1,236 research outputs found

    Vascular Parkinsonism: Analysis Of Seven Cases

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    INTRODUCTION: Neuroimaging studies of elderly individuals reveal alterations in the white matter that are incompatible with the patient's parkinsonism, mistakenly classified as vascular parkinsonism (VP). METHOD: This study was conducted on a population composed of 20 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) whose neuroimaging exams revealed vascular alterations in the white matter and seven patients with VP in order to compare diagnostic criteria. RESULTS: Age at disease onset of patients with PD was 55±12 years and patients with VP it was 62±13 years. Twelve patients with PD and five patients with VP presented arterial hypertension; three patients with VP and two patients with PD presented gait impairment; all patients with VP presented rigidity and bradykinesia, six of them presented resting tremor; 19 patients with PD presented tremor and 19 of them presented rigidity, while 17 presented bradykinesia. When the symptoms and evolution of both diseases were compared, the vascular alterations in the white matter were considered unspecific. CONCLUSION: Since clinical symptoms are unspecific, a differential diagnosis requires neuroimaging, good response to levodopa and clinical evolution. © 2006 Associação Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria.6403:00:00Critchley, M., Arteriosclerotic parkinsonism (1929) Brain, 52, pp. 23-83Winikates, J., Jankovic, J., Clinical correlates of vascular parkinsonism (1999) Arch Neurol, 56, pp. 98-102Demirkiran, M., Bozdemir, H., Sarica, Y., Vascular parkinsonism: A distinct, heterogeneous clinical entity (2001) Acta Neurol Scand, 104, pp. 63-67Thanvi, B., Lo, N., Robinson, T., Vascular parkinsonism: An important cause of parkinsonism in older people (2005) Age Ageing, 34, pp. 114-119Zijlmans, J.C.M., Thijssen, H.O.M., Vogels, O.J.M., MRI in patients with suspected vascular parkinsonism (1995) Neurology, 45, pp. 2183-2188Bennet, D.A., Wilson, R.S., Gilley, D.W., Fox, J.H., Clinical diagnosis of Binswanger disease (1990) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 53, pp. 961-965Hurtig, H.I., Vascular parkinsonism (1993) Parkinsonian Syndromes, pp. 81-83. , Stern MB, Koller WC (eds). New York: Marcel DekkerBaldereschi, M., Di Carlo, A., Rocca, W.A., Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in a longitudinal study: Two-fold higher incidence in men (2000) Neurology, 55, pp. 1358-1363Foltynie, T., Barker, R., Brayne, C., Vascular parkinsonism: A review of the precision and frequency of diagnosis (2002) Neuroepidemiology, 21, pp. 1-7Benito-Leon, J., Bernejo-Pareja, F., Moralez-Gonzalez, J.M., Incidence of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in three elderly populations of central Spain (2004) Neurology, 62, pp. 734-741Bower, J.H., Dickson, D.W., Taylor, L., Maraganore, D.M., Rocca, W.A., Clinical correlates of the pathology underlyng parkinsonism: A population perpective (2002) Mov Disord, 17, pp. 910-916Zijlmans, J.C.M., Daniel, Se., Hughes, A.J., Révész, T., Lees, A.J., Clinicopathological investigation of vascular parkinsonism, including clinical criteria for diagnosis (2004) Mov Disord, 19, pp. 630-640Fazekas, F., Niederkorn, K., Schmidt, R., White matter signal abnormalities in normal individuals: Correlation with carotid ultrasound, cerebral blood flow measurements, and cerebrovascular disease risk factors (1988) Stroke, 19, pp. 1285-1288Larsen, J.P., Dupont, E., Tandberg, E., Clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease: Proposal of diagnostic subgroups classified at different levels of confidence (1994) Acta Neurol Scand, 89, pp. 242-251Elbaz, A., Bower, J.H., Maraganore, D.M., Risk tables for parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease (2002) J Clin Epidemiol, 55, pp. 25-31(1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition, , American Psychiatric Association Washington, DC: American Psychiatric AssociationSibon, I., Fenelon, G., Quinn, N.P., Tison, F., Vascular parkinsonism (2004) J Neurol, 251, pp. 513-524Zijlmans, J.C.M., Katzenschlager, R., Daniel, S.E., Lees, A.J.L., The L-dopa response in vascular parkinsonism (2004) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 75, pp. 545-547Piccini, P., Pavese, N., Canapichi, R., White matter hiperintensities in Parkinson's disease (1995) Arch Neurol, 52, pp. 191-194Murrow, R.W., Schweiger, G.D., Kepes, J.J., Koller, W.C., Parkinsonism due to basal lacunar state: A clinicopathological correlation (1990) Neurology, 40, pp. 897-90


