847 research outputs found

    Complex sequencing rules of birdsong can be explained by simple hidden Markov processes

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    Complex sequencing rules observed in birdsongs provide an opportunity to investigate the neural mechanism for generating complex sequential behaviors. To relate the findings from studying birdsongs to other sequential behaviors, it is crucial to characterize the statistical properties of the sequencing rules in birdsongs. However, the properties of the sequencing rules in birdsongs have not yet been fully addressed. In this study, we investigate the statistical propertiesof the complex birdsong of the Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica). Based on manual-annotated syllable sequences, we first show that there are significant higher-order context dependencies in Bengalese finch songs, that is, which syllable appears next depends on more than one previous syllable. This property is shared with other complex sequential behaviors. We then analyze acoustic features of the song and show that higher-order context dependencies can be explained using first-order hidden state transition dynamics with redundant hidden states. This model corresponds to hidden Markov models (HMMs), well known statistical models with a large range of application for time series modeling. The song annotation with these models with first-order hidden state dynamics agreed well with manual annotation, the score was comparable to that of a second-order HMM, and surpassed the zeroth-order model (the Gaussian mixture model (GMM)), which does not use context information. Our results imply that the hierarchical representation with hidden state dynamics may underlie the neural implementation for generating complex sequences with higher-order dependencies

    Superconducting ECR ion source: From 24-28 GHz SECRAL to 45 GHz fourth generation ECR.

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    The development of superconducting ECR source with higher magnetic fields and higher microwave frequency is the most straight forward path to achieve higher beam intensity and higher charge state performance. SECRAL, a superconducting third generation ECR ion source, is designed for 24-28 GHz microwave frequency operation with an innovative magnet configuration of sextupole coils located outside the three solenoids. SECRAL at 24 GHz has already produced a number of record beam intensities, such as 40Ar12+ 1.4 emA, 129Xe26+ 1.1 emA, 129Xe30+ 0.36 emA, and 209Bi31+ 0.68 emA. SECRAL-II, an upgraded version of SECRAL, was built successfully in less than 3 years and has recently been commissioned at full power of a 28 GHz gyrotron and three-frequency heating (28 + 45 + 18 GHz). New record beam intensities for highly charged ion production have been achieved, such as 620 eÎŒA 40Ar16+, 15 eÎŒA 40Ar18+, 146 eÎŒA 86Kr28+, 0.5 eÎŒA 86Kr33+, 53 eÎŒA 129Xe38+, and 17 eÎŒA 129Xe42+. Recent beam test results at SECRAL and SECRAL II have demonstrated that the production of more intense highly charged heavy ion beams needs higher microwave power and higher frequency, as the scaling law predicted. A 45 GHz superconducting ECR ion source FECR (a first fourth generation ECR ion source) is being built at IMP. FECR will be the world's first Nb3Sn superconducting-magnet-based ECR ion source with 6.5 T axial mirror field, 3.5 T sextupole field on the plasma chamber inner wall, and 20 kW at a 45 GHz microwave coupling system. This paper will focus on SECRAL performance studies at 24-28 GHz and technical design of 45 GHz FECR, which demonstrates a technical path for highly charged ion beam production from 24 to 28 GHz SECRAL to 45 GHz FECR

    Observations of the Askaryan Effect in Ice

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    We report on the first observations of the Askaryan effect in ice: coherent impulsive radio Cherenkov radiation from the charge asymmetry in an electromagnetic (EM) shower. Such radiation has been observed in silica sand and rock salt, but this is the first direct observation from an EM shower in ice. These measurements are important since the majority of experiments to date that rely on the effect for ultra-high energy neutrino detection are being performed using ice as the target medium. As part of the complete validation process for the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment, we performed an experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in June 2006 using a 7.5 metric ton ice target, yielding results fully consistent with theoretical expectations

    Holographic Correlation Functions for Open Strings and Branes

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    In this paper, we compute holographically the two-point and three-point functions of giant gravitons with open strings. We consider the maximal giant graviton in S5S^5 and the string configurations corresponding to the ground states of Z=0 and Y=0 open spin chain, and the spinning string in AdS5_5 corresponding to the derivative type impurities in Y=0 or Z=0 open spin chain as well. We treat the D-brane and open string contribution separately and find the corresponding D3-brane and string configurations in bulk which connect the composite operators at the AdS5_5 boundary. We apply a new prescription to treat the string state contribution and find agreements for the two-point functions. For the three-point functions of two giant gravitons with open strings and one certain half-BPS chiral primary operator, we find that the D-brane contributions to structure constant are always vanishing and the open string contribution for the Y=0 ground state is in perfect match with the prediction in the free field limit.Comment: 25 page

    New Limits on the Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Neutrino Flux from the ANITA Experiment

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    We report initial results of the first flight of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA-1) 2006-2007 Long Duration Balloon flight, which searched for evidence of a diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos above energies of 3 EeV. ANITA-1 flew for 35 days looking for radio impulses due to the Askaryan effect in neutrino-induced electromagnetic showers within the Antarctic ice sheets. We report here on our initial analysis, which was performed as a blind search of the data. No neutrino candidates are seen, with no detected physics background. We set model-independent limits based on this result. Upper limits derived from our analysis rule out the highest cosmogenic neutrino models. In a background horizontal-polarization channel, we also detect six events consistent with radio impulses from ultra-high energy extensive air showers.Comment: 4 pages, 2 table

    Efficiently Correcting Matrix Products

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    We study the problem of efficiently correcting an erroneous product of two n×nn\times n matrices over a ring. Among other things, we provide a randomized algorithm for correcting a matrix product with at most kk erroneous entries running in O~(n2+kn)\tilde{O}(n^2+kn) time and a deterministic O~(kn2)\tilde{O}(kn^2)-time algorithm for this problem (where the notation O~\tilde{O} suppresses polylogarithmic terms in nn and kk).Comment: Fixed invalid reference to figure in v

    f(R) Theories of Supergravities and Pseudo-supergravities

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    We present f(R) theories of ten-dimensional supergravities, including the fermionic sector up to the quadratic order in fermion fields. They are obtained by performing the conformal scaling on the usual supergravities to the f(R) frame in which the dilaton becomes an auxiliary field and can be integrated out. The f(R) frame coincides with that of M-theory, D2-branes or NS-NS 5-branes. We study various BPS p-brane solutions and their near-horizon AdS \times sphere geometries in the context of the f(R) theories. We find that new solutions emerge with global structures that do not exist in the corresponding solutions of the original supergravity description. In lower dimensions, We construct the f(R) theory of N=2, D=5 gauged supergravity with a vector multiplet, and that for the four-dimensional U(1)^4 gauged theory with three vector fields set equal. We find that some previously-known BPS singular "superstars" become wormholes in the f(R) theories. We also construct a large class of f(R) (gauged) pseudo-supergravities. In addition we show that the breathing mode in the Kaluza-Klein reduction of Gauss-Bonnet gravity on S^1 is an auxiliary field and can be integrated out.Comment: Latex, 46 page
