14 research outputs found

    Plastocyanin conformation. An analysis of its near ultraviolet absorption and circular dichroic spectra

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    The near-ultraviolet absorption and circular dichroic spectra of plastocyanin are dependent upon the redox state, solution pH, and ammonium sulfate concentration. This dependency was observed in plastocyanin isolated from spinach, poplar, and lettuce. Removal of the copper atom also perturbed the near-ultraviolet spectra. Upon reduction there are increases in both extinction and ellipticity at 252 nm. Further increases at 252 nm were observed upon formation of apo plastocyanin eliminating charge transfer transitions as the cause. The spectral changes in the near-ultraviolet imply a flexible tertiary conformation for plastocyanin. There are at least two charge transfer transitions at approximately 295–340 nm. One of these transitions is sensitive to low pH's and is attributed to the His 87 copper ligand. The redox state dependent changes observed in the near-ultraviolet spectra of plastocyanin are attenuated either by decreasing the pH to 5 or by increasing the ammonium sulfate concentration to 2.7 M. This attenuation cannot be easily explained by simple charge screening. Hydrophobic interactions probably play an important role in this phenomenon. The pH and redox state dependent conformational changes may play an important role in regulating electron transport

    C 10(3): The Ten Parameter Conformal Group as a Datum Transformation in Three-Dimensional Euclidean Space

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    “Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Cylinder”: Transverse Aspect

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    “Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Cylinder”: Polar Aspect

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    “Sphere to Cylinder”: Transverse Aspect

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    Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Sphere and from Sphere to Plane

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    Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Tangential Plane

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    Optimal Map Projections by Variational Calculus: Harmonic Maps

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