694 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Bugzilla and Tracker Bug Tracking System

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    No one is perfect in this world. Same goes for software development. It is very difficult to develop the software without any errors or bugs. For the successful delivery of software project, it is necessary to remove all these error and bugs. Bug tracking system is a process of finding of bugs, recording of bugs reporting of bugsand last but not the least tracking of all these bugs. Tracking of bug includes, whether the bug is solved or not, if bug is not solved what steps to be taken for solving the bug. Many bug tracking tools are available in the market. Some of them are open source while some are proprietary. This study focuses on comparative analysis of open source bug tracking tool namely Bugzilla and tracker

    The Experiences of Healthcare Workers and Lawyers Engaging in Remote Work

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    This study aims to compare the experiences of healthcare workers and lawyers engaging in remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research poster presents a content analysis of the current research on the experiences of professions in the two fields mentioned above. In engaging in content analysis, the study advances a select number of thematic value codes that effectively characterize the similarities and differences between the two professions. With these thematic values codes, it has been found that the healthcare profession and law profession have had a similar experience working from home. With these similarities and differences, one can propose implications for future protocol changes in the respective professions and future research

    Research on Usage of Education Applications in Smartphone for Exam Purpose among Management Students

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    Smartphone has become an integral part of life. Also it has become a source of learning to students. In this study, we examine the usage of Smartphone among management students of affiliated colleges of SSPU. The study reveals the frequency of usage of education applications for exam purpose. The research will be carried out using questionnaires distributed to 115 students. Based on this data, the trends will be evaluated, by understanding usage education applications for passing exams purpose. This paper is organized as follows; Section 2 presents literature review, Section 3 presents objectives, Section 4 discusses about methodology used. Section 5 presents tables and graphs, section 6 discusses about research findings and section 7 gives suggestions. This study is concluded in Section 8

    A Robust Dynamic Data Masking Transformation approach To Safeguard Sensitive Data

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    Large amount of digital data is generated rapidly all around the corners. Providing security to digital data is the crucial issue in almost all types of organizations. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there were 8,069 data breaches between January 2005 and November 2017, and in recent years the number of data breaches and compromised records has skyrocketed [1]. To provide protection to the digital sensitive data, from data breaches in the need of hour. Almost all domains like insurance, banking, health care, and educational and many more are concern about security of sensitive data. Data masking is one of the vital discussions everywhere as data breach leads to threats. Masking is a philosophy or new way of thinking about safeguarding sensitive data in such a way that accessible and usable data is still available for non- production environment. In this research paper authors proposed a dynamic data masking model to protect sensitive data using random deterministic masking algorithm with shift left approach. This paper describes methodology & experimental design and results

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Tekanan Darah pada Guru SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten

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    Indeks massa tubuh merupakan alat yang sederhana untuk memantau status gizi orang dewasa khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kekurangan dan kelebihan berat badan. Masalah kelebihan berat badan dapat memacu kelainan kardiovaskuler, salah satu yang terpenting adalah hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh dengan tekanan darah pada guru SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 52 sampel guru dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Tahapan pengambilan data dimulai dari penyebaran lembar persetujuan dan kuesioner, pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan, penghitungan indeks massa tubuh, dan pengukuran tekanan darah. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji komparatif Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah sampel terbesar adalah sampel pria yaitu 28 sampel dan kelompok usia terbesar 45-54 tahun. Kategori indeks massa tubuh dikelompokkan menjadi dua kategori yaitu nomal dan berlebih, dan untuk tekanan darah dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik, keduanya dibagi menjadi normal dan hipertensi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan indeks massa tubuh dengan tekanan darah, baik pada tekanan darah sistolik maupun tekanan darah diastolik (p = 0,000) Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh dengan tekanan darah, baik tekanan darah sistolik maupun diastoli


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    This research aims to identify factors that influence the use of Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) as a payment tool on MSMEs merchants in Pekanbaru City. QRIS has been officialized by Bank Indonesia as a digital payment transaction tool that makes it easier for consumers and merchants to make transactions. In this study, transaction costs and revenue are used as independent variabels, while the use of QRIS as a means of payment becomes dependent variabels. The method used in this research is a quantitative method using a likert scale questionnaire and data converted to an interval scale, respondents in this study amounted to a hundred MSMEs  merchants. Data was then analyzed using double linear regression with the help of SPSS version 24. The results show that simultaneously or partially, transaction cost and revenue factors have a significant influence on the use of QRIS as a digital payment transaction tool in MSMEs merchants in Pekanbaru City. The implication of this study is that the cost of MDR transactions and settlements spent on using QRIS is comparable to the benefits obtained, including increased business revenue. This research could provide a clearer insight for MSMEs in considering the use of QRIS as an effective and efficient means of payment

    A Translation Analysis Of Clause In Entrok Into The Years Of The Voiceless Novel By Nurhayat Indriyanto Mohamad

