -50 rpm memberikan hasil optimal pada kadar Cr (%) pada stroke 35 rpm. Perhitungan recovery pada hasil optimal /kadar Cr (%) paling tinggi memberikan hasil 44,92 % masih tergolong rendah, memungkinkan diperbaiki dengan peningkatan homogenitas ataupun pengaturan persen solid umpan yakni dengan penambahan conditioning tank

    Egg sector in the city of Casablanca and egg products: Hygiene of production and marketing

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    Le but du prĂ©sent travail est d’étudier l’organisation de la filière des Ĺ“ufs de consommation et de caractĂ©riser les conditions hygiĂ©niques de la production et de la commercialisation des Ĺ“ufs et des produits dĂ©rivĂ©s. L’étude est basĂ©e sur des enquĂŞtes dans la rĂ©gion de Casablanca au niveau des diffĂ©rents maillons de la chaĂ®ne de production et de commercialisation des Ĺ“ufs et des ovoproduits. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus font apparaĂ®tre une multitude de circuits de commercialisation des Ĺ“ufs avec une anarchie totale au niveau du marchĂ© de gros et des points de vente. A ce niveau, les conditions d’hygiène des locaux, des Ă©quipements, des moyens de transport, de stockage et de vente, ainsi que l’hygiène du personnel amplifient le risque de dissĂ©mination des agents pathogènes. Ces conditions ne sont pas en mesure d’assurer une qualitĂ© satisfaisante des Ĺ“ufs de consommation. Pour les vendeurs, le souci majeur rĂ©side dans le prix des Ĺ“ufs; les critères de fraĂ®cheur et de propretĂ© de la coquille ne sont pas pris en considĂ©ration, ce qui tĂ©moigne d’un manque flagrant en termes de connaissances Ă©lĂ©mentaires et de sensibilisation Ă  l’hygiène. Au niveau des grandes surfaces et des centres de conditionnement des Ĺ“ufs, les bâtiments respectent les principes d’hygiène et 100% des endroits de vente et d’emmagasinage des Ĺ“ufs sont bien entretenus, aĂ©rĂ©s et se trouvent en gĂ©nĂ©ral dans des conditions d’hygiène satisfaisantes. L’hygiène corporelle et vestimentaire du personnel rĂ©pond en gĂ©nĂ©ral aux objectifs fixĂ©s par la rĂ©glementation. L’industrie de transformation des Ĺ“ufs au Maroc se trouve actuellement en stade de dĂ©veloppement. En effet, l’enquĂŞte rĂ©alisĂ©e auprès d’une casserie au Maroc, rĂ©vèle une bonne maĂ®trise de la qualitĂ© sanitaire et montre que conformĂ©ment Ă  la rĂ©glementation en vigueur, les principes HACCP sont mis en place dans tous les processus de prĂ©paration des ovoproduits. Après avoir dĂ©crit l’état actuel d’hygiène de tous les maillons de la filière des Ĺ“ufs de consommation et des produits dĂ©rivĂ©s, ainsi que les dĂ©faillances qui y sont inhĂ©rentes; nous avons Ă©mis un certain nombre de propositions jugĂ©es capables d’apporter des amĂ©liorations et de dynamiser, par consĂ©quent, la filière vers une piste d’assurance qualitĂ© et de salubritĂ© du produit vendu au consommateur. Mots clĂ©s: Ĺ’ufs, ovoproduits ; Hygiène ; qualitĂ©, production ; circuits de commercialisation, CasablancaThe aim of this work is to study the organization of the path of eggs for consumption and the egg products, and to characterize sanitary conditions in production and commercialisation of eggs and egg products.The study is based on investigations carried out in Casablanca region on different level of chain from production to commercialisation of eggs and the egg products. The results showed amultitude of commercialisation channels, with a total anarchy on the level of the market and points of sale. In this level, conditions of hygiene of the buildings, the equipment, the sale and storage, means of transport, hygiene of the personnel; amplify the risk of dissemination of the pathogenic agents. Such conditions cannot ensure an optimal quality of eggs. For salesmen, the major concern lies in the price of eggs, then the criteria of freshness, and the cleanliness of the shell are very neglected, which testifies to oneobvious lack in term of elementary knowledge and sensitizing to hygiene.On the level of supermarkets and conditioning centers; the building respects the three principles of hygiene and 100% of the places of sale and storage of eggs are well maintained, aired, and are in general under satisfactory conditions of hygiene. The personal state of health and clothing follows in generalthe standards required by the regulation.The processing industry of eggs in Morocco is currently at the stage of developement. Investigations carried out near a industry of egg product in Morocco, reveal a total control of hygiene quality and show that it adopts HACCP system in all processing steps.After having described the current state of hygiene of all the links of the path of eggs for consumption and egg products, as well as the failures which are inherent there; we made some propositions judged able to improve and active, consequently, the path towards a track of quality assurance and healthiness of the market product to the consumer. Key word: Eggs and egg products, Hygiene, quality, production, commercialisation channels, Casablanc