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    With an essentially ecosystem approach this paper tries to present the problem of the soil organic matter under its most interactive aspect: soil-vegetation interrelationships. The macro-morphological study of the humus type in some forest ecosystems of the intertropical Brazilian coast faced both with dilferent approaches and bibliography resulls about organic matter of forest soils. Thus, the different uses of the humus concept, which perrneates different research, will be clarified to show further ahead our resulls both about the quantitative characteristics of humus layers and their morphological structure in order to classify the humus forms of the Resting and Atlantic forest. The resulls contradict the hypothesis, generally accepted, that in tropical regions the faster recycling of soil organic matter leads to determine humic structures of the mull-like type. The dynamics of the interactive processes arnong litter fall, mineral substrata and decomposer communities (microorganisms and fauna) is analyzed in order to elucidate lhe factors which determine the diversity of the humus form in Brazilian coastal forests.O presente trabalho procura, numa abordagem essencialmente ecossistêmica, resituar o problema da matéria orgânica do solo sob seu aspecto interativo maior: o das interrelações vegetação/solo. O estudo macro-morfológico dos tipos de húmus em alguns ecossistemas de Florestas Costeira Intertropical é situado em relação as diferentes abordagens e resultados da bibliografia sobre matéria orgânica de solos florestais. São, assim, explicitadas as diferentes utilizações da noção de húmus subjacentes a diversas pesquisas, para apresentar posteriormente nossos resultados sobre a estrutura macromorfológica e a classificação de húmus de Restinga e de Floresta Atlântica. Estes resultados contradizem a hipótese geralmente admitida, segundo a qual em região tropical a rápida decomposição dos restos foliares determina estruturas húmicas de tipo mull. A dinâmica do processo interativo entre o substrato mineral, os aportes foliares e os agentes biológicos microrganismos e fauna é analisada, a fim de elucidar os fatores que determinam a diversidade de húmus em florestas costeiras

    Simultaneous Measurement Of Electrical And Thermal Properties: Application To Margarine

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    An experimental set-up for simultaneous measurement of thermal and dielectric properties of pasty materials, and in particular of margarine is proposed. The objective of the study was to observe simultaneously how the above mentioned properties change when margarine undergoes temperature changes within a temperature range that also encompasses its melting point. The PVDF pyroelectric sensor in combination with the plane plate capacitor was used for simultaneous measurement avoiding thereby problems arising from differences in both, sample's quantity and specific portion taken, the illumination level, heating, etc. As result of temperature variations both, the electrical and thermal properties of margarine were shown very sensitive to the structural changes. The reversibility of the modification process was observed. The results obtained with the set-up for simultaneous measurements were compared to those acquired by the methods capable of measuring each of the two properties separately. © EDP Sciences.125849852Pudney, P.D.A., Hancewicz, T.M., Cunningham, D.G., (2002) Spectrosc-int J, 16, p. 217Van Dalen, G., (2002) J Microsc-oxford, 208 (2), p. 116Benzo, Z., Marcano, E., Gomez, C., (2002) J AOAC Int, 85 (4), p. 967Sacchi, R., Addeo, F., Musso, S.S., (1995) Ital J Food Sci, 7 (1), p. 27Dadarlat, D., Gibkes, J., Bicanic, D., (1996) J Food Eng, 30 (1-2), p. 155De Pereira, J.R., Da Silva, E.C., Mansanares, A.M., Miranda, L.C.M., (2001) Analytical Sci., 17, p. 172Longuemart, S., Quiroz, A.G., Dadarlat, D., Sahraoui, A.H., Kolinsky, C., Buisine, J.M., Da Silva, E.C., Neamtu, C., (2002) Instrum. Sci. Technol., 30 (2), p. 157Dadarlat, D., Bicanic, D., Gibkes, J., (1996) Chem. Phys. Lipids, 82 (1), p. 15Marinelli, M., Mercuri, F., Zammit, U., Pizzoferrato, R., Scudieri, F., Dadarlat, D., (1994) Phys. Rev. B, 49, p. 9523Dadarlat, D., Chirtoc, M., Neamtu, C., Candea, R., Bicanic, D., (1990) Phys. Stat. Sol.(a), 121, pp. K23

    Quality Of Life In Patients With Parkinson's Disease And Their Caregivers' Stress Levels

