77 research outputs found

    Initial Impact of COVID-19 on Radiology Practices: An ACR/RBMA Survey

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    © 2020 American College of Radiology Purpose: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affected radiology practices in many ways. The aim of this survey was to estimate declines in imaging volumes and financial impact across different practice settings during April 2020. Methods: The survey, comprising 48 questions, was conducted among members of the ACR and the Radiology Business Management Association during May 2020. Survey questions focused on practice demographics, volumes, financials, personnel and Northwell Health adjustments, and anticipation of recovery. Results: During April 2020, nearly all radiology practices reported substantial (56.4%-63.7%) declines in imaging volumes, with outpatient imaging volumes most severely affected. Mean gross charges declined by 50.1% to 54.8% and collections declined by 46.4% to 53.9%. Percentage reductions did not correlate with practice size. The majority of respondents believed that volumes would recover but not entirely (62%-88%) and anticipated a short-term recovery, with a surge likely in the short term due to postponement of elective imaging (52%-64%). About 16% of respondents reported that radiologists in their practices tested positive for COVID-19. More than half (52.3%) reported that availability of personal protective equipment had become an issue or was inadequate. A majority (62.3%) reported that their practices had existing remote reading or teleradiology capabilities in place before the pandemic, and 22.3% developed such capabilities in response to the pandemic. Conclusions: Radiology practices across different settings experienced substantial declines in imaging volumes and collections during the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020. Most are actively engaged in both short- and long-term operational adjustments

    Congenital rubella syndrome and autism spectrum disorder prevented by rubella vaccination - United States, 2001-2010

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is associated with several negative outcomes, including autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The objective of this study was to estimate the numbers of CRS and ASD cases prevented by rubella vaccination in the United States from 2001 through 2010.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Prevention estimates were calculated through simple mathematical modeling, with values of model parameters determined from published literature. Model parameters included pre-vaccine era CRS incidence, vaccine era CRS incidence, the number of live births per year, and the percentage of CRS cases presenting with an ASD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on our estimates, 16,600 CRS cases (range: 8300-62,250) were prevented by rubella vaccination from 2001 through 2010 in the United States. An estimated 1228 ASD cases were prevented by rubella vaccination in the United States during this time period. Simulating a slight expansion in ASD diagnostic criteria in recent decades, we estimate that a minimum of 830 ASD cases and a maximum of 6225 ASD cases were prevented.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We estimate that rubella vaccination prevented substantial numbers of CRS and ASD cases in the United States from 2001 through 2010. These findings provide additional incentive to maintain high measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage.</p

    The role of education in shaping the environmental awareness of the students at the technical University of Białystok

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    The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey concerning the level of environmental awareness of the students at the Technical University of Białystok. Issues related to the knowledge of environmental risks and environmental liability, individual activities and their motives of actions, information sources on environmental protection and the knowledge about organizations acting for environmental protection are discussed

    Persecution and identity conflicts- the case of German Jews

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    The influence of zinc on properties of common cements

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    W pracy omówiono wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu cynku na właściwości cementów. Celem artykułu było wyjaśnienie niektórych ważnych problemów związanych ze zwiększonym dodatkiem cynku, a także różnic wynikających z dodawania związków cynku bezpośrednio do cementu oraz do zestawu surowcowego do produkcji klinkieru portlandzkiego. Omówiono także wpływ cynkano-glinianów wapnia, które powstają w klinkierze ze zwiększoną zawartością cynku w składzie surowcowym, na właściwości cementów. Przedstawiono również opis ostatnich badań dotyczących granicznej zawartości cynku (dodawanego wraz z surowcami), po przekroczeniu której następuje gwałtowne pogorszenie właściwości cementu.In the paper the results of recent studies of the zinc influence on cement properties are presented. The aim of this work was clarification of some important issues associated with higher zinc content, and also the explanation of the differences, which result from the way of zinc introduction i.e. addition of zinc compounds directly to cement and to the raw mix to Portland clinker production. The influence of zinc phases, which form in clinker with higher zinc content in raw mix, on cement properties was also discussed. Description of recent studies concerning the limit zinc content (added with raw materials), which exceeding causes rapid deterioration of cement properties

