163 research outputs found

    Ectoplasm with an Edge

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    The construction of supersymmetric invariant actions on a spacetime manifold with a boundary is carried out using the "ectoplasm" formalism for the construction of closed forms in superspace. Non-trivial actions are obtained from the pull-backs to the bosonic bodies of closed but non-exact forms in superspace; finding supersymmetric invariants thus becomes a cohomology problem. For a spacetime with a boundary, the appropriate mathematical language changes to relative cohomology, which we use to give a general formulation of off-shell supersymmetric invariants in the presence of boundaries. We also relate this construction to the superembedding formalism for the construction of brane actions, and we give examples with bulk spacetimes of dimension 3, 4 and 5. The closed superform in the 5D example needs to be constructed as a Chern-Simons type of invariant, obtained from a closed 6-form displaying Weil triviality.Comment: 25 page

    Evidence for the classical integrability of the complete AdS(4) x CP(3) superstring

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    We construct a zero-curvature Lax connection in a sub-sector of the superstring theory on AdS(4) x CP(3) which is not described by the OSp(6|4)/U(3) x SO(1,3) supercoset sigma-model. In this sub-sector worldsheet fermions associated to eight broken supersymmetries of the type IIA background are physical fields. As such, the prescription for the construction of the Lax connection based on the Z_4-automorphism of the isometry superalgebra OSp(6|4) does not do the job. So, to construct the Lax connection we have used an alternative method which nevertheless relies on the isometry of the target superspace and kappa-symmetry of the Green-Schwarz superstring.Comment: 1+26 pages; v2: minor typos corrected, acknowledgements adde

    Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills in five dimensions in light-cone superspace

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    We formulate maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in five dimensions in light-cone superspace. The light-cone Hamiltonian is of the quadratic form and the theory can be understood as an oxidation of the N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory in four dimensions. We specifically study three-point counterterms and show how these counterterms vanish on-shell. This study is a preliminary to set up the technique in order to study possible four-point counterterms.Comment: 25 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Ten-Dimensional Super-Twistors and Super-Yang-Mills

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    Four-dimensional super-twistors provide a compact covariant description of on-shell N=4 d=4 super-Yang-Mills. In this paper, ten-dimensional super-twistors are introduced which similarly provide a compact covariant description of on-shell d=10 super-Yang-Mills. The super-twistor variables are Z=(lambda^alpha, mu_alpha, Gamma^m) where lambda^alpha and mu_alpha are constrained bosonic d=10 spinors and Gamma^m is a constrained fermionic d=10 vector. The Penrose map relates the twistor superfield Phi(Z) with the d=10 super-Yang-Mills vertex operator lambda^alpha A_alpha(x,theta) which appears in the pure spinor formalism of the superstring, and the cubic super-Yang-Mills amplitude is proportional to the super-twistor integral \int dZ Phi_1 Phi_2 Phi_3.Comment: 14 pages harvmac, added short clarificatio

    Gauge and Supersymmetric Invariance of a Boundary Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson Theory

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    In this paper we will discuss the effect of a having a boundary on the supersymmetric invariance and gauge invariance of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) Theory. We will show that even though the supersymmetry and gauge invariance of the original BLG theory is broken due to the presence of a boundary, it restored by the addition of suitable boundary terms. In fact, to achieve the gauge invariance of this theory, we will have to introduce new boundary degrees of freedom. The boundary theory obeyed by these new boundary degrees of freedom will be shown to be a generalization of the gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model, with the generators of the Lie algebra replaced by the generators of the Lie 3-algebra. The gauge and supersymmetry variations of the boundary theory will exactly cancel the boundary terms generated by the gauge and supersymmetric variations of the bulk theory.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figures, accepted for publication in JHE

    Understanding plant invasions: An example of working with citizen scientists to collect environmental data

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    Citizen science programs are useful tools for collecting important environmental science data. To ensure data quality, however, it must be shown that data collected by volunteers can produce reliable results. We engaged 143 volunteers over four years to map and estimate abundance of invasive plants in New York and New Jersey parklands. We found that off trail abundance of only a few of our targeted invasive species were positively correlated with on trail abundance. Our results support that citizen science programs can be a useful and sometimes a much needed addition to environmental science protocols

    Bi-harmonic superspace for N=4 d=4 super Yang-Mills

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    We develop N=4 d=4 bi-harmonic superspace and use it to derive a novel form for the low-energy effective action in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We solve the N=4 supergauge constraints in this superspace in terms of analytic superfields. Using these superfields, we construct a simple functional that respects N=4 supersymmetry and scale invariance. In components, it reproduces all on-shell terms in the four-derivative part of the N=4 SYM effective action; in particular, the F^4/X^4 and Wess-Zumino terms. The latter comes out in a novel SO(3) x SO(3)-invariant form.Comment: 1+19 pages; minor corrections, references adde

    D=7 / D=6 Heterotic Supergravity with Gauged R-Symmetry

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    We construct a family of chiral anomaly-free supergravity theories in D=6 starting from D=7 supergravity with a gauged noncompact R-symmetry, employing a Horava-Witten bulk-plus-boundary construction. The gauged noncompact R-symmetry yields a positive (de Sitter sign) D=6 scalar field potential. Classical anomaly inflow which is needed to cancel boundary-field loop anomalies requires careful consideration of the gravitational, gauge, mixed and local supersymmetry anomalies. Coupling of boundary hypermultiplets requires care with the Sp(1) gauge connection required to obtain quaternionic Kahler target manifolds in D=6. This class of gauged R-symmetry models may be of use as starting points for further compactifications to D=4 that take advantage of the positive scalar potential, such as those proposed in the scenario of supersymmetry in large extra dimensions.Comment: 43 pages, plain Latex; Clarification of discussion and references adde

    The Worldvolume Action of Kink Solitons in AdS Spacetime

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    A formalism is presented for computing the higher-order corrections to the worldvolume action of co-dimension one solitons. By modifying its potential, an explicit "kink" solution of a real scalar field in AdS spacetime is found. The formalism is then applied to explicitly compute the kink worldvolume action to quadratic order in two expansion parameters--associated with the hypersurface fluctuation length and the radius of AdS spacetime respectively. Two alternative methods are given for doing this. The results are expressed in terms of the trace of the extrinsic curvature and the intrinsic scalar curvature. In addition to conformal Galileon interactions, we find a non-Galileon term which is never sub-dominant. This method can be extended to any conformally flat bulk spacetime.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected and additional comments adde
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