44 research outputs found

    Contrasting Spatial Distribution and Risk Factors for Past Infection with Scrub Typhus and Murine Typhus in Vientiane City, Lao PDR

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    Scrub typhus and murine typhus are neglected but important treatable causes of fever, morbidity and mortality in South-East Asia. Epidemiological data suggests that scrub typhus would be more common in rural areas and murine typhus in urban areas but there are very few comparative data from places where both diseases occur, as is the case in Vientiane, the capital of the Lao PDR. We therefore determined the frequency of IgG antibody seropositivity against scrub typhus and murine typhus, as indices of prior exposure to these pathogens, in a randomly selected population of 2,002 adults living in different neighbourhoods in Vientiane. The overall prevalence of IgG against these two pathogens was ∼20%. However, within the city, the spatial distribution of IgG against these two diseases was radically different - past exposure to murine typhus being more frequent in urbanized areas while past exposure to scrub typhus more frequent in outlying areas. This study underscores the importance of ecological characteristics in improving the understanding of both scrub typhus and murine typhus transmission and epidemiology

    Paramagnetic and fluorescent liposomes for target-specific imaging and therapy of tumor angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis is essential for tumor growth and metastatic potential and for that reason considered an important target for tumor treatment. Noninvasive imaging technologies, capable of visualizing tumor angiogenesis and evaluating the efficacy of angiostatic therapies, are therefore becoming increasingly important. Among the various imaging modalities, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is characterized by a superb spatial resolution and anatomical soft-tissue contrast. Revolutionary advances in contrast agent chemistry have delivered versatile angiogenesis-specific molecular MRI contrast agents. In this paper, we review recent advances in the preclinical application of paramagnetic and fluorescent liposomes for noninvasive visualization of the molecular processes involved in tumor angiogenesis. This liposomal contrast agent platform can be prepared with a high payload of contrast generating material, thereby facilitating its detection, and is equipped with one or more types of targeting ligands for binding to specific molecules expressed at the angiogenic site. Multimodal liposomes endowed with contrast material for complementary imaging technologies, e.g., MRI and optical, can be exploited to gain important preclinical insights into the mechanisms of binding and accumulation at angiogenic vascular endothelium and to corroborate the in vivo findings. Interestingly, liposomes can be designed to contain angiostatic therapeutics, allowing for image-supervised drug delivery and subsequent monitoring of therapeutic efficacy

    Polymeric Micelles in Anticancer Therapy: Targeting, Imaging and Triggered Release

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    Micelles are colloidal particles with a size around 5–100 nm which are currently under investigation as carriers for hydrophobic drugs in anticancer therapy. Currently, five micellar formulations for anticancer therapy are under clinical evaluation, of which Genexol-PM has been FDA approved for use in patients with breast cancer. Micelle-based drug delivery, however, can be improved in different ways. Targeting ligands can be attached to the micelles which specifically recognize and bind to receptors overexpressed in tumor cells, and chelation or incorporation of imaging moieties enables tracking micelles in vivo for biodistribution studies. Moreover, pH-, thermo-, ultrasound-, or light-sensitive block copolymers allow for controlled micelle dissociation and triggered drug release. The combination of these approaches will further improve specificity and efficacy of micelle-based drug delivery and brings the development of a ‘magic bullet’ a major step forward

    A Tubular Biomaterial Construct Exhibiting a Negative Poisson's Ratio

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    Developing functional small-diameter vascular grafts is an important objective in tissue engineering research. In this study, we address the problem of compliance mismatch by designing and developing a 3D tubular construct that has a negative Poisson&apos;s ratio v(xy) (NPR). NPR constructs have the unique ability to expand transversely when pulled axially, thereby resulting in a highly-compliant tubular construct. In this work, we used projection stereolithography to 3D-print a planar NPR sheet composed of photosensitive poly(ethylene) glycol diacrylate biomaterial. We used a step-lithography exposure and a stitch process to scale up the projection printing process, and used the cut-missing rib unit design to develop a centimeter-scale NPR sheet, which was rolled up to form a tubular construct. The constructs had Poisson&apos;s ratios of -0.6 <= -v(xy) <= -0.1. The NPR construct also supports higher cellular adhesion than does the construct that has positive v(xy). Our NPR design offers a significant advance in the development of highly-compliant vascular grafts.1121Ysciescopu

    Scrub typhus in Southern India: are we doing enough?

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