1,732 research outputs found

    Perfil de ácidos grasos y comportamiento reológico de aceite y grasa de semillas de achiote (Bixa orellana), y de cacao blanco (Theobroma grandiflorum) y sus mezclas

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    Annatto seed oil (ASO) and cupuassu seed fat (CSF) were combined at the ratios: 30:70, 50:50, and 70:30 (% w/w). Their fatty acid profile, nutritional quality, FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectra, and rheological behavior were evaluated. ASO increased the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the blends; whereas CSF conferred higher contents of monounsaturated fatty acids. The blends exhibited low atherogenicity and thrombogenicity indices, suggesting nutritional advantages. The Newtonian fluid behavior and FTIR results suggested that mixing ASO and CSF at different proportions did not affect the functional groups. ASO showed an activation energy value which indicated that this fat viscosity was more sensitive to temperature changes. The Newtonian model proved to be suitable to describe the behavior of samples, according to statistical fit parameters R2, χ2, and RSS. The resulting blends presented improved physicochemical properties and nutritional attributes, indicating their feasibility for the development of new products.Se combinaron aceite de semilla de achiote (ASO) y grasa de semilla de cacao blanco (CSF) en las proporciones: 30:70, 50:50 y 70:30 (% p/p), respectivamente. Se evaluó su perfil de ácidos grasos, calidad nutricional, espectros FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) y comportamiento reológico. ASO incrementó el contenido de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en las mezclas, mientras que CSF confirió mayores contenidos de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados. Las mezclas exhibieron bajos índices de aterogenicidad y trombogenicidad, lo que sugiere ventajas nutricionales. El comportamiento del fluido newtoniano y los resultados de FTIR sugirieron que mezclar ASO y CSF en diferentes proporciones no afectó a los grupos funcionales. ASO mostró un valor de energía de activación que indicó que la viscosidad de esta grasa era más sensible a los cambios de temperatura. El modelo newtoniano demostró ser adecuado para describir el comportamiento de las muestras, según los parámetros de ajuste estadístico R2, χ2 y RSS. Las mezclas resultantes presentaron propiedades fisicoquímicas y atributos nutricionales mejorados, lo que indica su viabilidad para el desarrollo de nuevos productos

    Development of molecular biology techniques for the detection of genetically modified organisms in maize food products

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    In the last years, the increase in the cultivated area of genetically modified (GM) maize has become a reality. GA21, MON810 and MON 863 maize crops are some of the authorized maize events for food and feed under the European Union (EU) regulations. These crops of transgenic maize bring profit towards the conventional ones, as they confer resistence to some plagues and/or herbices. Concerning the raise of production and consumption of foodstuffs derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO), the EU has established new demand levels, including the labeling requirements when the product has GMO in proportion higher than 0.9% (Regulation (EC) Nº. 1829/2003)

    Biblioteconomia social, crítica e progressista: mapeamento da produção científica nacional e internacional

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    Library Science is a scientific field that has presented in recent decades the strongest discussion about its social character and the importance of moving away from a conservative base. Thus, new qualifying terms of this area can be found, for example, Social, Progressive and Critical Library Science. This alternative use and its production is the focus of this research whose general objective is to map the indexed scientific production in different databases. The methodological procedure selected was the bibliometrics of quantitative nature, which aims, at this first moment, to identify the occurrence of the terms, in Portuguese, “Biblioteconomia Social”, “Biblioteconomia Progressista” e “Biblioteconomia Crítica”, as well as the corresponding terms in English “Social Library Science”, “Progressive Library Science” and “Critical Library Science”. Thus, two databases were intentionally selected, one from Brazil and other international, for data collection, namely: Base de Dados em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI) and Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA). The search with the terms in these databases took place in January 2019, therefore, the collected data were tabulated and presented in this paper. It was possible to notice that the use of the terms is still little present in the library science production, considering that they started to be used from the 2000s. In Brazil, the “watershed” was the Congresso Brasileiro de Biblioteconomia, Documentação e Ciência da Informação [Brazilian Congress of Library, Documentation and Information Science] (CBBD), in 2017, having in one of the thematic axes the presence of the term “Social Library Science”

