1,403 research outputs found

    Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin on milk production and composition of cows with Streptococcus uberis mastitis.

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    The protective effect of bovine somatotropin (bST) during experimental Streptococcus uberis mastitis in cows was studied. The left quarters of 10 cows were infected with 500 cfu of S. uberis O140J. Five cows were subcutaneously treated with 500 mg of recombinant bST 7 d before and after infection, and 5 control cows received the excipient. In the treated cows, total milk production significantly increased after the first and second bST treatments. After infection, milk production decreased 24 and 40% in the infected quarters, 6 and 14% in the uninfected quarters, and 15 and 28% overall for treated and control cows, respectively. In the bST group, milk production was completely restored after 3 wk, but, in the control group, total production and the production of the infected quarters remained lower than preinfection production. The increase in somatic cell count occurred earlier and more rapidly in the control group, and the return to normal values was also more rapid in these cows. The amount of bacteria in milk was higher in the control cows. Changes in milk composition, such as lactose, protein, fat, Na+, K+, and Cl-, were significantly more pronounced in the control cows. Also, clinical symptoms were more prominent in the control cows. Somatotropin protected the mammary gland from excessive production losses and compositional changes during a subsequent episode of experimentally induced Streptococcus uberis mastitis and significantly improved the normalization of production and composition, which indicates a beneficial effect on the restoration of the integrity of the blood-milk barrier

    Effect of bovine somatotropin on neutrophil functions and clinical symptoms during Streptococcus uberis mastitis.

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    The effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST) on the chemiluminescence, diapedesis, and expression of adhesion receptors (CD11a, CD11b, CD18) of isolated polymorphonuclear leukocytes was studied. The plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), bST, cortisol, and alpha-lactalbumin were also monitored. In addition, general and local clinical symptoms and the differentiation of circulating leukocytes were also studied during experimentally induced Streptococcus uberis mastitis in cows. Ten cows were infected with 500 cfu of S. uberis O140J in both left quarters. Five cows were subcutaneously treated with 500 mg of recombinant bST 7 d before and after infection, and 5 control cows received the excipient. General (fever, tachycardia, inappetance, and depression) and local symptoms (swelling, pain, firmness, and flecks in milk) were more acute, severe, and longer-lasting in control cows. Treatment with bST had no effect on chemiluminescence and diapedesis of circulating polymorphonuclear leukocytes and no effect on the expression of adhesion receptors. Recombinant bST induced significantly higher IGF-I and bST concentrations in plasma. The leukopenia observed after infection was less pronounced in the bST-treated cows, and the number of circulating band neutrophils and metamyelocytes was significantly lower in the treated group. The concentration of cortisol did not differ between both groups, but the blood concentration of alpha-lactalbumin significantly increased in both groups from 6 d after infection. These results showed that treatment with recombinant bST improves animal welfare by protecting the cows from severe local and general clinical symptoms during subsequent S. uberis mastitis, but that it has no effect on chemiluminescence, diapedesis, and the expression of adhesion receptors of circulating polymorphonuclear leukocytes

    Chronic dermatomycoses of the foot as risk factors for acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg: A case-control study

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    Objective: To assess the role of foot dermatomycosis ( tinea pedis and onychomycosis) and other candidate risk factors in the development of acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg. Methods: A case-control study, including 243 patients ( cases) with acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg and 467 controls, 2 per case, individually matched for gender, age (+/-5 years), hospital and admission date (+/-2 months). Results: Overall, mycology-proven foot dermatomycosis was a significant risk factor for acute bacterial cellulitis (odds ratio, OR: 2.4; p < 0.001), as were tinea pedis interdigitalis (OR: 3.2; p < 0.001), tinea pedis plantaris (OR: 1.7; p = 0.005) and onychomycosis (OR: 2.2; p < 0.001) individually. Other risk factors included: disruption of the cutaneous barrier, history of bacterial cellulitis, chronic venous insufficiency and leg oedema. Conclusions: Tinea pedis and onychomycosis were found to be significant risk factors for acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg that are readily amenable to treatment with effective pharmacological therapy. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Reliable microsatellite genotyping of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) using faecal DNA

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    The potential link between badgers and bovine tuberculosis has made it vital to develop accurate techniques to census badgers. Here we investigate the potential of using genetic profiles obtained from faecal DNA as a basis for population size estimation. After trialling several methods we obtained a high amplification success rate (89%) by storing faeces in 70% ethanol and using the guanidine thiocyanate/silica method for extraction. Using 70% ethanol as a storage agent had the advantage of it being an antiseptic. In order to obtain reliable genotypes with fewer amplification reactions than the standard multiple-tubes approach, we devised a comparative approach in which genetic profiles were compared and replication directed at similar, but not identical, genotypes. This modified method achieved a reduction in polymerase chain reactions comparable with the maximumlikelihood model when just using reliability criteria, and was slightly better when using reliability criteria with the additional proviso that alleles must be observed twice to be considered reliable. Our comparative approach would be best suited for studies that include multiple faeces from each individual. We utilized our approach in a well-studied population of badgers from which individuals had been sampled and reliable genotypes obtained. In a study of 53 faeces sampled from three social groups over 10 days, we found that direct enumeration could not be used to estimate population size, but that the application of mark–recapture models has the potential to provide more accurate results

    When do I wear me out? Mental simulation and the diminution of self-control.

