15 research outputs found

    Identifying as in, out, or sexually inexperienced: Perception of sex-related personal disclosures

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    The current research explored perceptions of disclosing the information of "I am gay", "I am heterosexual", and "I am a virgin" to a variety of audiences. Participants were 842 undergraduate students who evaluated the valence of each disclosure, listed the associated feelings, and rated the comfort of disclosing such information to various audiences (e.g., a family member, online community). Participants rated the statement consistent with their own sexual orientation as being significantly more positive. No significant difference was found between gay and heterosexual participants’ ratings about disclosing virginity, and disclosure of virginity status was ranked as the most uncomfortable of the three disclosures. Both heterosexual and gay respondents indicated it would be more comfortable to disclose a heterosexual orientation than a gay one, despite gay participants rating a gay orientation as more positive. The audience ranked most to least comfortable to disclose varied with sexual orientation and disclosure content. Perceived closeness of audience was correlated with comfort of disclosure for known (family, partner, friend, colleague) audiences, but not professional (counsellor) or unknown (stranger, online) audiences. These findings are discussed with reference to the literature on “coming out”, addressing important differences in the perceptions of in-group and out-group disclosure of sexual orientation, and sex-related personal information

    Microwave studies of the fractional Josephson effect in HgTe-based Josephson junctions

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    The rise of topological phases of matter is strongly connected to their potential to host Majorana bound states, a powerful ingredient in the search for a robust, topologically protected, quantum information processing. In order to produce such states, a method of choice is to induce superconductivity in topological insulators. The engineering of the interplay between superconductivity and the electronic properties of a topological insulator is a challenging task and it is consequently very important to understand the physics of simple superconducting devices such as Josephson junctions, in which new topological properties are expected to emerge. In this article, we review recent experiments investigating topological superconductivity in topological insulators, using microwave excitation and detection techniques. More precisely, we have fabricated and studied topological Josephson junctions made of HgTe weak links in contact with two Al or Nb contacts. In such devices, we have observed two signatures of the fractional Josephson effect, which is expected to emerge from topologically-protected gapless Andreev bound states. We first recall the theoretical background on topological Josephson junctions, then move to the experimental observations. Then, we assess the topological origin of the observed features and conclude with an outlook towards more advanced microwave spectroscopy experiments, currently under development.Comment: Lectures given at the San Sebastian Topological Matter School 2017, published in "Topological Matter. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, vol 190. Springer

    A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being

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    The relation between religiosity and well-being is one of the most researched topics in the psychology of religion, yet the directionality and robustness of the effect remains debated. Here, we adopted a many-analysts approach to assess the robustness of this relation based on a new cross-cultural dataset (N=10,535 participants from 24 countries). We recruited 120 analysis teams to investigate (1) whether religious people self-report higher well-being, and (2) whether the relation between religiosity and self-reported well-being depends on perceived cultural norms of religion (i.e., whether it is considered normal and desirable to be religious in a given country). In a two-stage procedure, the teams first created an analysis plan and then executed their planned analysis on the data. For the first research question, all but 3 teams reported positive effect sizes with credible/confidence intervals excluding zero (median reported β=0.120). For the second research question, this was the case for 65% of the teams (median reported β=0.039). While most teams applied (multilevel) linear regression models, there was considerable variability in the choice of items used to construct the independent variables, the dependent variable, and the included covariates

    Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis

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    Background Appendicitis is the most common general surgical emergency worldwide, but its diagnosis remains challenging. The aim of this study was to determine whether existing risk prediction models can reliably identify patients presenting to hospital in the UK with acute right iliac fossa (RIF) pain who are at low risk of appendicitis. Methods A systematic search was completed to identify all existing appendicitis risk prediction models. Models were validated using UK data from an international prospective cohort study that captured consecutive patients aged 16–45 years presenting to hospital with acute RIF in March to June 2017. The main outcome was best achievable model specificity (proportion of patients who did not have appendicitis correctly classified as low risk) whilst maintaining a failure rate below 5 per cent (proportion of patients identified as low risk who actually had appendicitis). Results Some 5345 patients across 154 UK hospitals were identified, of which two‐thirds (3613 of 5345, 67·6 per cent) were women. Women were more than twice as likely to undergo surgery with removal of a histologically normal appendix (272 of 964, 28·2 per cent) than men (120 of 993, 12·1 per cent) (relative risk 2·33, 95 per cent c.i. 1·92 to 2·84; P < 0·001). Of 15 validated risk prediction models, the Adult Appendicitis Score performed best (cut‐off score 8 or less, specificity 63·1 per cent, failure rate 3·7 per cent). The Appendicitis Inflammatory Response Score performed best for men (cut‐off score 2 or less, specificity 24·7 per cent, failure rate 2·4 per cent). Conclusion Women in the UK had a disproportionate risk of admission without surgical intervention and had high rates of normal appendicectomy. Risk prediction models to support shared decision‐making by identifying adults in the UK at low risk of appendicitis were identified

    Age Differences in Emotion Regulation and Facial Muscle Reactivity to Emotional Films.

