331 research outputs found

    Insider and Outsider Perspectives: Reflections on Researcher Identities in Research with Lesbian and Bisexual Women

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    © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. In this article, we reflect on the concept of the insider and the outsider in qualitative research. We draw on our different experiences of conducting research with lesbian and bisexual women, using our PhD research projects as case studies to consider our similarities to and differences from our research participants. We highlight the impact that insider/outsider status can have at each stage of the research process, from deciding on a research topic, the design of materials, communicating with and recruiting participants through to data collection and analysis. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both insider and outsider positions and reflect on our own experiences. We conclude that, in reality, insider/outsider boundaries may be more blurred than the terms imply and highlight some of the ethical considerations that need to be taken into consideration during qualitative research

    Fin-Tail Coordination during Escape and Predatory Behavior in Larval Zebrafish

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    Larval zebrafish innately perform a suite of behaviors that are tightly linked to their evolutionary past, notably escape from threatening stimuli and pursuit and capture of prey. These behaviors have been carefully examined in the past, but mostly with regard to the movements of the trunk and tail of the larvae. Here, we employ kinematics analyses to describe the movements of the pectoral fins during escape and predatory behavior. In accord with previous studies, we find roles for the pectoral fins in slow swimming and immediately after striking prey. We find novel roles for the pectoral fins in long-latency, but not in short-latency C-bends. We also observe fin movements that occur during orienting J-turns and S-starts that drive high-velocity predatory strikes. Finally, we find that the use of pectoral fins following a predatory strike is scaled to the velocity of the strike, supporting a role for the fins in braking. The implications of these results for central control of coordinated movements are discussed, and we hope that these results will provide baselines for future analyses of cross-body coordination using mutants, morphants, and transgenic approaches

    Quality of life and mortality from a nephrologist's view: a prospective observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is a potential independent predictor of mortality, nephrologists have shown little interest in HRQOL with respect to mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of HRQOL on mortality in the elderly, who are likely to develop or already have CKD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Among 1,000 randomly sampled participants aged more than 65 years (sourced from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Ageing), 944 subjects were evaluated for HRQOL. HRQOL was assessed using a 36-item Short-Form health survey (SF36). A cumulative survival rate was calculated according to tertiles of SF36 scores and classified by the presence of CKD (estimated GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 944 subjects, 46.6% had CKD. CKD patients had lower total and physical component scores compared with subjects without CKD. The 3-year cumulative survival rate was 90.0% (non-CKD vs. CKD: 92.6% vs. 87.4%, <it>P </it>= 0.005 by log rank test). After adjusting for multiple variables, a reduced SF36 score (physical and mental components) was a strong predictor of all-cause mortality. Physical components were consistently able to predict mortality after CKD classification, but mental components were statistically significant only in the CKD group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In addition to traditional risk factors of mortality, nephrologists should be aware of HRQOL as a predictor of mortality and should make efforts to improve HRQOL in CKD patients.</p

    Mutation of pescadillo Disrupts Oligodendrocyte Formation in Zebrafish

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    Background: In vertebrates, the myelin sheath is essential for efficient propagation of action potentials along the axon shaft. Oligodendrocytes are the cells of the central nervous system that create myelin sheaths. During embryogenesis, ventral neural tube precursors give rise to oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, which divide and migrate throughout the central nervous system. This study aimed to investigate mechanisms that regulate oligodendrocyte progenitor cell formation. Methodology/Principal Findings: By conducting a mutagenesis screen in transgenic zebrafish, we identified a mutation, designated vu166, by an apparent reduction in the number of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in the dorsal spinal cord. We subsequently determined that vu166 is an allele of pescadillo, a gene known to play a role in ribosome biogenesis and cell proliferation. We found that pescadillo function is required for both the proper number of oligodendrocyte progenitors to form, by regulating cell cycle progression, and for normal levels of myelin gene expression. Conclusions/Significance: Our data provide evidence that neural precursors require pes function to progress through th

    Critical Early Roles for col27a1a and col27a1b in Zebrafish Notochord Morphogenesis, Vertebral Mineralization and Post-embryonic Axial Growth

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    Fibrillar collagens are well known for their links to human diseases, with which all have been associated except for the two most recently identified fibrillar collagens, type XXIV collagen and type XXVII collagen. To assess functions and potential disease phenotypes of type XXVII collagen, we examined its roles in zebrafish embryonic and post-embryonic development.We identified two type XXVII collagen genes in zebrafish, col27a1a and col27a1b. Both col27a1a and col27a1b were expressed in notochord and cartilage in the embryo and early larva. To determine sites of type XXVII collagen function, col27a1a and col27a1b were knocked down using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides. Knockdown of col27a1a singly or in conjunction with col27a1b resulted in curvature of the notochord at early stages and formation of scoliotic curves as well as dysmorphic vertebrae at later stages. These defects were accompanied by abnormal distributions of cells and protein localization in the notochord, as visualized by transmission electron microscopy, as well as delayed vertebral mineralization as detected histologically.Together, our findings indicate a key role for type XXVII collagen in notochord morphogenesis and axial skeletogenesis and suggest a possible human disease phenotype

