33 research outputs found

    Transcript of WAC 8 Digital Bioarchaeological Ethics Panel Discussion, 29 August 2016 and Resolution on Ethical Use of Digital Bioarchaeological Data

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    This is the transcript of the panel discussion held at the close of the WAC 8 Digital Bioarchaeological Ethics Panel. Given the rapid pace of emerging technology that allows for the creation of digital bioarchaeological data, including representations of 3d shapes, the panel was convened to discuss common issues and dilemmas that arise from the introduction of new ways of creating, visualizing, storing, and disseminating data derived from human remains. The discussants represent expertise in bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology/archaeology, and palaeoanthropology and have experience in different sectors covering museums, collections management, medical, legal, bioarchaeological and anthropological research. The discussion covers the advantages of creating ‘virtual’ bodies using digital bioarchaeological data, and also the many potential hurdles in creating, using, and sharing this data. Finally, the text of the resolution submitted by the panel to the World Archaeological Congress and adopted at the 8th Annual Meeting is reproduced in full


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    Los avances en laparoscopia tanto tecnológicos como médicos han hecho posible ampliar el espectro de patologías ginecológicas susceptibles de ser manejados por esta vía. Condiciones médicas consideradas previamente como una contraindicación a esta vía, como el embarazo, son susceptibles de ser manejadas con seguridad y eficacia manteniendo los beneficios que esta técnica ofrece. El presente artículo revisa las indicaciones, recomendaciones, ventajas y desventajas de su uso durante el embarazo<br>Technological and medical advances in laparoscopic surgery have made feasible to extent its use to a wide variety of gynecological pathologies. Clinical conditions considered earlier as a contraindication for its use, such as pregnancy, are now susceptible to be managed securely and efficiently with this technique and maintaining all the advantages described for it. The present publication reviews the main indications, recommendations to follow, benefits and disadvantages of its use during pregnanc

    Cystatin C and adiponectin in diabetics with and without coronary artery disease Cistatina C y adiponectina en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 coronarios y no coronaries

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    Background: Patients with type 2 diabetes have a high incidence of coronary artery disease, which is even higher among those with renal failure. Serum levels of cystatin C are used to assess renal function and is a potential cardiovascular risk factor. Adiponectin is an antiatherogenic factor. Aim: To measure cystatin C and adiponectin in type 2 diabetic patients with and without coronary artery disease. Material and methods: Nine diabetic patients with coronary artery disease aged 76±10 years, 20 diabetics without coronary artery disease aged 61±5 years and 20 non diabetic subjects aged 57±10 years, were studied. Results: Serum levels of cystatin C (mg/L) were 1.5 (range 0.89-2.19), 0.81 (range 0.71-1.08) and 0.68 mg/L (range 0.55-0.75) in diabetics with and without coronary artery disease and controls, respectively (p &lt;0.0001). No differences in adiponectin between groups and no association between cystatin C and adiponectin, were observed. No association between both parameters an

    Reproduction of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus

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    9th International Congress on the Biology of Fish. 5-9 Julio de 2010, BarcelonaThe dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), is a specie of great importance in the Mediterranean on both a commercial and recreational level. Due to its great exploitation, since 2004, it has been classified on the IUNCIN Red List as endangered specie. Aimed at studying the reproduction of the dusty grouper with major interest in its repopulation and production, the Catalan Aquaculture Network (XRAq) and the Aquàrium of Barcelona have put together a reproductive stock. They have used visual and electronic identification methods and have experimented with different types of holding facilities. Preliminary results on the reproductive aspect (maturity state of the gonads and steroid hormone levels) as well as the productive aspects (conversion index and growth rate) among others are presented in this study. The information generated by this work allows to keep gathering more information about growth and reproduction aspects of an important specie in the meditarranean areaPeer Reviewe

    Biochemical markers and methods to assess insulin resistance in normal, obese and hyperandrogenic women Marcadores bioquímicos y métodos de cuantificación de insulinorresistencia en mujeres normales, obesas e hiperandrogénicas

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    Background: Euglycemic or hyperglycemic clamp and the frequently sampled iv glucose tolerance test are the most frequently used methods to assess insulin resistance. However, both are expensive and cumbersome. Aim: To evaluate the relative or discriminatory usefullness of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) and insulin like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) as markers of insulin resistance and to estimate the tissue sensitivity to insulin by means of the insulin tolerance test (ITT) and the frequently sampled in glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) In normal, obese and hyperandrogenic women. Subjects and methods: Six normal, 6 obese and 12 hyperandrogenic women of similar ages, were studied. In two consecutive days, the ITT and the IVGTT were performed and a basal blood sample was obtained to measure SHBG, DHEAS and IGFBP-1. Insulin sensitivity was calculated as the blood glucose slope in the ITT and with the minimal model of Bergman in the I