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    Introduction. The quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) is related to the disease level, which also indicates the caregiver's quality of life. Methods. This study comprised 43 patients with PD (31 male) and their respective caregivers (35 female) in order to evaluate if these disease symptoms may change their quality of life. Results. There was a statistically significant correlation between quality of life and the disease level and caregiver stress. The higher the score of disease level, the worse the patients and caregivers' quality of life. Conclusion. The disease control improves the patients' quality of life and, consequently, the caregivers' quality of life.162113117Quagliato, L.B., Viana, M.A., Quagliato, E.M.A.B., Simis, S., Alterações do olfato na doença de Parkinson (2007) Arq Neuropsiq, 65 (3 A), pp. 647-652Anderson, R., Bury, M., (1988) Living with chronic illness: The experience of patients and their families, pp. 88-116. , London: Allen & UnwinJacoby, A., Backer, G.A., Smith, D.F., Dewey, M.E., Chadwick, D.W., Measuring the impact of epilepsy: The development of a novel scale (1993) Epi Res, 16, pp. 83-88Price, B., Illness cares: The chronic illness experience (1996) J Adv Nurs, 24, pp. 275-279Lima, S.S.P., Quagliato, E.M.A.B., Cagliari, L.C., Souza, E.A.P., (1997) Linguagem e isolamento social no Mal de Parkinson, 1 (2), pp. 5-13. , Rev Soc Bras FonoaudiolGray, A., McNamara, I., Aziz, T., Gregory, R., Bain, P., Wilson, J., Quality of life outcomes following surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease (2002) Mov Disord, 17 (1), pp. 68-75Silva EG, Viana MA, Quagliato EMAB. Pain in Parkinson's disease: analysis of 50 cases in a clinic of movement disorders. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2008;66(1):26-9Souza, E.A.P., Guerreiro, M.M., (1996) Qualidade de vida, pp. 191-199. , Guerreiro CAM, Guerreiro MM. Epilepsia. São Paulo: LemosSouza, E.A.P., Questionário de qualidade de vida na epilepsia: Resultados preliminares (2001) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 59 (3 A), pp. 540-544Martínez-Martín, P., An introduction to the concept of "Quality of Life in Parkinson's disease (1998) J Neurol, 245 (S1), pp. S2-S6De Boer, A.G.E.M., Sprangers, M.A.G., Speelman, H.D., De Haes, H.C.J.M., Predictors of Health Care Use in patients with Parkinson's disease: A longitudinal study (1999) Mov Disord, 14 (5), pp. 772-779Salgado, P.C.B., Souza, E.A.P., Qualidade de vida em epilepsia e percepção de controle de crises (2001) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 59 (3 A), pp. 537-540Cardoso, F., Principais perguntas sobre parkinsonismo e doença de Parkinson. Beija-flor-São Paulo (2000), 47, pp. 6-8Schrag, A., Jahanshahi, M., Quinn, N., How does Parkinson's disease affect quality of life? A comparison with quality of life in the general population (2000) Mov Disord, 15 (6), pp. 1112-1118Hughes, A.J., Daniel, S.E., Kilford, L., Lees, A.J., Accuracy of clinical diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease: A clinicopathological study of 100 cases (1992) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr, 55 (3), pp. 181-184Fahn S, Elton RL, and members of the UPDRS Development Committee. Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale. In: Fahn S, Marsden CD, Goldstein M, Calne DB (eds). Recent Development in Parkinson's disease. New Jersey: Florham Park, 1987,153-63Jenkinson, C., Fitzpatrick, R., Peto, V., Greenhall, R., Hyman, N., The Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39): Development and validation of Parkinson's disease summary index score (1997) Age Ageing, 26 (5), pp. 353-357McRae C, Sherry P, Roper K. Stress in family functioning among caregiver of persons in Parkinson's disease. Parkinson Rel Dis 1999;5:69-75Zhang, Z., Roman, G.C., Worldwide occurrence of Parkinson's disease: An updated review (1993) Neuroepidemiol, 12, pp. 195-208Lee, K.S., Merriman, A., Owen, A., Chew, B., Tan, T.C., The medical, social and functional profile of Parkinson's disease patients (1994) Singap Med J, 35 (3), pp. 265-268Happe, S., Berger, K., The association between caregiver burden and sleep disturbances in partners of patients with Parkinson's disease (2002) Age and Aging, 31, pp. 349-354Silva, E.G., Viana, M.A., Quagliato, E.M.A.B., Diagnóstico de síndromes parkinsonianas em uma clínica brasileira de distúrbios do movimento. (2005) Rev Neurocienc, 13 (4), pp. 173-177Hankin, B.L., Abramson, L.Y., Development of gender differences in depression: An elaborate cognitive vulnerability-transactional stress theory (2001) Psychol Bull, 127, pp. 773-796Pasetti, C., Ferrario, S.R., Fornara, R., Picco, D., Foglia, C., Galli, J., Caregiving and Parkinson's disease (2003) Neurol Sci, 24, pp. 203-204De Boer, A.G.E.M., Wijker, W., Speelman, J.D., De Haes, J.C.J.M., Quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease: Development of a questionnaire (1996) J Neurol Neurosur Psychiatr, 61, pp. 70-74Hobson, P., Holden, A., Meara, J., Measuring the impact of Parkinson's disease with Parkinson's disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (1999) Age and Aging, 28, pp. 341-346Mc Rae, C., O'Brien, C., Treed, C., Quality of life among persons receiving neural implants surgery for Parkinson's disease (1996) Mov Disord, 11, pp. 605-60