    Sward structure of marandu palisadegrass subjected to continuous stocking and nitrogen-induced rhythms of growth

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    Acceleration of the growth rhythm of plants using nitrogen fertiliser alters the rates of physiological processes like growth and senescence and may cause significant changes in sward structure, interfering with plant and animal responses. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate sward structure of marandu palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha) maintained at 30 cm under continuous stocking and subjected to contrasting rhythms of growth from January 2007 to April 2008. These were generated using or not nitrogen fertiliser, and comprised four experimental treatments as follows: control (non-fertilised), 150, 300 and 450 kg ha-1 of N. Acceleration of the growth rhythm of plants was associated with increases in leaf and stem bulk density, and resulted in larger LAI and total bulk density on swards subjected to faster (fertilised with 300 and 450 kg ha-1 of N) than those subjected to slower rhythms of growth (non-fertilised or fertilised with 150 kg ha-1 of N). Variations in dead material bulk density were associated with seasonal variations in climatic conditions, and were not influenced by growth rhythms. During autumn/winter and early spring (dry period of the year) swards subjected to faster, relative to those subjected to slower rhythms of growth, had larger proportion of leaves on the top horizons. On the other hand, sward structure did not vary among rhythms of growth at times of the year when there was no limitation in the availability of climatic growth factors (late spring and summer), indicating that when control of the grazing process is efficient, changes in sward structure are basically a function of seasonal variations in climatic growth conditions and phenological state of plants.A aceleração do ritmo de crescimento das plantas por meio da adubação nitrogenada altera a velocidade dos processos fisiológicos, atuando sobre o crescimento e a senescência, podendo refletir-se em alterações importantes sobre a estrutura do dossel. Avaliou-se a estrutura do dossel forrageiro de pastos de capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha) mantidos a 30 cm de altura por meio de lotação contínua e submetidos a ritmos de crescimento contrastantes de janeiro de 2007 a abril de 2008. Os distintos ritmos de crescimento foram criados por meio da utilização de adubação nitrogenada, segundo os tratamentos: sem adubação (controle), 150, 300 e 450 kg ha-1 de N. A aceleração do ritmo de crescimento dos pastos resultou em aumentos de densidade volumétrica de folhas e de colmos, refletindo em maior IAF e densidade volumétrica total em pastos submetidos aos ritmos de crescimento mais acelerados (adubados com 300 e 450 kg ha-1 de N) relativamente àqueles submetidos a ritmos de crescimento mais lentos (pastos não adubados e/ou adubados com 150 kg ha-1 de N). Variações em densidade volumétrica do material morto estiveram associadas a flutuações estacionais das condições climáticas, e não foram influenciadas pelos ritmos de crescimento avaliados. Na época da seca (outono/inverno e início de primavera), os pastos submetidos aos ritmos de crescimento mais acelerados apresentaram maior proporção de folhas no horizonte superior do dossel. Por outro lado, a estrutura do dossel não variou entre os ritmos de crescimento nas épocas de maior disponibilidade de fatores de crescimento (final de primavera e verão), indicando que quando o controle do processo de pastejo é feito de maneira eficiente, mudanças em estrutura são função basicamente de variações estacionais em condições climáticas e estádio fenológico das plantas

    Interaction protocols for cross-organisational workflows

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    Workflow technologies are widely used in industry and commerce to assist in the specification, execution and completion of well defined processes within organisations. As industrial and commercial relations have evolved, based on advances on information and communications technologies, cross-organisational workflow integration has become an important issue. Since organisations can have very different workflows, the creation of compatible workflows so that organisations can collaborate and/or carry out mutual transactions automatically in an integrated fashion can be a very complex and time consuming process. As a consequence, the development of technologies to support the creation and execution of compatible workflows is a most relevant issue. In the present article we introduce the JamSession coordination platform as a tool to implement cross-organisational workflow integration. JamSession is declarative and based on algebraic specification methods, and therefore workflow integration implemented using this platform can profit from formal behavioural analysis, based on which desired features and properties can be verified and/or obtained