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    BACKGROUND: Age-related declines in many cognitive abilities are common in healthy aging. However, the ability to effectively regulate emotions is preserved, and possibly even enhanced, in late adulthood. This capacity has been examined most commonly in relation to low-intensity emotional stimuli that typically involve static pictures. Evidence is suggesting that older adults may become overwhelmed when exposed to emotional cues of heightened intensity. OBJECTIVE: In the current study, we assessed whether older adults retain the ability to regulate emotions successfully when exposed to more emotionally evocative (e.g., dynamic) stimuli. METHODS: Young and older adults were instructed to regulate, using expressive suppression, their outward behavioral expression of emotions while viewing dynamic stimuli involving amusing and sad films. Facial reactivity, as indexed using electromyography, self-rated emotional experience, and memory for the stimuli were assessed. RESULTS: The results showed that, relative to young adults, older adults were unable to suppress zygomaticus (cheek) activity to amusing films or corrugator (brow) reactivity to sad films, which is likely due to their relatively reduced facial muscle reactivity. Expressive suppression did not affect young or older adults' subjective feelings or memory for the stimuli. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that there are age differences in facial muscle reactivity to amusing and sad cues of heightened intensity. These findings suggest that older adults' ability to effectively regulate emotions may be limited, at least with expressive suppression, in the context of high-intensity emotional cues. Further research is needed to investigate possible exceptions the preservation of emotion regulation in older adults

    Reduced facial reactivity as a contributor to preserved emotion regulation in older adults.

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    This study investigated whether differences in the type of strategy used, or age-related differences in intensity of facial reactivity, might contribute to preserved emotion regulation ability in older adults. Young (n = 35) and older (n = 33) adults were instructed to regulate their emotion to positive and negative pictures under 3 conditions (watch, expressive suppression, cognitive 'detached' reappraisal). Participants were objectively monitored using facial electromyography (EMG) and assessed on memory performance. Both age groups were effectively, and equivalently, able to reduce their facial expressions. In relation to facial reactivity, the percentage increase of older adults' facial muscle EMG activity in the watch condition was significantly reduced relative to young adults. Recall of pictures following regulation was similar to the watch condition, and there was no difference in memory performance between the 2 regulation strategies for both groups. These findings do not support the proposal that the type of strategy used explains preserved emotion regulation ability in older adults. Coupled with the lack of memory costs following regulation, these data instead are more consistent with the suggestion that older adults may retain emotion regulation capacity partly because they exhibit less facial reactivity to begin with

    The actions of chloride channel blockers, barbiturates and a benzodiazepine on Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate- and ivermectin-gated chloride channel subunits expressed in Xenopus oocytes

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    The pharmacology of Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate-gated chloride (GluCl) channels was determined by making intracellular voltage-clamp recordings from Xenopus oocytes expressing GluCl subunits. As previously reported (Cully et al. 1994), GluClalpha1beta responded to glutamate (in a picrotoxin sensitive manner) and ivermectin, while GluClbeta responded only to glutamate and GluClalpha1 only to ivermectin. This assay was used to further investigate the action of chloride channel compounds. The arylaminobenzoate, NPPB, reduced the action of glutamate on the heteromeric GluClalpha1beta channel (IC(50) 6.03 ± 0.81 µM). The disulphonate stilbene, DNDS, blocked the effect of both glutamate and ivermectin on GluClalpha1beta channels, the action of glutamate on GluClbeta subunits, and the effect of ivermectin on GluClalpha1 subunits (IC(50)s 1.58-3.83 µM). Surprisingly, amobarbital and pentobarbital, otherwise known as positive allosteric modulators of ligand-gated chloride channels, acted as antagonists. Both compounds reduced the action of glutamate on the GluClalpha1beta heteromer (IC(50)s of 2.04 ± 0.5 and 17.56 ± 2.16 µM, respectively). Pentobarbital reduced the action of glutamate on the GluClbeta homomeric subunit with an IC(50) of 0.59 ± 0.09 µM, while reducing the responses to ivermectin on both GluClalpha1beta and GluClalpha1 with IC(50)s of 8.7 ± 0.5 and 12.9 ± 2.5 µM, respectively. For all the antagonists, the mechanism is apparently non-competitive. The benzodiazepine, flurazepam had no apparent effect on these glutamate- and ivermectin-gated chloride channel subunits. Thus, arylaminobenzoates, disulphonate stilbenes, and barbiturates are non-competitive antagonists of C. elegans GluCl channels

    Participatory principles in practice: Designing learning spaces that promote wellbeing for young adolescents during the transition to secondary school

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    With a view to informing school designing projects that foster the wellbeing of Middle Years students, this chapter explores the participatory designing process of the Junior Secondary Precinct at Cannon Hill Anglican College in Brisbane, Australia. The chapter highlights the importance of including student voice in the designing process and the benefits of collaboration between school community members and architects. The Cannon Hill College design project sought to create a learning environment that would respond to the wellbeing needs of Middle Years students who experience various challenges in their transition from primary to lower secondary school. The project members recognised that student-focused spatial design can enhance their motivation, learning engagement, changing relationship dynamics and developing self-identity. As demonstrated, the participatory designing process approach led to positive wellbeing and pedagogical outcomes