72 research outputs found

    Machine learning based IoT Intrusion Detection System:an MQTT case study (MQTT-IoT-IDS2020 Dataset)

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the main research fields in the Cybersecurity domain. This is due to (a) the increased dependency on automated device, and (b) the inadequacy of general-purpose Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) to be deployed for special purpose networks usage. Numerous lightweight protocols are being proposed for IoT devices communication usage. One of the distinguishable IoT machine-to-machine communication protocols is Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. However, as per the authors best knowledge, there are no available IDS datasets that include MQTT benign or attack instances and thus, no IDS experimental results available. In this paper, the effectiveness of six Machine Learning (ML) techniques to detect MQTT-based attacks is evaluated. Three abstraction levels of features are assessed, namely, packet-based, unidirectional flow, and bidirectional flow features. An MQTT simulated dataset is generated and used for the training and evaluation processes. The dataset is released with an open access licence to help the research community further analyse the accompanied challenges. The experimental results demonstrated the adequacy of the proposed ML models to suit MQTT-based networks IDS requirements. Moreover, the results emphasise on the importance of using flow-based features to discriminate MQTT-based attacks from benign traffic, while packet-based features are sufficient for traditional networking attacks

    Spatial Distribution of Dominant Arboreal Ants in a Malagasy Coastal Rainforest: Gaps and Presence of an Invasive Species

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    We conducted a survey along three belt transects located at increasing distances from the coast to determine whether a non-random arboreal ant assemblage, such as an ant mosaic, exists in the rainforest on the Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar. In most tropical rainforests, very populous colonies of territorially dominant arboreal ant species defend absolute territories distributed in a mosaic pattern. Among the 29 ant species recorded, only nine had colonies large enough to be considered potentially territorially dominant; the remaining species had smaller colonies and were considered non-dominant. Nevertheless, the null-model analyses used to examine the spatial structure of their assemblages did not reveal the existence of an ant mosaic. Inland, up to 44% of the trees were devoid of dominant arboreal ants, something not reported in other studies. While two Crematogaster species were not associated with one another, Brachymyrmex cordemoyi was positively associated with Technomyrmex albipes, which is considered an invasive species—a non-indigenous species that has an adverse ecological effect on the habitats it invades. The latter two species and Crematogaster ranavalonae were mutually exclusive. On the other hand, all of the trees in the coastal transect and at least 4 km of coast were occupied by T. albipes, and were interconnected by columns of workers. Technomyrmex albipes workers collected from different trees did not attack each other during confrontation tests, indicating that this species has formed a supercolony along the coast. Yet interspecific aggressiveness did occur between T. albipes and Crematogaster ranavalonae, a native species which is likely territorially dominant based on our intraspecific confrontation tests. These results suggest that the Masoala rainforest is threatened by a potential invasion by T. albipes, and that the penetration of this species further inland might be facilitated by the low density of native, territorially dominant arboreal ants normally able to limit its progression

    Age differences in physiological responses to self-paced and incremental V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} testing

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    Purpose: A self-paced maximal exercise protocol has demonstrated higher V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} values when compared against traditional tests. The aim was to compare physiological responses to this self-paced V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} protocol (SPV) in comparison to a traditional ramp V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} (RAMP) protocol in young (18–30 years) and old (50–75 years) participants. Methods: Forty-four participants (22 young; 22 old) completed both protocols in a randomised, counter-balanced, crossover design. The SPV included 5 × 2 min stages, participants were able to self-regulate their power output (PO) by using incremental ‘clamps’ in ratings of perceived exertion. The RAMP consisted of either 15 or 20 W min−1^{−1}. Results: Expired gases, cardiac output (Q), stroke volume (SV), muscular deoxyhaemoglobin (deoxyHb) and electromyography (EMG) at the vastus lateralis were recorded throughout. Results demonstrated significantly higher V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} in the SPV (49.68 ± 10.26 ml kg−1^{−1} min−1^{−1}) vs. the RAMP (47.70 ± 9.98 ml kg−1^{−1} min−1^{−1}) in the young, but not in the old group (>0.05). Q and SV were significantly higher in the SPV vs. the RAMP in the young (0.05). No differences seen in deoxyHb and EMG for either age groups (>0.05). Peak PO was significantly higher in the SPV vs. the RAMP in both age groups (<0.05). Conclusion: Findings demonstrate that the SPV produces higher V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max}, peak Q and SV values in the young group. However, older participants achieved similar V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} values in both protocols, mostly likely due to age-related differences in cardiovascular responses to incremental exercise, despite them achieving a higher physiological workload in the SPV