    FLPe functions in zebrafish embryos

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    To assay the efficiency of the FLP/FRT site-specific recombination system in Danio rerio, a construct consisting of a muscle-specific promoter driving EGFP flanked by FRT sites was developed. FLPe capped RNA was microinjected into transgenic single cell stage zebrafish embryos obtained by crossing hemizygous transgenic males with wild-type females. By 48 h post fertilization (hpf), the proportion of embryos displaying green fluorescence following FLPe RNA microinjection was significantly lower (7.7%; P < 0.001) than would be expected from a cross in the absence of the recombinase (50%). Embryos that retained fluorescence displayed marked mosaicism. Inheritance of the excised transgene in non-fluorescent, transgenic embryos was verified by PCR analysis and FLPe-mediated recombination was confirmed by DNA sequencing. Sperm derived from confirmed transgenic males in these experiments was used to fertilize wild-type eggs to determine whether germline excision of the transgene had occurred. Clutches sired by FLPe-microinjected males contained 0–4% fluorescent embryos. Transgenic males that were phenotypically wild-type produced no fluorescent progeny, demonstrating complete excision of the transgene from their germline. FLPe microinjected males that retained some fluorescent muscle expression produced a small proportion of fluorescent offspring, suggesting that in mosaic males not all germline cells had undergone FLPe-mediated transgene excision. Our results show that FLPe, which is derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is an efficient recombinase in zebrafish maintained at 28.5°C

    Beeldcultuur, een drieluik.I: Deconstructie van het fenomeen culturele studies

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    An important process in glass manufacture is the forming of the product. The forming process takes place at high rate, involves extreme temperatures and is characterised by large deformations. The process can be modelled as a coupled thermodynamical/mechanical problem including the interaction between glass, air and equipment. In this paper a general mathematical model for glass forming is derived, which is specified for different forming processes, in particular pressing and blowing. The model should be able to correctly represent the flow of the glass and the energy exchange during the process. Various modelling aspects are discussed for each process, while several key issues, such as the motion of the plunger and the evolution of the glass-air interfaces, are examined thoroughly. Finally, some examples of process simulations for existing simulation tools are provided

    FSP27 Promotes Lipid Droplet Clustering and Then Fusion to Regulate Triglyceride Accumulation

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    Fat Specific Protein 27 (FSP27), a lipid droplet (LD) associated protein in adipocytes, regulates triglyceride (TG) storage. In the present study we demonstrate that FSP27 plays a key role in LD morphology to accumulate TGs. We show here that FSP27 promotes clustering of the LDs which is followed by their fusion into fewer and enlarged droplets. To map the domains of FSP27 responsible for these events, we generated GFP-fusion constructs of deletion mutants of FSP27. Microscopic analysis revealed that amino acids 173–220 of FSP27 are necessary and sufficient for both the targeting of FSP27 to LDs and the initial clustering of the droplets. Amino acids 120–140 are essential but not sufficient for LD enlargement, whereas amino acids 120–210 are necessary and sufficient for both clustering and fusion of LDs to form enlarged droplets. In addition, we found that FSP27-mediated enlargement of LDs, but not their clustering, is associated with triglyceride accumulation. These results suggest a model in which FSP27 facilitates LD clustering and then promotes their fusion to form enlarged droplets in two discrete, sequential steps, and a subsequent triglyceride accumulation

    Highly Asynchronous and Asymmetric Cleavage Divisions Accompany Early Transcriptional Activity in Pre-Blastula Medaka Embryos

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    In the initial phase of development of fish embryos, a prominent and critical event is the midblastula transition (MBT). Before MBT cell cycle is rapid, highly synchronous and zygotic gene transcription is turned off. Only during MBT the cell cycle desynchronizes and transcription is activated. Multiple mechanisms, primarily the nucleocytoplasmic ratio, are supposed to control MBT activation. Unexpectedly, we find in the small teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes) that at very early stages, well before midblastula, cell division becomes asynchronous and cell volumes diverge. Furthermore, zygotic transcription is extensively activated already after the 64-cell stage. Thus, at least in medaka, the transition from maternal to zygotic transcription is uncoupled from the midblastula stage and not solely controlled by the nucleocytoplasmic ratio

    Combining motion analysis and microfluidics--a novel approach for detecting whole-animal responses to test substances.

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    Small, early life stages, such as zebrafish embryos are increasingly used to assess the biological effects of chemical compounds in vivo. However, behavioural screens of such organisms are challenging in terms of both data collection (culture techniques, drug delivery and imaging) and data evaluation (very large data sets), restricting the use of high throughput systems compared to in vitro assays. Here, we combine the use of a microfluidic flow-through culture system, or BioWell plate, with a novel motion analysis technique, (sparse optic flow - SOF) followed by spectral analysis (discrete Fourier transformation - DFT), as a first step towards automating data extraction and analysis for such screenings. Replicate zebrafish embryos housed in a BioWell plate within a custom-built imaging system were subject to a chemical exposure (1.5% ethanol). Embryo movement was videoed before (30 min), during (60 min) and after (60 min) exposure and SOF was then used to extract data on movement (angles of rotation and angular changes to the centre of mass of embryos). DFT was subsequently used to quantify the movement patterns exhibited during these periods and Multidimensional Scaling and ANOSIM were used to test for differences. Motion analysis revealed that zebrafish had significantly altered movements during both the second half of the alcohol exposure period and also the second half of the recovery period compared to their pre-treatment movements. Manual quantification of tail flicking revealed the same differences between exposure-periods as detected using the automated approach. However, the automated approach also incorporates other movements visible in the organism such as blood flow and heart beat, and has greater power to discern environmentally-driven changes in the behaviour and physiology of organisms. We suggest that combining these technologies could provide a highly efficient, high throughput assay, for assessing whole embryo responses to various drugs and chemicals