16 research outputs found
The effect of vitamin B complexes and ribavirin on response of neuronal and glial cells and recovery of motor function after injury to the rat brain
Traumatska povreda mozga (TPM) predstavlja veliki zdravstveni problem savremenog druÅ”tva jer je vodeÄi uzrok smrti i invaliditeta kod mlaÄih osoba. Uprkos znatnim istraživaÄkim i kliniÄkim naporima, joÅ” uvek ne postoji ni jedan dovoljno uspeÅ”an terapijski pristup koji utiÄe na sve patofizioloÅ”ke procese koji prate moždanu traumu, odnosno, koji može ukloniti sve njene posledice. Stoga se uspeÅ”an tretman u borbi protiv TPM danas pokuÅ”ava pronaÄi kombinacijom razliÄitih terapijskih tretmana. Poznato je da je oporavak izgubljene funkcije nakon povrede mozga odraslih veoma spor i nepotpun usled nepovratnog uniÅ”tenja nervnih Äelija i ograniÄene moguÄnosti remodelovanja postojeÄih i formiranja novih neuronskih veza. Glavna prepreka za uspeÅ”niji oporavak posle oÅ”teÄenja je nepermisivna sredina glijskog ožiljka koji se formira nakon povrede, a koji spreÄava izrastanje novih nervnih vlakana i uspostavljanje novih neuronskih veza. Glijski ožiljak Äine gusta mreža glijskih Äelija (astrocita i oligodendrocitnih prekursorskih Äelija) i nepropustan vanÄelijski matriks (ECM). Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita dejstvo kompleksa vitamina B (B1, B2, B3, B6 i B12) i ribavirina (RBV, purinskog nukleozidnog analoga) na oporavak motornih funkcija, posle jednostrane ablacije senzomotorne kore (ASK) prednjeg mozga pacova.
Mužjacima Wistar soja, starim 2.5 meseca, uraÄena je ASK prema sledeÄim koordinatama: 2mm ispred, 4 mm iza bregme i 4 mm lateralno od srediÅ”nje linije u dubinu do pojave bele mase mozga. Operisane životinje podeljene su, prema tretmanu nakon ASK, u 6 grupa: L grupa ā tretirana fizioloÅ”kim rastvorom; LK1 grupa ā tretirana kombinacijom vitamina B1 (33 mg/kg/dan), B6 (33 mg/kg/dan) i B12 (0,5 Ī¼g/kg/dan); LK2 grupa ā tretirana kombinacijom vitamina B2 (7,5 mg/kg/dan) i B3 (500 mg/kg/dan); LK grupa ā tretirana kombinacijom svih pet vitamina: B1, B2, B3, B6 i B12 u prethodno navedenim dozama; LR grupa ā primala je RBV (30 mg/kg/dan); LKR grupa ā tretirana kombinacijom svih 5 B vitamina i RBV u prethodno navedenim dozama. Prva injekcija B vitamina data je i.p. 15 minuta nakon ASK, a potom na svaka 24 sata tokom sledeÄih 14 dana, dok je RBV aplikovan od 3 dana nakon ASK, jednom dnevno do kraja eksperimenta. Uticaj primenjenih tretmana na oporavak nakon ASK praÄen je testiranjem ponaÅ”anja (test prelaska preko grede - BW test), RT-PCR i Western blot analizom, kao i razliÄitim imunohistohemijskim metodama...Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health problem in modern society, being a leading cause of death and disability among young people. Despite huge basic research and clinical efforts an effective treatment for TBI has not been established yet, that will counteract all of pathophysiological processes accompanying brain trauma. Therefore, a best possible present treatment that would act on several secondary processes in TBI is based on a combination of different therapeutic approaches. A recovery of lost functions after brain injury is slow and incomplete in adults, due to the irreversible destruction of nerve cells and the limited ability of brain tissue for remodeling of existing and formation of new synaptic connections. The main obstacle for a successful recovery is existence of non-permissive glial scar, which emerges after a brain trauma preventing axonal sprouting and the establishment of new neural circuits. Glial scar consists of a dense network of glial cells (astrocytes and oligodendrocyte precursor cells) and dense extracellular matrix (ECM). The aim of this study was to explore the effects of vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12) and ribavirin (RBV, a purine nucleoside analogue) on the recovery of motor function after unilateral sensorimotor cortex ablation (SCA) of rat forebrain.