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    Exerting self-control can diminish people's capacity to engage in subsequent acts of behavioral regulation, a phenomenon termed ego depletion. But what of imaginary regulatory experiences-does simulated restraint elicit comparable lapses in self-control? Here we demonstrate such effects under theoretically tractable imagery conditions. Across 3 experiments, temporal, structural, and spatial components of mental simulation were observed to drive the efficacy of imaginary self-control. In Experiment 1, lapses in restraint (i.e., financial impulsivity) were more pronounced when imaginary regulation (i.e., dietary restraint) focused on an event in the near versus distant future. In Experiment 2, comparable effects (i.e., increased stereotyping) emerged when simulated self-control (i.e., emotional suppression) was imagined from a first-person (cf. third-person) visual perspective. In Experiment 3, restraint was diminished (i.e., increased risk taking) when self-regulation (i.e., action control) centered on an event at a near versus distant location. These findings further delineate the conditions under which mental simulation impacts core aspects of social-cognitive functioning

    A transit timing analysis of seven RISE light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3

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    We present seven light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3, taken as part of a transit timing programme using the rapid imager to search for exoplanets instrument on the Liverpool Telescope. The light curves are analysed using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to update the parameters of the system. The inclination is found to be i= 86.75+0.22−0.21 °, the planet-star radius ratio to be Rp/R★= 0.1098+0.0010−0.0012 and the stellar radius to be R★= 0.834+0.018−0.026 R⊙, consistent with previous results but with a significant improvement in the precision. Central transit times and uncertainties for each light curve are also determined, and a residual permutation algorithm is used as an independent check on the errors. The transit times are found to be consistent with a linear ephemeris, and a new ephemeris is calculated as Tc(0) = 245 4856.701 18 ± 0.000 18 HJD and P= 2.899 738 ± 0.000 007 d. Model timing residuals are fitted to the measured timing residuals to place upper mass limits for a hypothetical perturbing planet as a function of the period ratio. These show that we have probed for planets with masses as low as 0.33 and 1.81 M⊕ in the interior and exterior 2:1 resonances, respectively, assuming the planets are initially in circular orbits

    General practitioners’ perspectives on campaigns to promote rapid help-seeking behaviour at the onset of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective. To explore general practitioners’ (GPs’ ) perspectives on public health campaigns to encourage people with the early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to seek medical help rapidly. Design. Nineteen GPs participated in four semistructured focus groups. Focus groups were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed using thematic analysis. Results. GPs recognised the need for the early treatment of RA and identified that facilitating appropriate access to care was important. However, not all held the view that a delay in help seeking was a clinically significant issue. Furthermore, many were concerned that the early symptoms of RA were often non-specific, and that current knowledge about the nature of symptoms at disease onset was inadequate to inform the content of a help-seeking campaign. They argued that a campaign might not be able to specifically target those who need to present urgently. Poorly designed campaigns were suggested to have a negative impact on GPs’ workloads, and would “clog up” the referral pathway for genuine cases of RA. Conclusions. GPs were supportive of strategies to improve access to Rheumatological care and increase public awareness of RA symptoms. However, they have identified important issues that need to be considered in developing a public health campaign that forms part of an overall strategy to reduce time to treatment for patients with new onset RA. This study highlights the value of gaining GPs’ perspectives before launching health promotion campaigns

    “Couch-to-5k or Couch to Ouch to Couch!?” Who Takes Part in Beginner Runner Programmes in the UK and Is Non-Completion Linked to Musculoskeletal Injury?

