14 research outputs found

    Vale a pena pagar para desarmar? Uma avaliação do impacto da campanha de entrega voluntária de armas sobre as mortes com armas de fogo

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    ResumoO objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto de curto prazo da campanha de entrega de armas (política de buy-back) sobre a incidência de óbitos com armas de fogo no Estado do Paraná. Como neste estado a campanha teve início seis meses antes da campanha nacional (Janeiro/2004), foi possível utilizar o estimador de diferenças em diferenças, em que os municípios paranaenses constituíram o grupo de tratamento e o grupo de controle (formado por alguns municípios das regiões Centro-oeste, Sudeste e Sul do país) foi delimitado com a utilização de técnicas de propensity score matching. Da mesma forma que em outros países que adotaram este tipo de política, não se verificou impacto sobre a taxa de óbitos com armas de fogo durante os seis primeiros meses de campanha no Estado do Paraná, indicando que políticas de buy-back não contribuí ram, pelo menos a curto prazo, para a redução dos crimes envolvendo armas de fogo

    Clinically Relevant Rhd-ce Genotypes In Patients With Sickle Cell Disease And In African Brazilian Donors

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)As a consequence of the homology and opposite orientation of RHD and RHCE, numerous gene rearrangements have occurred in Africans and resulted in altered RH alleles that predict partial antigens, contributing to the high rate of Rh alloimmunisation among patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). In this study, we characterised variant RH alleles encoding partial antigens and/or lacking high prevalence antigens in patients with SCD and in African Brazilian donors, in order to support antigen-matched blood for transfusion. Material and methods. RH genotypes were determined in 168 DNA samples from SCD patients and 280 DNA samples from African Brazilian donors. Laboratory developed tests, RHD BeadChip(TM), RHCE BeadChip(TM), cloning and sequencing were used to determine RHD-CE genotypes among patients and African Brazilian blood donors. Results. The distributions of RHD and RHCE alleles in donors and patients were similar. We found RHCE variant alleles inherited with altered RHD alleles in 25 out of 168 patients (15%) and in 22 out of 280 (7.8%) African Brazilian donors. The RHD and RHCE allele combinations found in the population studied were: RHD*DAR with RHCE*ceAR;RHD*weak D type 4.2.2 with RHCE*ceAR,RHD*weak D type 4.0 with RHCE*ceVS.01 and RHCE*ceVS.02; RHD*DIIIa with RHCE*ceVS.02. Thirteen patients and six donors had RHD-CE genotypes with homozygous or compound heterozygous alleles predicting partial antigens and/or lacking high prevalence antigens. Eleven patients were alloimmunised to Rh antigens. For six patients with RHD-CE genotypes predicting partial antigens, no donors with similar genotypes were found. Discussion. Knowledge of the distribution and prevalence of RH alleles in patients with SCD and donors of African origin may be important for implementing a programme for RH genotype matching in SCD patients with RH variant alleles and clinically significant Rh antibodies.145449454Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2015/07559-9, 2014/00984-3]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Adaptabilidade e danos potenciais de Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae ao milho

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    Espécies do gênero Rhizoctonia estão associadas ao complexo de manchas da bainha do arroz, sendo que R. oryzae-sativae, em particular, causa a mancha agregada da bainha. Neste estudo objetivou-se determinar o potencial adaptativo de duas populações de Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae à cultura do milho, uma das culturas comerciais amplamente cultivadas no estado de São Paulo e que pode ser utilizada em rotação com o arroz irrigado. Não há relatos da doença em milho no Brasil. Foram inoculados, em plantas de milho, isolados de duas populações de R. oryzae-sativae e determinou-se componentes de evolucionabilidade ou do potencial adaptativo de uma população (i.e., medidas de resposta à seleção) como os coeficientes de variância genotípica (IG), variância ambiental (IE) e a herdabilidade (h2) para os níveis de agressividade da doença. Comparou-se também a diferenciação fenotípica por caracteres quantitativos (QST) e a diferenciação genética neutra (baseada em dados de microssatélites) nas duas populações (FST). Experimentos similares usando plantas de arroz inoculadas com as duas populações do patógeno foram conduzidos como controle. Os isolados das populações de R. oryzae-sativae foram patogênicos e apresentaram variação na agressividade ao milho, com predominância de baixa herdabilidade para este atributo. Os valores estimados de QST não diferiram significativamente de FST indicando que a neutralidade teve importante papel na adaptação regional de populações do patógeno.Rhizoctonia species are associated with rice sheath-blight complex, and R. oryzae-sativae, in particular, causes aggregate sheath spot. This study aimed to determine the adaptive potential of two populations of R. oryzae-sativae to maize, one of the cash crops widely grown in São Paulo State and that could be used in rotation with irrigated rice. There is no report of the disease on maize in Brazil. Isolates of two populations of R. oryzae-sativae were inoculated in maize plants and components of evolvability or adaptive potential of a population (i.e., estimates of response to selection) were determined, such as genotypic variance coefficients (IG), environmental variance (IE) and heritability (h2) for the disease aggressiveness levels. Phenotypic differentiation based on quantitative traits (QST) was also compared with neutral genetic differentiation (based on microsatellite data) in the two populations (FST). Similar experiments using rice plants inoculated with the two populations of the pathogen were used as controls. Isolates from R. oryzae-sativae populations were pathogenic and had varied aggressiveness in maize, and low heritalibity predominated for this trait. The estimated values of QST did not differ significantly from those of FST, indicating that neutrality played an important role in the regional adaptation of the pathogen populations.ISSN:0100-5405ISSN:1980-545

    Pyricularia pennisetigena and P. zingibericola from invasive grasses infect signal grass, barley and wheat.