    O uso do lúdico no ensino de química para deficientes visuais ou baixa visão: utilização da tabela FD14

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014A tabela Periódica organizada e elaborada com características puramente visuais como formato, distribuição, cor, símbolos, informações numéricas e propriedades com seguimentos distintos, acaba por excluir de uma vez o deficiente visual. A tabela FD14 ® apresenta uma proposta onde o aluno, poderá coletar todas as informações contidas em uma tabela periódica em formato de jogo, sendo a mesma, o principal instrumento na aprendizagem da química. O modelo de ferramenta proposto foi utilizado por um aluno do 1o ano do Ensino Médio de 15 anos, deficiente visual desde seu nascimento e inserido no Ensino Médio regular no Col. Est. Eurídes Brandão. Para êxito da proposta, “João” conseguiu identificar sem qualquer tipo de auxílio todas as informações que um aluno visual teria acesso, num processo realmente inclusiv

    Detecção De Cistos De Giardia Spp. E Oocistos De Cryptosporidium Spp. Na água Bruta Das Estações De Tratamento No Município De Blumenau, Sc, Brasil

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    Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. are water-borne pathogenic protozoans spread through fecal-oral transmission which cause several health problems, to include gastrointestinal diseases associated with the consumption of contaminated water. There are limited data regarding the occurrence of these protozoans in surface waters in southern Brazil. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the presence of cysts and oocysts in untreated water collected from water treatment plants in Blumenau, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The methodology employed to study the protozoans was filtration through mixed cellulose ester membranes followed by the immunofluorescence reaction using the Merifluor® kit. Microbiological analysis was conducted using the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and multi-parameter probes were used for the physico-chemical analysis. Cysts of Giardia spp. were found in 23.19% of the samples and oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp. in 7.24% of the samples (n=67). All of the samples analyzed were contaminated with Escherichia coli and 11.76% of the untreated water samples had turbidity values higher than the recommended limit. In the case of the treated water samples, 23.52% had turbidity values above the limit established by legislation (Portaria MS 2914/2011). The detection of pathogenic protozoans in the untreated water at the treatment plants highlights the importance of adopting preventative measures, such as the protection of areas where water is present and adequate treatment of domestic sewage, in order to reducing the risk of protozoan transmission via potable water. © 2016, Institute for Environmental Research in Hydrographic Basins (IPABHi). All rights reserved.11368970

    Atividade alelopática de extratos brutos de três espécies de copaifera (leguminosae-caesalpinioideae)

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    For the past few years, special attention has been given to chemical composites involved in interaction between plants, especially when the potential of their use in weed management is known. The Amazon region with its enormous biodiversity and abundance of plant species may offer excellent opportunities for the discovery of innovative chemical molecules capable of being used in agriculture. Thus, in this paper, a comparative analysis was made between the potential allelopathic activity of three species of Copaifera, characterizing the variations of the intensity of the allelopathic effects of the donating species, plant fraction and chemical component polarity. Hexanic and ethanolic extracts, prepared at 1.0% from the leaves, branches and barks of Copaifera duckei, C. marti and C. reticulata, were tested on seed germination and development of Mimosa pudica and Senna obtusifolia weed roots. The results showed that the intensity of the effects varied according to the variables studied. The ethanolic extract of C. martii and C. reticulate leaves and barks showed high potential to inhibit seed germination, especially of M. pudica species. The species C. duckei showed low allelopathic inhibitory potential in the germination of two receptor species. Barks, branches and especially leaves of C. duckei presented more expressive inhibitory potential for root development. Polar, and especially non-polar chemical composites, are involved in the allelopathic activity of C. duckei. Differently for C. martii and C. reticulata, the polar composites are preferentially involved in the inhibitory activity evidenced by these species, especially those located on the leaves and barks. Comparatively, it was observed that the weed species receptor tended to show more sensitivity to the allelopathic effects of the extracts, especially in the germination bioassay