    Principaux motifs de saisie du poulet de chair préparé au niveau d’un abattoir avicole

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    The objective of the present work was to determine the main rejection lesions associated with poultry carcasses prepared in an industrial slaughterhouse, by microscopic and macroscopic examination of lesions encountered on carcasses and in offals. Ante-mortem examination showed that the main rejection reasons at this step were death or apparent death, general bad body conditions, along with a defective state resulting from removal and transportation of poultry. Post-mortem examination revealed many rejection reasons for the whole carcass, when lesions were generalized (sĂ©ro-hemorragic infiltrations, cachexy, hvdrohĂ©mia, abnormal color, echymoses...), or for parts of carcasses when lesions were limited. In volume, condemnation rate did not exceede 1%. The percentage of carcasses condemned because of poor slaughtring conditions (overscalding...) was very low. This further emphasizes the need to prepare poultry in industrial slaughter houses.The microscopic study, carried out on rejected offals showed a dominance of fibrinous perihepatic lesions (50% of rejected livers), of fibrinous pericarditis (66% of condemned hearts) along with lung congestion and fibrino-suppurative bronchopneumonia (82% of rejected lung). Such microscopic lesions could mainly be related to dominant diseases such as colibacillosis and salmonellosis. Keys works: Poultry, poultry slaughtering, rejection motives, macroscopic lesions, microscopic lesionsLe but du prĂ©sent travail est l'Ă©tude des principaux motifs de saisie de la volaille prĂ©parĂ©e au niveau d'un abattoir avicole par l'analyse macroscopique et microscopique des lĂ©sions rencontrĂ©es sur les carcasses et les abats. A l'examen ante-mortem, la volaille a Ă©tĂ© saisie sur pied pour cause de mort ou de mort apparente, de perturbation de l'Ă©tat gĂ©nĂ©ral, et d'anomalies liĂ©es Ă  des conditions dĂ©fectueuses de ramassage et de transport de la volaille. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  l'examen post-mortem font apparaĂ®tre une multitude de motifs de saisie qui intĂ©ressent soit la totalitĂ© de la carcasse quand les lĂ©sions sont gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es (infiltrationssĂ©ro-hĂ©morragiques, cachexie, hydrohĂ©mie, couleur anormale, ecchymoses...) soit une partie de la carcasse lorsque ces lĂ©sions sont limitĂ©es. Le pourcentage des saisies par rapport au tonnage rĂ©alisĂ© reste très faible et ne dĂ©passe pas 1%.La quantitĂ© de viande saisie pour motifs d’accidents d'abattage et de prĂ©paration est très nĂ©gligeable, ce qui apporte une preuve supplĂ©mentaire Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de prĂ©parer le poulet dans un abattoir avicole. L'Ă©tude microscopique rĂ©alisĂ©e sur les abats saisis rĂ©vèle une dominance des pĂ©ri- hĂ©patites fibrineuses (soit 50% des foies saisis), des pĂ©ricardites fibrineuses (66% des cĹ“urs saisis) ainsi que des congestions pulmonaires et des broncho-pneumonies fibrino-suppurĂ©es (82% des poumons saisis).Les aspects lĂ©sionnels rencontrĂ©s pourraient ĂŞtre surtout associĂ©s Ă  des entitĂ©s pathologiques telles que la colibacillose et les salmonelloses. Mots clĂ©s: Volaille, abattoir, motifs de saisie, lĂ©sions, Ă©tude macroscopique et microscopiqu

    Prévalence de Salmonella et Campylobacter dans quelques élevages avicoles et établissements d’abattage au Maroc