    MEMS Technologies for Energy Harvesting

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    The objective of this chapter is to introduce the technology of Microelectromechanical Systems, MEMS, and their application to emerging energy harvesting devices. The chapter begins with a general introduction to the most common MEMS fabrication processes. This is followed with a survey of design mechanisms implemented in MEMS energy harvesters to provide nonlinear mechanical actuations. Mechanisms to produce bistable potential will be studied, such as introducing fixed magnets, buckling of beams or using slightly slanted clamped-clamped beams. Other nonlinear mechanisms are studied such as impact energy transfer, or the design of nonlinear springs. Finally, due to their importance in the field of MEMS and their application to energy harvesters, an introduction to actuation using piezoelectric materials is given. Examples of energy harvesters found in the literature using this actuation principle are also presented

    Effects of long-term exposure to an electronic containment system on the behaviour and welfare of domestic cats

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    Free-roaming cats are exposed to a variety of risks, including involvement in road traffic accidents. One way of mitigating these risks is to contain cats, for example using an electronic boundary fence system that delivers an electric ‘correction’ via a collar if a cat ignores a warning cue and attempts to cross the boundary. However, concerns have been expressed over the welfare impact of such systems. Our aim was to determine if long-term exposure to an electronic containment system was associated with reduced cat welfare. We compared 46 owned domestic cats: 23 cats that had been contained by an electronic containment system for more than 12 months (AF group); and 23 cats with no containment system that were able to roam more widely (C group). We assessed the cats’ behavioural responses and welfare via four behavioural tests (unfamiliar person test; novel object test; sudden noise test; cognitive bias test) and an owner questionnaire. In the unfamiliar person test, C group lip-licked more than the AF group, whilst the AF group looked at, explored and interacted more with the unfamiliar person than C group. In the novel object test, the AF group looked at and explored the object more than C group. No significant differences were found between AF and C groups for the sudden noise or cognitive bias tests. Regarding the questionnaire, C group owners thought their cats showed more irritable behaviour and AF owners thought that their cats toileted inappropriately more often than C owners. Overall, AF cats were less neophobic than C cats and there was no evidence of significant differences between the populations in general affective state. These findings indicate that an electronic boundary fence with clear pre-warning cues does not impair the long term quality of life of cat

    Trazodone regulates neurotrophic/growth factors, mitogen-activated protein kinases and lactate release in human primary astrocytes

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    Background: In the central nervous system, glial cells provide metabolic and trophic support to neurons and respond to protracted stress and insults by up-regulating inflammatory processes. Reactive astrocytes and microglia are associated with the pathophysiology of neuronal injury, neurodegenerative diseases and major depression, in both animal models and human brains. Several studies have reported clear anti-inflammatory effects of anti-depressant treatment on astrocytes, especially in models of neurological disorders. Trazodone (TDZ) is a triazolopyridine derivative that is structurally unrelated to other major classes of antidepressants. Although the molecular mechanisms of TDZ in neurons have been investigated, it is unclear whether astrocytes are also a TDZ target. Methods: The effects of TDZ on human astrocytes were investigated in physiological conditions and following inflammatory insult with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and tumour necrosis factor-aα (TNF-aα). Astrocytes were assessed for their responses to pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines, and the receptors and signalling pathways involved in TDZ-mediated effects were evaluated. Results: TDZ had no effect on cell proliferation, but it decreased pro-inflammatory mediator release and modulated trophic and transcription factor mRNA expression. Following TDZ treatment, the AKT pathway was activated, whereas extracellular signal-regulated kinase and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase were inhibited. Most importantly, a 72-h TDZ pre-treatment before inflammatory insult completely reversed the anti-proliferative effects induced by LPS-TNF-aα. The expression or the activity of inflammatory mediators, including interleukin-6, c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase and nuclear factor ΚB, were also reduced. Furthermore, TDZ affected astrocyte metabolic support to neurons by counteracting the inflammation-mediated lactate decrease. Finally, TDZ protected neuronal-like cells against neurotoxicity mediated by activated astrocytes. These effects mainly involved an activation of 5-HT1A and an antagonism at 5-HT2A/C serotonin receptors. Fluoxetine, used in parallel, showed similar final effects nevertheless it activates different receptors/intracellular pathways. Conclusions: Altogether, our results demonstrated that TDZ directly acts on astrocytes by regulating intracellular signalling pathways and increasing specific astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor expression and lactate release. TDZ may contribute to neuronal support by normalizing trophic and metabolic support during neuroinflammation, which is associated with neurological diseases, including major depression

    Oak canopy arthropod communities: which factors shape its structure?

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