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    ABSTRACT Fungal species from the Pyricularia genus are associated with blast disease in plants from the Poaceae family, causing losses in economically important crops such as rice, oat, rye, barley, wheat and triticale. This study aimed at characterizing the pathogenicity spectrum of P. pennisetigena and P. zingibericola to signal grass, barley and wheat, as well as comparing them with those from the species P. grisea and P. oryzae pathotype Triticum, which occur widely in the Brazilian agroecosystem. Twenty isolates of Pyricularia spp. were obtained from infected leaf samples of invasive plant species from wheat fields. The isolates classification into distinct Pyricularia species was done using molecular phylogeny based on actin and calmodulin genes. Pyricularia pennisetigena and P. zingibericola inoculated on plant leaves, at a concentration adjusted to 105 conidia mL-1, were pathogenic to signal grass, barley and wheat, with varying levels of aggressiveness

    Widespread distribution of resistance to triazole fungicides in Brazilian populations of the wheat blast pathogen

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    Fungicides have not been effective in controlling the wheat blast disease in Brazil. An earlier analysis of 179 isolates of Pyricularia oryzae Triticum lineage (PoTl) sampled from wheat fields across six populations in central‐southern Brazil during 2012 discovered a high level of resistance to strobilurin fungicides. Here we analysed azole resistance in the same strains based on EC50 measurements for tebuconazole and epoxiconazole. All six Brazilian populations of PoTl exhibited high resistance to both azoles, with in vitro EC50 values that were at least 35 to 50 times higher than the recommended field doses. We sequenced the CYP51A and CYP51B genes to determine if they were likely to play a role in the observed azole resistance. Although we found five distinct haplotypes in PoTl carrying four nonsynonymous substitutions in CYP51A, none of these substitutions were correlated with elevated EC50. CYP51B was sequenced for nine PoTl isolates, three each representing low, medium, and high tebuconazole EC50. Both PoTl CYP51A and CYP51B could complement yeast CYP51 function. All PoTl CYP51A‐expressing yeast transformants were less sensitive to triazoles than the PoTl CYP51B ones. Transformants expressing PoTl CYP51A haplotype H1 carrying the R158K substitution were not more resistant than those expressing PoTl CYP51A haplotype H5, which is synonymous to haplotype H6, found in triazole‐sensitive P. oryzae Oryza isolates from rice blast. Therefore, the reduced triazole sensitivity of wheat blast isolates compared to rice blast isolates appears to be associated with a non‐target‐site related resistance mechanism acquired after higher exposure to triazoles

    Avaliação da densitometria óssea de tecido ósseo neoformado após distração osteogênica mandibular Evaluation of the neoformed osseous densitry after mandibular osteogenic distraction

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar radiograficamente a qualidade óssea no local da distração osteogênica. METODOLOGIA: vinte ratos foram divididos em 2 grupos: Distração Osteogênica (DO) e Controle (C). Os animais do grupo DO foram submetidos à osteotomia da mandíbula, fixação de um aparelho distrator e aplicação de força de distração osteogênica. Os animais do grupo C serviram como controle para a avaliação do tecido ósseo produzido pela técnica da distração osteogênica. As mandíbulas desses animais foram segmentadas transversalmente, tiveram seus segmentos separados em 2,5mm de forma aguda no ato cirúrgico e fixados nessa posição. Nos 2 grupos, os animais foram sacrificados com 2 e 6 semanas após o término da DO (5 animais em cada período). As mandíbulas foram radiografadas simultaneamente, sobre o mesmo filme radiográfico. As imagens obtidas foram digitalizadas e submetidas à análise de densitometria óssea. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os grupos DO e C não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas na neoformação óssea nos períodos analisados. As mandíbulas dos dois grupos apresentaram consolidação incompleta na segunda semana e consolidação completa 6 semanas após a distração osteogênica e estabilização. As diferenças encontradas entre esses dois períodos foram significativas apenas para o grupo DO.<br>AIM: radiograph evaluation of osteogeneous distraction sites. METHODS: twenty rats were divided in 2 groups: Osteogeneous Distraction (OD) and Control (C). The animals of the OD group were subjected to mandibular osteotomy, fixation of a distractor device and application of osteogenic distraction force. Rats of the C groups were used as control on the evaluation of the osseous tissue formed from the osteogeneous distraction technique. These animals mandible (C group) were transversely segmented, the segments were acurately separeted one from other in 2,5mm and then fixed in position. The animals of both groups were sacrificed after 2 and 6 weeks of the end of the OD (5 animals in each period for both groups). All of the mandible were simultaneously radiographied over the same radiographic film. Images obtained from X-ray were scanned and the osseous densitometry performed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: there were found no significant difference between 2 groups in nome of the periods evaluated. Mandible of both groups showed incomplete osseous consolidation after 2 weeks while after 6 weeks it was found complete consolidation. It was found significant difference in ossoeus densitometry between the periods of evaluation (2 and 6 weeks) only to OD group