Two and a half-month old male Wistar rats underwent SCA at the following coordinates: 2 mm before, 4 mm behind the bregma and 4 mm lateral to the midline, and to the depth of the white matter. After the surgery, rats were randomly divided according to treatment protocol into 6 groups: group L ā treated with saline solution; LC1 group - treated with a combination of vitamin B1 (33 mg/kg/day), B6 (33 mg/kg/day) and B12 (0,5 mg/kg/day); LC2 group - treated with a combination of vitamin B2 (7.5 mg/kg/day) and B3 (500 mg/kg/day), LC group - treated with a combination of all five vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 in the above mentioned doses, LR group - received RBV (30 mg/kg/day); LCR group - treated with a combination of 5 B vitamins and RBV in the above doses. The first injection of vitamin B was given i.p. 15 minutes after the SCA, and then daily during next 14 days, while RBV was first administered 3 days after the SCA, once daily until the end of the experimental protocol. The effects of treatment on the recovery after SCA were followed by behavioral tests (beam walking test - BW test), while molecular changes were detected using RT-PCR, Western blot analysis and several immunohistochemical protocols..
Combined treatment with ribavirin and tiazofurin attenuates response of glial cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), a human inflammatory and demyelinating disease. Microglia and astrocytes are glial cells of the central nervous system (CNS) that play a dual role in MS and EAE pathology. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of combined treatment with two nucleoside analogues, ribavirin and tiazofurin, on microglia and astrocytes in actively induced EAE. Therapeutic treatment with a combination of these two nucleoside analogues reduced disease severity, mononuclear cell infiltration and demyelination. The obtained histological results indicate that ribavirin and tiazofurin changed activated microglia into an inactive type and attenuated astrocyte reactivity at the end of the treatment period. Since reduction of reactive microgliosis and astrogliosis correlated with EAE suppression, the present study also suggests that the obtained beneficial effect of ribavirin and tiazofurin could be a consequence of their action inside as well as outside the CNS. [Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science, Project No: III41014.
Combined treatment with ribavirin and tiazofurin attenuates response of glial cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), a human inflammatory and demyelinating disease. Microglia and astrocytes are glial cells of the central nervous system (CNS) that play a dual role in MS and EAE pathology. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of combined treatment with two nucleoside analogues, ribavirin and tiazofurin, on microglia and astrocytes in actively induced EAE. Therapeutic treatment with a combination of these two nucleoside analogues reduced disease severity, mononuclear cell infiltration and demyelination. The obtained histological results indicate that ribavirin and tiazofurin changed activated microglia into an inactive type and attenuated astrocyte reactivity at the end of the treatment period. Since reduction of reactive microgliosis and astrogliosis correlated with EAE suppression, the present study also suggests that the obtained beneficial effect of ribavirin and tiazofurin could be a consequence of their action inside as well as outside the CNS.Projekat ministarstva br. III4101
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment.Centralni nervni sistem ima ograniÄen kapacitet za oporavak nakon povrede. MeÄutim, neonatalni mozak pokazuje veÄu sposobnost oporavka u odnosu na odrasle. Ove razlike zavise od lokalnih sredinskih faktora i stepena zrelosti aksona tokom izrastanja. U grupu molekula koji mogu da stimuliÅ”u ili inhibiraju rast aksona spada i heterogena klasa molekula oznaÄena kao hondroitin sulfatni proteoglikani (CSPG). U ovom radu ispitivanje profil ekspresije hondroitin-4 i hondroitin-6 sulfatnih proteoglikana nakonlezije leve senzomotorne kore neonatalnog i adultnog mozga pacova. Imunohistohemijska analiza pokazuje da u odnosu na normalni,nepovreÄeni korteks, lezija dovodi do poveÄanja ekspresije CSPG koji ima razliÄiti obrazac promena u neonatalnom u odnosu na adultni mozak. Nakonlezije kod mladih, predominiraju taÄkasta i membranski-vezana forma, dok kod odraslih lezija dovodi do nagomilavanja CSPG u ekstra Äelijskom matriksu. Prohodnija sredina u mozgu neonatalnih pacova koja je siromaÅ”nija CSPG, preduslov je boljeg procesa oporavka u odnosu na adulte, kod kojih se nakon povrede CSPG nagomilavaju oko mesta lezije.Projekat ministarstva br. 143005