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    The objective of this study is to provide data on the prevalence of Campylobacter and Salmonella contamination inups tream and downstreamofthe poultry sector.A total of104samples were takenat24with12different production units, 4 breedingfarms(n =8),4flocksof broilers(n =8),4flocksof laying hens (n = 8)in40traditionalslaughter and40 atthe slaughterhouse. The search for thesetwobacteriawas carriedbycloacal swabsforthe production unitsand by samples of the skin of the neckand thecaeca forthe killings (traditionalslaughter) andthe slaughterhouse.Atfarm level, contamination by Campylobacterinvolvedonlytwo farmsin fourbroilers, for against Salmonellawas not isolated. Forthe traditionalslaughter, the prevalence of Campylobacterand Salmonellawas 20%(4/20), while for the slaughterhouse there was aprevalence of15% (3/20) for Salmonella andCampylobacterhave beennoisolated. Keywords: Campylobacter, Salmonella, prevalence, chicken, slaughterhouseL’objectif de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© de fournir des donnĂ©es relatives Ă  la prĂ©valence de la contamination par Campylobacter et Salmonella en amont et en aval de la filière avicole. Un total de 104 prĂ©lèvements ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s au niveau de 12 diffĂ©rentes unitĂ©s de production ; 4 Ă©levages de reproducteurs (n=8), 4 Ă©levages de poulets de chair (n=8), 4 Ă©levages de poules pondeuses (n=8); 4 tueries artisanales de poulets (n=40) et  au niveau d’un abattoir avicole industriel (n=40). La recherche des deux bactĂ©ries a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par des Ă©couvillonnages cloacaux pour les unitĂ©s de production et par des prĂ©lèvements de la peau du cou et des ceaca pour les tueries et l’abattoir. Au niveau des Ă©levages, la contamination par Campylobacter a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e uniquement dans deux Ă©levages sur quatre de poulets de chair ; par contre Salmonella n’a pas Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©e. Pour les tueries, la prĂ©valence de contamination par Campylobacter et Salmonella a Ă©tĂ© de 20% (4/20); tandis que pour l’abattoir une prĂ©valence de 15% (3/20) a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©e pour Salmonella alors qu’aucun Campylobacter n’a Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©. Mots clĂ©s: Campylobacter, Salmonella, prĂ©valence, poulet, abattoi

    Analysis co-regulation model of safety of fishery products in Morocco through the example of “histamine”, “parasites” and “sulphites” dangers

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    Co-regulation in food safety represents the shared responsibility between food business operators and the competent authority (CA) to ensure food safety and to comply with the health requirements of importing countries. The evolution of food regulation on one hand and the quality assurance of the veterinary services of the ONSSA according to the ISO 17020 standard on the other hand, need studying the regulation model adopted at national level. The objective of this work is to analyze the main health risks associated with fishery products from a co-regulatory perspective. The hazards targeted by this study are histamine, parasites and sulfites. The approach is based on structured interviews with fishery products professionals and veterinary inspectors responsible for control and certification. The main hazards are controlled by adopting health control plans (PMS) by the professionals within the establishments as well as the official control carried out by the inspecting veterinarians. The PMS implementation can produce conflicting injunctions for the veterinary inspectors of the competent authority

    Main health risks associated with Moroccan fishery products exported to European Union countries

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    The export of fishery products constitutes a very significant axis of the exchanges with certain countries, especially the countries of the European Union (EU). In Morocco, the exported fish products are controlled by the veterinarians of the National Office of the Health Security of Food products (NOHSF) according to a procedure which is based on documentary control, identity and physical control and possibly analytical control. This control is complemented by monitoring plans. Currently, the product control has become a more demanding task due to the significant volume of fish production, the lack of means and human resources, hence the need for a novel approach to the control of fishery products based on risk analysis, which involves the establishment of appropriate controls aiming at guaranteeing that the products are safe. The objective of this work is the hierarchization of the main health risks associated to the fishery products exported to EU countries by Morocco. This approach is based on an overall analysis and statistical analysis using principal components analysis (PCA) of the health profile of the notifications of the Rapid Alert System for the foodstuffs and feeding stuffs (RASFF) from 1981 to 2015. This work allowed the development of a criticality matrix which specifies the health profile of species of products exported to EU countries via Morocco according to species, of danger and type of product. The control of fishery products based on risk analysis is a very important approach for the Moroccan competent authority