33 research outputs found

    Clinician experiences of employing the AmpliChip CYP450 test in routine psychiatric practice

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    These findings are from a qualitative study examining clinician experiences of employing the AmpliChip CYP450 test in psychiatric practice. One hundred tests were made available to secondary care mental health service clinicians commencing patient treatment with risperidone across three District Health Boards within New Zealand. Feedback was sought on clinicians' (n=33) experiences of ordering the test and receiving results, utilization of results, and perceived advantages and disadvantages. Difficulties were reported regarding ordering the test and receiving the results; however, real or perceived advantages of employing the test results in practice were widely reported. Analysis of the ways in which the test results were reportedly utilized revealed that they generally played a supporting role with regard to dosing decisions, rather than being the main influence on clinician behaviour. The test itself, and subsequent results, was viewed as potentially useful in facilitating the development of the doctor-patient relationship. Reported disadvantages of the test included potential over-reliance at the expense of clinical wisdom, cost, and challenges inherent in introducing a new clinical procedure into routine practice. These findings indicate that psychiatric clinicians are receptive to employing this test as a clinical support tool if its implementation is carefully considered and economically justifiable

    Associated dental anomalies: case report Múltiplas anomalias dentárias associadas: caso clínico

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    Certain human dental anomalies frequently occur together, supporting the accumulated evidence of the shared genetic control of dental developmental disturbances. The present study reports a rare and interesting case of a 12-year-old girl with an association of multiple dental abnormalities, including agenesis, tooth malposition and delayed development. The etiology and treatment planning are discussed with reference to the literature. The clinical implications of genetically controlled patterns of dental anomalies are important in the establishment of early diagnosis and appropriate orthodontic intervention.<br>Certas anomalias dentárias humanas freqüentemente ocorrem concomitantemente, contribuindo para validar as evidências do controle genético nos distúrbios de desenvolvimento. O presente estudo relata um caso raro e interessante de uma jovem de 12 anos de idade, com associação de anormalidades dentárias múltiplas, incluindo agenesia, ectopia e atraso no desenvolvimento dentário. A etiologia e tratamento planejados são discutidos com referência à literatura. As implicações clínicas do padrão de anomalias dentárias geneticamente controladas são importantes no estabelecimento do diagnóstico precoce e de adequada intervenção ortodôntica