Real-time PCR and immunocytochemical study of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans after scratch wounding in cultured astrocytes
Background: Various in vivo and in vitro models have been described in order to elucidate the pathobiology underlying the traumatic brain injury (TBI) and test potentially suitable treatments. Since TBI is a complex disease, models differ in regard to the aspect of TBI that is being investigated. One of the used in vitro models is the scratch wound assay, first established as a reproducible, low-cost assay for the analysis of cell migration in vitro. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the relevancy of this model as a counterĀpart of in vivo TBI models. Methods: We have examined the astrocytic response to a mechanical injury in terms of expression of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) - phosphacan, neurocan and brevican, using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. Results: Our results indicate that in vitro scratch wounding alters the expression profile of examined CSPGs. Four hours after the scratch injury of the astrocytic monolayer, real-time PCR analysis revealed upregulation of mRNA levels for phosphacan (3-fold) and neurocan (2-fold), whereas brevican mRNA was downregulated (2-fold). Immunofluorescent signal for phosphacan and neurocan was more intense in astrocytes close to the injury site, while brevican was scarcely present in cultured astrocytes. Conclusions: Obtained results indicate that CSPGs are differentially expressed by astrocytes after scratch wounding, demonstrating that the scratch wound model might be suitable for investigation of astrocyte-derived response to injury.Uvod: Brojni in vivo i in vitro modeli opisani su sa ciljem da se rasvetle patobioloÅ”ki procesi koji su osnova traumatske povrede mozga (TPM) i testiraju potencijalni tretmani. ImajuÄi u vidu da je TPM kompleksno oboljenje, ovi modeli se meÄusobno razlikuju shodno aspektu TPM koji se ispituje. Jedan od in vitro modela je i povreda Äelijskog jednosloja grebanjem (engl. 'scratch wound' assay), isprva ustanovljen kao ponovljiv, jeftin test za analizu celijske migracije in vitro. Cilj ove studije je da se bliže ispita relevantnost ovog modela u odnosu na in vivo modele TPM. Metode: Da bi se istražio odgovor astrocita na mehaniÄku povredu, praÄena je ekspresija odabranih hondroitin-sulfatnih proteoglikana (CSPG) - fosfakana, neurokana i brevikana, koriÅ”Äenjem PCR u realnom vremenu i imunocitohemije. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da in vitro povreda astrocitnog jednosloja menja profile ekspresije ispitivanih CSPG. Äetiri sata nakon povrede, primena PCR u realnom vremenu analize pokazala je poveÄanje nivoa iRNK za fosfakan (trostruko) i neurokan (dvostruko), dok je iRNK za brevikan bila smanjena na polovinu kontrolne vrednosti. Imunofluorescentni signal poreklom od fosfakana i neurokana je bio intenzivniji u astrocitima bližim mestu povrede, dok je signal za brevikan bio slab kako u kontrolnoj, tako i u ozleÄenoj grupi. ZakljuÄak: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da povreda izazvana grebanjem razliÄito utiÄe na ekspresiju ispitivanih CSPG u astrocitima, sto ukazuju da ovaj model može biti pogodan za ispitivanje odgovora astrocita na povredu.Projekat ministarstva br. III 4101
Prolonged Zaleplon Treatment Increases the Expression of Proteins Involved in GABAergic and Glutamatergic Signaling in the Rat Hippocampus