    Pulpal and Periapical response after restoration of deep cavities in dogs' teeth with filtek silorane and filtek supreme xt systems.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated, histopathologically, the pulpal and periapical response to a silorane-based resin (Filtek Silorane) and a methacrylate-based nanoparticle resin (Filtek Supreme XT) in deep cavities in dogs, having zinc oxide and eugenol-based cement (ZOE) as a control. METHODS: The tooth/bone blocks were collected after 10 and 90 days and processed for microscopic analysis of the dentin, pulp, and periapical tissues using a score system. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn post-test (α=0.05). RESULTS: At 10 days, the pulp, connective tissue, and periodontal ligament showed normal characteristics. No resorption areas were observed. Both resins caused significantly less (p<0.05) periapical and pulpal inflammatory response than ZOE. At 90 days, for all materials, the connective pulp tissue was healthy and dense, with a normal blood vessel system. The apical and periapical region had normal structure and thickness. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the Filtek Silorane and the Filtek Supreme XT resins caused no adverse pulpal and periapical reactions after restoration of deep dentin cavities in vivo

    Heavy-ion Physics at a Fixed-Target Experiment Using the LHC Proton and Lead Beams (AFTER@LHC): Feasibility Studies for Quarkonium and Drell-Yan Production

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    We outline the case for heavy-ion-physics studies using the multi-TeV lead LHC beams in the fixed-target mode. After a brief contextual reminder, we detail the possible contributions of AFTER@LHC to heavy-ion physics with a specific emphasis on quarkonia. We then present performance simulations for a selection of observables. These show that Υ(nS)\varUpsilon (nS) , J/ψJ/\psi and ψ(2S)\psi (2S) production in heavy-ion collisions can be studied in new energy and rapidity domains with the LHCb and ALICE detectors. We also discuss the relevance to analyse the Drell–Yan pair production in asymmetric nucleus–nucleus collisions to study the factorisation of the nuclear modification of partonic densities and of further quarkonium states to restore their status of golden probes of the quark–gluon plasma formation.Peer Reviewe

    The role of structural evolution on the quantum conductance behavior of gold nanowires during stretching

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    Gold nanowires generated by mechanical stretching have been shown to adopt only three kinds of configurations where their atomic arrangements adjust such that either the [100], [111] or [110] zone axes lie parallel to the elongation direction. We have analyzed the relationship between structural rearrangements and electronic transport behavior during the elongation of Au nanowires for each of the three possibilities. We have used two independent experiments to tackle this problem, high resolution transmission high resolution electron microscopy to observe the atomic structure and a mechanically controlled break junction to measure the transport properties. We have estimated the conductance of nanowires using a theoretical method based on the extended H\"uckel theory that takes into account the atom species and their positions. Aided by these calculations, we have consistently connected both sets of experimental results and modeled the evolution process of gold nanowires whose conductance lies within the first and third conductance quanta. We have also presented evidence that carbon acts as a contaminant, lowering the conductance of one-atom-thick wires.Comment: 10 page

    ISML: an interface specification meta-language

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    In this paper we present an abstract metaphor model situated within a model-based user interface framework. The inclusion of metaphors in graphical user interfaces is a well established, but mostly craft-based strategy to design. A substantial body of notations and tools can be found within the model-based user interface design literature, however an explicit treatment of metaphor and its mappings to other design views has yet to be addressed. We introduce the Interface Specification Meta-Language (ISML) framework and demonstrate its use in comparing the semantic and syntactic features of an interactive system. Challenges facing this research are outlined and further work proposed

    Stellar evolution and modelling stars

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    In this chapter I give an overall description of the structure and evolution of stars of different masses, and review the main ingredients included in state-of-the-art calculations aiming at reproducing observational features. I give particular emphasis to processes where large uncertainties still exist as they have strong impact on stellar properties derived from large compilations of tracks and isochrones, and are therefore of fundamental importance in many fields of astrophysics.Comment: Lecture presented at the IVth Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences on "Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds" (arXiv:1709.00645), which took place in Horta, Azores Islands, Portugal in July 201