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mendeskripsikan teknik penerjemahan Entrok ke dalam novel The Years of the Voiceless. 2) Menunjukkan kesepadanan makna antara bahasa sumber dan bahasa sasaran pada terjemahan novel Entrok dan The Years of the Voiceless. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitiannya adalah klausa dependen yang terdapat dalam novel Entrok dan The Years of the Voiceless. Data penelitian ini adalah dependent clause, termasuk klausa nomina, adjektiva, dan klausa adverbial dalam novel The Years of the Voiceless dan terjemahannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Ada tujuh teknik yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan Entrok ke dalam novel The Years of the Voiceless, yaitu literal (40 data, 19,7%), deskriptif ekuivalen (2 data, 0,98%), sinonim (4 data). , 1,97%), pergeseran atau transposisi (45 data, 22,16%), modulasi (51 data, 25,12%), kompensasi (19 data, 9,36%), dan reduksi dan perluasan (42 data, 20,69%). 2) Ada lima jenis persamaan yang ditemukan dalam menerjemahkan Entrok ke dalam novel The Years of the Voiceless, yaitu kesepadanan pada tingkat kata (82 datam 40,4%), kesepadanan di atas tingkat kata (1 datum, 0,5%), kesepadanan tekstual (63 data, 31,03%), kesetaraan tata bahasa (28 data, 13,8%), dan kesetaraan pragmatis (29 data, 14,28%)

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika Melalui Strategi Problem Based Learning (PTK Pada Siswa Kelas VIIC Semester Genap SMP Negeri 22 Surakarta Tahun 2013/ 2014)

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    Communication skills and critical problem solving in mathematics learning mastered. This is because people need intellectuals who are able to solve problems systematically and able to interpret into oral and written language that is easily understood. PBL learning strategy has the advantage of improving communication skills both in the classroom. This study aims to assess the improvement of mathematical communication skills in students of SMP Negeri 22 Surakarta VII C class second semester of the school year 2013/2014 through strategies Problem Based Learning (PBL). The method used in this research is classroom action research method consists of two cycles, each cycle consisting of five stages, namely the orientation of students on issues, organize the students to learn, guiding the investigation of individuals and groups, to develop and present the results of the work, and to analyze and evaluate the process of problem solving. Data was analyzed using descriptive comparative analysis that compares the ability of communication in the initial conditions, the first cycle and the second cycle. The results showed an increase in students' mathematical communication skills that can be seen from the increase in the indicators include: 1) students are able to communicate verbally before actions 23.52%, 52.94% first cycle, second cycle and 73.52%, 2) students able to communicate in writing before action 26.47%, 58.82% the first cycle, and the cycle II 73.52%, 3) the student is able to communicate the image before actions 29.41%, 52.94% the first cycle, and the cycle II 82.35% 4) the student is able to communicate to explain the concept of prior actions 20.58%, the first cycle of 50%, and 76.47% second cycle. Based on the description above concluded that the implementation strategy Problem Based Learning in mathematics learning can improve students' mathematical communication

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Alasan Perceraian dengan Tidak Terpenuhinya Nafkah di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Pengadilan Agama Surakarta Putusan Nomor: 888/Pdt.G/2020/Pa.Ska)

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the decision of the Panel of Judges in deciding a divorce case on the grounds of not fulfilling a living during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Surakarta Religious Court and whether or not the Covid-19 pandemic can be used as a reason for divorce with not fulfilling a living. This research is a descriptive normative legal research. The results of the study indicate that (1) In deciding a divorce case in the Religious Courts, the Panel of Judges always refers to the existing regulations, namely the Compilation of Islamic Law and also Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 concerning the Implementation of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Because in deciding a divorce case the Panel of Judges must match the problems that occur with the reasons for divorce which have been listed in the Compilation of Islamic Law and also Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 concerning the Implementation of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. (2) The Covid-19 pandemic cannot be used as a reason for divorce by not fulfilling a living in the household, because again in the Compilation of Islamic Law regarding the reasons for divorce and in some of these reasons it is not explained about the non-fulfillment of a living being the reason for divorce

    Review: Location Based Authentication to Mitigate Intruder Attack

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    Abstract -Recently the use of online banking has been increased to perform various online banking transactions. On the other hand, it is been targeted by various attacks found at the client side. Lately, traditional security methods were not capable enough to tackle these attacks such as intruder attacks, phishing attacks, etc. Presently remote authentication is the most efficient technique used to protect various services, resources, security for the unauthorized use. In this paper we use three-factor authentication and upgrade this method by including the fourth factor. The main three factors are (a) password (b) smart-card, and (c) biometrics. The newly introduced fourth factor is "Where you are" (Location), which mainly consist of REAL TIME LOCATING SYSTEM technique and instant generated pin code mechanism for the verification of the user performing the transaction