387 research outputs found
An Outbreak of Malaria in a Surgical Ward : Possibility of Mechanical Transmission
Penularan malaria pada umumnya terjadi melalui vektor yakni nyamuk Anopheles. Cara penularan lain adalah melalui transfusi darah atau secara congenital pada bayi yang baru lahir. Penularan secara meÂkanis misalnya melalui alat suntik sangat jarang dijumpai. Berikut ini disajikan laporan penelitian terhadap 26 penderita malaria Plasmodium falciparum yang terjadi antara periode November 1981 sampai dengan Maret 1982 di bangsal bedah pria Rumah SaÂkit Umum Hasan Sadikin, Bandung. Hipotesa penularan melalui alat suntik/semprit ditegakkan sesudah diadakan penyelidikan epidemiologik dan entomologik. Ternyata disposable syringe di bangsal perawatÂan tersebut digunakan untuk lebih dari satu penderita. Hipotesa diperkuat dengan tidak timbulnya lagi penderita setelah alat suntik hanya dipergunakan untuk satu orang penderita yang dirawat
Dual Faces Architecture of Nias
Many Indonesian people built a traditional house based on beliefs of their ancestors for generations, without knowing the scientific reason. Meanwhile, indirectly, ancestors already thinking about housing that adapts the environmental conditions such as in Nias Island. Nias is an island that has two different forms of traditional houses which are affected by the differences geographic, highland and lowland. Geographic factors and beliefs not only affect the shape of the house but also the structure of the house. Located on the earthquake fault lines, Nias traditional houses was designed to withstand earthquakes that often befall. A study using description and analysis methods about design and structure which used in traditional houses in Nias Island, would develop a good sense of the idea to apply these materials on modern building to preserve the culture of Indonesia
Analisis Kesiapan Akreditasi Berbasis SAPTO Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Mataram
Sistem penjaminan mutu pendidikan tinggi meliputi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) dan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Eksternal (SPME) yang lebih dikenal dengan Akreditasi. Salah satu indikator mutu program studi adalah baik tidaknya nilai akreditasi prodi yang menggambarkan program studi secara menyeluruh. Pelaksanaan akreditasi prodi yang merupakan sistem penjaminan mutu eksternal terus berkembang dari waktu ke waktu dan sistem yang berlaku adalah berbasis SAPTO (Sistem Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Online). Prodi Pendidikan Biologi adalah salah satu prodi di lingkungan FKIP UNRAM yang akan mengajukan akreditasi disebabkan masa berlakunnya akan segera berakhir dalan satu tahun mendatang. Namun demikian untuk bisa memperoleh nilai tersebut perlu dilakukan persiapan-persiapan baik di tingkat prodi maupun fakultas, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian kesiapan program studi dan fakultas dalam mengahadapi akreditasi prodi berbasis SAPTO. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis kesiapan Prodi Pendidikan Biologi dan institusi/fakultas dalam menghadapi akreditasi berbasis SAPTO yang mencakup 7 estándar akreditasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian evaluatif kualitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai dari akhir bulan Mei 2018 sampai dengan akhir Nopember 2018.Tempat pelaksanaan di FKIP Universitas Mataram. Subjek penelitian dan sumber adalah dosen program studi, tenaga kependidikan dan dekanat di lingkungan FKIP UNRAM serta dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket, dokumen dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara merangkum, memilih hal-hal pokok, memfokuskan pada hal-hal yang penting untuk dicari tema dan polanya data reduction , kemudian data display, setelah itu ditarik sebuah conclusion drawing. Hasil menunjukan bahwa tingkat kesiapan prodi untuk akreditasi pada tingkatan kurang siap dengan data dan informasi sesuai dengan tagihan dari standar pada borang seperti : standar Visi, Misi, Tujuan dan Sasaran, Serta Strategi Pencapaian, Tata Pamong, Kepemimpinan, Sistem Pengelolaan, dan Penjaminan Mutu, Mahasiswa dan Lulusan Sumber Daya Manusia, Kurikulum, Pembelajaran, dan Suasana Akademik, Penelitian, Pelayanan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, dan Kerjasama, Pembiayaan, Sarana dan Prasarana, serta Sistem Infsi.ormasi. Dengan demikian perlu dipersiapkan data informasi yang dibutuhkan serta penjelasan yang fokus dan komprehensif untuk bagian-bagian tertentu dari standar pada borang akreditasi
Implementation Of IoT In Nila Fish Cultivation With Bioflock System
