27 research outputs found

    Deep Learning-based Method for Fully Automatic Quantification of Left Ventricle Function from Cine MR Images: A Multivendor, Multicenter Study

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    Purpose: To develop a deep learningā€“based method for fully automated quantification of left ventricular (LV) function from short-axis cine MR images and to evaluate its performance in a multivendor and multicenter setting. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included cine MRI data sets obtained from three major MRI vendors in four medical centers from 2008 to 2016. Three convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with the U-NET architecture were trained on data sets of increasing variability: (a) a single-vendor, single-center, homogeneous cohort of 100 patients (CNN1); (b) a single-vendor, multicenter, heterogeneous cohort of 200 patients (CNN2); and (c) a multivendor, multicenter, heterogeneous cohort of 400 patients (CNN3). All CNNs were tested on an independent multivendor, multicenter data set of 196 patients. CNN performance was evaluated with respect to the manual annotations from three experienced observers in terms of (a) LV detection accuracy, (b) LV segmentation accuracy, and (c) LV functional parameter accuracy. Automatic and manual results were compared with the paired Wilcoxon test, Pearson correlation, and Bland-Altman analysis. Results: CNN3 achieved the highest performance on the independent testing data set. The average perpendicular distance compared with manual analysis was 1.1 mm Ā± 0.3 for CNN3, compared with 1.5 mm Ā± 1.0 for CNN1 (P < .05) and 1.3 mm Ā± 0.6 for CNN2 (P < .05). The LV function parameters derived from CNN3 showed a high correlation (r2 ā‰„ 0.98) and agreement with those obtained by experts for data sets from different vendors and centers. Conclusion: A deep learningā€“based method trained on a data set with high variability can achieve fully automated and accurate cine MRI analysis on multivendor, multicenter cine MRI data

    Individualized SAR calculations using computer visionā€based MR segmentation and a fast electromagnetic solver

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    Ā© 2020 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Purpose: We propose a fast, patient-specific workflow for on-line specific absorption rate (SAR) supervision. An individualized electromagnetic model is created while the subject is on the table, followed by rapid SAR estimates for that individual. Our goal is an improved correspondence between the patient and model, reducing reliance on general anatomical body models. Methods: A 3D fat-water 3T acquisition (~2Ā minutes) is automatically segmented using a computer vision algorithm (~1Ā minute) into what we found to be the most important electromagnetic tissue classes: air, bone, fat, and soft tissues. We then compute the individualā€™s EM field exposure and global and local SAR matrices using a fast electromagnetic integral equation solver. We assess the approach in 10 volunteers and compare to the SAR seen in a standard generic body model (Duke). Results: The on-the-table workflow averaged 7ā€²44ā€³. Simulation of the simplified Duke models confirmed that only air, bone, fat, and soft tissue classes are needed to estimate global and local SAR with an error of 6.7% and 2.7%, respectively, compared to the full model. In contrast, our volunteers showed a 16.0% and 20.3% population variability in global and local SAR, respectively, which was mostly underestimated by the Duke model. Conclusion: Timely construction and deployment of a patient-specific model is computationally feasible. The benefit of resolving the population heterogeneity compared favorably to the modest modeling error incurred. This suggests that individualized SAR estimates can improve electromagnetic safety in MRI and possibly reduce conservative safety margins that account for patient-model mismatch, especially in non-standard patients