58 research outputs found

    The Difference in Pharmacists’ Interventions across the Diverse Settings in a Children’s Hospital

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    Aims: This study aimed to document and compare the nature of clinical pharmacists’ interventions made in different practice settings within a children’s hospital. Methods: The primary investigator observed and documented all clinical interventions performed by clinical pharmacists for between 35–37 days on each of the five study wards from the three practice settings, namely general medical, general surgical and hematology-oncology. The rates, types and significance of the pharmacists’ interventions in the different settings were compared.Results: A total of 982 interventions were documented, related to the 16,700 medication orders reviewed on the five wards in the three practice settings over the duration of the study. Taking medication histories and/or patient counselling were the most common pharmacists’ interventions in the general settings; constituting more than half of all interventions. On the Hematology-Oncology Ward the pattern was different with drug therapy changes being the most common interventions (n = 73/195, 37.4% of all interventions). Active interventions (pharmacists’ activities leading to a change in drug therapy) constituted less than a quarter of all interventions on the general medical and surgical wards compared to nearly half on thespecialty Hematology-Oncology Ward. The majority (n = 37/42, 88.1%) of a random sample of the active interventions reviewed were rated as clinically significant. Dose adjustment was the most frequent active interventions in the general settings, whilst drug addition constituted the most common active interventions on the Hematology-Oncology Ward. The degree of acceptance of pharmacists’ active interventions by prescribers was high (n = 223/244, 91.4%).Conclusions: The rate of pharmacists’ active interventions differed across different practice settings, being most frequent in the specialty hematology-oncology setting. The nature and type of the interventions documented in the hematologyoncology were also different compared to those in the general medical and surgical settings

    An investigation into aripiprazole's partial D(2) agonist effects within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during working memory in healthy volunteers

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    Rationale: Working memory impairments in schizophrenia have been attributed to dysfunction of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) which in turn may be due to low DLPFC dopamine innervation. Conventional antipsychotic drugs block DLPFC D2 receptors, and this may lead to further dysfunction and working memory impairments. Aripiprazole is a D2 receptor partial agonist hypothesised to enhance PFC dopamine functioning, possibly improving working memory. Objectives: We probed the implications of the partial D2 receptor agonist actions of aripiprazole within the DLPFC during working memory. Investigations were carried out in healthy volunteers to eliminate confounds of illness or medication status. Aripiprazole’s prefrontal actions were compared with the D2/5-HT2A blocker risperidone to separate aripiprazole’s unique prefrontal D2 agonist actions from its serotinergic and striatal D2 actions that it shares with risperidone. Method: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design was implemented. Participants received a single dose of either 5 mg aripiprazole, 1 mg risperidone or placebo before performing the n-back task whilst undergoing fMRI scanning. Results: Compared with placebo, the aripiprazole group demonstrated enhanced DLPFC activation associated with a trend for improved discriminability (d’) and speeded reaction times. In contrast to aripiprazole’s neural effects, the risperidone group demonstrated a trend for reduced DLPFC recruitment. Unexpectedly, the risperidone group demonstrated similar effects to aripiprazole on d’ and additionally had reduced errors of commission compared with placebo. Conclusion: Aripiprazole has unique DLPFC actions attributed to its prefrontal D2 agonist action. Risperidone’s serotinergic action that results in prefrontal dopamine release may have protected against any impairing effects of its prefrontal D2 blockade

    Nature meets nurture: molecular genetics of gastric cancer

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    The immensity of genes and molecules implicated in gastric carcinogenesis is overwhelming and the relevant importance of some of these molecules is too often unclear. This review serves to bring us up-to-date with the latest findings as well as to look at the larger picture in terms of how to tackle the problem of solving this multi-piece puzzle. In this review, the environmental nurturing of intestinal cancer is discussed, beginning with epidemiology (known causative factors for inducing molecular change), an update of H. pylori research, including the role of inflammation and stem cells in premalignant lesions. The role of E-cadherin in the nature (genotype) of diffuse gastric cancer is highlighted, and finally the ever growing discipline of SNP analysis (including IL1B) is discussed

    Riluzole Attenuates L-DOPA-Induced Abnormal Involuntary Movements Through Decreasing CREB1 Activity

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    Chronic administration of L-DOPA, the first-line treatment of dystonic symptoms in childhood or in Parkinson's disease, often leads to the development of abnormal involuntary movements (AIMs), which represent an important clinical problem. Although it is known that Riluzole attenuates L-DOPA-induced AIMs, the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect are not understood. Therefore, we studied the behavior and performed RNA sequencing of the striatum in three groups of rats that all received a unilateral lesion with 6-hydroxydopamine in their medial forebrain bundle, followed by the administration of saline, L-DOPA, or L-DOPA combined with Riluzole. First, we provide evidence that Riluzole attenuates AIMs in this rat model. Subsequently, analysis of the transcriptomics data revealed that Riluzole is predicted to reduce the activity of CREB1, a transcription factor that regulates the expression of multiple proteins that interact in a molecular landscape involved in apoptosis. Although this mechanism underlying the beneficial effect of Riluzole on AIMs needs to be confirmed, it provides clues towards novel or existing compounds for the treatment of AIMs that modulate the activity of CREB1 and, hence, its downstream targets
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