In cultivating tilapia using the biofloc system, maintaining water quality (temperature, pH, turbidity) is not only for the health of the fish but also for the reproduction of the biofloc. So that water quality is known, sensors connected to IoT are installed. Sensor output data is processed by Arduino and sent to a data base server via the internet network so that water quality parameters can be monitored at any time via the internet network. This system was created in research entitled "Optimizing Tilapia Cultivation of Biofloc Systems with the Internet of Things". The pool has a diameter of 2m, height 1m, airator 500 liters/min, 4 airstones @ 30 liters/min. After the pond is assembled and the biofloc has grown (made from 375 ml multi-probiotic, 300 ml molasses, 150 gram dolomite, 60 gram nitrobacter), proceed with adding 150 tilapia fish seeds 5-6 cm long (weight 22.2 gr/fish). After 2 months the growth of the tilapia became 12-13 cm long (weighing 100 g/fish), with 2% mortality. The sensor measurement results displayed on the website are as follows: average pH values (5.6-7.5), temperature (27-29), turbidity (225-354) ppm, floc density (20-25) ml/liter. Hiprofit 781-3 feed is 13.4 kg. The research results show that IoT implementation can display the water quality of biofloc tilapia ponds in real time. pH fluctuations from 5.6-7.5 indicate that biofloc can function well
Parametrization of the Relativistic () Model for Nuclear Matter
We have investigated the zero-temperature equation of state (EoS) for
infinite nuclear matter within the model at all densities
and different proton-neutron asymmetry . We
have presented an analytical expression for the compression modulus and found
that nuclear matter ceases to saturate at slightly larger than .
Afterward, we have developed an analytical method to determine the strong
coupling constants from the EoS for isospin symmetric nuclear matter, which
allow us to reproduce all the saturation properties with high accuracy. For
various values of the nucleon effective mass and the compression modulus, we
have found that the quartic self-coupling constant is negative, or
positive and very large. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that it is possible
(a) to investigate the EoS in terms of and ; and (b) to
reproduce all the known saturation properties without . We have thus
concluded that the latter is not necessary in the model.Comment: 15pp; article published online: August 06, 2010 by Phys. Rev.
Prototype Aplikasi Penjadwalan Manning Agent Crew Kapal Tanker Menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization: Study Kasus PT Scorpa Pranedya
— Agent Manning in management is certainly not easy to manage hundreds Crew of various levels against the background of different and diverse certifications In an interview with the author of a work colleague at the author found many obstacles in the face of five-run ship and each the ship has 21 crew who had to standby 40% of the total crew is extremely difficult to schedule the crew when to sail and when to be off while the methods used manually using Microsof office program is Microsoft Excel With the system First off First Join author will build the system information by implementing Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, so that the crew and the tanker did not experience any schedule Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm is a kind of meta-heuristic algorithms that have been proven to be able to resolve a lot of problems that are difficult combinatorial algorithm mimics the behavior of ants when the They were In a colony to find a source of food ant algorithm focuses on behavior or habit that is often done (bypassed) by ant with the ability and uniqueness of ants, which have the ability naturally (real ant) to find a path or shortest path from the nest to a source of food without understanding the visual (sight) information systems that are built using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm is capable of generating scheduling assignment by the willingness of the tanker crew and able to provide a replacement crew schedule information for the next period
Population modeling with machine learning can enhance measures of mental health
Background: Biological aging is revealed by physical measures, e.g., DNA probes or brain scans. In contrast, individual differences in mental function are explained by psychological constructs, e.g., intelligence or neuroticism. These constructs are typically assessed by tailored neuropsychological tests that build on expert judgement and require careful interpretation. Could machine learning on large samples from the general population be used to build proxy measures of these constructs that do not require human intervention? Results: Here, we built proxy measures by applying machine learning on multimodal MR images and rich sociodemographic information from the largest biomedical cohort to date: the UK Biobank. Objective model comparisons revealed that all proxies captured the target constructs and were as useful, and sometimes more useful, than the original measures for characterizing real-world health behavior (sleep, exercise, tobacco, alcohol consumption). We observed this complementarity of proxy measures and original measures at capturing multiple health-related constructs when modeling from, both, brain signals and sociodemographic data. Conclusion: Population modeling with machine learning can derive measures of mental health from heterogeneous inputs including brain signals and questionnaire data. This may complement or even substitute for psychometric assessments in clinical populations
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