Zaleplon is a positive allosteric modulator of the Ī³-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor approved for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Previous publications on zaleplon have not addressed the proteins involved in its mechanism of action but have mostly referred to behavioral or pharmacological studies. Since both GABAergic and glutamatergic signaling have been shown to regulate wakefulness and sleep, we examined the effects of prolonged zaleplon treatment (0.625 mg/kg for 5 days) on these systems in the hippocampus of male Wistar rats. Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses showed that the upregulated components of GABAergic signaling (glutamate decarboxylase, vesicular GABA transporter, GABA, and Ī±1 subunit of the GABAA receptor) were accompanied by increased protein levels in the glutamatergic system (vesicular glutamate transporter 1 and NR1, NR2A, and NR2B subunits of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor). Our results, showing that zaleplon enhances GABA neurotransmission in the hippocampus, were not surprising. However, we found that treatment also increased glutamatergic signaling. This could be the result of the downregulation of adenosine A1 receptors, important modulators of the glutamatergic system. Further studies are needed to investigate the effects of the zaleplon-induced increase in hippocampal glutamatergic neurotransmission and the possible involvement of the adenosine system in zaleplonās mechanism of action
Pattern of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex of the neonatal and adult rat brain
The central nervous system has a limited capacity for self-repair after damage. However, the neonatal brain has agreater capacity for recovery than the adult brain. These differences in the regenerative capability depend on local environmental factors and the maturational stage of growing axons. Among molecules which have both growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting activities is the heterogeneous class of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In this paper, we investigated the chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulfate proteoglycan expression profile after left sensorimotor cortex ablation of the neonatal and adult rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that compared to the normal uninjured cortex, lesion provoked up regulation of CSPGs showing a different pattern of expression in the neonatal vs. the adult brain. Punctuate and membrane-bound labeling was predominate after neonatal lesion, where as heavy deposition of staining in the extracellular matrix was observed after adult lesion. Heavy deposition of CSPG immunoreactivity around the lesionsite in adult rats, in contrast to a less CSPG-rich environment in neonatal rats, indicated that enhancement of the recovery process after neonatal injury is due to amore permissive environment.Centralni nervni sistem ima ograniÄen kapacitet za oporavak nakon povrede. MeÄutim, neonatalni mozak pokazuje veÄu sposobnost oporavka u odnosu na odrasle. Ove razlike zavise od lokalnih sredinskih faktora i stepena zrelosti aksona tokom izrastanja. U grupu molekula koji mogu da stimuliÅ”u ili inhibiraju rast aksona spada i heterogena klasa molekula oznaÄena kao hondroitin sulfatni proteoglikani (CSPG). U ovom radu ispitivanje profil ekspresije hondroitin-4 i hondroitin-6 sulfatnih proteoglikana nakonlezije leve senzomotorne kore neonatalnog i adultnog mozga pacova. Imunohistohemijska analiza pokazuje da u odnosu na normalni,nepovreÄeni korteks, lezija dovodi do poveÄanja ekspresije CSPG koji ima razliÄiti obrazac promena u neonatalnom u odnosu na adultni mozak. Nakonlezije kod mladih, predominiraju taÄkasta i membranski-vezana forma, dok kod odraslih lezija dovodi do nagomilavanja CSPG u ekstra Äelijskom matriksu. Prohodnija sredina u mozgu neonatalnih pacova koja je siromaÅ”nija CSPG, preduslov je boljeg procesa oporavka u odnosu na adulte, kod kojih se nakon povrede CSPG nagomilavaju oko mesta lezije.Projekat ministarstva br. 143005
Real-time PCR and immunocytochemical study of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans after scratch wounding in cultured astrocytes