    Association of the intronic polymorphism rs891512 (G24943A) of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene with hypertension in Chilean type 2 diabetes patients

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    We investigated two single nucleotide polymorphisms of the NOS3 gene in type 2 diabetic patients (n= 93) and healthy non-diabetic controls (n= 76) and their relationship with smoking habits, body mass index, hypertension and dyslipidemia. Results showed that eNOS polymorphism rs891512 (G24943A) is associated with hypertension in Chilean individuals (p&lt; 0.05). © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd


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    Presentamos 3 casos de endometriosis profunda del tabique rectovaginal con compromiso intestinal, en los cuales se realizó resección segmentaria del rectosigmoides para lograr la remoción completa de la enfermedad. Se analiza el cuadro clínico, manejo quirúrgico, complicaciones y seguimiento posterior. Revisamos la literatura a fin de establecer algunas pautas de manejo de esta entidad


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    Objetivos: Definir los criterios de selección para la vía de abordaje por laparotomía versus laparoscopia. Método: Estudio retrospectivo de los casos de teratoma maduro manejados entre los años 1991 y 2003. Resultados: Los teratomas maduros corresponden al 14% de los tumores ováricos. La edad de presentación correspondió mayoritariamente a mujeres en edad reproductiva (67%). Trece casos se presentaron en embarazadas, 11 durante la cesárea. La presentación más frecuente fue como hallazgo clínico o a la ultra-sonografía pelviana durante el estudio por otra patología. En la mitad de los casos el abordaje fue por vía la-paroscópica (LPX). En tumores mayores de 9 cm, se privilegió la laparotomía (LPE) (pObjectives: To define selection criteria for surgical approach, laparoscopy or laparotomy. Methods: A retrospectivo analysis of cases diagnosed and treated between 1991 and 2003 was conducted. All clinical charts of treated cases were reviewed. Results: Mature teratomas represented about 14% of ovarían tumors. The age of presentation was mainly at reproductive age (67%). Thirteen cases were diagnosed during pregnancy and eleven of them were found at the time of a cesarean section. The most frequent form of clinical presentation was as an incidental finding during clinical examination or pelvic ultrasound made while studying by other pathologies. In about a half of cases the chosen surgical approach was laparoscopy (LPX). In tumors biggerthan 9 cm, an open approach by laparotomy (LPE) was preferred (p<0.05). Independently of surgical approach, a conservative surgery was performed, usually an ovarían cystectomy or tumorectomy. For LPX group operative time was significantly longer (p<0.0007). However, analgesia requirements, the postoperati-ve starvation period, and time to hospital discharge were significantly shorter in this group compared with the LPE group (p<0.05). The incidence of complications was similar in both groups, the intraoperative rupture of teratoma was higher in the LPX group (26% vs. 12%, p=NS). Bilateralism and coexistence of malignant differentiation were 5.5% and less than 1 %, respectively. Conclusions: Our results support the laparoscopic approach in the management of mature teratoma of the ovary. Tumor size influences the medical decisión on surgical approach. Laparoscopy should be chosen with teratomas less than 9 cm. This approach offers similar outcome as obtained by laparotomy in terms of conservative surgery, complication rate and less requirement of analgesia, time in hospital stay and earlier labor reincorporatio


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    Objetivos: Definir los criterios de selección para la vía de abordaje por laparotomía versus laparoscopia. Método: Estudio retrospectivo de los casos de teratoma maduro manejados entre los años 1991 y 2003. Resultados: Los teratomas maduros corresponden al 14% de los tumores ováricos. La edad de presentación correspondió mayoritariamente a mujeres en edad reproductiva (67%). Trece casos se presentaron en embarazadas, 11 durante la cesárea. La presentación más frecuente fue como hallazgo clínico o a la ultra-sonografía pelviana durante el estudio por otra patología. En la mitad de los casos el abordaje fue por vía la-paroscópica (LPX). En tumores mayores de 9 cm, se privilegió la laparotomía (LPE) (p<0,05). Se privilegió la cirugía conservadora, habitualmente la tumorectomía o quistectomía. El grupo tratado vía LPX registró un mayor tiempo operatorio (p<0,0007). Los requerimientos de analgesia, tiempo de ayuno postoperatorio y estadía hospitalaria fueron menores comparado con la vía LPE (p<0,05). La incidencia de complicaciones postoperatorias fue similar en ambos grupos; la rotura intraoperatoria fue mayor en LPX (26% versus 12%, p=NS). Bilateralidad de 5,5% y coexistencia de diferenciación maligna menor a 1%. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados apoyan el abordaje laparoscópico para el tratamiento del teratoma maduro del ovario, en tumores menores de 9 cm esta debiese ser de elección. Ofrece similares tasas de éxito que la laparotomía en términos de cirugía conservadora y complicaciones, con menor requerimiento de analgesia, menor estadía hospitalaria y reintegro laboral preco