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    Physical activity has mental and physical health benefits; however, globally, three-quarters of the population do not meet physical activity guidelines. The Couch-to-5k is a beginner runner programme aimed at increasing physical activity. However, this programme lacks an evidence base, and it is unclear who is attracted to the programme; running also has a high rate of musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries. The aims of this study were to identify the characteristics of people taking part and the incidence of MSK injuries as well as exploring the experiences of people who dropped out of a modified 9-week Couch-to-5k programme. A total of 110 runners (average age was 47.1 ± 13.7 years) participated in the study, which involved completion of questionnaires (running experience and footwear information, quality of life (EQ-5D-5L), physical activity level (IPAQ-short form), MSK injury history and knee condition (SNAPPS and KOOS-PS)) at the start, middle and end of the programme and collecting sociodemographic information (age, gender, social economic status, relationship status, education level), as well as body mass index, running experience, footwear information, quality of life, physical activity levels, MSK injuries and knee condition. Fifteen drop-outs were interviewed to explore experiences of the programme. Runners were mainly females (81.8%) with an average age 47.1 years, average body mass index of 28.1 kg.m2, mainly from high socio-economic levels, married and educated to degree level. In total, 64% of the sample had previous running experience and were classified as active. Half the sample self-reported pain/discomfort and 37.2% reported anxiety/depression at the start of the programme via the EQ-5D-5L scale. Self-reported health scores increased (p = 0.047) between baseline (73.1 ± 18.8 out of 100) and at the midpoint (81.2 ± 11.6), but there were no significant differences between any other time points (end point 79.7 ± 17.5, p > 0.05). Twenty-one injuries were reported during the programme (19%). Previous injury increased the risk of new injury (OR 7.56 95% CI from 2.06 to 27.75). Only 27.3% completed the programme. Three themes emerged from interviews; MSK injury, negative emotions linked to non-completion and design of the programme. The Couch-to-5k may not attract diverse inactive populations, but future work with larger sample sizes is needed to substantiate this finding. Dropping out was linked to MSK injury and progressive design, so future programmes should consider including injury prevention advice and more flexible designs

    Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Among Individuals Homozygous for Risk Alleles on Chromosome 1 (CFH-CFHR5) or Chromosome 10 (ARMS2/HTRA1) or Both

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    Importance: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of irreversible vision loss among individuals older than 50 years. Although considerable advances have been made in our understanding of AMD genetics, the differential effects of major associated loci on disease manifestation and progression may not be well characterized. Objective: To elucidate the specific associations of the 2 most common genetic risk loci for AMD, the CFH-CFHR5 locus on chromosome 1q32 (Chr1) and the ARMS2/HTRA1 locus on chromosome 10q26 (Chr10)-independent of one another and in combination-with time to conversion to late-stage disease and to visual acuity loss. Design, Setting, and Participants: This case series study included 502 individuals who were homozygous for risk variants at both Chr1 and Chr10 (termed Chr1&10-risk) or at either Chr1 (Chr1-risk) or Chr10 (Chr10-risk) and who had enrolled in Genetic and Molecular Studies of Eye Diseases at the Sharon Eccles Steele Center for Translational Medicine between September 2009 and March 2020. Multimodal imaging data were reviewed for AMD staging, including grading of incomplete and complete retinal pigment epithelium and outer retinal atrophy. Main Outcomes and Measures: Hazard ratios and survival times for conversion to any late-stage AMD, atrophic or neovascular, and associated vision loss of 2 or more lines. Results: In total, 317 participants in the Chr1-risk group (median [IQR] age at first visit, 75.6 [69.5-81.7] years; 193 women [60.9%]), 93 participants in the Chr10-risk group (median [IQR] age at first visit, 77.5 [72.2-84.2] years; 62 women [66.7%]), and 92 participants in the Chr1&10-risk group (median [IQR] age at first visit, 71.7 [68.0-76.3] years; 62 women [67.4%]) were included in the analyses. After adjusting for age and AMD grade at first visit, compared with 257 participants in the Chr1-risk group, 56 participants in the Chr1&10-risk group (factor of 3.3 [95% CI, 1.6-6.8]; P < .001) and 58 participants in the Chr10-risk group (factor of 2.6 [95% CI, 1.3-5.2]; P = .007) were more likely to convert to a late-stage phenotype during follow-up. This difference was mostly associated with conversion to macular neovascularization, which occurred earlier in participants with Chr1&10-risk and Chr10-risk. Eyes in the Chr1&10-risk group (median [IQR] survival, 5.7 [2.1-11.1] years) were 2.1 (95% CI, 1.1-3.9; P = .03) times as likely and eyes in the Chr10-risk group (median [IQR] survival, 6.3 [2.7-11.3] years) were 1.8 (95% CI, 1.0-3.1; P = .05) times as likely to experience a visual acuity loss of 2 or more lines compared with eyes of the Chr1-risk group (median [IQR] survival, 9.4 [4.1-* (asterisk indicates event rate did not reach 75%)] years). Conclusions and Relevance: These findings suggest differential associations of the 2 major AMD-related risk loci with structural and functional disease progression and suggest distinct underlying biological mechanisms associated with these 2 loci. These genotype-phenotype associations may warrant consideration when designing and interpreting AMD research studies and clinical trials