Background: Various in vivo and in vitro models have been described in order to elucidate the pathobiology underlying the traumatic brain injury (TBI) and test potentially suitable treatments. Since TBI is a complex disease, models differ in regard to the aspect of TBI that is being investigated. One of the used in vitro models is the scratch wound assay, first established as a reproducible, low-cost assay for the analysis of cell migration in vitro. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the relevancy of this model as a counterĀpart of in vivo TBI models. Methods: We have examined the astrocytic response to a mechanical injury in terms of expression of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) - phosphacan, neurocan and brevican, using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. Results: Our results indicate that in vitro scratch wounding alters the expression profile of examined CSPGs. Four hours after the scratch injury of the astrocytic monolayer, real-time PCR analysis revealed upregulation of mRNA levels for phosphacan (3-fold) and neurocan (2-fold), whereas brevican mRNA was downregulated (2-fold). Immunofluorescent signal for phosphacan and neurocan was more intense in astrocytes close to the injury site, while brevican was scarcely present in cultured astrocytes. Conclusions: Obtained results indicate that CSPGs are differentially expressed by astrocytes after scratch wounding, demonstrating that the scratch wound model might be suitable for investigation of astrocyte-derived response to injury.Uvod: Brojni in vivo i in vitro modeli opisani su sa ciljem da se rasvetle patobioloÅ”ki procesi koji su osnova traumatske povrede mozga (TPM) i testiraju potencijalni tretmani. ImajuÄi u vidu da je TPM kompleksno oboljenje, ovi modeli se meÄusobno razlikuju shodno aspektu TPM koji se ispituje. Jedan od in vitro modela je i povreda Äelijskog jednosloja grebanjem (engl. 'scratch wound' assay), isprva ustanovljen kao ponovljiv, jeftin test za analizu celijske migracije in vitro. Cilj ove studije je da se bliže ispita relevantnost ovog modela u odnosu na in vivo modele TPM. Metode: Da bi se istražio odgovor astrocita na mehaniÄku povredu, praÄena je ekspresija odabranih hondroitin-sulfatnih proteoglikana (CSPG) - fosfakana, neurokana i brevikana, koriÅ”Äenjem PCR u realnom vremenu i imunocitohemije. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da in vitro povreda astrocitnog jednosloja menja profile ekspresije ispitivanih CSPG. Äetiri sata nakon povrede, primena PCR u realnom vremenu analize pokazala je poveÄanje nivoa iRNK za fosfakan (trostruko) i neurokan (dvostruko), dok je iRNK za brevikan bila smanjena na polovinu kontrolne vrednosti. Imunofluorescentni signal poreklom od fosfakana i neurokana je bio intenzivniji u astrocitima bližim mestu povrede, dok je signal za brevikan bio slab kako u kontrolnoj, tako i u ozleÄenoj grupi. ZakljuÄak: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da povreda izazvana grebanjem razliÄito utiÄe na ekspresiju ispitivanih CSPG u astrocitima, sto ukazuju da ovaj model može biti pogodan za ispitivanje odgovora astrocita na povredu.Projekat ministarstva br. III 4101
Tiazofurin modulates lipopolysaccharide-activated microglia in vitro
Tiazofurin is a purine nucleoside analogue, with a broad spectrum of
antitumoral and anti-inflammatory properties. In the present study, we have
investigated the effect of tiazofurin on microglial inflammatory response to
lipopolysaccharide in vitro. The cytotoxic effect of the drug was examined by
sulforhodamine B assay. The Griess method was used to quantify nitrite
production. Microglial morphology was assessed by measuring cell body size.
Release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-Ī±,
interleukin-1Ī², interleukin-6, and the anti-inflammatory cytokine
interleukin- 10, were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Our
data showed that tiazofurin decreased the number of activated microglia,
lowered nitric oxide production and reduced the average cell surface of these
cells. Tiazofurin reduced tumor necrosis factor-Ī±, interleukin-6 and
increased interleukin-10 secretion. Conversely, this drug promoted the
release of interleukin-1Ī². Results obtained in this study indicate that TR
displayed both anti- and pro-inflammatory modulation of activated microglia
that could be relevant for its antitumor action within the central nervous
system. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III41014