    The effect of solid recovered fuels on the balance of heavy metals in a rotary kiln for the production of cement clinker

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    W artykule przedstawiono wpływ składników paliw wtórnych na wartość emisji metali ciężkich z pieca cementowego oraz na jakość klinkieru portlandzkiego. Zbadano zawartość następujących pierwiastków: Cr, Zn, Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, Mn, Cu, Sr, Ba i P w mieszaninie surowcowej oraz w paliwach wtórnych stosowanych przez przemysł cementowy w Polsce do produkcji klinkieru portlandzkiego. Analiza i metody badania emisji substancji niebezpiecznych (metali ciężkich) z cementu wykonano zgodnie z obowiązującymi normami. Zbadano stopień związania metali w klinkierze portlandzkim, obieg w instalacji piecowej oraz wielkość emisji metali ciężkich w procesie wypalania klinkieru. Przeanalizowano zawartość całkowitą metali ciężkich oraz ich wymywalność z uzyskanego cementu z klinkieru portlandzkiego. Wyniki badań uzyskane w pracy świadczą o tym, że zmiana technologii produkcji klinkieru cementowego w kierunku stosowania surowców odpadowych i paliw wtórnych nie prowadzi do zwiększenia emisji metali ciężkich w stopniu, który uzasadniałby zakwalifikowanie cementu jako materiału wymagającego systematycznej kontroli szkodliwości oddziaływania na człowieka i środowisko naturalne.In this paper the influence of solid recovered fuel components used in the manufacture of Portland cement clinker on the value of the emissions of heavy metals from the rotary kiln and quality of Portland cement clinker. We analyzed the content of the following heavy metals: Cr, Zn, Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, Mn, Cu, Sr, Ba and P in the composition of raw materials and solid recovered fuels used in the cement industry in Poland for the production of Portland cement clinker. Analysis and test methods for emissions of hazardous substances (heavy metals) from cements made in accordance with current standards. Examined the retention of the heavy metals in the clinker Portland, balance of heavy metals in the rotary kiln and the emission of heavy metals in Portland cement clinker burning process. Examined the total content of heavy metals in cements and their leachability cement prepared on the Portland cement clinker from burning process. The results obtained in the work stress that the change of cement clinker production technology towards the use of waste materials and secondary fuels does not increase emissions of heavy metals to a degree that would justify the classification of cement, a material that requires systematic monitoring of harmful effects on humans and the environment

    Chemical composition and UVA-protecting activity of extracts from Ligustrum vulgare and Olea europaea Leaves

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    Plants belonging to the family Oleaceae have been traditionally used in treatment of various inflammatory skin disorders. One of the most well-known species is Olea europaea L. (olive), cultivated in the Mediterranean countries. Another species is Ligustrum vulgare L. (common privet), occurring particularly in Northern Europe and Asia. The aim of the study was a comparison of the composition of aqueous and ethanolic extracts from leaves of O. europaea and L. vulgare (HPLC-DAD-MS), and determination of the total content of phenolics and flavonoids, as well as the content of the major compound, oleuropein. Secondly, we aimed to study the protective effect of extracts on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by human fibroblast cells (NHDF), cell viability (MTT assay), and apoptosis rate (Annexin V/propidium iodide staining) after UVA-irradiation. The phytochemical analysis allowed us to identify compounds belonging to the groups of flavonoids, phenylpropanoids and secoiridoids in the extracts. The compounds from the group of lignans (olivil) were identified as being unique to O. europaea extracts. Echinacoside, ligustroflavone and ligustaloside A were identified in L. vulgare extracts in contrast to olive preparations. It was established that the aqueous and ethanolic extracts from leaves of both species, except the privet aqueous extract at a concentration of 5 μg/ml, did not show any significant inhibition of ROS production after UVA-irradiation in the model of NHDF cell line. The aqueous extracts of both species at concentrations of 5 and 25 μg/ml had a protective effect on the viability of UVA-treated cells in contrast to the ethanolic extract. In conclusion, no significant difference in the activity of olive and privet leaf extracts has been observed, which suggests that both plant materials’ extracts, particularly aqueous ones, are effective herbal medicines and photoprotectors, which – to some extent – confirms the use of their preparations in skin disorders